80 research outputs found

    The Bose-Hubbard model is QMA-complete

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    The Bose-Hubbard model is a system of interacting bosons that live on the vertices of a graph. The particles can move between adjacent vertices and experience a repulsive on-site interaction. The Hamiltonian is determined by a choice of graph that specifies the geometry in which the particles move and interact. We prove that approximating the ground energy of the Bose-Hubbard model on a graph at fixed particle number is QMA-complete. In our QMA-hardness proof, we encode the history of an n-qubit computation in the subspace with at most one particle per site (i.e., hard-core bosons). This feature, along with the well-known mapping between hard-core bosons and spin systems, lets us prove a related result for a class of 2-local Hamiltonians defined by graphs that generalizes the XY model. By avoiding the use of perturbation theory in our analysis, we circumvent the need to multiply terms in the Hamiltonian by large coefficients

    Complexity of the XY antiferromagnet at fixed magnetization

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    We prove that approximating the ground energy of the antiferromagnetic XY model on a simple graph at fixed magnetization (given as part of the instance specification) is QMA-complete. To show this, we strengthen a previous result by establishing QMA-completeness for approximating the ground energy of the Bose-Hubbard model on simple graphs. Using a connection between the XY and Bose-Hubbard models that we exploited in previous work, this establishes QMA-completeness of the XY model

    Adiabatic quantum algorithm for the Bose-Hubbard model

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    Màster Oficial de Ciència i Tecnologia Quàntiques / Quantum Science and Technology, Facultat de Física, Universitat de Barcelona. Curs: 2021-2022. Tutor: Axel Pérez-ObiolIn recent years research has been carried out on algorithms to simulate quantum many body systems in current NISQ devices. In particular, for the ground state finding problem, known to be QMA-complete, a quantum adiabatic algorithm can be used. On the other hand, the Bose-Hubbard model has gained impact lately because of the prediction of exotic phases of matter and because its experimental realisation in a set up with cold atoms in optical lattices. In this work, an adiabatic quantum algorithm is designed to obtain the ground state of a one-dimensional Bose-Hubbard model. The three parts of the algorithm are presented: initial state preparation, adiabatic evolution and measurement. The results presented correspond to a system of 2 sites and NP particles, although the algorithm has been tested for systems with more sites. The algorithm has been tested by performing simulation

    Quantum Hamiltonian Complexity

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    Constraint satisfaction problems are a central pillar of modern computational complexity theory. This survey provides an introduction to the rapidly growing field of Quantum Hamiltonian Complexity, which includes the study of quantum constraint satisfaction problems. Over the past decade and a half, this field has witnessed fundamental breakthroughs, ranging from the establishment of a "Quantum Cook-Levin Theorem" to deep insights into the structure of 1D low-temperature quantum systems via so-called area laws. Our aim here is to provide a computer science-oriented introduction to the subject in order to help bridge the language barrier between computer scientists and physicists in the field. As such, we include the following in this survey: (1) The motivations and history of the field, (2) a glossary of condensed matter physics terms explained in computer-science friendly language, (3) overviews of central ideas from condensed matter physics, such as indistinguishable particles, mean field theory, tensor networks, and area laws, and (4) brief expositions of selected computer science-based results in the area. For example, as part of the latter, we provide a novel information theoretic presentation of Bravyi's polynomial time algorithm for Quantum 2-SAT.Comment: v4: published version, 127 pages, introduction expanded to include brief introduction to quantum information, brief list of some recent developments added, minor changes throughou

    Entanglement Theory and the Quantum Simulation of Many-Body Physics

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    In this thesis we present new results relevant to two important problems in quantum information science: the development of a theory of entanglement and the exploration of the use of controlled quantum systems to the simulation of quantum many-body phenomena. In the first part we introduce a new approach to the study of entanglement by considering its manipulation under operations not capable of generating entanglement and show there is a total order for multipartite quantum states in this framework. We also present new results on hypothesis testing of correlated sources and give further evidence on the existence of NPPT bound entanglement. In the second part, we study the potential as well as the limitations of a quantum computer for calculating properties of many-body systems. First we analyse the usefulness of quantum computation to calculate additive approximations to partition functions and spectral densities of local Hamiltonians. We then show that the determination of ground state energies of local Hamiltonians with an inverse polynomial spectral gap is QCMA-hard. In the third and last part, we approach the problem of quantum simulating many-body systems from a more pragmatic point of view. We analyze the realization of paradigmatic condensed matter Hamiltonians in arrays of coupled microcavities, such as the Bose-Hubbard and the anisotropic Heisenberg models, and discuss the feasibility of an experimental realization with state-of-the-art current technology.Comment: 230 pages. PhD thesis, Imperial College London. Chapters 6, 7 and 8 contain unpublished materia

    Exact Gate Decompositions for Photonic Quantum Computers

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    The purpose of this work is to examine the use of decompositions on a continuous-variable quantum computer by both implementing and examining known methods, as well as to expand on them by developing my own. I detail the usage of known and new techniques for gate decompositions in some useful quantum algorithms such as simulating bosonic particles in a optical lattice, and solving differential equations with broad applications in other scientific fields. The new methods detailed in this work provide decompositions for continuous variable quantum computers which no longer require approximations. These methods rely on strategically using unitary conjugation and a lemma to the Baker-Campbell-Hausdorff formula to derive new exact decompositions from previously known ones, leading to exact decompositions for a large class of gates. I also demonstrate how exact decompositions can be employed in a wide range of algorithms, while requiring much fewer gates (sometimes as many as order-of-magnitude less) than equivalent decompositions with other methods. This work can potentially further bridge the gap between what is required to perform algorithms on a quantum computer and what can be done experimentally

    Complexity Classification of Local Hamiltonian Problems

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    The calculation of ground-state energies of physical systems can be formalised as the k-local Hamiltonian problem, which is the natural quantum analogue of classical constraint satisfaction problems. One way of making the problem more physically meaningful is to restrict the Hamiltonian in question by picking its terms from a fixed set S. Examples of such special cases are the Heisenberg and Ising models from condensed-matter physics. In this work we characterise the complexity of this problem for all 2-local qubit Hamiltonians. Depending on the subset S, the problem falls into one of the following categories: in P, NP-complete, polynomial-time equivalent to the Ising model with transverse magnetic fields, or QMA-complete. The third of these classes contains NP and is contained within StoqMA. The characterisation holds even if S does not contain any 1-local terms, for example, we prove for the first time QMA-completeness of the Heisenberg and XY interactions in this setting. If S is assumed to contain all 1-local terms, which is the setting considered by previous work, we have a characterisation that goes beyond 2-local interactions: for any constant k, all k-local qubit Hamiltonians whose terms are picked from a fixed set S correspond to problems either in P, polynomial-time equivalent to the Ising model with transverse magnetic fields, or QMA-complete. These results are a quantum analogue of Schaefer's dichotomy theorem for boolean constraint satisfaction problems.Some of this work was completed while AM was at the University of Cambridge. TC is supported by the Royal Society.This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from IEEE via http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/FOCS.2014.2
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