1,275,325 research outputs found

    Fault Testing for Reversible Circuits

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    Applications of reversible circuits can be found in the fields of low-power computation, cryptography, communications, digital signal processing, and the emerging field of quantum computation. Furthermore, prototype circuits for low-power applications are already being fabricated in CMOS. Regardless of the eventual technology adopted, testing is sure to be an important component in any robust implementation. We consider the test set generation problem. Reversibility affects the testing problem in fundamental ways, making it significantly simpler than for the irreversible case. For example, we show that any test set that detects all single stuck-at faults in a reversible circuit also detects all multiple stuck-at faults. We present efficient test set constructions for the standard stuck-at fault model as well as the usually intractable cell-fault model. We also give a practical test set generation algorithm, based on an integer linear programming formulation, that yields test sets approximately half the size of those produced by conventional ATPG.Comment: 30 pages, 8 figures. to appear in IEEE Trans. on CA

    Construction of Prioritized T-Way Test Suite Using Bi-Objective Dragonfly Algorithm

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    Software testing is important for ensuring the reliability of software systems. In software testing, effective test case generation is essential as an alternative to exhaustive testing. For improving the software testing technology, the t-way testing technique combined with metaheuristic algorithm has been great to analyze a large number of combinations for getting optimal solutions. However, most of the existing t-way strategies consider test case weights while generating test suites. Priority of test cases hasn’t been fully considered in previous works, but in practice, it’s frequently necessary to distinguish between high-priority and low-priority test cases. Therefore, the significance of test case prioritization is quite high. For this reason, this paper has proposed a t-way strategy that implements an adaptive Dragonfly Algorithm (DA) to construct prioritized t-way test suites. Both test case weight and test case priority have equal significance during test suite generation in this strategy. We have designed and implemented a Bi-objective Dragonfly Algorithm (BDA) for prioritized t-way test suite generation, and the two objectives are test case weight and test case priority. The test results demonstrate that BDA performs competitively against existing t-way strategies in terms of test suite size, and in addition, BDA generates prioritized test suites.©2022 Authors. Published by IEEE. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 License. For more information, see https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/fi=vertaisarvioitu|en=peerReviewed

    A ducted wind turbine simulation model for building simulation

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    Power production is shifting away from centralized generation plants to production of heat and power at the point of demand. A technology that may play a part in this shift is the ducted wind turbine (DWT). The emergence of small building integrated micro turbines opens up the possibility of utilizing the differential pressures occurring around buildings for local power production. This paper describes work to develop and test a simple mathematical model of a ducted wind turbine and its integration within a building simulation tool. A case study in which the simulation model will be used to analyse of the likely power output from a building incorporating ducted wind turbines within the façade is also presented

    5g new radio performance assessment

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    Abstract. Each decade, a new generation of wireless cellular technology presents a step-change in what cellular wireless systems can do compared to the previous generation. It is the beginning of new wireless technology in mobile phone networks called 5th Generation Mobile Phone Network (5G), a robust technology from its predecessors. 5G New Radio (5G NR) is the first step in adapting the 5G wireless technology to the existing cellular infrastructure. This thesis analyzes the 5G NR performance as part of the 5G test network (5GTN) deployed at the University of Oulu. The architecture of the 5GTN is a so-called non- standalone (NSA) network where the 4G Long-Term Evolution (4G-LTE) cellular network provides the control plane of the network. The performance of the 5G NR was obtained by measuring a few primary Key Performance Indicators (KPI) and data transmission measurements to observe the mobile network strength. This thesis first described the importance of 5G and its history, the deployment timeline, the basic architecture of adaption and synchronization process with the current mobile network, and future possibilities. After that, the main KPI parameters, deployed software, and the test case environment are described, and the 5GTN architecture is also covered. Later, the test results are presented, and lastly, a brief discussion of the outcome of the test result is provided. Finally, a comparison between the 5G NR BTS cells within the test environment network is provided. Performance measurements have been performed at the Linnanmaa campus of the University of Oulu and the surrounding premises under the 5GTN, the broadest open- access test network of 5G. The test cases were created during the time of field testing. The measurement key performance indicators (KPIs) have been carefully chosen for these test case scenarios, where the recorded result’s output were analyzed and represented clearly through this study. Data throughput tests have been performed parallelly during the field testing within the network to assess the 5G performance in terms of data rate. Along with the KPI parameter and throughput tests, there is a clear indication that 5G NR offers the fastest connection as part of the existing mobile network infrastructure

    Oil Exploration and Production Waste Management Practices: Comparative Analysis for Reduction in Hazardous E & P Waste Generation in Offshore Oil Platforms in Nigeria

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    One way in which oil exploration and production (E & P) has negatively impacted the environment of the host oil bearing communities is by the generation of hazardous E & P wastes and its’ unwholesome disposal. The study analyzed oil exploration and production waste generation in offshore platforms and the management procedures and practices in Nigeria. The aim of the study was to determine the quantities of different forms of E & P waste being generated from offshore platforms so as to bring about a reduction in hazardous E & P waste generation in offshore platforms by using technology to recycle it into useful products. The study also assessed the effect of increase in years of usage (aging) of oil production platforms on the quantity of E & P waste produced in the platforms. The case study approach was adopted, in which 6 offshore platforms of Total E & P Nigeria Limited were used as case studies and statistical data on E & P waste generation in the platforms were collected from 2010 – 2013, spanning a 4- year period. The analysis of variance (ANOVA) statistical method was employed in analyzing the data and F – Test was used to test the significance of the null hypotheses. The test showed the acceptance of null hypothesis, H0A and the rejection of null hypothesis H0B, and the conclusion that increase in usage years (Aging) of offshore oil platforms does not cause a significant difference in the quantity of E & P waste generation in the platforms. It was recommended among other things that modern waste recycling technology be adopted by stakeholders and continuously improved upon, to convert hazardous and other forms of E & P wastes into useful products. Keywords: oil exploration, production waste, analysis, reduction, hazardous waste, generation, Nigeria

    Ioco theory for probabilistic automata

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    Model-based testing (MBT) is a well-known technology, which allows for automatic test case generation, execution and evaluation. To test non-functional properties, a number of test MBT frameworks have been developed to test systems with real-time, continuous behaviour, symbolic data and quantitative system aspects. Notably, a lot of these frameworks are based on Tretmans' classical input/output conformance (ioco) framework. However, a model-based test theory handling probabilistic behaviour does not exist yet. Probability plays a role in many different systems: unreliable communication channels, randomized algorithms and communication protocols, service level agreements pinning down up-time percentages, etc. Therefore, a probabilistic test theory is of great practical importance. We present the ingredients for a probabilistic variant of ioco and define the {\pi}oco relation, show that it conservatively extends ioco and define the concepts of test case, execution and evaluation

    Small Displacement, Long Life On-Orbit Compressor Design and Fabrication

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    The focus is the generation of technology and fabrication of prototype hardware applicable to seven Space Station compressor system applications. The compressors are of the single acting reciprocating piston type and, in general, may be termed miniature in size compared with normal commercially available equipment. The initial technology development is focused on improved valve designs, and the control of pulsations and heating effects in order to increase compressor efficiency and reduce cycle temperatures, thus permitting significantly increased stage pressure ratios. The initial test compressor was successfully operated at pressure ratios of up to 50:1, and this significant extension of allowable pressure ratio will result in a reduction of the number of required stages and, hence, total hardware thereby reducing system weight and volume. These experiments have also identified the need to employ low shaft speeds, on the order of 250 to 500 rpm, to enhance heat transfer and increase life. The prototype compressor currently being designed, is to be driven by a low-speed brushless dc motor sealed in a case common to the compressor drive mechanism case. The compressor and motor case will communicate with stage suction pressure so that any minor gas leakage past the piston rings will be returned to the suction. Emphasis in this prototype design is being placed on simplicity, durability, commonality of components, and high efficiency

    Deployment characterization of a floatable tidal energy converter on a tidal channel, Ria Formosa, Portugal

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    This paper presents the results of a pilot experiment with an existing tidal energy converter (TEC), Evopod 1 kW floatable prototype, in a real test case scenario (Faro Channel, Ria Formosa, Portugal). A baseline marine geophysical, hydrodynamic and ecological study based on the experience collected on the test site is presented. The collected data was used to validate a hydro-morphodynamic model, allowing the selection of the installation area based on both operational and environmental constraints. Operational results related to the description of power generation capacity, energy capture area and proportion of energy flux are presented and discussed, including the failures occurring during the experimental setup. The data is now available to the scientific community and to TEC industry developers, enhancing the operational knowledge of TEC technology concerning efficiency, environmental effects, and interactions (i.e. device/environment). The results can be used by developers on the licensing process, on overcoming the commercial deployment barriers, on offering extra assurance and confidence to investors, who traditionally have seen environmental concerns as a barrier, and on providing the foundations whereupon similar deployment areas can be considered around the world for marine tidal energy extraction.Acknowledgements The paper is a contribution to the SCORE project, funded by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT e PTDC/ AAG-TEC/1710/2014). Andre Pacheco was supported by the Portu- guese Foundation for Science and Technology under the Portuguese Researchers' Programme 2014 entitled “Exploring new concepts for extracting energy from tides” (IF/00286/2014/CP1234). Eduardo GGorbena has received funding for the OpTiCA project from the ~ Marie SkƂodowska-Curie Actions of the European Union's H2020- MSCA-IF-EF-RI-2016/under REA grant agreement n [748747]. The authors would like to thank to the Portuguese Maritime Authorities and Sofareia SA for their help on the deployment.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Case study 2. Model validation using existing data from PV generation on selected New Zealand schools

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    Solar energy is abundant, free and non-polluting. Solar energy can offset the consumption of fossil fuels, greenhouse gas emission reduction targets and contribute to meeting the fast-growing energy demands. The use of solar energy for electricity generation from photovoltaic (PV) panels has increased but is still not a widely utilised technology in New Zealand. This research approximated the potential solar energy that could be harvested from the rooftops of existing residential buildings in a case study city. This research is divided into two work strands, each involving a case study. The first strand investigated if a model could be developed, using existing data sources to determine the solar harvesting potential from the rooftops of existing residential buildings. The second strand involved the validation of the solar PV prediction model proposed in the first strand of the research, to test the reliability of the modelling outcomes. Invercargill City was selected as the study city for case study 1. Invercargill is the southernmost city in New Zealand so represents a worst case scenario. The method involved merging computer-simulation of solar energy produced from PV modelling and mapping incoming solar radiation data from north facing residential rooftop area. The work utilised New Zealand statistical census map of population and dwelling data, as well as digital aerial map to quantify the efficient roof surface area available for PV installations. The solar PV potential was calculated using existing formulas to investigate the contribution of roof area to the solar PV potential in buildings using roof area and population relationship. The estimated solar PV potential was 82,947,315 kWh per year generated from the total solar efficient roof surface area of 740,504 mÂČ. This equates to approximately 60.8% of the residential electricity used in Invercargill’s urban area, based on the 7,700 kWh typical annual electricity consumptions per household. The result represents an immense opportunity to harvest sustainable energy from Invercargill’s residential rooftops. To verify the accuracy of the developed method for predicting the PV outputs, the model was applied to actual generation data from grid-connected solar photovoltaic (PV) systems that are installed in New Zealand schools under the Schoolgen programme (Case Study 2). A total of 66 Schoolgen PV rooftop models were incorporated in the analysis. At this stage, the actual system parameters including size, panel type and efficiency were included in the analysis. The performance prediction and analysis outcome showed the parameters and operating conditions that affect the amount of energy generated by the PV systems. This part of the research showed the area where the PV model can be improved. The predicted generation from the model was found to be lower than the actual generation data. Schoolgen systems operating at over 0.75 performance ratio were found to be underestimated. This indicated that most Schoolgen PV systems were operating at higher capacities than predicted by the default value of system losses. The analysis demonstrated the effects of PV technology type, site orientation, direction and tilted angle of the panels on the ability to generate expected amount of potential capacity based on solar resource availability in different site scenarios. This in turn has provided more in depth analysis of the research and served to expand the area for improvements in the design of the model
