4,125 research outputs found

    Immersive Telepresence: A framework for training and rehearsal in a postdigital age

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    Uloga institucija za učenje na daljinu u razvoju novinarskih vještina: preliminarni nalazi iz novinarske perspektive

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    This paper presents the preliminary findings of an ongoing research project focused on the importance of building learning tools and procedures that will help media professionals adjust to a constant changing environment. Adopting a mix of quantitative and qualitative methodology by conducting in depth interviews with journalists from Greece and Cyprus, and by running an online questionnaire, addressed to journalists as well as communication professionals, we try to define the role and the profile of the contemporary journalist, and how it has changed under the pressure and the potential, unleashed by new technologies and the global financial crisis. We study the development of lifelong learning programs, their impact and their results with an emphasis on distance learning. Through our research we conclude that there is a need to rethink journalism training and curricula by introducing new skills. In addition, lifelong learning in the form of distance learning seems to be a priority for most journalists in order to adjust to the current media landscape.Ovaj rad donosi preliminarne rezultate istraživanja u tijeku koje je fokusirano na proučavanje alata i procedura za učenje na daljinu. S obzirom na to da se svijet oko nas stalno mijenja, takvi alati i procedure mogu pomoći medijskim stručnjacima u boljoj prilagodbi. Autori nastoje definirati suvremenu ulogu i profil novinara te uočiti kako se njihov položaj promijenio pod pritiskom, ali i mogućnostima, novih tehnologija i globalne financijske krize. U istraživanju su se koristile kvantitativne i kvalitativne metode istraživanja, što uključuje dubinske intervjue s grčkim i ciparskim novinarima te online anketu upućenu novinarima i komunikacijskim stručnjacima. Autori proučavaju razvoj programa cjeloživotnog učenja, njihov utjecaj i rezultate s naglaskom na institucije za učenje na daljinu. Rezultati ovog istraživanja vode do zaključaka o potrebi restrukturiranja novinarskog obrazovanja i kurikula kroz uvođenje novih vještina. Čini se da je cjeloživotno učenje, u formi učenja na daljinu, prioritet za većinu novinara kako bi se prilagodili sadašnjem medijskom krajoliku

    Designing MOOC:a shared view on didactical principles

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    The innovative impact of the paper can be highlighted by the following statements: 1. Applying the Group Concept Mapping, a non-traditional and power research methodology for objectively identifying the shared vision of a group of experts on MOOC didactical principles. 2. Defining MOOC didactical principles and their operationalisations in more concrete guidelines. 3. Formulating suggestions for combining xMOOC and cMOOC.Supported by European Commission, DG EAC, under the Erasmus+ Programm

    Blending MOOC in Face-to-Face Teaching and Studies

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    The scale of UK higher education transnational education 2017-18

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    European Universities Best Practices: The Case of INVEST EU Alliance

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    Established in 2018, the European Universities Initiative (EUI) strives to foster collaboration and integration among higher education institutions across Europe. The EUI's core objectives encompass forging transnational alliances, facilitating mobility, championing multidisciplinary approaches, celebrating linguistic diversity, advancing innovation and research, prioritizing student-centered learning, and nurturing long-term sustainability. Central to this initiative is the enhancement of education quality and the promotion of student-centric learning methodologies. Within the scope of the EUI, the INVEST European University stands out as one of the 47 integrated alliances, endorsed by the European Commission. INVEST is dedicated to crafting distinctive collaborative educational paradigms that contribute significantly to regional progress and sustainability. This paper provides a comprehensive overview of the INVEST Joint Education Model, showcasing a range of excellent practices that position the alliance as a key player in the European educational landscape. Specifically, this paper delves into the strategic quality assurance framework, the unified pedagogical approach supporting diverse educational products, the dynamic collaborative platforms like living labs that engage stakeholders and serve as experimentation grounds, the enriching fellowship programs, faculty and student mobility initiatives, eco-friendly digitalization of services, and innovative entrepreneurship and internationalization processes. This study not only offers insightful recommendations but also tangible real-world examples for instructional and support staff navigating the realm of digital transformation within inter-institutional partnerships

    European Universities Best Practices: The Case of INVEST EU Alliance

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    Established in 2018, the European Universities Initiative (EUI) strives to foster collaboration and integration among higher education institutions across Europe. The EUI's core objectives encompass forging transnational alliances, facilitating mobility, championing multidisciplinary approaches, celebrating linguistic diversity, advancing innovation and research, prioritizing student-centered learning, and nurturing long-term sustainability. Central to this initiative is the enhancement of education quality and the promotion of student-centric learning methodologies. Within the scope of the EUI, the INVEST European University stands out as one of the 47 integrated alliances, endorsed by the European Commission. INVEST is dedicated to crafting distinctive collaborative educational paradigms that contribute significantly to regional progress and sustainability. This paper provides a comprehensive overview of the INVEST Joint Education Model, showcasing a range of excellent practices that position the alliance as a key player in the European educational landscape. Specifically, this paper delves into the strategic quality assurance framework, the unified pedagogical approach supporting diverse educational products, the dynamic collaborative platforms like living labs that engage stakeholders and serve as experimentation grounds, the enriching fellowship programs, faculty and student mobility initiatives, eco-friendly digitalization of services, and innovative entrepreneurship and internationalization processes. This study not only offers insightful recommendations but also tangible real-world examples for instructional and support staff navigating the realm of digital transformation within inter-institutional partnerships

    Investing in the human capital of the aquatic food sector: AQUA-TNET and the road ahead

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    Global aquaculture production now provides around 50 % of human seafood consumption and with expected population growth and increased per capita seafood consumption, production is expected to rise from the current 63 million tonnes to almost 100 million tonnes by 2030. In contrast, aquaculture production in the European Union isrelatively low, having more or less stagnated since 2000, despite the EU being the largest global importer of seafood. However, a new strategy for aquaculture development is in place with every EU Member State committed to preparing a national plan. This will involve greater focus on current constraints and issues that need to be overcome through innovation and engagement with a wide range of stakeholders. This will require the input of research, knowledge exchange and human capacity building. The AQUA-TNET thematic network for lifelong learning in aquaculture, fisheries and aquatic resource management has brought together European organisations engaged in these activities since it first started in 1996. This paper aims to present some of the analyses and thinking of that network in relation to the role of education and training in strengthening the human capital of the European aquaculture sector as a contribution to overall sector development. The approach is therefore that of a review article, drawing on a diverse range of previous work to identify themes and trends to help inform future research and activities. Further and higher education institutions play a partial but nonetheless significant role in aquaculture sector development. When considering future contributions to the sector, account needs to be taken of the changes taking place within the tertiary education sector as new technologies, global competition and government policies challenge the status quo of currentorganisation and practice. Though these present risks, they also offer considerable opportunities to build new collaborations, adopt new patterns of teaching and learning and perhaps apply new frameworks for accrediting learning and skills that could benefit the aquaculture sector. With funding from the European Commission Lifelong Learning Programme for AQUA-TNET having come to an end in 2014, future work of the network in promoting and enabling innovation will need to be reconfigured around other types of sector organisations. It may also be the right time to look towards a more global platform for aquaculture education and knowledge exchange

    Overview and Analysis of Practices with Open Educational Resources in Adult Education in Europe

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    OER4Adults aimed to provide an overview of Open Educational Practices in adult learning in Europe, identifying enablers and barriers to successful implementation of practices with OER. The project was conducted in 2012-2013 by a team from the Caledonian Academy, Glasgow Caledonian University, funded by The Institute for Prospective Technological Studies (IPTS). The project drew on data from four main sources: • OER4Adults inventory of over 150 OER initiatives relevant to adult learning in Europe • Responses from the leaders of 36 OER initiatives to a detailed SWOT survey • Responses from 89 lifelong learners and adult educators to a short poll • The Vision Papers on Open Education 2030: Lifelong Learning published by IPTS Interpretation was informed by interviews with OER and adult education experts, discussion at the IPTS Foresight Workshop on Open Education and Lifelong Learning 2030, and evaluation of the UKOER programme. Analysis revealed 6 tensions that drive developing practices around OER in adult learning as well 6 summary recommendations for the further development of such practices