16 research outputs found

    Temporal description logic for ontology-based data access

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    Our aim is to investigate ontology-based data access over temporal data with validity time and ontologies capable of temporal conceptual modelling. To this end, we design a temporal description logic, TQL, that extends the standard ontology language OWL2QL, provides basic means for temporal conceptual modelling and ensures first-order rewritability of conjunctive queries for suitably defined data instances with validity time

    Ontology-based data access with a horn fragment of metric temporal logic

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    We advocate datalogMTL, a datalog extension of a Horn fragment of the metric temporal logic MTL, as a language for ontology-based access to temporal log data. We show that datalogMTL is EXPSPACE-complete even with punctual intervals, in which case MTL is known to be undecidable. Nonrecursive datalogMTL turns out to be PSPACE-complete for combined complexity and in AC0 for data complexity. We demonstrate by two real-world use cases that nonrecursive datalogMTL programs can express complex temporal concepts from typical user queries and thereby facilitate access to log data. Our experiments with Siemens turbine data and MesoWest weather data show that datalogMTL ontology-mediated queries are efficient and scale on large datasets of up to 11GB

    Tractable interval temporal propositional and description logics

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    We design a tractable Horn fragment of the Halpern-Shaham temporal logic and extend it to interval-based temporal description logics, instance checking in which is P-complete for both combined and data complexity

    Ontology-Based Data Access to Big Data

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    Recent approaches to ontology-based data access (OBDA) have extended the focus from relational database systems to other types of backends such as cluster frameworks in order to cope with the four Vs associated with big data: volume, veracity, variety and velocity (stream processing). The abstraction that an ontology provides is a benefit from the enduser point of view, but it represents a challenge for developers because high-level queries must be transformed into queries executable on the backend level. In this paper, we discuss and evaluate an OBDA system that uses STARQL (Streaming and Temporal ontology Access with a Reasoning-based Query Language), as a high-level query language to access data stored in a SPARK cluster framework. The development of the STARQL-SPARK engine show that there is a need to provide a homogeneous interface to access both static and temporal as well as streaming data because cluster frameworks usually lack such an interface. The experimental evaluation shows that building a scalable OBDA system that runs with SPARK is more than plug-and-play as one needs to know quite well the data formats and the data organisation in the cluster framework

    On metric temporal description logics

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    We introduce metric temporal description logics (mTDLs) as combinations of the classical description logic ALC with (a) LTLbin, an extension of the temporal logic LTL with succinctly represented intervals, and (b) metric temporal logic MTL, extending LTLbin with capabilities to quantitatively reason about time delays. Our main contributions are algorithms and tight complexity bounds for the satisfiability problem in these mTDLs: For mTDLs based on (fragments of) LTLbin, we establish complexity bounds ranging from EXPTIME to 2EXPSPACE. For mTDLs based on (fragments of) MTL interpreted over the naturals, we establish complexity bounds ranging from EXPSPACE to 2EXPSPACE

    An Integration-Oriented Ontology to Govern Evolution in Big Data Ecosystems

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    Big Data architectures allow to flexibly store and process heterogeneous data, from multiple sources, in their original format. The structure of those data, commonly supplied by means of REST APIs, is continuously evolving. Thus data analysts need to adapt their analytical processes after each API release. This gets more challenging when performing an integrated or historical analysis. To cope with such complexity, in this paper, we present the Big Data Integration ontology, the core construct to govern the data integration process under schema evolution by systematically annotating it with information regarding the schema of the sources. We present a query rewriting algorithm that, using the annotated ontology, converts queries posed over the ontology to queries over the sources. To cope with syntactic evolution in the sources, we present an algorithm that semi-automatically adapts the ontology upon new releases. This guarantees ontology-mediated queries to correctly retrieve data from the most recent schema version as well as correctness in historical queries. A functional and performance evaluation on real-world APIs is performed to validate our approach.Comment: Preprint submitted to Information Systems. 35 page

    An integration-oriented ontology to govern evolution in big data ecosystems

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    Big Data architectures allow to flexibly store and process heterogeneous data, from multiple sources, in their original format. The structure of those data, commonly supplied by means of REST APIs, is continuously evolving. Thus data analysts need to adapt their analytical processes after each API release. This gets more challenging when performing an integrated or historical analysis. To cope with such complexity, in this paper, we present the Big Data Integration ontology, the core construct to govern the data integration process under schema evolution by systematically annotating it with information regarding the schema of the sources. We present a query rewriting algorithm that, using the annotated ontology, converts queries posed over the ontology to queries over the sources. To cope with syntactic evolution in the sources, we present an algorithm that semi-automatically adapts the ontology upon new releases. This guarantees ontology-mediated queries to correctly retrieve data from the most recent schema version as well as correctness in historical queries. A functional and performance evaluation on real-world APIs is performed to validate our approach.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    A cookbook for temporal conceptual data modelling with description logic

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    We design temporal description logics suitable for reasoning about temporal conceptual data models and investigate their computational complexity. Our formalisms are based on DL-Lite logics with three types of concept inclusions (ranging from atomic concept inclusions and disjointness to the full Booleans), as well as cardinality constraints and role inclusions. In the temporal dimension, they capture future and past temporal operators on concepts, flexible and rigid roles, the operators `always' and `some time' on roles, data assertions for particular moments of time and global concept inclusions. The logics are interpreted over the Cartesian products of object domains and the flow of time (Z,<), satisfying the constant domain assumption. We prove that the most expressive of our temporal description logics (which can capture lifespan cardinalities and either qualitative or quantitative evolution constraints) turn out to be undecidable. However, by omitting some of the temporal operators on concepts/roles or by restricting the form of concept inclusions we obtain logics whose complexity ranges between PSpace and NLogSpace. These positive results were obtained by reduction to various clausal fragments of propositional temporal logic, which opens a way to employ propositional or first-order temporal provers for reasoning about temporal data models