13 research outputs found


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui (1) Penerapan  metode pembelajaran  berbasis IT dalam pembelajaran bahasa sastra Indonesia di SMPN 2 Pringgasela, (2) Faktor pendukung dan penghambat penerapan  metode pembelajaran  berbasis IT  dalam pembelajaran bahasa sastra Indonesia di SMPN 2 Pringgasela (3) Dampak penerapan  metode pembelajaran  berbasis IT terhadap hasil belajar bahasa sastra Indonesia di SMPN 2 Pringgasela. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif kualitatif. Analisis data menggunakan model analisis interaktif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: penerapan  metode pembelajaran berbasis IT dalam pembelajaran Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia dilakukan dengan perencanaan yang lengkap. Guru menyiapkan kurikulum seperti Silabus, Rencana Pelajaran (RPP), instrumen penilaian, materi, Media, LCD, dan juga laptop. (2) Faktor pendukung penerapan  metode pembelajaran  berbasis IT  dalam pembelajaran bahasa sastra Indonesia berasal dari kelengkapan sarana dan prasarana, kompetensi guru dalam menggunakan dan mengelola kelas, pemahaman siswa yang baik, dan ketersediaan sumber belajar. Sedangkan faktor penghambat yang ditemukan adalah kekurangan dana dan LCD. (3) penerapan  metode pembelajaran  berbasis IT memiliki dampak positif terhadap kualitas pembelajaran. Peningkatan dapat dilihat dari peningkatan motivasi, antusiasme, dan juga pemahaman siswa


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    The purpose of this research are: (1) to know about usage of multimedia in Indonesian Language and Literature Learning; (2) to know about the positive impact of multimedia usage toward the quality and progress of learning Indonesian Language and Literature; (3) to understand the supporting and resisting factors of the usage of multimedia in Indonesian Language and Literature Learning.This is a qualitative research.  The data analysis uses interactive analysis model. The results of the research show that: (1) the usage of multimedia in Indonesian Language and Literature learning was conducted with a complete planning. The teacher prepared the curriculum such as Syllabus, Lesson Plan (RPP), assessment instrument, material, Media, LCD, and also laptop. The Multimedia was used by the teacher as a medium to give motivation at the beginning of the activity in front of the class. (2) The multimedia has positive impact toward the learning quality. The quality improvement can be seen from the increase of motivation, enthusiasm, and also the students’ understanding. (3) The supporting factor of the multimedia usage in Indonesian language and literature learning comes from the complete facilities and infrastructures, the good competence of the teacher in using and managing the class, good understanding of the students, and the availability of learning sources. Whereas the resisting factors found are the lack of funds, the absence of radiator machine and the reduced time in consequence of the teacher’s necessity to leave the class for official and private interests. Keywords: learning, multimedia, language literature, Indonesia


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    This study was conducted in response to the observed difficulties that fourth-grade students at SD Negeri Mlarangan faced in writing descriptive texts in Bahasa Indonesia. The limitations in learning resources and the low intake of the students were identified as contributing factors to these challenges. The aim of the research was to explore the potential of using environmental media as a learning tool to improve students' descriptive writing skills. This research used descriptive research methods, with 26 fourth grade students as research subjects. The learning resources chosen were taken from the local environment, namely Mlarangan Asri Beach Pleret Panjatan Kulon Progo. Data collection methods included observation, in-depth interviews, and documentation, with data credibility assessed through triangulation. The results indicated that the use of environmental media significantly enhanced the students' ability to write descriptive texts, with 68.46% of students categorized as proficient in various writing indicators. The findings suggest that the utilization of the local environment as a learning resource has positive implications for student learning, including increased motivation, enhanced understanding of the subject matter, and a deeper connection to the surrounding environment. The study underscores the importance of integrating environmental media into language learning to facilitate meaningful and engaging learning experiences for students


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    This study was conducted in response to the observed difficulties that fourth-grade students at SD Negeri Mlarangan faced in writing descriptive texts in Bahasa Indonesia. The limitations in learning resources and the low intake of the students were identified as contributing factors to these challenges. The aim of the research was to explore the potential of using environmental media as a learning tool to improve students' descriptive writing skills. This research used descriptive research methods, with 26 fourth grade students as research subjects. The learning resources chosen were taken from the local environment, namely Mlarangan Asri Beach Pleret Panjatan Kulon Progo. Data collection methods included observation, in-depth interviews, and documentation, with data credibility assessed through triangulation. The results indicated that the use of environmental media significantly enhanced the students' ability to write descriptive texts, with 68.46% of students categorized as proficient in various writing indicators. The findings suggest that the utilization of the local environment as a learning resource has positive implications for student learning, including increased motivation, enhanced understanding of the subject matter, and a deeper connection to the surrounding environment. The study underscores the importance of integrating environmental media into language learning to facilitate meaningful and engaging learning experiences for students

    Problemas en la realización de exámenes de idiomas presenciales y online

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    Despite the increasing importance of language testing, technology design matters related to testing have hardly been addressed in academic research, yet not enough has been written on test-taking anxiety related to computerized speaking tests. Although students nowadays are digital natives, in our experience they seem to experience a significant level of anxiety when facing Internet-based oral. This research addresses an observational study of 67 students at the University of Alcalá who took a computer-delivered exam. The study concludes that despite students growing up with computers in their lives, we are far from invisible interfaces and independence when it comes to the way an exam is delivered. The results of this research study can shed light on what needs to be revised in computer or internet speaking tasks in highstakes language tests.A pesar de la creciente importancia de los exámenes de idiomas, los asuntos relacionados con el diseño tecnológico aplicados a la realización de estas pruebas cuando se realizan por ordenador apenas se han abordado en la investigación académica, y no se han publicado suficientes estudios sobre la ansiedad del estudiante a la hora de realizar pruebas orales de idiomas en frente de un ordenador. Aunque podemos considerar que los estudiantes de hoy en día son nativos digitales, la experiencia nos muestra que estos manifiestan un importante nivel de ansiedad a la hora de realizar pruebas orales de idiomas a través de Internet. En este artículo se analizan los resultados de un estudio observacional realizado con una muestra de 67 estudiantes de la Universidad de Alcalá que hicieron una prueba de idioma por ordenador. El estudio concluye que, a pesar de que los estudiantes crecen con los ordenadores y están familiarizados con los mismos, aún estamos lejos de conseguir interfaces invisibles y de la independencia en cuanto a la forma en que se entrega un examen. Los resultados de este estudio de investigación pueden arrojar luz sobre lo que necesita revisarse a la hora de diseñar exámenes de idiomas que se realizan a través del ordenador

    Planning for authentic language assessment in higher education synchronous online environments

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    The teaching of some languages in Australia is under threat due substantially to small enrolments. There is considerable need to preserve Australia’s community languages as part of the country’s cultural and linguistic diversity. However, it can be difficult to generate sufficient numbers to sustain the provision of a specific language course in any one location in Australia. Online technologies can provide a solution to this problem. According to the New Media Consortium Horizon Report: 2012 Higher Education Edition “education paradigms are shifting to include online learning, hybrid learning and collaborative models”. Models such as these present a possible solution to the problems associated with providing small enrolment language topics such as Modern Greek. The Logos Australian Centre for Hellenic Language and Culture was established at Flinders University in 2011. Promotion and preservation of Greek language and culture is the focus of the centre which is funded by the South Australian Government with support from the Greek Government. In 2012 the centre moved towards enhancing the delivery of Modern Greek by developing and delivering four language topics and two culture topics online. The delivery of these topics identified assessment as an area which needs further investigation. This paper describes the importance of an assessment strategy for foreign language (FL) learning which is based on the principles of authentic assessment and describes how synchronous technologies can support this strategy

    An online synchronous test for professional interpreters

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    This article is based on an experiment designed to conduct an interpreting test for multiple candidates online, using web-based synchronous cyber classrooms. The test model was based on the accreditation test for Professional Interpreters produced by the National Accreditation Authority of Translators and Interpreters (NAATI) in Australia. Specifically, the test involved interpreting-specific components such as dialogue interpreting, sight translation, and consecutive interpreting, as well as non-interpreting-specific components such as questions on ethical issues. The test was conducted live synchronously and concurrently with multiple candidates – i.e., all candidates were tested in their own locations at the same time. The result of the experiment indicates the potential and feasibility of conducting interpreting tests online using the specific technology of synchronous cyber classrooms. However, there are also a number of constraints when compared to conventional face-to-face tests. There is a need for further studies on how to effectively apply this kind of technology to conduct interpreting tests for multiple candidates online in synchronous mode and without the constraints identified in this research

    Evaluating Mandarin language students’ online experience during Covid-19: A case study from London

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    Given the impact of coronavirus, all schools across all sectors public and private, in the United Kingdom closed at the end of March 2020. Closures affected every type of establishment across the UK as well as private language schools. Our case study takes place in London and looks into the student experience in a language Mandarin Chinese school. These language students, as very many across the globe, who attended face-to-face sessions up until that point, have since been studying remotely and joining virtual classrooms via Zoom, one of the multiple video conferencing platforms available. To better evaluate students’ online learning experience of remote learning, this study examines the teacherstudent interactions that take place via online means and the students’ sense of ‘presence’ (i.e., cognitive, social, and teaching presence) in order to evaluate the lessons we can learn from the online learning experience, going forward in terms of teaching and learning. This study also presents how meaningful and worthwhile the experience has been and how the sense of ‘presence’ plays a significant role in the process of online teaching and learning

    Re-evaluating the role of innovation in education: a living social process

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    Education is a social process, ‘a process of living and not a preparation for future living’ (Dewey: 1916). It requires educators to interact with other people in real time with the hope to bring out their full potential. It is grounded in collaboration, mutual respect and inclusive practices. If education is a process of living and not a preparation for it, it should then reflect what happens in life and it should emerge and evolve from any circumstances. Including the most unprecedented one