132,634 research outputs found

    Macroscopic Elastic Properties of Textured ZrN--AlN Polycrystalline Aggregates: From Ab initio Calculations to Grain-Scale Interactions

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    Despite the fast development of computational materials modelling, theoretical description of macroscopic elastic properties of textured polycrystalline aggregates starting from basic principles remains a challenging task. In this communication we use a supercell-based approach to obtain the elastic properties of random solid solution cubic ZrAlN system as a function of the metallic sublattice composition and texture descriptors. The employed special quasi-random structures are optimised not only with respect to short range order parameters, but also to make the three cubic directions [100][1\,0\,0], [010][0\,1\,0], and [001][0\,0\,1] as similar as possible. In this way, only a small spread of elastic constants tensor components is achieved and an optimum trade-off between modelling of chemical disorder and computational limits regarding the supercell size is achieved. The single crystal elastic constants are shown to vary smoothly with composition, yielding x0.4x\approx0.4-0.5 an alloy constitution with an almost isotropic response. Consequently, polycrystals with this composition are suggested to have Young's modulus independent on the actual microstructure. This is indeed confirmed by explicit calculations of polycrystal elastic properties, both within the isotropic aggregate limit, as well as with fibre textures with various orientations and sharpness. It turns out, that for low AlN mole fractions, the spread of the possible Young's moduli data caused by the texture variation can be larger than 100 GPa. Consequently, our discussion of Young's modulus data of cubic ZrAlN contains also the evaluation of the texture typical for thin films.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figures, 3 table

    Structured Knowledge Representation for Image Retrieval

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    We propose a structured approach to the problem of retrieval of images by content and present a description logic that has been devised for the semantic indexing and retrieval of images containing complex objects. As other approaches do, we start from low-level features extracted with image analysis to detect and characterize regions in an image. However, in contrast with feature-based approaches, we provide a syntax to describe segmented regions as basic objects and complex objects as compositions of basic ones. Then we introduce a companion extensional semantics for defining reasoning services, such as retrieval, classification, and subsumption. These services can be used for both exact and approximate matching, using similarity measures. Using our logical approach as a formal specification, we implemented a complete client-server image retrieval system, which allows a user to pose both queries by sketch and queries by example. A set of experiments has been carried out on a testbed of images to assess the retrieval capabilities of the system in comparison with expert users ranking. Results are presented adopting a well-established measure of quality borrowed from textual information retrieval

    Hyperspectral colon tissue cell classification

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    A novel algorithm to discriminate between normal and malignant tissue cells of the human colon is presented. The microscopic level images of human colon tissue cells were acquired using hyperspectral imaging technology at contiguous wavelength intervals of visible light. While hyperspectral imagery data provides a wealth of information, its large size normally means high computational processing complexity. Several methods exist to avoid the so-called curse of dimensionality and hence reduce the computational complexity. In this study, we experimented with Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and two modifications of Independent Component Analysis (ICA). In the first stage of the algorithm, the extracted components are used to separate four constituent parts of the colon tissue: nuclei, cytoplasm, lamina propria, and lumen. The segmentation is performed in an unsupervised fashion using the nearest centroid clustering algorithm. The segmented image is further used, in the second stage of the classification algorithm, to exploit the spatial relationship between the labeled constituent parts. Experimental results using supervised Support Vector Machines (SVM) classification based on multiscale morphological features reveal the discrimination between normal and malignant tissue cells with a reasonable degree of accuracy

    A Generative Model of Natural Texture Surrogates

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    Natural images can be viewed as patchworks of different textures, where the local image statistics is roughly stationary within a small neighborhood but otherwise varies from region to region. In order to model this variability, we first applied the parametric texture algorithm of Portilla and Simoncelli to image patches of 64X64 pixels in a large database of natural images such that each image patch is then described by 655 texture parameters which specify certain statistics, such as variances and covariances of wavelet coefficients or coefficient magnitudes within that patch. To model the statistics of these texture parameters, we then developed suitable nonlinear transformations of the parameters that allowed us to fit their joint statistics with a multivariate Gaussian distribution. We find that the first 200 principal components contain more than 99% of the variance and are sufficient to generate textures that are perceptually extremely close to those generated with all 655 components. We demonstrate the usefulness of the model in several ways: (1) We sample ensembles of texture patches that can be directly compared to samples of patches from the natural image database and can to a high degree reproduce their perceptual appearance. (2) We further developed an image compression algorithm which generates surprisingly accurate images at bit rates as low as 0.14 bits/pixel. Finally, (3) We demonstrate how our approach can be used for an efficient and objective evaluation of samples generated with probabilistic models of natural images.Comment: 34 pages, 9 figure

    Motion clouds: model-based stimulus synthesis of natural-like random textures for the study of motion perception

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    Choosing an appropriate set of stimuli is essential to characterize the response of a sensory system to a particular functional dimension, such as the eye movement following the motion of a visual scene. Here, we describe a framework to generate random texture movies with controlled information content, i.e., Motion Clouds. These stimuli are defined using a generative model that is based on controlled experimental parametrization. We show that Motion Clouds correspond to dense mixing of localized moving gratings with random positions. Their global envelope is similar to natural-like stimulation with an approximate full-field translation corresponding to a retinal slip. We describe the construction of these stimuli mathematically and propose an open-source Python-based implementation. Examples of the use of this framework are shown. We also propose extensions to other modalities such as color vision, touch, and audition

    Geodesics on the manifold of multivariate generalized Gaussian distributions with an application to multicomponent texture discrimination

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    We consider the Rao geodesic distance (GD) based on the Fisher information as a similarity measure on the manifold of zero-mean multivariate generalized Gaussian distributions (MGGD). The MGGD is shown to be an adequate model for the heavy-tailed wavelet statistics in multicomponent images, such as color or multispectral images. We discuss the estimation of MGGD parameters using various methods. We apply the GD between MGGDs to color texture discrimination in several classification experiments, taking into account the correlation structure between the spectral bands in the wavelet domain. We compare the performance, both in terms of texture discrimination capability and computational load, of the GD and the Kullback-Leibler divergence (KLD). Likewise, both uni- and multivariate generalized Gaussian models are evaluated, characterized by a fixed or a variable shape parameter. The modeling of the interband correlation significantly improves classification efficiency, while the GD is shown to consistently outperform the KLD as a similarity measure