29 research outputs found

    Checking Whether an Automaton Is Monotonic Is NP-complete

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    An automaton is monotonic if its states can be arranged in a linear order that is preserved by the action of every letter. We prove that the problem of deciding whether a given automaton is monotonic is NP-complete. The same result is obtained for oriented automata, whose states can be arranged in a cyclic order. Moreover, both problems remain hard under the restriction to binary input alphabets.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figures. CIAA 2015. The final publication is available at http://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-319-22360-5_2

    Primitive Automata that are Synchronizing

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    A deterministic finite (semi)automaton is primitive if its transition monoid (semigroup) acting on the set of states has no non-trivial congruences. It is synchronizing if it contains a constant map (transformation). In analogy to synchronizing groups, we study the possibility of characterizing automata that are synchronizing if primitive. We prove that the implication holds for several classes of automata. In particular, we show it for automata whose every letter induce either a permutation or a semiconstant transformation (an idempotent with one point of contraction) unless all letters are of the first type. We propose and discuss two conjectures about possible more general characterizations.Comment: Note: The weak variant of our conjecture in a stronger form has been recently solved by Mikhail Volkov arXiv:2306.13317, together with several new results concerning our proble

    Improving the Upper Bound on the Length of the Shortest Reset Word

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    We improve the best known upper bound on the length of the shortest reset words of synchronizing automata. The new bound is slightly better than 114 n^3 / 685 + O(n^2). The Cerny conjecture states that (n-1)^2 is an upper bound. So far, the best general upper bound was (n^3-n)/6-1 obtained by J.-E. Pin and P. Frankl in 1982. Despite a number of efforts, it remained unchanged for about 35 years. To obtain the new upper bound we utilize avoiding words. A word is avoiding for a state q if after reading the word the automaton cannot be in q. We obtain upper bounds on the length of the shortest avoiding words, and using the approach of Trahtman from 2011 combined with the well-known Frankl theorem from 1982, we improve the general upper bound on the length of the shortest reset words. For all the bounds, there exist polynomial algorithms finding a word of length not exceeding the bound

    Lower Bounds on Avoiding Thresholds

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    Synchronizing automata preserving a chain of partial orders

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    AbstractWe present a new class of automata which strictly contains the class of aperiodic automata and shares with the latter certain synchronization properties. In particular, every strongly connected automaton in this new class is synchronizing and has a synchronizing word of length ⌊n(n+1)6⌋ where n is the number of states of the automaton

    Parameterized Complexity of Synchronization and Road Coloring

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    First, we close the multivariate analysis of a canonical problem concerning short reset words (SYN), as it was started by Fernau et al. (2013). Namely, we prove that the problem, parameterized by the number of states, does not admit a polynomial kernel unless the polynomial hierarchy collapses. Second, we consider a related canonical problem concerning synchronizing road colorings (SRCP). Here we give a similar complete multivariate analysis. Namely, we show that the problem, parameterized by the number of states, admits a polynomial kernel and we close the previous research of restrictions to particular values of both the alphabet size and the maximum word length

    First-order definable string transformations

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    The connection between languages defined by computational models and logic for languages is well-studied. Monadic second-order logic and finite automata are shown to closely correspond to each-other for the languages of strings, trees, and partial-orders. Similar connections are shown for first-order logic and finite automata with certain aperiodicity restriction. Courcelle in 1994 proposed a way to use logic to define functions over structures where the output structure is defined using logical formulas interpreted over the input structure. Engelfriet and Hoogeboom discovered the corresponding "automata connection" by showing that two-way generalised sequential machines capture the class of monadic-second order definable transformations. Alur and Cerny further refined the result by proposing a one-way deterministic transducer model with string variables---called the streaming string transducers---to capture the same class of transformations. In this paper we establish a transducer-logic correspondence for Courcelle's first-order definable string transformations. We propose a new notion of transition monoid for streaming string transducers that involves structural properties of both underlying input automata and variable dependencies. By putting an aperiodicity restriction on the transition monoids, we define a class of streaming string transducers that captures exactly the class of first-order definable transformations.Comment: 31 page

    On Synchronizing Colorings and the Eigenvectors of Digraphs

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    An automaton is synchronizing if there exists a word that sends all states of the automaton to a single state. A coloring of a digraph with a fixed out-degree k is a distribution of k labels over the edges resulting in a deterministic finite automaton. The famous road coloring theorem states that every primitive digraph has a synchronizing coloring. We study recent conjectures claiming that the number of synchronizing colorings is large in the worst and average cases. Our approach is based on the spectral properties of the adjacency matrix A(G) of a digraph G. Namely, we study the relation between the number of synchronizing colorings of G and the structure of the dominant eigenvector v of A(G). We show that a vector v has no partition of coordinates into blocks of equal sum if and only if all colorings of the digraphs associated with v are synchronizing. Furthermore, if for each b there exists at most one partition of the coordinates of v into blocks summing up to b, and the total number of partitions is equal to s, then the fraction of synchronizing colorings among all colorings of G is at least (k-s)/k. We also give a combinatorial interpretation of some known results concerning an upper bound on the minimal length of synchronizing words in terms of v

    Careful Synchronization of One-Cluster Automata

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    In this paper we investigate careful synchronization of one-cluster partial automata. First we prove that in general case the shortest carefully synchronizing word for such automata is of length 2n2+12^\frac{n}{2} + 1, where nn is the number of states of an automaton. Additionally we prove that checking whether a given one-cluster partial automaton is carefully synchronizing is NP-hard even in the case of binary alphabet.Comment: 1 pages, 4 figure