62 research outputs found

    Numerical Simulation Methods Applied at Fiber Grating Sensors Design

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    The paper presents the results obtained in simulation of fiber Bragg grating (FBG) and long-period grating (LPG) sensors and their applications. The optical properties of FBG and LPG are firstly analyzed and, consequently, the basics of simulation models are provided. Coupled-mode theory and the transfer matrix methods are the two techniques used for the simulation of FBG and LPG. The numerical simulations are performed for an improved design of these types of fiber sensors, designs dedicated to specified applications. The different FBG types, i.e. the normal, chirped, apodized, according to different laws and tilted cases, are analyzed. Also, various LPG configurations are numerically simulated. The two main categories of sensing applications, for temperature and for mechanical stress/strain evaluation, are simulated for each type of fiber grating sensor. The chapter is intended to be a synthesis of already obtained results to which some results of research in development are added

    Моделювання та оптимізація діяльності сервісного центру

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    У роботі проведено дослідження основ імітаційного моделювання суб’єктів господарювання на прикладі сервісного центру. Побудована імітаційна модель клієнтського обслуговування у сервісному центрі. Проведено оптимізаційний експеримент для досягнення економічної ефективності діяльності сервісного центруThe study of the basics of simulation modeling of business entities on the example of a service center. A simulation model of customer service in the service center is built. An optimization experiment was conducted to achieve economic efficiency of the service cente

    A short introduction to digital simulations in electrochemistry: simulating the Cottrell experiment in NI LabVIEW

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    A brief introduction to the use of digital simulations in electrochemistry is given by a detailed description of the simulation of Cottrell’s experiment in the LabVIEW programming language. A step-by-step approach is followed and different simulation techniques (explicit and implicit Euler, Runge–Kutta and Crank–Nicolson methods) are applied. The applied techniques are introduced and discussed on the basis of Padé approximants. The paper might be found useful by undergraduate and graduate students familiarizing themselves with the digital simulation of electrochemical problems, as well as by university lecturers involved with the teaching of theoretical electrochemistry

    Analysis of the Use of Simulation Tools in Transport and Logistics

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    Logistika i logistički procesi predstavljaju složen sustav koji zahtjeva razne analize radi efikasnog djelovanja istog. S ciljem poboljšanja tog sustava koriste se simulacijski alati. Simulacija omogućuje eksperimentiranje na realnom sustavu kako bi se zaključilo koje elemente realnog sustava je potrebno izmjeniti kako bi se postiglo njegovo optimalno djelovanje. U ovom radu teorijski se objašnjavaju osnove simulacija i simulacijskih modela koji se koriste u prometu i logistici. Također, prikazane su podjele modela obzirom na razne kriterije. Isto tako, objašnjeni su simulacijski alati za izradu pojedinih modela. Na kraju rada napravljena je analiza simulacijskih alata s primjenom u prometu i logistici.Logistics and logistic processes represent a complex system that require different analyzes for the efficient operation of the same. Simulation tools are used to improve this system. The simulation allows real-time experimentation to determine which elements of the real system need to be modified to achieve its optimum effect. This paper explains the basics of simulation and simulation models used in traffic and logistics. Also, model divisions are presented with respect to various criteria. Similarly, simulation tools for the production of particular models have been explained. At the end of the work, the analysis of simulation tools with application in traffic and logistics was made

    Analysis of the Use of Simulation Tools in Transport and Logistics

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    Logistika i logistički procesi predstavljaju složen sustav koji zahtjeva razne analize radi efikasnog djelovanja istog. S ciljem poboljšanja tog sustava koriste se simulacijski alati. Simulacija omogućuje eksperimentiranje na realnom sustavu kako bi se zaključilo koje elemente realnog sustava je potrebno izmjeniti kako bi se postiglo njegovo optimalno djelovanje. U ovom radu teorijski se objašnjavaju osnove simulacija i simulacijskih modela koji se koriste u prometu i logistici. Također, prikazane su podjele modela obzirom na razne kriterije. Isto tako, objašnjeni su simulacijski alati za izradu pojedinih modela. Na kraju rada napravljena je analiza simulacijskih alata s primjenom u prometu i logistici.Logistics and logistic processes represent a complex system that require different analyzes for the efficient operation of the same. Simulation tools are used to improve this system. The simulation allows real-time experimentation to determine which elements of the real system need to be modified to achieve its optimum effect. This paper explains the basics of simulation and simulation models used in traffic and logistics. Also, model divisions are presented with respect to various criteria. Similarly, simulation tools for the production of particular models have been explained. At the end of the work, the analysis of simulation tools with application in traffic and logistics was made

    Simulation-Based Decision Support System to Improve Material Flow of a Textile Company

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    To remain competitive, companies must continuously improve the processes at hand, be they administrative, production, or logistics. The objective of the study described in this paper was to develop a decision-making tool based on a simulation model to support the production of knits and damask fabrics. The tool was used to test different control strategies for material flow, from the raw material warehouse to the finished product warehouse, and thus can also be used to evaluate the impacts of these strategies on the productivity. The data upon which the decision support tool was built were collected from five sectors of the plant: the raw material warehouse, knit production, damask production, finishing work, and the finished product warehouse. The decision support tool met the objectives of the project, with all five strategies developed showing positive results. Knit and damask production rates increased by up to 8% and 44%, respectively, and a reduction of 75% was observed in the waiting time on the point of entry to the finishing work area, compared to the company’s existing system.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Institutionalizing an interprofessional simulation education program: an organizational case study using a model of strategic change

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    Initiatives to implement interprofessional simulation education programs (ISEP) often fail due to lack of support, resources from management or proper integration into the organization system. This paper aims to identify factors that ensure the successful implementation of an ISEP. Further, the study explores the potential effects an ISEP can have on organizational processes and culture. The case study describes the implementation process of an ISEP in a non-academic community hospital using interviews, participative observations and archival data over six years. A thematic approach has been used to analyze the data guided by Kotter's 8-step model for organizational change. Strategies for a successful implementation of an ISEP include: 1) make a case for interprofessional simulation-based education (SBE), 2) search for healthcare champions, 3) define where the ISEP will lead the organization, 4) spread the word about interprofessional SBE, 5) ensure that structures, skills and supervisors align with the change effort, 6) win over smaller entities, 7) enable peer feedback and create more change, 8) institutionalize the ISEP. Indicators of how the ISEP impacted hospital culture are presented and discussed. ISEPs - if implemented effectively - provide powerful opportunities to span boundaries between professional groups, foster interprofessional collaboration, and eventually improve patient care

    Вплив невизначеності вимірювань на відсотки неправильно забракованих деталей при двохфакторному контролі

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    Проблема розрахунку допустимого рівня невизначеності вимірювання при допускному контролі виробів машинобудування залишається актуальною. Поставлена задача вирішується шляхом застосування імітаційно-статистичного моделювання контрольно-вимірювальних процедур. Для цієї мети розроблена алгоритмічна модель. Проведено комп'ютерні експерименти і отримані значення відсотків неправильно забракованих і неправильно прийнятих деталей від рівня невизначеності вимірювань, що оцінюється складовими по типу В. Показано, що при двохфакторній контрольно-вимірювальній процедурі вимоги до точності засобів вимірювань в порівнянні з однофакторним варіантом зростають у рази

    Evaluation of the Bluetooth Mesh managed flooding algorithm using simulation

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    Applied project submitted to the Department of Computer Science, Ashesi University, in partial fulfillment of Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Science, April 2018Bluetooth Special Interest Group released a new version of Bluetooth at the end of 2016 which is called Bluetooth 5. The version had superior features such as increased range which is 4 times the range of Bluetooth 4.2 and improved speed. It was expected to revolutionaries the use of IoTs. However, it used a star topology which limited its range within which it could operate. Both routing and flooding solutions from both Bluetooth SIG and academia have been suggested which led to the development of Bluetooth Mesh. Bluetooth Mesh uses a flooding algorithm which uses a large number of nodes just to send a single message which indicates that more energy is used. This project develops a simulator for both routing and flooding algorithms and evaluates their ability to facilitate Bluetooth Mesh functionalities and energy efficiency in terms of relays done to deliver a single message. From this simulation, although managed flooding uses a lot of energy to transmit, it is the most efficient because it takes care of the individual power needs of the nodes in the network. Keywords: Bluetooth Mesh, Internet of Things, Routing, Managed Flooding, Simulation.Ashesi Universit