54 research outputs found

    Advanced PON topologies with wireless connectivity

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    “This material is presented to ensure timely dissemination of scholarly and technical work. Copyright and all rights therein are retained by authors or by other copyright holders. All persons copying this information are expected to adhere to the terms and constraints invoked by each author's copyright. In most cases, these works may not be reposted without the explicit permission of the copyright holder." “Copyright IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. However, permission to reprint/republish this material for advertising or promotional purposes or for creating new collective works for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or to reuse any copyrighted component of this work in other works must be obtained from the IEEE.”The interoperability of wireless and PON networking solutions is investigated to reduce deployment expenditure by means of centralised network management while providing ubiquitous access connections and mobility. Network modelling in the physical layer of WiMAX channel transmission based on FDM over legacy PONs has demonstrated EVMs below -30 dB and error-free multipath transmission. In addition, the development of a dynamic MAC protocol suite has been presented to assign bandwidth between the OLT and ONU BaseStations over a multi-wavelength, splitter-PON topology to demonstrate converged network scalability. This has been achieved by managing data-centric traffic with quality of service in view of diverse multi-user access technologies

    Análise tecno-económica em redes de acesso óptico

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    Mestrado em Engenharia de Computadores e TelemáticaEsta dissertação tem como objectivo analisar os principais problemas que os fornecedores de serviços têm que considerar ao implementar e ao migrar as redes de acesso ópticas existentes e futuras. Iremos considerar a migração da rede GPON, como rede de acesso actual, para as Redes Óticas de Acesso de Próxima Geração (NG-OANs), como a WDM-PON e a OFDM-PON. O trabalho foca-se nos Custos de Capital (CapEx) por utilizador, e em três factores que condicionam este custo: densidade populacional, topologia da rede e custo dos componentes. Uma visão geral e avaliação das redes óticas passivas existentes e futuras é apresentada. Um modelo tecno-económico para o cálculo do custo das redes de acesso é proposto, tendo em conta o efeito da taxa de subscrição. O custo total de cada tecnologia de rede é calculado. O CapEx por utilizador para esquemas divisores simples e em cascata é também calculado, para diferentes taxas de subscrição. O custo dos componentes é considerado quando o preço é extrapolado em função do tempo e do volume.This dissertation aims to analyse the main issues to be faced by the service providers in implementation and migration of existing and future optical access networks. We are going to consider the migration of the networks from GPON, as the current access network technology, to Next Generation Optical Access Networks (NG-OANs), such as WDM-PON and OFDM-PON. The work focuses on the Capital Expenditures (CapEx) per user and three factors that drive this cost: population density, network topology and components cost. An overview and assessment of existing and future passive optical networks is provided. A techno-economic model for calculating of deployment cost of access networks is presented, accounting for the effect of take rate. The total cost of each network technology is calculated. The CapEx per user for both single and cascaded splitter schemes for different take rates is also calculated. Furthermore the components cost is considered, when the price is extrapolated considering time and volume

    Integrated Wireless Optical Networking

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    Milos Milosavljevic, Pandelis Kourtessis, and John Senior, 'Integrated Wireless Optical Networking', Paper presented at the London Communication Symposium, 3-4 September 2009, University College London, UK.The interoperability of wireless and PON topologies is investigated to reduce deployment expenditure by means of centralised network management while providing ubiquitous access connections and mobility. In addition, the application of extended wavelength band overlay has been proposed to enhance scalability in the converged platform with the slightest modification in network hardware. To that extent, network modelling in the physical layer of WiMAX channel transmission based on FDM over single- and multi-wavelength power-splitter PONs has demonstrated EVMs below -30dB and worst-case 1E-4 transmission in multipath fading channelsPeer reviewe

    Interoperability of GPON and WiMAX for network capacity enhancement and resilience

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    This paper was published in Journal of Optical Networking and is made available as an electronic reprint with the permission of OSA. The paper can be found at the following URL on the OSA website: http://www.opticsinfobase.org/JON/Issue.cfm. Systematic or multiple reproduction or distribution to multiple locations via electronic or other means is prohibited and is subject to penalties under law. Copyright Optical Society of America.The interoperability of standard WiMAX and GPON is shown to overcome the wireless spectrum congestion and provide resilience for GPON through the use of overlapping radio cells. The application of centralised control in the optical line terminal (OLT) and time division multiplexing for upstream transmission enables efficient dynamic bandwidth allocation for wireless users on a single wavelength as well as minimised optical beat interference at the optical receiver. The viability of bidirectional transmission of multiple un-coded IEEE802.16d channels by means of a single radio frequency (RF) subcarrier at transmission rates of 50 Mbits/s and 15 Mbits/s downstream and upstream respectively for distances of up to 21 km of integrated GPON and WiMAX micro-cell links is demonstrated.Peer reviewe

    General framework for techno-economic analysis of next generation access networks

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    A large variety of access network technologies and architectures that provide wide service portfolio to the customer are available for the network operators. Each of the potential access network architectures and technologies varies in complexity, network functionality, services supported and overall network costs. A detailed comparison of the economic viability of different access network scenarios is crucial for operators due to the high cost of this network segment. This paper identifies all essential elements of a general framework for the techno-economic analysis of different access network technologies and architectures, as well as describes some specific issues/problems related to the techno-economic evaluation of next generation (NG) access networks. The goal is to have at operator's disposal a methodology allowing the techno-economic comparison of the proposed access network solutions and their introduction/rollout

    10 Gigabit-capable Passive Optical Network Transmission Convergence layer design

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    Uusien laajakaistaisten tietoliikennepalvelujen ja kasvavan tiedonsiirtokapasiteetin tarpeen myötä kiinteiden liityntäverkkojen infrastruktuuri on muuttumassa sähköisestä optiseksi. Euroopan komission rahoittamassa Scalable Advanced Ring-based passive Dense Access Network Architecture (SARDANA)-tutkimusprojektissa tutkitaan seuraavan sukupolven passiivisten optisten liityntäverkojen teknologioita. Projektin päätavoitteena on pienentää passiivisiin optisiin liityntäverkkoihin liittyviä kustannuksia. Tämä diplomityö käsittelee SARDANA-testiverkon standardoimattoman 10 Gigabit-capable Passive Optical Network (XGPON) Transmission Convergence (TC)-kerroksen suunnittelua ja ensimmäistä toteutusta optisessa verkkopäätteessä (ONU:ssa). TC-kerros toteuttaa Medium Access Control (MAC)-protokollan. SARDANA XGPON TC (SXGTC)-kerros perustuu standardoituun ITU-T G.984.3 Gigabit-capable Passive Optical Network (GPON) TC (GTC)-kerroksen [ITU08] tarjoamaan ratkaisuun mutta eroaa tästä yksityiskohdiltaan. Kaikki SXGTC-kerroksen oleelliset yksityiskohdat peilataan GTC-kerrokseen. Suunniteltu SXGTC-protokolla tukee maksimissaan 9.95328 Gbps:n symmetrisiä tiedonsiirtonopeuksia. SXGTC-protokolla on optimoitu käsittelemään dataa 8 tavun sanoissa. Ensimmäinen ONU SXGTC-kerroksen toteutus ohjelmoitavassa Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA)-piirissä esitellään funktionaalisten lohkojen avulla. Tämän implementaation tiedonsiirtonopeus alasuunnassa on 9.95328 Gbps 98 %:n kaistatehokkuudella ja yläsuunnassa 2.48832 Gbps 94.5 %:n kaistatehokkuudella SARDANA-testiverkkokonfiguraation tapauksessa.With the emergence of new broadband telecommunication services and constantly increasing bandwidth demand, fixed access network infrastructure is evolving from electrical to optical. The European Commission funded research project Scalable Advanced Ring-based passive Dense Access Network Architecture (SARDANA) researches the next-generation passive optical access network technologies. The main goal of the project is to reduce expenses that are related to passive optical access networks. This master's thesis discusses the design of the non-standardized 10 Gigabit-capable Passive Optical Network (XGPON) Transmission Convergence (TC) layer and its first implementation version for Optical Network Unit (ONU) for the SARDANA test network. The SARDANA XGPON TC (SXGTC) layer implements the Medium Access Control (MAC) protocol. The SXGTC layer is based on the standardized solution offered by the ITU-T G.984.3 Gigabit-capable Passive Optical Network (GPON) TC (GTC) layer recommendation [ITU08] but differs from it in many details. All the SXGTC layer features are compared to those of the GTC layer. As a result, the SXGTC protocol is able to support operation on up to 9.95328 Gbps symmetrical transmission rates. The SXGTC layer is optimized for the 8-byte-word-based data processing. The first ONU SXGTC layer Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) implementation is presented in terms of functional blocks. The implementation supports operation on 9.95328 Gbps in the downstream offering 98 % bandwidth efficiency and on 2.48832 Gbps in the upstream offering 94.5 % bandwidth efficiency for the SARDANA test network configuration

    Dynamic bandwidth allocation algorithms with non-zero laser tuning time in TWDM passive optical networks

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    The goal of this document is to analyse the functionality of Passive Optical Networks (PONs). The reason for focusing on these technique networks is due to their high efficiency in terms of high bandwidth, high rate, low energy consumption and low cost. PONs are composed of Optical Network Unit (ONU), Optical Line Terminal (OLT) and passive elements (splitters/combiners, optical fibres…). Specifically, this document analyses Ethernet Passive Optical Networks (EPONs) defined by Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) in the IEEE 802.3ah standard although there is another standard. The main difference between them is the framing protocol, being the EPONs compliance with Ethernet frames. The first PONs used a single optical carrier. That means that upstream channel is a shared resource and a scheduling is needed to avoid collisions between users’ transmissions, by using Time-Division Multiple Access (TDMA). In PONs the OLT plays an important paper, since it is the responsible of the dynamic bandwidth allocation (DBA). The DBA agent in the OLT has an algorithm that schedules the users’ transmissions. Since the deployment of the first PONs, the requirements of the users have increased, and users need high bandwidth and high rate. Thus, a new generation of PONs (NG-PON) have been designed. These next generation of PONs are multicarrier. That means that upstream channel that is a shared resource needs a Medium Access Protocol (MAC) based on wavelength/time-sharing known as Wavelength-Time Division Multiple Access (WTDMA). The algorithm placed on the DBA agent in the OLT increases its complexity. The algorithm should be able to schedule the transmissions based on time and wavelength. In the new generation of PON, in order to change the transmission wavelength, the ONUs have to retune their lasers. This wavelength change causes a tuning time delay. The target of this project is to design, implement and analyse an algorithm based on WTDMA and able to consider the tuning time delay and to minimize the global average delay of the system. Besides, the algorithm should apply the Just-In-Time (JIT) technique for increasing the system efficiency. All the simulations and implementations have been performed in the OPNET simulator, over a base code based on multicarrier EPON created by another student. In order to implement our algorithm a previous upgrading work has been realized for running the model and adapting it for the new requirements. We have succeeded in simulating an EPON with 4 channels where every channel has a 1 Gbps of bandwidth in OPNET simulator. In EPON we have introduced a laser tuning time control. Finally, we have implemented the designed algorithm. The algorithm schedules efficiently the network transmissions considering the laser tuning time delay. We have successfully simulated an EPON with 4 carriers, with 1 Gbps per carrier. Finally, we have implemented an algorithm able to schedule efficiently the network transmissions considering the laser tuning time delay

    Wavelength reconfigurability for next generation optical access networks

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    Next generation optical access networks should not only increase the capacity but also be able to redistribute the capacity on the fly in order to manage larger variations in traffic patterns. Wavelength reconfigurability is the instrument to enable such capability of network-wide bandwidth redistribution since it allows dynamic sharing of both wavelengths and timeslots in WDM-TDM optical access networks. However, reconfigurability typically requires tunable lasers and tunable filters at the user side, resulting in cost-prohibitive optical network units (ONU). In this dissertation, I propose a novel concept named cyclic-linked flexibility to address the cost-prohibitive problem. By using the cyclic-linked flexibility, the ONU needs to switch only within a subset of two pre-planned wavelengths, however, the cyclic-linked structure of wavelengths allows free bandwidth to be shifted to any wavelength by a rearrangement process. Rearrangement algorithm are developed to demonstrate that the cyclic-linked flexibility performs close to the fully flexible network in terms of blocking probability, packet delay, and packet loss. Furthermore, the evaluation shows that the rearrangement process has a minimum impact to in-service ONUs. To realize the cyclic-linked flexibility, a family of four physical architectures is proposed. PRO-Access architecture is suitable for new deployments and disruptive upgrades in which the network reach is not longer than 20 km. WCL-Access architecture is suitable for metro-access merger with the reach up to 100 km. PSB-Access architecture is suitable to implement directly on power-splitter-based PON deployments, which allows coexistence with current technologies. The cyclically-linked protection architecture can be used with current and future PON standards when network protection is required

    Architectures and dynamic bandwidth allocation algorithms for next generation optical access networks

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