9 research outputs found

    Multiple Intelligence-based Instruction to Increase Students’ Intrinsic Motivation in Learning English

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    The one-for-all approach has long been a concern in the educational field as it influences learners’ learning capacity negatively. However, it is still practiced by many teachers in Indonesia. This study aims to investigate the effectiveness of Multiple Intelligence-based instruction to increase students’ intrinsic motivation in learning English. It used a quasi-experiment design, and the participants were 40 non-English department students in UIN Walisongo Semarang that were selected using purposive sampling. Activity Perception Questionnaire from Intrinsic Motivation Inventory was used to measure students’ experience of given activities. Analyzed using Mann-Whitney U test, it was found that Multiple Intelligence-based instruction was effective to enhance the value or usefulness, interest, and perceived choice of students. These aspects were critical in the process of internalization and integration, which led to higher intrinsic motivation


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pendekatan STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) melalui aktivitas fisik terhadap active lifestyle dan motivasi belajar di SMP PGRI Cikembar Sukabumi. Metode penelitian yang digunakan yaitu metode eksperimen, dengan desain penelitian The Matching-Only Pretest-Posttest Control Group Design. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah peserta didik SMP PGRI Cikembar yang berada dikelas VIII. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan dengan teknik random sampling dan didapatkan 28 siswa kelompok kontrol dan 28 siswa kelompok eksperimen. Instrumen yang digunakan ada dua yaitu PAQ-C (Physical Activity Questionnaire for Older Children) dan IMI (Intrinsic Motivation Inventory). Teknik pengumpulan data antara lain tatap muka dilakukan menggunkan aplikasi googlemeet, materi dan tugas gerak diupload di google classroom, dan untuk angket kuesioner menggunakan google form. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa (1) Terdapat pengaruh yang positif dan signifikan dari pendekatan STEM terhadap active lifestyle. (2) Terdapat pengaruh yang positif dan signifikan dari pendekatan STEM terhadap motivasi belajar. Hal itu menunjukkan bahwa terdapat pengaruh pendekatan STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) melalui aktivitas fisik terhadap active lifestyle dan motivasi belajar

    Psychological Well-Being and Intrinsic Motivation: Relationship in Students Who Begin University Studies at the School of Education in Ciudad Real

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    More and more studies and research have found a positive relationship between the participation of young peoplein altruistic activities and helping others. It is interesting to discover the relationship that personal and vocational satisfaction play in the preparation and training for the teaching profession. For students who begin university studies related to teaching, their psychological well-being and motivation toward this activity are very relevant aspects to consider. The access to and attainment of a university degree with a great vocational character, such as that of Pre-school Teacher or Primary Education Teacher, can benefit the students under their tutelage. An adequate motivation and a psychological well-being might favor future educational professionals’ personal balance and will impact their students. This research aims to analyze the degree of psychological well-being and its relationship with the motivation toward starting the teaching career. A sample of 233 students and students aged between 17 and 19 who are beginning university studies at the School of Education of Ciudad Real was selected. All participants were enrolled in the first year of the Degree in Pre-school and Primary Education. The relationship between the psychological well-being of the students and their motivation toward attaining a professional teaching career was analyzed. Other variables, such as age or gender were also taken into account. A quantitative study was carried out and the Ryff Psychological Well-Being Scale (RPWS) and the validated Intrinsic Motivation Questionnaire (IMI) were used. Once the results were analyzed, it was observed that there is a positive correlation between the perception of psychological well-being that the participants have and their motivation toward the beginning of university studies. The focal point of these future teachers is direct teaching with the students of the early stages of Pre-school and Primary Education. There are also some significant differences, considering the age and gender of the participants. The vocational character of university preparation for the teaching profession may determine that students who begin their degree studies have an important motivation toward the performance of their professional future.2020-2

    “Why is this relevant for me?”: increasing content relevance enhances student motivation and vitality

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    The notion that motivation is imperative for students’ psychological well-being and academic functioning is central to Self-Determination Theory (SDT). According to SDT, different types of motivations can co-occur to a various degree with separate outcomes, depending on the extent of experienced degree of autonomy. In the current study, we investigate how making a learning exercise more relevant for higher education STEM students can affect aspects of student functioning mediated through motivation. In a randomized experiment, results indicate that the students who received a more “relevant” assignment (experimental group) experienced more autonomous forms of motivation relative to the students who received a “generic” or “traditional” exercise (control group). Further, the experimental group reported higher levels of vitality and effort relative to the control group. Using a pre- and post-test design measuring changes in emotional affect during the learning activity, we found that the control group reported an increase in negative affect and a decrease in positive affect. Finally, path analysis showed significant relationships between the type of assignment provided and motivation and student functioning

    An Experimental Test of the Effects of Goal Types on Creative Performance

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    This item is only available electronically.Objectives: One key tenant of goal setting theory is that specific and challenging goals are most adaptive for optimal functioning. However, goals which are non-specific and exploratory, referred to as ‘open goals’, may actually be preferred in particular circumstances. As this evidence is limited, I aimed to experimentally test the direct and moderated effects of open goals on creative performance, when compared to do-your-best (DYB) and SMART goals. Second, I aimed to test the equivalence between two types of vaguely defined goals; open and DYB goals. Design: 3 (between-groups: SMART, DYB, open goals) x 2 (within-groups: pre- and post-intervention) experimental design. Method: Participants (N = 247, Mage = 30.41) with no cognitive impairments completed the alternate use task (AUT) as a proxy for creative performance before and after goal manipulation. Proposed moderators of the effects of goal types on creative performance were measured prior to participants’ random assignment to one of three goal conditions. Results: There were no meaningful differences in creative performance when focused on SMART, DYB and open goals. Only goal commitment significantly moderated the effect of goal types on creative performance, such that participants who self-reported greater goal commitment produced a significantly higher number of creative ideas when using a DYB goal compared to SMART and open goals. The effect of DYB and open goals on creative performance were not statistically equivalent. Conclusion: These findings extend the evidence base for goal setting, casting doubt that specific, challenging goals are most adaptive for human behaviour across contexts.Thesis (B.PsychSc(Hons)) -- University of Adelaide, School of Psychology, 202

    Improving Critical Thinking in Written Assignments: Human vs. ChatGPT Tutor in Socratic Questioning Intervention

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    The purpose of the proposed study is to trial a short Socratic Questioning (SQ) intervention in the writing process, facilitated by either a human or ChatGPT tutor, and explore the effects that this may have on students’ critical thinking (CT), which will be coded from their written responses. Participants will be undergraduate college first years in the local California area who are fluent in English and have no learning disabilities. This study involves two visits, spaced a week apart, to gather pre- and post- test data for evaluating the effectiveness of the SQ intervention in improving CT. Both visits will follow a similar format of participants taking a written exam followed by a survey, which, in visit 1, will ask about ChatGPT account set-up and participant demographics, and in visit 2, will ask about intrinsic motivation. Researchers expect that post-test CT scores will be higher in conditions with the SQ intervention as opposed to the control, and specifically higher for the SQ intervention with the human tutor versus the ChatGPT tutor. This relationship is expected to be moderated by baseline level of CT, with lower levels of baseline CT predicting greater impacts from the SQ intervention, and mediated by intrinsic motivation, where intrinsic motivation is expected to be higher for participants with the human versus ChatGPT tutor. This study will address many gaps in the literature, including how to develop and assess CT in writing, specific methods of using ChatGPT to improve student learning, comparing humans versus ChatGPT as tutors, and looking at SQ as an intervention in the writing process

    Employer Branding: Gamification as a Talent Retention Strategy for the Portuguese Digital Workforce

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    Dissertation presented as the partial requirement for obtaining a Master's degree in Data Driven Marketing, specialization in Marketing IntelligenceWorldwide corporations are grappling with the challenge of managing the expectations of the digital workforce, composed of Millennials and Gen Z employees, questioning how to attract, engage, motivate, and retain these talents, using digital strategies that may fulfil their technological demands. A possible strategy that has gained popularity in the last years is the gamification of employer branding experiences where companies can stand out from competitors and market themselves as a great place to work. In Portugal, this is still a subject to be explored, therefore, this paper’s primary objective is to clarify employer branding gamification (EBG) as a way of engaging and motivating the Portuguese digital workforce and understand if this may be a suitable approach for their retention. A survey with two evenly distributed and randomized blocks, one with a gamified EB scenario and another with a traditional EB scenario, was administered to 100 individuals. The results show significantly higher engagement, motivation, and retention values in the group that saw the gamified EB experience, as opposed to those who saw the traditional one, indicating that gamifying employer branding experiences has a positive effect on employee motivation, engagement, and retention in the digital workforce in Portugal

    Professional training of pre-service teachers of biology in the field of scientific skills

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    In many cases, understanding the nature and validity of information presented on the basis of scientific knowledge is essential for application in contemporary society. Similarly, in line with the rapidly developing fields of science, technology and engineering, it is necessary to have enough competent people prepared to work in these areas. Consequently, scientific skills appear to be an essential component of scientific literacy, the development of which is the focus of pupil education in many countries. Teachers' attitudes towards the importance of scientific skills play a crucial role in pupils' education, as perceptions of their importance are the starting point for conveying their relevance to pupils and subsequently for their development. It is also important that teachers feel competent enough to teach these skills. A prerequisite for this is that they receive good and sufficient preparation in teacher education. The aim of the research was to characterize the professional training of biology teachers in the field of scientific skills. A content analysis of the annotations and syllabi of the courses in the study programmes was carried out. To determine attitudes, a questionnaire survey was conducted to investigate students' perceptions of the importance, self-competence, and higher...V mnoha případech je pro uplatnění v současné společnosti nezbytné pochopit povahu a platnost informací předkládaných na základě vědeckých poznatků. Stejně tak je v souladu s rychle se rozvíjejícími obory vědy, techniky a technologií nutné mít dostatek kompetentních lidí připravených pro práci v těchto oblastech. V důsledku toho se vědecké dovednosti jeví jako základní složka přírodovědné gramotnosti, na jejíž rozvoj je vzdělávání žáků v mnoha zemích zaměřeno. Postoje učitelů k významu vědeckých dovedností hrají ve vzdělávání žáků zásadní roli, protože vnímání jejich důležitosti je východiskem pro zprostředkování jejich významu žákům a následně pro jejich rozvoj u žáků. Je také důležité, aby se učitelé cítili dostatečně kompetentní k výuce těchto dovedností. Podmínkou toho je, aby byly kvalitně a dostatečně připravování ve vysokoškolské přípravě učitelů. Cílem výzkumu bylo charakterizovat profesní přípravu učitelů biologie v oblasti vědeckých dovedností. Byla provedena obsahová analýza anotací a sylabů oborových předmětů ve studijních programech. Pro zjištění postojů bylo realizováno dotazníkové šetření zaměřené na vnímání důležitosti, vlastní kompetentnosti a vysokoškolskou přípravu studentů v oblasti vědeckých dovedností. Studenti vnímali vědecké dovednosti jako důležité, avšak jejich přípravu...Katedra andragogiky a managementu vzděláváníFaculty of EducationPedagogická fakult

    An intervention to reduce adolescent Hookah pipe use and satisfy their basic psychological needs

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    Philosophiae Doctor - PhDAdolescent hookah pipe use is a public health concern because it poses several health, environmental, and economic risks. Self-determination theory (SDT) posits that people are motivated to engage in certain behaviours in an attempt to satisfy their basic psychologica