4,966 research outputs found

    Time-efficient fault detection and diagnosis system for analog circuits

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    Time-efficient fault analysis and diagnosis of analog circuits are the most important prerequisites to achieve online health monitoring of electronic equipments, which are involving continuing challenges of ultra-large-scale integration, component tolerance, limited test points but multiple faults. This work reports an FPGA (field programmable gate array)-based analog fault diagnostic system by applying two-dimensional information fusion, two-port network analysis and interval math theory. The proposed system has three advantages over traditional ones. First, it possesses high processing speed and smart circuit size as the embedded algorithms execute parallel on FPGA. Second, the hardware structure has a good compatibility with other diagnostic algorithms. Third, the equipped Ethernet interface enhances its flexibility for remote monitoring and controlling. The experimental results obtained from two realistic example circuits indicate that the proposed methodology had yielded competitive performance in both diagnosis accuracy and time-effectiveness, with about 96% accuracy while within 60 ms computational time.Peer reviewedFinal Published versio

    Real-Time Fault Detection and Diagnosis System for Analog and Mixed-Signal Circuits of Acousto-Magnetic EAS Devices

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    © 2015 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.The paper discusses fault diagnosis of the electronic circuit board, part of acousto-magnetic electronic article surveillance detection devices. The aim is that the end-user can run the fault diagnosis in real time using a portable FPGA-based platform so as to gain insight into the failures that have occurred.Peer reviewe

    Construction of an Expert System Based on Fuzzy Logic for Diagnosis of Analog Electronic Circuits

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    The paper presents construction of the fuzzy logic system to analog circuits soft fault diagnosis. The classical dictionary construction is replaced by fuzzy rule system. The first part refers to analog fault diagnosis, its techniques, approaches and goals. It clarifies common strategy and define differences between detecting, locating and identifying a fault in analog electronic circuit. The second part is focused on a creation of fuzzy rule expert system with use of sensitivity functions and known circuit topology. To detect, locate and identify a faulty element in a circuit the sensitivity matrix is used. The advantage of the method is its utilization in all, AC, DC and time domain. The fuzzy system, like the classical fault dictionary, can detect and locate single catastrophic faults and, on the contrary to the classical one, it also detects and locates parametric faults. Moreover, it allows identification of these faults, such that sign of the faulty parameter deviation is designated. The method has deterministic character as well as  it can be applied on the verification and production stage

    Simulator verification techniques study. Integrated simulator self test system concepts

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    Software and hardware requirements for implementing hardware self tests are presented in support of the development of training and procedures development simulators for the space shuttle program. Self test techniques for simulation hardware and the validation of simulation performance are stipulated. The requirements of an integrated simulator self system are analyzed. Readiness tests, fault isolation tests, and incipient fault detection tests are covered

    Methods for testing of analog circuits

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    Práce se zabývá metodami pro testování lineárních analogových obvodů v kmitočtové oblasti. Cílem je navrhnout efektivní metody pro automatické generování testovacího plánu. Snížením počtu měření a výpočetní náročnosti lze výrazně snížit náklady za testování. Práce se zabývá multifrekveční parametrickou poruchovou analýzou, která byla plně implementována do programu Matlab. Vhodnou volbou testovacích kmitočtů lze potlačit chyby měření a chyby způsobené výrobními tolerancemi obvodových prvků. Navržené metody pro optimální volbu kmitočtů byly statisticky ověřeny metodou MonteCarlo. Pro zvýšení přesnosti a snížení výpočetní náročnosti poruchové analýzy byly vyvinuty postupy založené na metodě nejmenších čtverců a přibližné symbolické analýze.The thesis deals with methods for testing of linear analog circuits in the frequency domain. The goal is to develop new efficient methods for automatic test plan generation. To reduce test costs a minimum number of measurements as well as less computational demands are the fundamental aims. The thesis is focused on the multi-frequency parametric fault diagnosis which was fully implemented in the Matlab program. The fundamental problem consists in selection of test frequencies which can reduce the influences of measurement errors and errors caused by tolerances of well-working components. The proposed methods for test frequency selection were statistically verified by the MonteCarlo method. To improve the accuracy and reduce the computational complexity of fault diagnosis, the methods based on least-square techniques and approximate symbolic analysis were presented.

    New Aspects of Fault Diagnosis of Nonlinear Analog Circuits

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    The paper is focused on nonlinear analog circuits, with the special attention paid to circuits comprising bipolar and MOS transistors manufactured in micrometer and submicrometer technology. The problem of fault diagnosis of this class of circuits is discussed, including locating faulty elements and evaluating their parameters. The paper deals with multiple parametric fault diagnosis using the simulation after test approach as well as detection and location of single catastrophic faults, using the simulation before test approach. The discussed methods are based on diagnostic test, leading to a system of nonlinear algebraic type equations, which are not given in explicit analytical form. An important and new aspect of the fault diagnosis is finding multiple solutions of the test equation, i.e. several sets of the parameters values that meet the test. Another new problems in this area are global fault diagnosis of technological parameters in CMOS circuits fabricated in submicrometer technology and testing the circuits  having multiple DC operating points. To solve these problems several methods have been recently developed, which employ  different concepts and mathematical tools of nonlinear analysis. In this paper they are sketched and illustrated.  All the discussed methods are based on the homotopy (continuation) idea. It is shown that various versions of homotopy and combinations  of the homotopy with some other mathematical algorithms lead to very powerful tools for fault diagnosis of nonlinear analog circuits.  To trace the homotopy path which allows finding multiple solutions, the simplicial method, the restart method, the theory of linear complementarity problem and Lemke's algorithm are employed. For illustration four numerical examples are given