70 research outputs found

    Absen Praktikum Agribisnis dan Kewirausahaan Kelas Agro B

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    Analisis Nilai Tambah Produk Olahan Jagung Manis (Studi Kasus: Usaha F1 Aina Nagari Batu Hampa Kecamatan Akabiluru Kabupaten Lima Puluh Kota )

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    The aims of this research were to describe the processing of sweet corn, to analyze the value-added and distribution of value-added becomes peas,corn on the cob,  donuts, grits, and  bakwan  on the business F1 Aina Batu Hampa. This study was conducted  from  March to  April 2016.  The study employed a  case study method.  The study used  Hayami method  in analyzing the value added. The results of this  study showed that the value added generated by Aina F1  was high. It can be seen through the ratio of value added that  is  greater than 40 percent  and varied among products where; 71.76 percents for corn peas, 58.65 percents for corn on the cob, 71.71percents for donuts, 74.40 percents for the grits, and 63,49 percents for bakwan. The product of Sweet corn that generate the highest value added is grits. The ratio of value added can be seen through the margin value distributed in production factors. The highest  of  portion  of value-added received by  the company and the smallest portion  value-added received by the labor.   The largest distribution margin is for the profit of the company. The company's biggest profits come from corn on the cob, followed by grits, peas, donuts, and bakwan. The largest distribution of other input contributions is bakwan, followed by donuts, peas, grits, and  corn of the cob. The distribution of margins received by workers is the smallest part compared to the margins for other input contributions and company profits. The largest distribution is for bakwan , followed by donuts, peas, grits, and corn of the cob.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan proses pengolahan jagung manis, menganalisis besarnya nilai tambah dan distribusi nilai tambah menjadi pergedel jagung, jagung rebus, donat jagung, bubur jagung, dan bakwan jagung pada usaha F1 Aina Batu Hampa. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada bulan Maret – April 2016. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode studi kasus. Analisis data yang digunakan untuk menganalisis besarnya nilai tambah digunakan metode Hayami. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa nilai tambah yang dihasilkan oleh usaha F1 Aina adalah tinggi. Hal ini dapat dilihat melalui rasio nilai tambah yang diperoleh besar dari 40 persen, yaitu 71,76% untuk pergedel jagung, 58,65% untuk jagung rebus, 71,71% untuk donat jagung, 74,40% untuk bubur jagung, dan 63,49% untuk bakwan jagung. Produk olahan jagung manis yang menghasilkan nilai tambah tertinggi adalah produk bubur jagung. Pendistribusian nilai tambah dapat dilihat melalui nilai marjin yang didistribusikan kepada faktor produksi. Distribusi nilai tambah terbesar diterima oleh perusahaan dan distribusi nilai tambah terkecil diterima oleh tenaga kerja. Distribusi marjin terbesar adalah untuk keuntungan perusahaan. Keuntungan perusahaan terbesar diperoleh dari pengolahan jagung manis menjadi jagung rebus kemudian diikuti oleh bubur jagung, pergedel jagung, donat jagung, dan bakwan jagung. Selanjutnya distribusi terhadap sumbangan input lain terbesar adalah untuk pengolahan bakwan jagung kemudian diikuti oleh donat jagung, pergedel jagung, bubur jagung, dan jagung rebus.. Distribusi margin yang diterima oleh tenaga kerja merupakan bagian paling kecil dibandingkan dengan margin untuk sumbangan input lain dan keuntungan perusahaan. Distribusi terbesar adalah untuk pengolahan bakwan jagung kemudian diikuti oleh donat jagung, pergedel jagung, bubur jagung, dan jagung rebus


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    The research objectives are to compare the cultivation technique of the Jajar Legowo and non-Jajar Legowo rice planting systems and compare the income and profits of both rice planting systems in Nagari Kambang Timur, Lengayang Pesisir Selatan District. This research uses a survey method. This study's results indicate differences in implementing Jajar Legowo and non-Jajar Legowo farming systems. The differences are in the planting system, spacing, the number of seeds used, the use of seeds, the use of fertilizers, and the amount of labor. The production of the Jajar Legowo planting system was 5.435,27 kg, higher than the non- Jajar Legowo planting system of 4.646,32 kg. The income obtained by the Jajar Legowo farmers is Rp.18.329.968,39/Ha/MT higher than the non-Jajar Legowo farmers of Rp. 15.505.373,42/Ha/MT. The profit of the Jajar Legowo rice farming system is higher than the non- Jajar Legowo. The average profit of the Jajar Legowo farming system is Rp. 11.903.093,63/ha/MT, while the profit of the non- Jajar Legowo farming system is Rp. 9.947.382,92/ha/MT. For the R/C ratio, both are equally profitable and feasible to run. The R/C Ratio value of rice farming Jajar Legowo planting system is 1.78, which is higher than the non-Jajar Legowo planting system, which is 1.75. Statistical tests show significant differences between the production, income, and profits of the Jajar Legowo farming system and the non-Jajar Legowo farming system. Therefore,  farmers of the non-Jajar Legowo should consider switching to the Jajar Legowo system.INTISARITujuan penelitian ini adalah membandingkan kultur teknis sistem tanam padi jajar legowo dan non jajar legowo dan membandingkan pendapatan dan keuntungan usahatani padi sistem tanam jajar legowo dan non jajar legowo di Nagari Kambang Timur Kecamatan Lengayang Pesisir Selatan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode survey. Hasil menunjukkan terdapat perbedaan pelaksanaan usahatani sistem tanam jajar legowo dengan non jajar legowo. Perbedaannya dilihat pada sistem tanam, jarak tanam, jumlah penggunaan benih penggunaan bibit, penggunaan pupuk dan jumlah tenaga kerja. Produksi yang dihasilkan sistem tanam jajar legowo 5.435,27 kg lebih tinggi dibandingkan sistem tanam non jajar legowo 4.646,32 kg. Pendapatan yang diperoleh sistem tanam jajar legowo sebesar Rp 18.329.968,39/ha/MT lebih tinggi dibandingkan sistem tanam non jajar legowo sebesar Rp 15.505.373,42/ha/MT. Keuntungan usahatani padi sistem tanam jajar legowo lebih tinggi daripada keuntungan usahatani non jajar legowo. Rata-rata keuntungan usahatani sistem tanam jajar legowo adalah Rp 11.903.093,63/ Ha/MT, sedangkan keuntungan usahatani padi sistem non jajar legowo adalah Rp 9.947.382,92/Ha/MT. Untuk R/C rationya kedua-duanya sama-sama menguntungkan dan layak untuk dijalankan. Nilai R/C Rationya usahatani padi sistem tanam jajar legowo sebesar 1,78 lebih tinggi dari sistem tanam non jajar legowo yaitu 1,75. Berdasarkan uji statistik terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan antara produksi, pendapatan dan keuntungan usahatani sistem tanam jajar legowo dengan usahatani sistem non jajar legowo, sehingga diharapkan petani padi sistem tanam non jajar legowo mempertimbangkan untuk beralih ke sistem tanam jajar legow

    Surat Tugas Pengabdian Tanaman Gaharu

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    The role of social capital in micro-small businesses is very important, especially in Agribusiness Micro Finance Institutions (MFIA). The presence of this LKMA can help small businesses to gain access to better financial services with easier requirements. This study aims to describe how the characteristics of social capital contained in Microfinance Institution of Agribusiness (MFIA). The research was conducted at LKMA in Padang City. The sampling technique used is purposive sampling, namely MFIA whose status is active, legally incorporated and Financial Services Authority (OJK). Data were obtained from two MFIA, namely MFIA Saiyo Sakato in Padang Besi District and MFIA Mutiara Sejati in Koto Tangah District. The research method used was descriptive qualitative by using scoring on aspects of social capital. The results show that the social capital contained in MFIA were aspects of trust, network and norms. The existence and sustainability of LKMA was based on the strength of trust that was built between the management of MFIA and members of MFIA The aspect of network strength that supports the development of MFIA was that its members were scattered in every kelurahan in Padang City. The aspect of social norms that support the sustainability of the MFIA. From the results of this study it is hoped that the power of social capital has a good impact on the sustainability of the agribusiness microfinance institution (MFIA)

    Surat Tugas Pengabdian Sungkai

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    Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh adanya sikap penurunan nilai moral peserta didik di lingkungan pendidikan. Sikap pasif, kurang antusias berdampak pada kurangnya rasa tanggung jawab yang senantiasa harus tertanam dalam diri siswa. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memahami dan menganalisis informasi dari penguatan karakter tanggung jawab melalui program KABIN (Karakter Bulan Ini) pada siswa di SMA Alfa Centauri. Melalui Pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode studi kasus serta pengumpulan data dengan cara observasi, wawancara, angket/quisioner dan studi dokumentasi. Tempat penelitian di SMA Alfa Centauri yang merupakan sekolah penguatan karakter dalam program KABIN dengan partisipasinya Kepala Sekolah, Wakasek Kesiswaan, pembuat Program KABIN, guru PPKn dan peserta didik. Kesimpulan yang diambil yaitu; program KABIN dibentuk untuk menjalankan program Taqwa, Cerdas, Kreatif penjabaran dari visi misi sekolah serta landasan Permendikbud RI Nomor 20 tahun 2018, proses penguatan karakter dapat dilihat dari penilaian program KABIN, faktor pendukung dari luar ada kegiatan sekolah berasal dari guru dan karyawan, fasilitas sekolah, orang tua/wali peserta didik dan teman selain itu pendukung dari dalamnya ialah motivasi dari guru serta orang tua, faktor penghambat tidak semua peserta didik antusias dalam pelaksanaan program sehingga membutuhkan waktu yang lama sedang faktor penghambat dari luar tidak semua kegiatan berpatokan pada nilai karakter, solusinya mengomunikasikan dan mengevaluasi dari perbaikan program KABIN, saat ini telah berubah menjadi program KAPIN (Karakter Pekan Ini) dengan staf guru serta karyawan untuk terus mendorong siswa berkarakter baik, serta memberikan sosialisasi kepada peserta didik dan orang tua/wali untuk memahami program secara berkesinambungan. Kata Kunci: Karakter Tanggung Jawab, Program KABIN, Konsep Kewarganegaraan This research is motivated by the attitude of decreasing the moral value of students in the educational environment. Passive attitude, lack of enthusiasm has an impact on the lack of a sense of responsibility that must always be ingrained in students. This study aims to understand and analyze information from strengthening the character of responsibility through the KABIN (Character of the Month) program in students at Alfa Centauri High School. Through a qualitative approach with a case study method and data collection by means of observation, interviews, questionnaires / questionnaires and documentation studies. The research site at Alfa Centauri High School which is a character strengthening school in the KABIN program with the participation of the Principal, Wakasek Kesiswaan, makers of the KABIN Program, PPKn teachers and students. The conclusions drawn are; The KABIN program was formed to carry out the Taqwa, Cerdas, Creative program elaboration of the school's vision and mission and the foundation of the Minister of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia Number 20 of 2018, The process of strengthening character can be seen from the assessment of the KABIN program, supporting factors from outside there are school activities coming from teachers and employees, school facilities, parents / guardians of students and friends besides that the support from within is the motivation of teachers and parents, the inhibiting factor is not all students are enthusiastic in implementing the program so that it takes a long time while the inhibiting factors from outside are not all activities based on character values, the solution is to communicate and evaluate from the improvement of the KABIN program, currently it has changed to the KAPIN (Character of the Week) program with teacher staff and employees to continue to encourage students of good character, as well as provide socialization to students and parents / guardians to understand the program on an ongoing basis. Keywords: Responsibility Character, Program KABIN (this carachter), Concept of Citizenshi


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    DIAH CITRA RAESI (1606268) “PENERAPAN MODEL PROBING-PROMPTING TERHADAP KEMAMPUAN BERPIKIR KRITIS SISWA DALAM PEMBELAJARAN PKN MELALUI MEDIA QUIZIZZ” (Penelitian Tindakan Kelas VII-G SMP Negeri 40 Bandung). Berdasar latar belakang pada pengamatan di kelas VII-G selama pembelajaran PKn. Ditemukan bahwa siswa memiliki motivasi yang rendah dan pasif selama pembelajaran. Selain itu, materi pembelajaran dan strategi pembelajaran juga tidak bervariatif. Hal tersebut yang membuat siswa kurang berminat pada kegiatan belajar dan tidak memiliki cukup kesempatan untuk aktif selama di kelas, misalnya menjawab atau mengajukan pertanyaan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini yakni untuk meningkatkan kemampuan berpikir kritis siswa di kelas VII-G SMP Negeri 40 Bandung dengan Model pembelajaran probing –prompting pada pembelajaran PKn. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dan kuantitatif juga Quizziz sebagai media untuk mengumpulkan pencapaian hasil akhir pembelajaran, kegiatan belajar didasarkan pada silabus dan rencana pelaksanaan pembelajaran (RPP). Pelaksanaan penelitian dengan model pembelajaran probing-prompting dilaksanakan sebanyak tiga pertemuan/siklus. Setiap siklus menunjukkan peningkatan pada kemampuan berpikir kritis siswa. Hal ini dibuktikan dengan persentase setiap siklus, yaitu 29, 6%, 37% dan 55, 5%. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini yakni model pembelajaran probing-prompting dapat meningkatkan kemampuan berpikir kritis siswa dalam pembelajaran PKn. DIAH CITRA RAESI (1606268) "THE IMPLEMENTATION OF PROBING- PROMPTING MODEL ON STUDENTS ' CRITICAL THINKING SKILLS IN LEARNING CIVICS EDUCATION THROUGH QUIZIZZ MEDIA" (Action Research Class VII-G SMP N 40 Bandung). The background was based on observation on year VII-G during Civis class. It was found that the students had less motivation and were passive during the class. Furthermore, the learning materials and learning strategy also did not vary. Those made the students were less interest in the learning activity and had not enough opportunity to be active during the class, for example answering or asking questions. The purpose of this research is to improve the critical thinking ability of the year VII-G students in SMP Negeri 40 Bandung with probing prompting model on the Civics class. This research was used kualitative and kuantitative method also Quizziz as a media to collect and reach the final result, whilst and learning activity was based on syllabus and lesson plan. The lesson plan with probing prompting learning model was implemented three times as on the action research consist of three cycles. Every cycle shows increase in students critical thinking skills. The final result of this experiment proven that probing prompting learning model develops the students' critical thinking and had significant impact for students. It is proven by the percentage of every cycle, that are 29,6%, 37% and 55,5%. The conclusion of this research is probing prompting learning model in Civics class has impact on student’s critical thinking
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