14,158 research outputs found

    Towards a Rule Interchange Language for the Web

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    This articles discusses rule languages that are needed for a a full deployment of the SemanticWeb. First, it motivates the need for such languages. Then, it presents ten theses addressing (1) the rule and/or logic languages needed on the Web, (2) data and data processing, (3) semantics, and (4) engineering and rendering issues. Finally, it discusses two options that might be chosen in designing a Rule Interchange Format for the Web

    Twelve Theses on Reactive Rules for the Web

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    Reactivity, the ability to detect and react to events, is an essential functionality in many information systems. In particular, Web systems such as online marketplaces, adaptive (e.g., recommender) systems, and Web services, react to events such as Web page updates or data posted to a server. This article investigates issues of relevance in designing high-level programming languages dedicated to reactivity on the Web. It presents twelve theses on features desirable for a language of reactive rules tuned to programming Web and Semantic Web applications

    05371 Abstracts Collection -- Principles and Practices of Semantic Web Reasoning

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    From 11.09.05 to 16.09.05, the Dagstuhl Seminar 05371 ``Principles and Practices of Semantic Web Reasoning\u27\u27 % generate automaticall was held in the International Conference and Research Center (IBFI), Schloss Dagstuhl. During the seminar, several participants presented their current research, and ongoing work and open problems were discussed. Abstracts of the presentations given during the seminar as well as abstracts of seminar results and ideas are put together in this paper. The first section describes the seminar topics and goals in general. Links to extended abstracts or full papers are provided, if available

    Natural Language Processing at the School of Information Studies for Africa

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    The lack of persons trained in computational linguistic methods is a severe obstacle to making the Internet and computers accessible to people all over the world in their own languages. The paper discusses the experiences of designing and teaching an introductory course in Natural Language Processing to graduate computer science students at Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia, in order to initiate the education of computational linguists in the Horn of Africa region

    The Semantic Web: Apotheosis of annotation, but what are its semantics?

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    This article discusses what kind of entity the proposed Semantic Web (SW) is, principally by reference to the relationship of natural language structure to knowledge representation (KR). There are three distinct views on this issue. The first is that the SW is basically a renaming of the traditional AI KR task, with all its problems and challenges. The second view is that the SW will be, at a minimum, the World Wide Web with its constituent documents annotated so as to yield their content, or meaning structure, more directly. This view makes natural language processing central as the procedural bridge from texts to KR, usually via some form of automated information extraction. The third view is that the SW is about trusted databases as the foundation of a system of Web processes and services. There's also a fourth view, which is much more difficult to define and discuss: If the SW just keeps moving as an engineering development and is lucky, then real problems won't arise. This article is part of a special issue called Semantic Web Update

    Multi-Paradigm Reasoning for Access to Heterogeneous GIS

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    Accessing and querying geographical data in a uniform way has become easier in recent years. Emerging standards like WFS turn the web into a geospatial web services enabled place. Mediation architectures like VirGIS overcome syntactical and semantical heterogeneity between several distributed sources. On mobile devices, however, this kind of solution is not suitable, due to limitations, mostly regarding bandwidth, computation power, and available storage space. The aim of this paper is to present a solution for providing powerful reasoning mechanisms accessible from mobile applications and involving data from several heterogeneous sources. By adapting contents to time and location, mobile web information systems can not only increase the value and suitability of the service itself, but can substantially reduce the amount of data delivered to users. Because many problems pertain to infrastructures and transportation in general and to way finding in particular, one cornerstone of the architecture is higher level reasoning on graph networks with the Multi-Paradigm Location Language MPLL. A mediation architecture is used as a “graph provider” in order to transfer the load of computation to the best suited component – graph construction and transformation for example being heavy on resources. Reasoning in general can be conducted either near the “source” or near the end user, depending on the specific use case. The concepts underlying the proposal described in this paper are illustrated by a typical and concrete scenario for web applications

    A Reasoner for Calendric and Temporal Data

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    Calendric and temporal data are omnipresent in countless Web and Semantic Web applications and Web services. Calendric and temporal data are probably more than any other data a subject to interpretation, in almost any case depending on some cultural, legal, professional, and/or locational context. On the current Web, calendric and temporal data can hardly be interpreted by computers. This article contributes to the Semantic Web, an endeavor aiming at enhancing the current Web with well-defined meaning and to enable computers to meaningfully process data. The contribution is a reasoner for calendric and temporal data. This reasoner is part of CaTTS, a type language for calendar definitions. The reasoner is based on a \theory reasoning" approach using constraint solving techniques. This reasoner complements general purpose \axiomatic reasoning" approaches for the Semantic Web as widely used with ontology languages like OWL or RDF

    A Type Language for Calendars

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    Time and calendars play an important role in databases, on the Semantic Web, as well as in mobile computing. Temporal data and calendars require (specific) modeling and processing tools. CaTTS is a type language for calendar definitions using which one can model and process temporal and calendric data. CaTTS is based on a "theory reasoning" approach for efficiency reasons. This article addresses type checking temporal and calendric data and constraints. A thesis underlying CaTTS is that types and type checking are as useful and desirable with calendric data types as with other data types. Types enable (meaningful) annotation of data. Type checking enhances efficiency and consistency of programming and modeling languages like database and Web query languages

    A Reasoner for Calendric and Temporal Data

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    Calendric and temporal data are omnipresent in countless Web and Semantic Web applications and Web services. Calendric and temporal data are probably more than any other data a subject to interpretation, in almost any case depending on some cultural, legal, professional, and/or locational context. On the current Web, calendric and temporal data can hardly be interpreted by computers. This article contributes to the Semantic Web, an endeavor aiming at enhancing the current Web with well-defined meaning and to enable computers to meaningfully process data. The contribution is a reasoner for calendric and temporal data. This reasoner is part of CaTTS, a type language for calendar definitions. The reasoner is based on a "theory reasoning" approach using constraint solving techniques. This reasoner complements general purpose "axiomatic reasoning" approaches for the Semantic Web as widely used with ontology languages like OWL or RDF