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    Product reviews play a crucial role in providing valuable insights to consumers and producers. Analyzing the vast amount of data generated around a product, such as posts, comments, and views, can be challenging for business intelligence purposes. Sentiment analysis of this content helps both consumers and producers gain a better understanding of the market status, enabling them to make informed decisions. In this study, we propose a novel hybrid approach based on deep neural networks (DNNs) for sentiment analysis in product reviews, focusing on the classification of sentiments expressed. Our approach utilizes the recursive neural network (RNN) algorithm for sentiment classification. To address the imbalanced distribution of positive and negative samples in social network data, we employ a resampling technique that balances the dataset by increasing samples from the minority class and decreasing samples from the majority class. We evaluate our approach using Amazon data, comprising four product categories: clothing, cars, luxury goods, and household appliances. Experimental results demonstrate that our proposed approach performs well in sentiment analysis for product reviews, particularly in the context of digital marketing. Furthermore, the attention-based RNN algorithm outperforms the baseline RNN by approximately 5%. Notably, the study reveals consumer sentiment variations across different products, particularly in relation to appearance and price aspects

    Sentiment Analysis over Online Product Reviews: A Survey

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    Prior to the invention of the internet while purchasing any product people used to ask the opinions to his family, friends for particular product. but now a days as the swift increase of usage of the internet, more users are motivated to write their feelings about particulars in the form of comments on different sites like Facebook, twitter, online shopping sites, blogs, etc. this comments are nothing but the sentiments of the users this may be positive, negative or neutral. There are various techniques used for summarizing the customer comments like Data mining, Text clssification, Retrieval of informtaion, and summarizing the text. People tend to write their reviews over a product over different sites. Most of the reviews are critical to conclude so it generates difficulty for usefulness of information. If anyone want to know the impact of the particular post/product then it becomes difficult to read all the comments and to classify it. Sentiment analysis is the ongoing research field in the data mining, Sentiment analysis is also referred as opinion mining. This field mainly deals with classifying the sentiments among different types of comments that are written by various users. This paper is about to discuss different techniques, challenges and applications related to sentiment analysis

    Semantic Sentiment Analysis of Twitter Data

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    Internet and the proliferation of smart mobile devices have changed the way information is created, shared, and spreads, e.g., microblogs such as Twitter, weblogs such as LiveJournal, social networks such as Facebook, and instant messengers such as Skype and WhatsApp are now commonly used to share thoughts and opinions about anything in the surrounding world. This has resulted in the proliferation of social media content, thus creating new opportunities to study public opinion at a scale that was never possible before. Naturally, this abundance of data has quickly attracted business and research interest from various fields including marketing, political science, and social studies, among many others, which are interested in questions like these: Do people like the new Apple Watch? Do Americans support ObamaCare? How do Scottish feel about the Brexit? Answering these questions requires studying the sentiment of opinions people express in social media, which has given rise to the fast growth of the field of sentiment analysis in social media, with Twitter being especially popular for research due to its scale, representativeness, variety of topics discussed, as well as ease of public access to its messages. Here we present an overview of work on sentiment analysis on Twitter.Comment: Microblog sentiment analysis; Twitter opinion mining; In the Encyclopedia on Social Network Analysis and Mining (ESNAM), Second edition. 201

    A Survey on Sentiment Mining

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    In past days before putting money into any product people used to ask judgment to their family, friend circle and colleagues and then they take the decision. In today’s world there is a boom of World Wide Web, enormous amount of data is available on internet so while purchasing a product instead of asking to people customer take decisions by analyzing electronic text. As the growth of e-commerce crowds of people encouraged to write their opinion about numerous merchandise in the form of statements/comments on countless sites like facebook,flipkart,snapdeal,amazon,bloggres,twiter,etc.This comments are the sentiments about the services expressed by users and they are categorized into positive, negative and neutral. Different techniques are use for summarizing reviews like Information Retrieval, Text Mining Text Classification, Data Mining, and Text Summarizing. Countless people write their sentiments on plenty of sites. These comments are written in random order so it may cause trouble in usefulness of the information. If someone wants to find out the impact of the usability of any product then he has to manually read all the sentiments and then classify it, which is practically burdensome task. Sentiment mining is playing major role in data mining; it is also referred as sentiment analysis. This field helps to analyze and classify the opinion of users. In this paper we will discuss various techniques, applications and challenges face by the sentiment mining

    Word of Mouth, the Importance of Reviews and Ratings in Tourism Marketing

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    The Internet and social media have given place to what is commonly known as the democratization of content and this phenomenon is changing the way that consumers and companies interact. Business strategies are shifting from influencing consumers directly and induce sales to mediating the influence that Internet users have on each other. A consumer review is “a mixture of fact and opinion, impression and sentiment, found and unfound tidbits, experiences, and even rumor” (Blackshaw & Nazarro, 2006). Consumers' comments are seen as honest and transparent, but it is their subjective perception what shapes the behavior of other potential consumers. With the emergence of the Internet, tourists search for information and reviews of destinations, hotels or services. Several studies have highlighted the great influence of online reputation through reviews and ratings and how it affects purchasing decisions by others (Schuckert, Liu, & Law, 2015). These reviews are seen as unbiased and trustworthy, and considered to reduce uncertainty and perceived risks (Gretzel & Yoo, 2008; Park & Nicolau, 2015). Before choosing a destination, tourists are likely to spend a significant amount of time searching for information including reviews of other tourists posted on the Internet. The average traveler browses 38 websites prior to purchasing vacation packages (Schaal, 2013), which may include tourism forums, online reviews in booking sites and other generic social media websites such as Facebook and Twitter.Peer reviewedFinal Accepted Versio

    Sentiment analytics: Lexicons construction and analysis

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    With the increasing amount of text data, sentiment analysis (SA) is becoming more and more important. An automated approach is needed to parse the online reviews and comments, and analyze their sentiments. Since lexicon is the most important component in SA, enhancing the quality of lexicons will improve the efficiency and accuracy of sentiment analysis. In this research, the effect of coupling a general lexicon with a specialized lexicon (for a specific domain) and its impact on sentiment analysis was presented. Two special domains and one general domain were studied. The two special domains are the petroleum domain and the biology domain. The general domain is the social network domain. The specialized lexicon for the petroleum domain was created as part of this research. The results, as expected, show that coupling a general lexicon with a specialized lexicon improves the sentiment analysis. However, coupling a general lexicon with another general lexicon does not improve the sentiment analysis --Abstract, page iii

    Multilingual opinion mining

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    170 p.Cada día se genera gran cantidad de texto en diferentes medios online. Gran parte de ese texto contiene opiniones acerca de multitud de entidades, productos, servicios, etc. Dada la creciente necesidad de disponer de medios automatizados para analizar, procesar y explotar esa información, las técnicas de análisis de sentimiento han recibido gran cantidad de atención por parte de la industria y la comunidad científica durante la última década y media. No obstante, muchas de las técnicas empleadas suelen requerir de entrenamiento supervisado utilizando para ello ejemplos anotados manualmente, u otros recursos lingüísticos relacionados con un idioma o dominio de aplicación específicos. Esto limita la aplicación de este tipo de técnicas, ya que dicho recursos y ejemplos anotados no son sencillos de obtener. En esta tesis se explora una serie de métodos para realizar diversos análisis automáticos de texto en el marco del análisis de sentimiento, incluyendo la obtención automática de términos de un dominio, palabras que expresan opinión, polaridad del sentimiento de dichas palabras (positivas o negativas), etc. Finalmente se propone y se evalúa un método que combina representación continua de palabras (continuous word embeddings) y topic-modelling inspirado en la técnica de Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA), para obtener un sistema de análisis de sentimiento basado en aspectos (ABSA), que sólo necesita unas pocas palabras semilla para procesar textos de un idioma o dominio determinados. De este modo, la adaptación a otro idioma o dominio se reduce a la traducción de las palabras semilla correspondientes