11 research outputs found

    Speed-scaling with no Preemptions

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    We revisit the non-preemptive speed-scaling problem, in which a set of jobs have to be executed on a single or a set of parallel speed-scalable processor(s) between their release dates and deadlines so that the energy consumption to be minimized. We adopt the speed-scaling mechanism first introduced in [Yao et al., FOCS 1995] according to which the power dissipated is a convex function of the processor's speed. Intuitively, the higher is the speed of a processor, the higher is the energy consumption. For the single-processor case, we improve the best known approximation algorithm by providing a (1+Ï”)αB~α(1+\epsilon)^{\alpha}\tilde{B}_{\alpha}-approximation algorithm, where B~α\tilde{B}_{\alpha} is a generalization of the Bell number. For the multiprocessor case, we present an approximation algorithm of ratio B~α((1+Ï”)(1+wmax⁥wmin⁥))α\tilde{B}_{\alpha}((1+\epsilon)(1+\frac{w_{\max}}{w_{\min}}))^{\alpha} improving the best known result by a factor of (52)α−1(wmax⁥wmin⁥)α(\frac{5}{2})^{\alpha-1}(\frac{w_{\max}}{w_{\min}})^{\alpha}. Notice that our result holds for the fully heterogeneous environment while the previous known result holds only in the more restricted case of parallel processors with identical power functions

    Multiprocessor speed scaling for jobs with arbitrary sizes and deadlines

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    In this paper we study energy efficient deadline scheduling on multiprocessors in which the processors consumes power at a rate of sα when running at speeds, where α ≄ 2. The problem is to dispatch jobs to processors and determine the speed and jobs to run for each processor so as to complete all jobs by their deadlines using the minimum energy. The problem has been well studied for the single processor case. For the multiprocessor setting, constant competitive online algorithms for special cases of unit size jobs or arbitrary size jobs with agreeable deadlines have been proposed by Albers et al. (2007). A randomized algorithm has been proposed for jobs of arbitrary sizes and arbitrary deadlines by Greiner et al. (2009). We propose a deterministic online algorithm for the general setting and show that it is O(logαP)-competitive, where P is the ratio of the maximum and minimum job size

    Energy-efficient algorithms for non-preemptive speed-scaling

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    We improve complexity bounds for energy-efficient speed scheduling problems for both the single processor and multi-processor cases. Energy conservation has become a major concern, so revisiting traditional scheduling problems to take into account the energy consumption has been part of the agenda of the scheduling community for the past few years. We consider the energy minimizing speed scaling problem introduced by Yao et al. where we wish to schedule a set of jobs, each with a release date, deadline and work volume, on a set of identical processors. The processors may change speed as a function of time and the energy they consume is the α\alphath power of its speed. The objective is then to find a feasible schedule which minimizes the total energy used. We show that in the setting with an arbitrary number of processors where all work volumes are equal, there is a 2(1+Δ)(5(1+Δ))α−1B~α=Oα(1)2(1+\varepsilon)(5(1+\varepsilon))^{\alpha -1}\tilde{B}_{\alpha}=O_{\alpha}(1) approximation algorithm, where B~α\tilde{B}_{\alpha} is the generalized Bell number. This is the first constant factor algorithm for this problem. This algorithm extends to general unequal processor-dependent work volumes, up to losing a factor of ((1+r)r2)α(\frac{(1+r)r}{2})^{\alpha} in the approximation, where rr is the maximum ratio between two work volumes. We then show this latter problem is APX-hard, even in the special case when all release dates and deadlines are equal and rr is 4. In the single processor case, we introduce a new linear programming formulation of speed scaling and prove that its integrality gap is at most 12α−112^{\alpha -1}. As a corollary, we obtain a (12(1+Δ))α−1(12(1+\varepsilon))^{\alpha -1} approximation algorithm where there is a single processor, improving on the previous best bound of 2α−1(1+Δ)αB~α2^{\alpha-1}(1+\varepsilon)^{\alpha}\tilde{B}_{\alpha} when α≄25\alpha \ge 25

    Throughput Maximization in Multiprocessor Speed-Scaling

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    We are given a set of nn jobs that have to be executed on a set of mm speed-scalable machines that can vary their speeds dynamically using the energy model introduced in [Yao et al., FOCS'95]. Every job jj is characterized by its release date rjr_j, its deadline djd_j, its processing volume pi,jp_{i,j} if jj is executed on machine ii and its weight wjw_j. We are also given a budget of energy EE and our objective is to maximize the weighted throughput, i.e. the total weight of jobs that are completed between their respective release dates and deadlines. We propose a polynomial-time approximation algorithm where the preemption of the jobs is allowed but not their migration. Our algorithm uses a primal-dual approach on a linearized version of a convex program with linear constraints. Furthermore, we present two optimal algorithms for the non-preemptive case where the number of machines is bounded by a fixed constant. More specifically, we consider: {\em (a)} the case of identical processing volumes, i.e. pi,j=pp_{i,j}=p for every ii and jj, for which we present a polynomial-time algorithm for the unweighted version, which becomes a pseudopolynomial-time algorithm for the weighted throughput version, and {\em (b)} the case of agreeable instances, i.e. for which ri≀rjr_i \le r_j if and only if di≀djd_i \le d_j, for which we present a pseudopolynomial-time algorithm. Both algorithms are based on a discretization of the problem and the use of dynamic programming

    Energy Efficient Scheduling and Routing via Randomized Rounding

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    We propose a unifying framework based on configuration linear programs and randomized rounding, for different energy optimization problems in the dynamic speed-scaling setting. We apply our framework to various scheduling and routing problems in heterogeneous computing and networking environments. We first consider the energy minimization problem of scheduling a set of jobs on a set of parallel speed scalable processors in a fully heterogeneous setting. For both the preemptive-non-migratory and the preemptive-migratory variants, our approach allows us to obtain solutions of almost the same quality as for the homogeneous environment. By exploiting the result for the preemptive-non-migratory variant, we are able to improve the best known approximation ratio for the single processor non-preemptive problem. Furthermore, we show that our approach allows to obtain a constant-factor approximation algorithm for the power-aware preemptive job shop scheduling problem. Finally, we consider the min-power routing problem where we are given a network modeled by an undirected graph and a set of uniform demands that have to be routed on integral routes from their sources to their destinations so that the energy consumption is minimized. We improve the best known approximation ratio for this problem.Comment: 27 page

    Energy-Efficient Multiprocessor Scheduling for Flow Time and Makespan

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    We consider energy-efficient scheduling on multiprocessors, where the speed of each processor can be individually scaled, and a processor consumes power sαs^{\alpha} when running at speed ss, for α>1\alpha>1. A scheduling algorithm needs to decide at any time both processor allocations and processor speeds for a set of parallel jobs with time-varying parallelism. The objective is to minimize the sum of the total energy consumption and certain performance metric, which in this paper includes total flow time and makespan. For both objectives, we present instantaneous parallelism clairvoyant (IP-clairvoyant) algorithms that are aware of the instantaneous parallelism of the jobs at any time but not their future characteristics, such as remaining parallelism and work. For total flow time plus energy, we present an O(1)O(1)-competitive algorithm, which significantly improves upon the best known non-clairvoyant algorithm and is the first constant competitive result on multiprocessor speed scaling for parallel jobs. In the case of makespan plus energy, which is considered for the first time in the literature, we present an O(ln⁥1−1/αP)O(\ln^{1-1/\alpha}P)-competitive algorithm, where PP is the total number of processors. We show that this algorithm is asymptotically optimal by providing a matching lower bound. In addition, we also study non-clairvoyant scheduling for total flow time plus energy, and present an algorithm that achieves O(ln⁥P)O(\ln P)-competitive for jobs with arbitrary release time and O(ln⁥1/αP)O(\ln^{1/\alpha}P)-competitive for jobs with identical release time. Finally, we prove an Ω(ln⁥1/αP)\Omega(\ln^{1/\alpha}P) lower bound on the competitive ratio of any non-clairvoyant algorithm, matching the upper bound of our algorithm for jobs with identical release time

    A survey of offline algorithms for energy minimization under deadline constraints

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    Modern computers allow software to adjust power management settings like speed and sleep modes to decrease the power consumption, possibly at the price of a decreased performance. The impact of these techniques mainly depends on the schedule of the tasks. In this article, a survey on underlying theoretical results on power management, as well as offline scheduling algorithms that aim at minimizing the energy consumption under real-time constraints, is given

    Energy-Efficient Transaction Scheduling in Data Systems

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    Natural short term fluctuations in the load of transactional data systems present an opportunity for power savings. For example, a system handling 1000 requests per second on average can expect more than 1000 requests in some seconds, fewer in others. By quickly adjusting processing capacity to match such fluctuations, power consumption can be reduced. Many systems do this already, using dynamic voltage and frequency scaling (DVFS) to reduce processor performance and power consumption when the load is low. DVFS is typically controlled by frequency governors in the operating system or by the processor itself. The work presented in this dissertation shows that transactional data systems can manage DVFS more effectively than the underlying operating system. This is because data systems have more information about the workload, and more control over that workload, than is available to the operating system. Our goal is to minimize power consumption while ensuring that transaction requests meet specified latency targets. We present energy-efficient scheduling algorithms and systems that manage CPU power consumption and performance within data systems. These algorithms are workload-aware and can accommodate concurrent workloads with different characteristics and latency budgets. The first technique we present is called POLARIS. It directly manages processor DVFS and controls database transaction scheduling. We show that POLARIS can simultaneously reduce power consumption and reduce missed latency targets, relative to operating-system-based DVFS governors. Second, we present PLASM, an energy-efficient scheduler that generalizes POLARIS to support multi-core, multi-processor systems. PLASM controls the distribution of requests to the processors, and it employs POLARIS to manage power consumption locally at each core. We show that PLASM can save power and reduce missed latency targets compared to generic routing techniques such as round-robin