118 research outputs found

    Evaluation de la ressource en eau associée au manteau neigeux sur le Mont Liban à partir d'observations et de la modélisation

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    Les ressources en eau du Liban sont soumises à une pression croissante due au développement économique, à la croissance démographique, à la gestion non-durable des ressources en eau et au changement climatique. Les montagnes du Mont et Anti-Liban sont des châteaux d'eau naturels pour le Liban car elles augmentent les précipitations par le soulèvement orographique des masses d'air. En raison de l'influence du climat méditerranéen, la plupart des précipitations au-dessus de 1200 m a.s.l. tombe sous la forme de neige en hiver. Par conséquent, la fonte des neiges contribue de façon importante au bilan hydrique national. En particulier, la fonte des neiges du Mont-Liban alimente les réseaux d'eau souterraine karstiques, qui fournissent des ressources en eau essentielle pour la région côtière. Malgré l'importance du manteau neigeux au Liban, sa variabilité spatiale et temporelle est insuffisament observée si bien que sa contribution au débit des fleuve et des sources reste méconnue. L'objectif de ce travail est de réduire ce manque de connaissance en utilisant des mesures in situ, des observations satellite et de la modélisation du manteau neigeux. 1. Nous présentons d'abord une revue de la littérature sur les processus nivo- hydrologiques dans les régions montagneuses méditerranéennes. De nombreuses études - principalement aux Etats-Unis de l'Ouest et dans les montagnes au sud de l'Europe - soulignent l'impact fort de la variabilité interannuelle du climat méditerranéen sur la dynamique du manteau neigeux. Le rayonnement solaire élevé est un facteur important du bilan énergétique du manteau neigeux, mais la contribution des flux de chaleur est plus forte à la fin de la saison nivale. La sublimation de la neige et la densification rapide sont des processus importants dans ce contexte. Les approches hybrides combinant des données de stations météorologiques et la télédétection optique de la surface enneigée à travers la modélisation sont recommandées pour compenser l'absence d'observations spatialisées du forçage météorologique. 2. Ensuite, nous présentons un ensemble original de données sur le manteau neigeux au Mont-Liban pour la période 2013-2016. Nous avons recueilli des observations sur le terrain de la hauteur de neige (HS), de l'équivalent en eau de neige (SWE) et de la densité de neige entre 1300 et 2900 m d'altitude sur le flanc occidental du Mont-Liban. De plus, des données météorologiques continues ont été acquises par trois stations météorologiques automatiques situées dans la partie enneigée du Mont-Liban. Le produit MODIS a été utilisé pour calculer la superficie couverte par la neige dans trois bassins hydrographiques couverts par les observations in situ. Nous remarquons la grande variabilité de HS et SWE et une densité élevée du manteau neigeux. Nous trouvons une corrélation significative entre HS et SWE qui peut être utile pour réduire la quantité de travail de terrain en vue d'un suivi opérationnel futur. 3. Grâce à ces données, nous avons mis en place un modèle distribué du manteau neigeux sur le Mont-Liban à une résolution de 100 m. Le modèle est validé à différentes échelles en utilisant les observations de SWE, densité, HS et SCA. Une simulation avec des modifications très limitées du paramétrage par défaut permet de capturer correctement la plupart des observations. Cette simulation permet donc d'estimer l'évolution du SWE et la fonte dans les trois bassins étudiés entre 2013 et 2016. Cette recherche a mis en évidence l'importance de réaliser simultanément des mesures sur le terrain et des observations météorologiques continues pour mieux appréhender les processus physiques qui contrôlent l'évolution du manteau neigeux sur le Mont-Liban. Enfin, l'influence du transport de la neige par le vent et des dépôts de poussière sur la fonte des neiges reste à évaluer en perspective de ce travail.Lebanon's water resources are under increasing pressure due to economic development, demographic growth, unsustainable water resource management, and climate change. The Mount- and Anti-Lebanon Mountains are natural water towers for Lebanon as they play an important role in enhancing orographic precipitation. Due to the influence of the Mediterranean climate, most precipitation above 1200 m a.s.l. falls as snow during winter season. As a result, snowmelt is an important contributor to the national water balance. In particular, snowmelt from Mount-Lebanon feeds the karst groundwater systems, which provide key water resources to the coastal region. Despite the importance of the snow cover in the Lebanese mountains, the actual snowpack spatial and temporal variability and its contribution to the spring and river discharges in Lebanon remains poorly constrained. The objective of this work is to reduce this lack of knowledge using a combination of in situ measurements, remote sensing observations and modelling of the snowpack in Mount-Lebanon. 1. We first present an extensive review of the literature about the snow hydrological processes in Mediterranean-like mountain regions. Many studies - mainly from Western USA and Southern Europe mountains - emphasize the strong impact of the interannual Mediterranean climate variability on the snowpack dynamics. The high incoming solar radiation is an important driver of the snowpack energy balance, but the contribution of heat fluxes is stronger at the end of the snow season. Snow sublimation and rapid densification are important processes to consider. Hybrid approaches combining weather station data with optical remote sensing of the snow extent through modelling are recommended to tackle the lack of spatially-distributed observations of the meteorological forcing. 2. Then, we introduce an original dataset on the snow cover in Mount-Lebanon for the period 2013-2016. We collected field observations of the snow height (HS), snow water equivalent (SWE), and snow density between 1300 and 2900 m a.s.l. in the western slope of Mount-Lebanon. In addition, continuous meteorological data were acquired by three automatic weather stations located in the snow dominated region of Mount-Lebanon. The MODIS snow product was used to compute the daily snow cover area in three snow dominated basins. We find that HS and SWE have large variances and that snow density is high. The strong correlation between HS and SWE may be useful to reduce the amount of field work for future operational monitoring. 3. Using these data we set up a distributed snowpack energy balance in the Mount- Lebanon at 100 m resolution. The model is validated at different scales using the observed SWE, snow density, HS and SCA. A simulation with very limited adjustments to the default parameterization is found to correctly capture most of the observations. This simulation allows the estimation of the SWE evolution and snow melt in the three study basins between 2013 and 2016. This research highlighted the importance of conducting simultaneous field surveys and meteorological observations to gain insights into the physical processes driving snowpack evolution in Mount-Lebanon. Finally, the influence of snow erosion by wind and the influence of dust deposits on snowmelt, remains less known, and are warrant for future research

    Using Spatial Data for Geo-Environmental Studies

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    The physically-based spatially-distributed model PROMET (Processes of Radiation, Mass and Energy Transfer) is applied to the Greater Damascus Basin, which is considered as one of the most important basins in Syria, to serve as a case study of using spatial data for Geo-environmental studies. Like most areas of the Middle East, the study area is characterized by large temporal and spatial variations in precipitation and by limited water resources. Due to the increasing water demand caused by the economic development and the rapid growth of population, the study area is expected to suffer from further water shortages in the future. This highlights the necessity of developing an integrated Decision Support System (DSS) to evaluate strategies for efficient and sustainable water resources management in the basin, taking into consideration global environmental changes and socio-economic conditions. The work presented here represents the first steps toward achieving this goal through applying a distributed hydrological model (an important component of any integrated DSS for water resources management) to the Greater Damascus Basin utilizing different types of spatial data used as time-dependent (e.g., meteorology) and time-independent (e.g., topography and soil) input parameters. The model PROMET, which was developed within the GLOWA-Danube project as part of the decision support system DANUBIA, is run on an hourly time step (for the period from 1991 to 2005) and a 180*180m spatial resolution to simulate the water and energy fluxes in this basin. The model is embedded within a raster-based GIS-structure which facilitates the integration of the diverse types of spatial data. The spatial information related to topography (such as elevation, slope, and exposition) as well as those related to runoff routing (such as upstream-area, channel width, and downstream proxel) are automatically extracted from Digital Elevation Model (Shuttle Radar Topography Mission, SRTM-90m DEM). The spatial patterns of the different land use/land cover classes are derived from remote sensing data (classification of a cloud-free LANDSAT 7 ETM+ image using the supervised classification algorithm). The spatial fields of meteorological input data are provided on an hourly basis through spatiotemporal interpolation of the measurements of the available weather stations. Spatial information about the soil texture is provided through generalization and aggregation of the soil type classes of the Soil Map of Syria (prepared by USAID) and transferring the soil types to texture classes. Several pedotransfer functions are then used to estimate the soil hydraulic properties for each soil texture class (and each soil layer) found in the study area. While plant physiological parameters (which are assumed to be static, such as minimum stomatal resistance) are estimated for each vegetation class using information taken from literature sources, the temporal evolution of Albedo and Leaf Area Index (LAI) are derived from five cloud-free LANDSAT-7 images acquired at different seasons of the year. The goodness of the results obtained by the model PROMET are verified and/or validated by comparing them either with their corresponding data observed in the filed or with remote sensing-derived information (e.g., snow cover). Two subcatchments are selected for the purpose of calculating the spatially-distributed annual water balances. The results indicate that the modelled mean annual runoff volume fits well with the measured discharge for both chosen subcatchment. In addition, the simulated discharge is compared to the observed one (at seven gauge stations) on a monthly basis, covering the whole simulation period (15 years). The results of the regression analysis for each of these gauge stations (with slope of regression line ranges from 0.79 to 1.04; coefficient of determination 0.69-0.90; and Nash-Sutcliffe Coefficient 0.73-0.95) indicate that there is a good correlation between simulated and observed monthly mean discharge volumes

    Management of freshwater resources in Israel and Lebanon

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    This thesis explores the larger number of issues that underpin the allocation of water, water rights, and conflict over water. After specifying the weak points in the existing relevant legal instruments, this thesis take into consideration the inclusion of economic, culture-religion and political contextual precepts as a remedy to the legal deficiency. The aim is to discover patterns of cooperation among the riparian adversaries, to generate a working hypothesis on cooperation over water issues. This thesis argues that no single set of actors holds the key to effectively addressing the challenge of equitable and sustainable management of precious water resources. It is also important to realize that it is not enough just to seek to increase the availability and usability of water. However, it is also the case that the private sector, non-governmental organizations, international agencies and national agencies can play a major role both as investors and as managers of utilities. In fact, many would agree that it is the common responsibility of all actors in society: businesses, governments, scholars, researchers and individuals, to contribute to the elaboration of numerous solutions. In addition to learning from their efforts and efforts in other regions, interested parties can promote a new water and environmental ethic, educate the broad population and facilitate discussion

    The Multiple Snow Data Assimilation System (MuSA v1.0)

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    Accurate knowledge of the seasonal snow distribution is vital in several domains including ecology, water resources management, and tourism. Current spaceborne sensors provide a useful but incomplete description of the snowpack. Many studies suggest that the assimilation of remotely sensed products in physically based snowpack models is a promising path forward to estimate the spatial distribution of snow water equivalent (SWE). However, to date there is no standalone, open-source, community-driven project dedicated to snow data assimilation, which makes it difficult to compare existing algorithms and fragments development efforts. Here we introduce a new data assimilation toolbox, the Multiple Snow Data Assimilation System (MuSA), to help fill this gap. MuSA was developed to fuse remotely sensed information that is available at different timescales with the energy and mass balance Flexible Snow Model (FSM2). MuSA was designed to be user-friendly and scalable. It enables assimilation of different state variables such as the snow depth, SWE, snow surface temperature, binary or fractional snow-covered area, and snow albedo and could be easily upgraded to assimilate other variables such as liquid water content or snow density in the future. MuSA allows the joint assimilation of an arbitrary number of these variables, through the generation of an ensemble of FSM2 simulations. The characteristics of the ensemble (i.e., the number of particles and their prior covariance) may be controlled by the user, and it is generated by perturbing the meteorological forcing of FSM2. The observational variables may be assimilated using different algorithms including particle filters and smoothers as well as ensemble Kalman filters and smoothers along with their iterative variants. We demonstrate the wide capabilities of MuSA through two snow data assimilation experiments. First, 5 m resolution snow depth maps derived from drone surveys are assimilated in a distributed fashion in the Izas catchment (central Pyrenees). Furthermore, we conducted a joint-assimilation experiment, fusing MODIS land surface temperature and fractional snow-covered area with FSM2 in a single-cell experiment. In light of these experiments, we discuss the pros and cons of the assimilation algorithms, including their computational cost.</p


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    Climate change is modifying global precipitation patterns and bringing about unprecedented changes in the different facets of the water cycle. In order to be better prepared for the potentially adverse impacts of climate change on water resources, we need to improve our understanding of the water cycle. Environmental tracers such as stable water isotopes provide a useful medium to help untangle the complex web of Earth System processes. Stable water isotopes are naturally present in rainfall and snowfall, making them an ideal environmental tracer to track the journey of a water particle along its entire hydrologic life cycle. In this thesis, I use stable water isotopes to improve the representation of hydrological processes occurring within mountainous landscapes in rainfall-runoff models. In the first chapter, I undertake a comprehensive review of ways in which stable water isotopes have been used in snow hydrology, with a special focus on mountainous environments. This review explains the different transformations that a water particle undergoes once it enters the landscape through rainfall or snowfall. In the second chapter, I build a novel Bayesian mixing model that derives valuable information from stable water isotope data, while taking into account the numerous limitations of field hydrology. In the third chapter, I propose a new hydrologic modeling framework that uses information derived from stable water isotopes, as illustrated in Chapter 2, to build more reliable rainfall-runoff models by constraining both the celerity and velocity behavior of catchments. This modeling framework is comprehensively evaluated in a Swiss Alpine catchment called Vallon de Nant. Finally, in the fourth chapter, I use stable water isotopes, streamflow recession analysis, and a conceptual groundwater model to show how climate change may increase groundwater recharge in the Swiss Alps. This thesis therefore improves our understanding of the dominant hydrologic processes occurring in mountainous environments, and provides a novel approach to parameterize these processes within rainfall-runoff models. The key findings are summarized in the final chapter, where I also highlight practical challenges in isotope hydrology, and propose future research directions

    Quaternary glaciation in the Pindus Mountains, Northwest Greece

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    Geomorphological and geological evidence for former Quaternary glaciation has been mapped n the Pindus Mountains of Northwest Greece. the dynamics and chronology of glaciation in this area has been established through sedimentological analysis, soil analysis and Uranium-series dating. Four glacial events are recorded in the sedimentological and geomorphological records. The more extensive recorded glaciation pre-dates 350,000 years BP and was characterised by extensive valley glaciers and ice-fields. A second glaciation occurred prior to the last interglacial, before ca. 127,000 years BP, and was characterised by glaciers that reached mid-valley positions. the height of the last glacial stage in Greece (30-20,000 14C years BP) is recorded by small cirque glacier moraines and relict periglacial rock glaciers. evidence for a fourth glacial phase is recorded only in the highest cirques of Mount Smolikas (2637 m a.s.l.), the highest peak in the Pindus Mountains. This phase of glaciation is likely to have occurred during the Late-glacial Substage (14-10,000 14C years BP). All of the glaciers during the different glacial stages were reconstructed and used alongside periglacial rock glaciers to determine palaeoclimate. During the glacial maximum of the last glacial stage mean annual temperatures were ca. 8-9?C lower than at present, and mean annual precipitation greater than 2000 mm - similar to modern values. Earlier glacial maxima are likely to have been colder but with mean annual precipitation still greater than 2000 mm. Maximum glacier extent in the Pindus Mountains is likely to have preceded the most severe arid phase of glacial cycles indicated in the pollen record and also global glacial maxima. this was because of the small size of the former Pindus glaciers and their rapid response to climate change, as well as the increased prevalence of aridity around the global glacial maxima. The glacial sequence in the Pindus Mountains represents the longest and best-dated recognised record of glaciation in the Mediterranean region and provides a stratigraphical framework for Quaternary cold-stage climates in Greece

    Hydrochimie, isotopie et modélisation hydrodynamique pour la caractérisation du système aquifère multicouche amont de la rivière Awaj - Bassin de Damas (Syrie)

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    Barada and Awaj basin is the most important and extensively used water basin in Syria. The upper part of Awaj River occupies the southwestern part of this basin. In this arid region, groundwater is considered to be as a main source of water supply. In order to assess the main features which characterize the hydrogeological system in this area and calculate the water budget of the first aquifer horizon, a multi approach methodology using hydrochemistry, environmental stable isotopes and groundwater modeling were used as integrated tools. The detailed description of hydrogeochemical conditions has underlined the very complex variability of the stratigraphic sequences and hence the numerous hydrogeological units within the study area. Hydrogeochemical evolution reveals the domination of dissolution/precipitation of carbonate rocks as a main mechanism controlling groundwater chemical composition and to less extend, the silicate hydrolysis, dissolution of gypsum and reverse ion exchange. Consequently, hydrochemical patterns did not give enough evidences for the expecting of huge feeding flow from the Jurassic aquifers towards the Neogene/Quaternary aquifer. The similarity in water type tends to express the existence of a unique hydrochemical system where the individualised groundwater flow paths are difficult to delineate. The isotope compositions imply an important rapid infiltration of atmospheric precipitation before significant evaporation takes place. Hence the infiltrated precipitation provides the main source of groundwater recharge all over the study area and mainly throughout the mountainous parts. The study area can be dividing into two main sub-regions. The sub-region (A) which characterizes by active dissolution phenomena and deep vertical groundwater flow. And sub-region (B) which characterizes by a shallow horizontal flow component associated with active interaction between groundwater and hosting rocks. The result of groundwater model indicates a hydraulic connection between the deep aquifers and the overlying first aquifer through the upward leakage of groundwater. The components of the water budget of the first aquifer had determined. The lateral discharge from the Jurassic aquifer as well as the meteoric recharge is the most important recharging component of this budget. The upward leakage of groundwater from deeper aquifers also plays an important role. However, the lateral discharge from the eastern boundary is the largest discharge component which indicates that the study area can be considered as a main recharge region of the western side of the Barada and Awaj Basin.Le bassin hydrologique du Barada et de l’Awaj est le plus important et le plus intensément exploité de Syrie. Le sous bassin amont de la rivière Awaj occupe la partie sud-ouest de ce bassin. Dans cette région aride, l’eau souterraine représente la principale réserve et ressource de production d’eau. Dans l’optique de caractériser le fonctionnement du système hydrogéologique multicouche local et de calculer un bilan hydrologique pour l’aquifère superficiel, une méthodologie multi techniques couplant hydrochimie, isotopie et hydrodynamisme a été déployée. L’analyse détaillée des données hydrochimiques recueillies a mis en évidence la grande variabilité du fond géochimique local, directement fonction de la stratigraphie. Cette complexité stratigraphique induit une vision hydrogéologique complexe de nombreux corps aquifères. L’évolution de la chimie des eaux révèle la prépondérance du phénomène de dissolution/précipitation des roches carbonatées comme principal mécanisme de contrôle de l’hydrochimie, devant l’hydrolyse des silicates, la dissolution du gypse et l’échange ionique. En conséquence il n’a pas été possible de déduire de l’hydrochimie des eaux les preuves d’une recharge par drainance ascendante depuis l’aquifère du jurassique vers les aquifères superficiels, bien que la similarité des faciès hydrochimiques tend à consolider l’hypothèse d’une origine unique des eaux, sans toutefois permettre une identification des chemins d’écoulement. Les données isotopiques indiquent quant à elles, une infiltration importante et rapide des eaux météoritiques, avant qu’une importante phase d’évaporation n’ait lieu. Ainsi, l’important flux d’infiltration qui se produit essentiellement dans la partie montagneuse de la zone, représente la principale source de recharge du système aquifère multicouche régional. De ce fait la zone d’étude peut se subdiviser en deux sous régions : la première (A) se caractérise par une dissolution active et des flux de circulation d’eau souterraine fortement orientés verticalement vers la profondeur, alors que la seconde (B) est caractérisée par des écoulements peu profonds associés à des interactions hydrochimiques avec les roches encaissantes. Les résultats de la modélisation hydrodynamique du système mettent en évidence la connexion hydraulique entre l’aquifère profond du Jurassique et les aquifères surincombants par le biais d’une drainance ascendante. Le bilan hydrologique de l’aquifère se surface a ainsi pu être appréhendé : les principaux flux de recharge proviennent de l’infiltration des eaux météoritiques mais également de l’écoulement latéral du Jurassique dans la partie montagneuse. La drainance ascendante depuis le Jurassique dans la partie aval est également non négligeable. Du point de vue des sorties, le flux d’écoulement le plus important se situe en direction de l’est vers le centre du bassin. Ce constat permet de concevoir que La sous bassin amont de le rivière Awaj est la principale zone de recharge occidentale du bassin de Barada et Awaj

    Contribution to the hydrogeological knowledge of the high mountain karst aquifer of the Port del Comte (SE, Pyrenees)

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    Tesi en modalitat de compendi de publicacionsThis thesis has aimed to improve the hydrogeological knowledge of the Port del Comte Massif (PCM), a karstic aquifer system located in the south-eastern sector of the Pyrenees that plays a strategic role in the provision of water resources in the basins of the Llobregat and Segre river basins. The specific objectives have been aimed at deepening the knowledge of the geological structure of its reservoirs, the hydrodynamic and geochemical behaviour, the establishment of a conceptual model; and the study of climate change (CC) scenarios. A data acquisition work has been carried out followed by its processing and modeling. The results have been published in 4 peer-reviewed scientific papers. The work has been complemented by participation in the EU GeoERA RESOURCE project, where through this thesis, the PCM has been one of the case studies, contributing to the development and testing of new methods for classifying karstic aquifers. The main aquifer is located in the lower Eocene limestones and dolomites. This aquifer presents in the highest parts of the massif an important karstic development. The overlying materials from the Upper Eocene-Oligocene and the underlying Cretaceous and Triassic constitute relevant aquifers for local supply. More than 100 springs have been inventoried in the study area, of which 43 were selected for monitoring tasks. Of the total, 4 correspond to the main discharge points of the system: the “Cardener” spring that discharges to the East into the Cardener River, “Sant Quintí” that discharges to the SE in the Fred River basin; “Aiguaneix” that discharges towards the NW in the Alinyà River; and “Can Sala” that discharges towards the SE. In addition, there is also a diffuse groundwater flow in a northerly direction towards the La Vansa river basin, and discharge through multiple local springs spread throughout the massif. The use of hydrological models has made it possible to estimate the recharge time-series and the mean transit times in the main karst springs. The recession analysis focused on the "Cardener" spring suggests that it is in the domain of "complex karst systems" similar to the behaviour of other karst springs in the Pyrenees. The new evaluation systems KGWRAI-V and RC-V show that the "Cardener and Sant Quintí" springs can be classified with "medium to high vulnerability" and with "moderate regulatory capacity”. Among the various results obtained from the simulations of the climate change emission scenarios RCP 4.5 and 8.5 for the "Cardener" spring, on average it is observed that the temperature in a horizon of 35 years could increase by about 1.3 ºC and the snow cover could be reduced by 50%. From the geochemical point of view, the underground water is predominantly of the calcium-bicarbonate type, although up to 6 different facies types have been identified. The multivariate statistical approach using a clustering method based on Gaussian mixture models allowed to classify the 43 springs into 4 groups. These new associations made it possible to better determine natural background levels at aquifer scale for sulfate, nitrate, and chloride. Several points present sulfate concentrations above the potability limit, being the main source of geogenic origin. The nitrate concentration is generally low except in specific points related to agricultural and livestock practices. The results obtained have meant an important advance in the knowledge of the karstic aquifer system of the MPC. The methodology could be replicated in the rest of the strategic karstic aquifers of the Pyrenees, providing valuable information for their sustainable management and for establishing adaptation strategies to the CC.Aquesta tesi ha tingut com a objectiu principal millorar el coneixement hidrogeològic del Massís del Port del Comte (MPC), un sistema aqüífer càrstic ubicat al sector sud-est del Pirineus que té un paper estratègic en la provisió de recursos hídrics a les conques dels rius Llobregat i Segre. Els objectius específics s'han orientat a aprofundir en el coneixement de l'estructura geològica dels seus reservoris, el comportament hidrodinàmic i geoquímic, l’establiment d’un model conceptual; i l’estudi d’escenaris de canvi climàtic (CC). S'ha efectuat un treball d’adquisició de dades seguit del seu processament i modelatge. Els resultats s'han publicat a 4 articles científics revisats per parells. Els treballs s'han complementat amb la participació en el projecte europeu GeoERA RESOURCE, on a través de la present tesi, el MPC ha estat un dels casos d’estudi, contribuint al desenvolupament i test de nous mètodes de classificació d'aqüífers càrstics. L'aqüífer principal del MPC es localitza a les calcàries i dolomies de la base de l'Eocè. Aquest aqüífer presenta a les parts més altes del massís un desenvolupat càrstic important. Els materials suprajacents de l'Eocè-Oligocè superior i del Cretaci i Triàsic subjacents constitueixen aqüífers rellevants per l’abastament local. S'han inventariat més de 100 fonts a l'àrea d'estudi, de les quals se'n van seleccionar 43 per les tasques de monitoratge. Del total, 4 corresponen als principals punts de descàrrega del sistema: les fonts del Cardener que descarrega cap a l'Est al riu Cardener, la de Sant Quintí que descarrega cap al SE a la conca del Riu Fred; la d'Aiguaneix que descarrega cap al NW al Riu d’Alinyà; i la de Can Sala que descarrega vers al SE. A banda, també existeix un flux difús d’aigua subterrània en sentit nord cap a la conca del riu La Vansa, i la descàrrega a través de múltiples fonts locals repartides pel massís. L'ús de models hidrològics ha permès estimar les series de recàrrega i els temps mitjans de trànsit en les fonts principals. L'anàlisi de recessió centrada a les fonts del Cardener, suggereix que aquesta es troba en el domini de sistemes càrstics complexos similar al comportament d'altres fonts càrstiques dels Pirineus. Els nous sistemes d’avaluació KGWRAI-V i RC-V mostren que les fonts -Cardener i Sant Quintí- poden classificar-se amb vulnerabilitat mitjana a alta i amb capacitat reguladora moderada. Entre els diversos resultats obtinguts a partir de les simulacions dels escenaris d'emissions de canvi climàtic RCP 4.5 i 8.5 per les fonts del Cardener, de mitjana s’observa que la temperatura en un horitzó de 35 anys podria augmentar uns 1.3 ºC i el mantell nival podria reduir-se un 50%. Des del punt de vista geoquímic, l'aigua subterrània és predominantment del tipus bicarbonatada-càlcica, encara que s'han identificat fins a 6 tipus de fàcies diferents. L'enfocament estadístic multivariant utilitzant un mètode d'agrupament basat en models de mescla gaussiana va permetre classificar les 43 fonts estudiades en 4 grups. Aquestes noves associacions van permetre determinar millor els nivells naturals de fons a escala d'aqüífer per a sulfat, nitrat i clorur. Diversos punts monitoritzats presenten concentracions de sulfat per sobre del límit de potabilitat, essent la principal font d'origen geogènic. La concentració de nitrat és generalment baixa excepte en punts específics relacionats amb pràctiques agrícoles i ramaderes. Els resultats obtinguts han suposat un avenç important en el coneixement del sistema aqüífer càrstic del MPC. La metodologia emprada podria replicar-se a la resta d'aqüífers càrstics estratègics dels Pirineus aportant informació valuosa per a la seva gestió sostenible i per establir estratègies d'adaptació al CC.Esta tesis ha tenido como objetivo principal mejorar el conocimiento hidrogeológico del Macizo del Port del Comte (MPC), un sistema acuífero kárstico ubicado en el sector sureste del Pirineo que presenta un rol estratégico en la provisión de recursos hídricos en las cuencas de los ríos Llobregat y Segre. Los objetivos específicos se han orientado a profundizar en el conocimiento de la estructura geológica de sus reservorios, el comportamiento hidrodinámico y geoquímico, el establecimiento de un modelo conceptual; y el estudio de escenarios de cambio climático (CC). Se ha realizado un trabajo de adquisición de datos y un procesamiento y modelado. Los resultados se han publicado en 4 artículos científicos revisados por pares. El trabajo se ha complementado con la participación en el proyecto EU GeoERA RESOURCE, donde a través de la presente tesis, el MPC ha sido uno de los casos de estudio, contribuyendo al desarrollo y test de nuevos métodos de clasificación de acuíferos kársticos. El acuífero principal del MPC se localiza en las calizas y dolomías de la base del Eoceno. Este acuífero presenta en las partes más altas del macizo un desarrollado kárstico importante. Los materiales suprayacentes del Eoceno-Oligoceno superior y del Cretáceo y Triásico subyacentes constituyen acuíferos relevantes para el abastecimiento local. Se han inventariado más de 100 manantiales en el área de estudio, de los que se seleccionaron 43 por las tareas de monitorización. Del total, 4 corresponden a los principales puntos de descarga del sistema: el manantial “del Cardener” que descarga hacia el Este en el río Cardener, “Sant Quintí” que descarga hacia el SE en la cuenca del Río Fred; “Aiguaneix” que descarga hacia el NW en el Río de Alinyà; y “Can Sala” que descarga hacia el SE. Además, también existe un flujo difuso de agua subterránea en sentido norte hacia la cuenca del río La Vansa, y la descarga a través de múltiples manantiales locales repartidos por el macizo. El uso de modelos hidrológicos ha permitido estimar las series de recarga y los tiempos medios de tránsito en los principales manantiales. El análisis de recesión centrado en el manantial del “Cardener", sugiere que este se encuentra en el dominio de "sistemas kársticos complejos" similar al comportamiento de otros manantiales kársticos de los Pirineos. Los nuevos sistemas de evaluación KGWRAI-V y RC-V muestran que los manantiales “Cardener y Sant Quintí” pueden clasificarse con “vulnerabilidad media a alta” y “capacidad reguladora moderada”. Entre los diversos resultados obtenidos a partir de las simulaciones de los escenarios de cambio climático RCP 4.5 y 8.5 para el manantial “Cardener”, de media se observa que la temperatura en un horizonte de 35 años podría aumentar unos 1.3 ºC y el manto nival podría reducirse un 50%. PhD Thesis. "Contribution to the hydrogeological knowledge of the high mountain karst aquifer of the Port del Comte (SE, Pyrenees)". Author: J. Ignasi Herms Canellas. (UPC, 2022) Desde el punto de vista geoquímico, el agua subterránea es predominantemente del tipo bicarbonatada-cálcica, aunque se han identificado hasta 6 tipos de facies diferentes. El enfoque estadístico multivariante mediante un método de agrupamiento basado en modelos de mezcla gaussiana permitió clasificar los 43 manantiales en 4 grupos. Estas nuevas asociaciones permitieron determinar mejor los niveles naturales de fondo a escala de acuífero para sulfato, nitrato y cloruro. Varios puntos presentan concentraciones de sulfato por encima del límite de potabilidad, siendo la principal fuente de origen geogénico. La concentración de nitrato es generalmente baja, salvo en puntos específicos relacionados con prácticas agrícolas y ganaderas. Los resultados obtenidos han supuesto un importante avance en el conocimiento del sistema acuífero kárstico del MPC. La metodología podría replicarse en el resto de los acuíferos kársticos estratégicos de los Pirineos aportando información valiosa para su gestión sostenible y para establecer estrategias de adaptación al CC.Postprint (published version