
Recommendation domains for pond aquaculture: country case study: development and status of freshwater aquaculture in Bangladesh


This report is an output of the project ôDetermination of high-potential aquaculture development areas and impact in Africa and Asiaö. This monograph is the case study for Bangladesh. Written in three parts, it describes the historical background, practices, stakeholder profiles, production levels, economic and institutional environment, policy issues, and prospects for aquaculture in the country. First, it documents the history and current status of the aquaculture in the country. Second, it assesses the technologies and approaches that either succeeded or failed to foster aquaculture development and discusses why. Third, it identifies the key reasons for aquaculture adoption.Freshwater aquaculture, Economic analysis, Trade, Ecosystems, Pond culture, Fish consumption, Food security, Policies, Regulations, Legislation, Socioeconomic aspects, Yield, Bangladesh,

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