24 research outputs found

    Analysis of GLCM Parameters for Textures Classification on UMD Database Images

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    Texture analysis is one of the most important techniques that have been used in image processing for many purposes, including image classification. The texture determines the region of a given gray level image, and reflects its relevant information. Several methods of analysis have been invented and developed to deal with texture in recent years, and each one has its own method of extracting features from the texture. These methods can be divided into two main approaches: statistical methods and processing methods. Gray Level Co-occurrence Matrix (GLCM) is the most popular statistical method used to get features from the texture. In addition to GLCM, a number of equations of Haralick characteristics will be used to calculate values used as discriminate features among different images in this study. There are many parameters of GLCM that should be taken into consideration to increase the discrimination between images belonging to different classes. In this study, we aim to evaluate GLCM parameters. For three decades now, GLCM is popular method used for texture analysis. Neural network which is one of supervised methods will also be used as a classifier. And finally, the database for this study will be images prepared from UMD (University of Maryland database)

    New Statistics for Texture Classification Based on Gabor Filters

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    The paper introduces a new method of texture segmentation efficiency evaluation. One of the well known texture segmentation methods is based on Gabor filters because of their orientation and spatial frequency character. Several statistics are used to extract more information from results obtained by Gabor filtering. Big amount of input parameters causes a wide set of results which need to be evaluated. The evaluation method is based on the normal distributions Gaussian curves intersection assessment and provides a new point of view to the segmentation method selection

    Texture analysis using volume-radius fractal dimension

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    Texture plays an important role in computer vision. It is one of the most important visual attributes used in image analysis, once it provides information about pixel organization at different regions of the image. This paper presents a novel approach for texture characterization, based on complexity analysis. The proposed approach expands the idea of the Mass-radius fractal dimension, a method originally developed for shape analysis, to a set of coordinates in 3D-space that represents the texture under analysis in a signature able to characterize efficiently different texture classes in terms of complexity. An experiment using images from the Brodatz album illustrates the method performance.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Color and Texture Feature Extraction Using Gabor Filter - Local Binary Patterns for Image Segmentation with Fuzzy C-Means

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    Image segmentation to be basic for image analysis and recognition process. Segmentation divides the image into several regions based on the unique homogeneous image pixel. Image segmentation classify homogeneous pixels basedon several features such as color, texture and others. Color contains a lot of information and human vision can see thousands of color combinations and intensity compared with grayscale or with black and white (binary). The method is easy to implement to segementation is clustering method such as the Fuzzy C-Means (FCM) algorithm. Features to beextracted image is color and texture, to use the color vector L* a* b* color space and to texture using Gabor filters. However, Gabor filters have poor performance when the image is segmented many micro texture, thus affecting the accuracy of image segmentation. As support in improving the accuracy of the extracted micro texture used method of Local Binary Patterns (LBP). Experimental use of color features compared with grayscales increased 16.54% accuracy rate for texture Gabor filters and 14.57% for filter LBP. While the LBP texture features can help improve the accuracy of image segmentation, although small at 2% on a grayscales and 0.05% on the color space L* a* b*

    Texture classification using invariant ranklet features

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    A novel invariant texture classification method is proposed. Invariance to linear/non-linear monotonic gray-scale transformations is achieved by submitting the image under study to the ranklet transform, an image processing technique relying on the analysis of the relative rank of pixels rather than on their gray-scale value. Some texture features are then extracted from the ranklet images resulting from the application at different resolutions and orientations of the ranklet transform to the image. Invariance to 90°-rotations is achieved by averaging, for each resolution, correspondent vertical, horizontal, and diagonal texture features. Finally, a texture class membership is assigned to the texture feature vector by using a support vector machine (SVM) classifier. Compared to three recent methods found in literature and having being evaluated on the same Brodatz and Vistex datasets, the proposed method performs better. Also, invariance to linear/non-linear monotonic gray-scale transformations and 90°-rotations are evidenced by training the SVM classifier on texture feature vectors formed from the original images, then testing it on texture feature vectors formed from contrast-enhanced, gamma-corrected, histogram-equalized, and 90°-rotated images

    Extracting Texture Features for Time Series Classification

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    Identificação de Plantas por Análise de Textura Foliar

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    Fully automatic detection and classification of phytoplankton specimens in digital microscopy images

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    ©2021. This manuscript version is made available under the CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 license https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/. This version of the article Rivas-Villar, D., Rouco, J., Carballeira, R., Penedo, M. G., & Novo, J. (2021). “Fully automatic detection and classification of phytoplankton specimens in digital microscopy images” has been accepted for publication in Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, 200(105923), 105923. The Version of Record is available online at: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cmpb.2020.105923.[Abstract]: Background and objective: The proliferation of toxin-producing phytoplankton species can compromise the quality of the water sources. This contamination is difficult to detect, and consequently to be neutralised, since normal water purification techniques are ineffective. Currently, the water analyses about phytoplankton are commonly performed by the specialists with manual routine analyses, which represents a major limitation. The adequate identification and classification of phytoplankton specimens requires intensive training and expertise. Additionally, the performed analysis involves a lengthy process that exhibits serious problems of reliability and repeatability as inter-expert agreement is not always reached. Considering all those factors, the automatization of these analyses is, therefore, highly desirable to reduce the workload of the specialists and facilitate the process. Methods: This manuscript proposes a novel fully automatic methodology to perform phytoplankton analyses in digital microscopy images of water samples taken with a regular light microscope. In particular, we propose a method capable of analysing multi-specimen images acquired using a simplified systematic protocol. In contrast with prior approaches, this enables its use without the necessity of an expert taxonomist operating the microscope. The system is able to detect and segment the different existing phytoplankton specimens, with high variability in terms of visual appearances, and to merge them into colonies and sparse specimens when necessary. Moreover, the system is capable of differentiating them from other similar objects like zooplankton, detritus or mineral particles, among others, and then classify the specimens into defined target species of interest using a machine learning-based approach. Results: The proposed system provided satisfactory and accurate results in every step. The detection step provided a FNR of 0.4%. Phytoplankton detection, that is, differentiating true phytoplankton from similar objects (zooplankton, minerals, etc.), provided a result of 84.07% of precision at 90% of recall. The target species classification, reported an overall accuracy of 87.50%. The recall levels for each species are, 81.82% for W. naegeliana, 57.15% for A. spiroides, 85.71% for D. sociale and 95% for the ”Other” group, a set of relevant toxic and interesting species widely spread over the samples. Conclusions: The proposed methodology provided accurate results in all the designed steps given the complexity of the problem, particularly in terms of specimen identification, phytoplankton differentiation as well as the classification of the defined target species. Therefore, this fully automatic system represents a robust and consistent tool to aid the specialists in the analysis of the quality of the water sources and potability.This work is supported by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) of the European Union and Xunta de Galicia through Centro de Investigación del Sistema Universitario de Galicia, ref. ED431G 2019/01.Xunta de Galicia; ED431G 2019/0