1,825 research outputs found

    Recommendation domains for pond aquaculture: country case study: development and status of freshwater aquaculture in Bangladesh

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    This report is an output of the project “Determination of high-potential aquaculture development areas and impact in Africa and Asia”. This monograph is the case study for Cameroon. Written in three parts, it describes the historical background, practices, stakeholder profiles, production levels, economic and institutional environment, policy issues, and prospects for aquaculture in the country. First, it documents the history and current status of the aquaculture in the country. Second, it assesses the technologies and approaches that either succeeded or failed to foster aquaculture development and discusses why. Third, it identifies the key reasons for aquaculture adoption

    Thermal energy storage solutions for building applications

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    El canvi climàtic constitueix un dels reptes més importants per a les generacions actuals i futures. El Grup Intergovernamental d'Experts sobre el Canvi Climàtic (IPCC) estima que les activitats humanes han estat responsables aproximadament de 1.0 ºC d'escalfament global per sobre dels nivells preindustrials, portant grans impactes negatius. En aquest context, l'IPCC ha fixat l'objectiu de limitar l'escalfament global a 1.5 ºC per al 2050; per sobre d'aquest valor, els danys serien irreversibles. Les emissions de gasos amb efecte d'hivernacle (GHG) són els principals impulsors del canvi climàtic. El període 2010-2019 va donar els seus valors més alts de la història. Durant aquest període, el sector dels edificis va aportar el 21% de les emissions mundials de GHG. Aquestes dades van impulsar aquesta tesi, emmarcada en l’estudi dels sistemes que componen les emissions de GHG en edificis, així com el desenvolupament de les tecnologies que permetin mitigar-les. La primera secció analitza, mitjançant tècniques d’anàlisi bibliomètrica, els principals sistemes que componen la demanda energètica dels edificis. Per això, es van estudiar els serveis dels edificis i el seu impacte sobre el canvi climàtic. A més, es van estudiar els electrodomèstics i les seues tendències en eficiència energètica, correlacionades amb les polítiques implementades a nivell global. Així mateix, es van estudiar els co-beneficis de l'emmagatzematge d'energia tèrmica (TES) extrapolats des del camp de les energies renovables, identificant el TES com a transcendental en la transició energètica. La segona secció de la tesi es va embrancar en l’anàlisi experimental i mitjançant simulacions de tres sistemes d’emmagatzematge tèrmic. El primer sistema es va enfocar a disminuir les pèrdues tèrmiques d’un dipòsit d’emmagatzematge per a calefacció mitjançant l’ús d’aïllament al buit. Es va demostrar que aquest aïllament pot disminuir fins a 10 vegades les pèrdues tèrmiques respecte al convencional. El segon estudi va realitzar una avaluació comparativa entre dos dissenys de materials de canvi de fase (PCM) macro-encapsulats en un TES. Es va concloure que el disseny a utilitzar dependrà de l'aplicació i d’un compromís entre més densitat energètica o més entrega de calor. El tercer estudi va identificar els principals reptes en la utilització del concret per emmagatzemar energia a alta temperatura, alhora que es va proposar i analitzar un nou disseny per superar aquests reptes. Els resultats d’aquesta tesi han demostrat que l’emmagatzematge d’energia tèrmica té un gran potencial en la transició energètica de manera general i dels edificis de manera particular.El cambio climático constituye uno de los retos más importantes para las actuales y futuras generaciones. El Panel Intergubernamental sobre Cambio Climático (IPCC) estima que las actividades humanas han sido responsables aproximadamente de 1,0 ºC de calentamiento global por encima de los niveles preindustriales, trayendo consigo grandes impactos negativos. En este contexto, el IPCC ha fijado el objetivo de limitar el calentamiento global en 1.5 ºC para el 2050; por encima de este valor los daños serían irreversibles. Las emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero (GHG) son los principales impulsores del cambio climático. El período 2010-2019 arrojó sus valores más altos de la historia. Durante este período, el sector de los edificios aportó el 21% de las emisiones mundiales de GHG. Tales datos impulsaron esta tesis, enmarcada en el estudio de los sistemas que componen las emisiones de GHG en edificios, así como el desarrollo de las tecnologías que permitan mitigarlas. La primera sección analiza, mediante técnicas de análisis bibliométricos, los principales sistemas que componen la demanda energética de los edificios. Para esto, se estudiaron los servicios de los edificios y su impacto sobre el cambio climático. Así como, los electrodomésticos y sus tendencias en eficiencia energética, correlacionadas con las políticas implementadas a nivel global. Al igual que, los co-beneficios del almacenamiento de energía térmica (TES) extrapolados desde el campo de las energías renovables, identificando al TES como trascendental en la transición energética. La segunda sección de la tesis se centró en el análisis experimental y mediante simulaciones de tres sistemas de almacenamiento térmico. El primer sistema se enfocó en disminuir las pérdidas térmicas de un depósito de almacenamiento para calefacción mediante el uso de aislamiento al vacío. Se demostró que este aislamiento puede disminuir hasta en 10 veces las pérdidas térmicas con respecto al convencional. El segundo estudio realizó una evaluación comparativa entre dos diseños de materiales de cambio de fase (PCM) macro-encapsulados en un TES. Se concluyó que el diseño a utilizar dependerá de la aplicación y de un compromiso entre mayor densidad energética o mayor entrega de calor. El tercer estudio identificó los principales retos en la utilización del hormigón para almacenar energía a alta temperatura, a la vez que se propuso y analizó un nuevo diseño para superar dichos retos. Los resultados de esta tesis han demostrado que el almacenamiento de energía térmica tiene un gran potencial en la transición energética de manera general y de los edificios de manera particular.Climate change is one of the most important challenges for current and future generations. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) estimates that human activities are responsible for approximately 1.0 °C of global warming above pre-industrial levels, resulting in major negative impacts. In this context, the IPCC has set a target of limiting global warming to 1.5 °C by 2050, above which the damage will become irreversible. Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions are the main drivers of climate change. The period 2010-2019 showed their highest values in history. During this period, the buildings sector accounted for 21% of global GHG emissions. Such data motivated this thesis, framed in the study of the systems that comprise GHG emissions in buildings, as well as the development of technologies to mitigate them. The first section analyses, using bibliometric analysis techniques, the main systems that drive the energy demand of buildings. Therefore, building services and their impact on climate change were studied. In addition, household appliances and their trends in energy efficiency, correlated with the policies implemented at global level, were also studied. Likewise, the co-benefits of thermal energy storage (TES) extrapolated from the field of renewable energies were also studied, identifying TES as transcendental in the energy transition. The second section of the thesis focused on the experimental and simulation analysis of three thermal energy storage systems. The first system focused on decreasing the thermal losses of a heating storage tank by using vacuum insulation. It was found that vacuum insulation can reduce thermal losses by up to 10 times compared to conventional insulation. The second study performed a benchmark evaluation between two designs of phase change material (PCM) macro-encapsulation in a TES. It was concluded that the design to be used will be determined by the application and a trade-off between higher energy density or higher heat transfer. The third study identified the main challenges in using concrete to store energy at high temperature, and a new design was proposed and analysed to overcome these challenges. The results of this thesis have demonstrated that thermal energy storage represents a great potential in the energy transition in general and in buildings in particular

    Dynamic Matching of Services by Negotation

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    This paper presents my research project on the topic of dynamic matching of services by negotiation. The goal of the research is to develop a design theory for information systems that offer negotiation services. The result of the research will be a specification of a design framework for such systems. This framework will contain knowledge about architectural choices one has to make when designing an information system with particular properties satisfying particular requirements

    Recommendation domains for pond aquaculture: country case study: development and status of freshwater aquaculture in Bangladesh

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    This report is an output of the project ôDetermination of high-potential aquaculture development areas and impact in Africa and Asiaö. This monograph is the case study for Bangladesh. Written in three parts, it describes the historical background, practices, stakeholder profiles, production levels, economic and institutional environment, policy issues, and prospects for aquaculture in the country. First, it documents the history and current status of the aquaculture in the country. Second, it assesses the technologies and approaches that either succeeded or failed to foster aquaculture development and discusses why. Third, it identifies the key reasons for aquaculture adoption.Freshwater aquaculture, Economic analysis, Trade, Ecosystems, Pond culture, Fish consumption, Food security, Policies, Regulations, Legislation, Socioeconomic aspects, Yield, Bangladesh,

    Innovation, Economic Development, and Intellectual Property in India and China

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    This open access book analyses intellectual property codification and innovation governance in the development of six key industries in India and China. These industries are reflective of the innovation and economic development of the two economies, or of vital importance to them: the IT Industry; the film industry; the pharmaceutical industry; plant varieties and food security; the automobile industry; and peer production and the sharing economy. The analysis extends beyond the domain of IP law, and includes economics and policy analysis. The overarching concern that cuts through all chapters is an inquiry into why certain industries have developed in one country and not in the other, including: the role that state innovation policy and/or IP policy played in such development; the nature of the state innovation policy/IP policy; and whether such policy has been causal, facilitating, crippling, co-relational, or simply irrelevant. The book asks what India and China can learn from each other, and whether there is any possibility of synergy. The book provides a real-life understanding of how IP laws interact with innovation and economic development in the six selected economic sectors in China and India. The reader can also draw lessons from the success or failure of these sectors

    CRIS-IR 2006

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    The recognition of entities and their relationships in document collections is an important step towards the discovery of latent knowledge as well as to support knowledge management applications. The challenge lies on how to extract and correlate entities, aiming to answer key knowledge management questions, such as; who works with whom, on which projects, with which customers and on what research areas. The present work proposes a knowledge mining approach supported by information retrieval and text mining tasks in which its core is based on the correlation of textual elements through the LRD (Latent Relation Discovery) method. Our experiments show that LRD outperform better than other correlation methods. Also, we present an application in order to demonstrate the approach over knowledge management scenarios.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) Denmark's Electronic Research Librar

    Sociedad de la información y el conocimiento y nuevos paradigmas del Derecho: el caso de los códigos de conducta en el comercio electrónico

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    Este trabajo se centra en determinar el nuevo contexto jurídico que nace de la sociedad de la información, con nuevas fuentes del derecho, y mostrar las posibles disfuncionalidades del sistema jurídico vigente. Como caso concreto de la falta de adaptación del sistema jurídico presentamos la autorregulación que se ha llevado a cabo en el comercio electrónico para dar garantía jurídica a operaciones no contempladas en el ordenamiento vigente, mostrando algunas de las experiencias más relevantes, tanto a nivel nacional como internacional.This paper wants to determine the new juridical context that arises from the information society, with new sources of rights, and show the possible dysfunctionalities of the current juridical system. As specific case of the lack of adaptation of the juridical system, we introduce the self-regulation that has been carried out in the electronic commerce to give juridical guarantee to transactions not contemplated on the current juridical system, showing some of the most relevant experiences, both nationally and internationally