116 research outputs found

    The permeability barrier of nuclear pore complexes appears to operate via hydrophobic exclusion

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    Nuclear pore complexes (NPCs) restrict the nucleocytoplasmic flux of most macromolecules, but permit facilitated passage of nuclear transport receptors and their cargo complexes. We found that a simple hydrophobic interaction column can mimic the selectivity of NPCs surprisingly well and that nuclear transport receptors appear to be the most hydrophobic soluble proteins. This suggests that surface hydrophobicity represents a major sorting criterion of NPCs. The rate of NPC passage of cargo–receptor complexes is, however, not dominated just by properties of the receptors. We found that large cargo domains drastically hinder NPC passage and require more than one receptor molecule for rapid translocation. This argues against a rigid translocation channel and instead suggests that NPC passage involves a partitioning of the entire translocating species into a hydrophobic phase, whereby the receptor:cargo ratio determines the solubility in that permeability barrier. Finally, we show that interfering with hydrophobic interactions causes a reversible collapse of the permeability barrier of NPCs, which is consistent with the assumption that the barrier is formed by phenylalanine-rich nucleoporin repeats that attract each other through hydrophobic interactions

    Nuclear Transport: Beginning to Gel?

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    SummaryThe massive nuclear pore complex mediates nucleocytoplasmic traffic ranging from a single histone to a viral genome. To date, dissecting mechanism has been more an exercise in prediction than biochemical certainty. A recent study combines recombinant proteins with nuclei reconstituted in vitro to test predictions in a startlingly productive manner

    Evolutionarily Conserved Sequence Features Regulate the Formation of the FG Network at the Center of the Nuclear Pore Complex.

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    The nuclear pore complex (NPC) is the portal for bidirectional transportation of cargos between the nucleus and the cytoplasm. While most of the structural elements of the NPC, i.e. nucleoporins (Nups), are well characterized, the exact transport mechanism is still under much debate. Many of the functional Nups are rich in phenylalanine-glycine (FG) repeats and are believed to play the key role in nucleocytoplasmic transport. We present a bioinformatics study conducted on more than a thousand FG Nups across 252 species. Our results reveal the regulatory role of polar residues and specific sequences of charged residues, named 'like charge regions' (LCRs), in the formation of the FG network at the center of the NPC. Positively charged LCRs prepare the environment for negatively charged cargo complexes and regulate the size of the FG network. The low number density of charged residues in these regions prevents FG domains from forming a relaxed coil structure. Our results highlight the significant role of polar interactions in FG network formation at the center of the NPC and demonstrate that the specific localization of LCRs, FG motifs, charged, and polar residues regulate the formation of the FG network at the center of the NPC

    Higher nucleoporin-Importinβ affinity at the nuclear basket increases nucleocytoplasmic import.

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    Several in vitro studies have shown the presence of an affinity gradient in nuclear pore complex proteins for the import receptor Importinβ, at least partially contributing to nucleocytoplasmic transport, while others have historically argued against the presence of such a gradient. Nonetheless, the existence of an affinity gradient has remained an uncharacterized contributing factor. To shed light on the affinity gradient theory and better characterize how the existence of such an affinity gradient between the nuclear pore and the import receptor may influence the nucleocytoplasmic traffic, we have developed a general-purpose agent based modeling (ABM) framework that features a new method for relating rate constants to molecular binding and unbinding probabilities, and used our ABM approach to quantify the effects of a wide range of forward and reverse nucleoporin-Importinβ affinity gradients. Our results indicate that transport through the nuclear pore complex is maximized with an effective macroscopic affinity gradient of 2000 µM, 200 µM and 10 µM in the cytoplasmic, central channel and nuclear basket respectively. The transport rate at this gradient is approximately 10% higher than the transport rate for a comparable pore lacking any affinity gradient, which has a peak transport rate when all nucleoporins have an affinity of 200 µM for Importinβ. Furthermore, this optimal ratio of affinity gradients is representative of the ratio of affinities reported for the yeast nuclear pore complex--suggesting that the affinity gradient seen in vitro is highly optimized

    The FG-repeat asymmetry of the nuclear pore complex is dispensable for bulk nucleocytoplasmic transport in vivo

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    Nucleocytoplasmic transport occurs through gigantic proteinaceous channels called nuclear pore complexes (NPCs). Translocation through the NPC is exquisitely selective and is mediated by interactions between soluble transport carriers and insoluble NPC proteins that contain phenylalanine-glycine (FG) repeats. Although most FG nucleoporins (Nups) are organized symmetrically about the planar axis of the nuclear envelope, very few localize exclusively to one side of the NPC. We constructed Saccharomyces cerevisiae mutants with asymmetric FG repeats either deleted or swapped to generate NPCs with inverted FG asymmetry. The mutant Nups localize properly within the NPC and exhibit exchanged binding specificity for the export factor Xpo1. Surprisingly, we were unable to detect any defects in the Kap95, Kap121, Xpo1, or mRNA transport pathways in cells expressing the mutant FG Nups. These findings suggest that the biased distribution of FG repeats is not required for major nucleocytoplasmic trafficking events across the NPC

    Exportin 4 mediates a novel nuclear import pathway for Sox family transcription factors

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    SRY and other Sox-type transcription factors are important developmental regulators with various implications in human disease. In this study, we identified Exp4 (exportin 4) as an interaction partner of Sox2 in mouse embryonic stem cells and neural progenitors. We show that, besides its established function in nuclear export, Exp4 acts as a bona fide nuclear import receptor for Sox2 and SRY. Thus, Exp4 is an example of a nuclear transport receptor carrying distinct cargoes into different directions. In contrast to a published study, we observed that the import activity of Imp-α (importin-a) isoforms toward Sox2 is negligible. Instead, we found that Imp9 and the Imp-β/7 heterodimer mediate nuclear import of Sox2 in parallel to Exp4. Import signals for the three pathways overlap and include conserved residues in the Sox2 high-mobility group (HMG) box domain that are also critical for DNA binding. This suggests that nuclear import of Sox proteins is facilitated by several parallel import pathways

    Enhanced diffusion by binding to the crosslinks of a polymer gel

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    Creating a selective gel that filters particles based on their interactions is a major goal of nanotechnology, with far-reaching implications from drug delivery to controlling assembly pathways. However, this is particularly difficult when the particles are larger than the gel’s characteristic mesh size because such particles cannot passively pass through the gel. Thus, filtering requires the interacting particles to transiently reorganize the gel’s internal structure. While significant advances, e.g., in DNA engineering, have enabled the design of nano-materials with programmable interactions, it is not clear what physical principles such a designer gel could exploit to achieve selective permeability. We present an equilibrium mechanism where crosslink binding dynamics are affected by interacting particles such that particle diffusion is enhanced. In addition to revealing specific design rules for manufacturing selective gels, our results have the potential to explain the origin of selective permeability in certain biological materials, including the nuclear pore complex.National Science Foundation (U.S.) (through Harvard Materials Research Science and Engineering Center Grant DMR-1420570)National Science Foundation (U.S.). Designing Materials to Revolutionize and engineer our Future (Grant DMR-123869)United States. Office of Naval Research (Grant N00014-17-1-3029)National Institutes of Health (U.S.). National Institute for Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering (Grant R01 EB017755-04)National Science Foundation (U.S.). Career Award (PHY-1454673)National Science Foundation (U.S.). Materials Research Science and Engineering Centers (Program) (DMR-1419807

    Post-pulse addition of trans-cyclohexane-1,2-diol improves electrotransfer mediated gene expression in mammalian cells

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    AbstractElectric field mediated gene transfer is facing a problem in expression yield due to the poor transfer across the nuclear envelope. Trans-cyclohexane-1,2-diol (TCHD) was shown to significantly increase chemically mediated transfection by collapsing the permeability barrier of the nuclear pore complex. We indeed observed a significant increase in expression by electrotransfer when cells are treated post pulse by a low non toxic concentration of TCHD. This was obtained for different pulsing conditions, cell strains and plasmid constructs. An interesting improvement in cell viability can be obtained. This can significantly enhance the non-viral gene electrical delivery

    Probing the nucleoporin FG repeat network defines structural and functional features of the nuclear pore complex

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    A new tool to probe the FG repeat network of the nuclear pore complex transport channel in vivo provides insight into the organization and functional features of the channel
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