86 research outputs found

    A 2x2 bit multiplier using hybrid 13t full adder with vedic mathematics method

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    Various arithmetic circuits such as multipliers require full adder (FA) as the main block for the circuit to operate. Speed and energy consumption become very vital in design consideration for a low power adder. In this paper, a 2x2 bit Vedic multiplier using hybrid full adder (HFA) with 13 transistors (13T) had been designed successfully. The design was simulated using Synopsys Custom Tools in General Purpose Design Kit (GPDK) 90 nm CMOS technology process. In this design, four AND gates and two hybrid FA (HFAs) are cascaded together and each HFA is constructed from three modules. The cascaded module is arranged in the Vedic mathematics algorithm. This algorithm satisfied the requirement of a fast multiplication operation because of the vertical and crosswise architecture from the Urdhva Triyakbyam Sutra which reduced the number of partial products compared to the conventional multiplication algorithm. With the combination of hybrid full adder and Vedic mathematics, a new combination of multiplier method with low power and low delay is produced. Performance parameters such as power consumption and delay were compared to some of the existing designs. With a 1V voltage supply, the average power consumption of the proposed multiplier was found to be 22.96 µW and a delay of 161 ps

    A New Ultra Low-Power and Noise Tolerant Circuit Technique for CMOS Domino Logic

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    Dynamic logic style is used in high performance circuit design because of its fast speed and less transistors requirement as compared to CMOS logic style. But it is not widely accepted for all types of circuit implementations due to its less noise tolerance and charge sharing problems. A small noise at the input of the dynamic logic can change the desired output. Domino logic uses one static CMOS inverter at the output of dynamic node which is more noise immune and consuming very less power as compared to other proposed circuit. In this paper we have proposed a novel circuit for domino logic which has less noise at the output node and has very less power-delay product (PDP) as compared to previous reported articles. Low PDP is achieved by using semi-dynamic logic buffer and also reducing leakage current when PDN is not conducting

    Ultra Low Power Digital Circuit Design for Wireless Sensor Network Applications

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    Ny forskning innenfor feltet trådløse sensornettverk åpner for nye og innovative produkter og løsninger. Biomedisinske anvendelser er blant områdene med størst potensial og det investeres i dag betydelige beløp for å bruke denne teknologien for å gjøre medisinsk diagnostikk mer effektiv samtidig som man åpner for fjerndiagnostikk basert på trådløse sensornoder integrert i et ”helsenett”. Målet er å forbedre tjenestekvalitet og redusere kostnader samtidig som brukerne skal oppleve forbedret livskvalitet som følge av økt trygghet og mulighet for å tilbringe mest mulig tid i eget hjem og unngå unødvendige sykehusbesøk og innleggelser. For å gjøre dette til en realitet er man avhengige av sensorelektronikk som bruker minst mulig energi slik at man oppnår tilstrekkelig batterilevetid selv med veldig små batterier. I sin avhandling ” Ultra Low power Digital Circuit Design for Wireless Sensor Network Applications” har PhD-kandidat Farshad Moradi fokusert på nye løsninger innenfor konstruksjon av energigjerrig digital kretselektronikk. Avhandlingen presenterer nye løsninger både innenfor aritmetiske og kombinatoriske kretser, samtidig som den studerer nye statiske minneelementer (SRAM) og alternative minnearkitekturer. Den ser også på utfordringene som oppstår når silisiumteknologien nedskaleres i takt med mikroprosessorutviklingen og foreslår løsninger som bidrar til å gjøre kretsløsninger mer robuste og skalerbare i forhold til denne utviklingen. De viktigste konklusjonene av arbeidet er at man ved å introdusere nye konstruksjonsteknikker både er i stand til å redusere energiforbruket samtidig som robusthet og teknologiskalerbarhet øker. Forskningen har vært utført i samarbeid med Purdue University og vært finansiert av Norges Forskningsråd gjennom FRINATprosjektet ”Micropower Sensor Interface in Nanometer CMOS Technology”

    Design of Low-Voltage Digital Building Blocks and ADCs for Energy-Efficient Systems

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    Increasing number of energy-limited applications continue to drive the demand for designing systems with high energy efficiency. This tutorial covers the main building blocks of a system implementation including digital logic, embedded memories, and analog-to-digital converters and describes the challenges and solutions to designing these blocks for low-voltage operation

    Energy Efficient Design for Deep Sub-micron CMOS VLSIs

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    Over the past decade, low power, energy efficient VLSI design has been the focal point of active research and development. The rapid technology scaling, the growing integration capacity, and the mounting active and leakage power dissipation are contributing to the growing complexity of modern VLSI design. Careful power planning on all design levels is required. This dissertation tackles the low-power, low-energy challenges in deep sub-micron technologies on the architecture and circuit levels. Voltage scaling is one of the most efficient ways for reducing power and energy. For ultra-low voltage operation, a new circuit technique which allows bulk CMOS circuits to work in the sub-0. 5V supply territory is presented. The threshold voltage of the slow PMOS transistor is controlled dynamically to get a lower threshold voltage during the active mode. Due to the reduced threshold voltage, switching speed becomes faster while active leakage current is increased. A technique to dynamically manage active leakage current is presented. Energy reduction resulting from using the proposed structure is demonstrated through simulations of different circuits with different levels of complexity. As technology scales, the mounting leakage current and degraded noise immunity impact performance especially that of high performance dynamic circuits. Dual threshold technology shows a good potential for leakage reduction while meeting performance goals. A model for optimally selecting threshold voltages and transistor sizes in wide fan-in dynamic circuits is presented. On the circuit level, a novel circuit level technique which handles the trade-off between noise immunity and energy dissipation for wide fan-in dynamic circuits is presented. Energy efficiency of the proposed wide fan-in dynamic circuit is further enhanced through efficient low voltage operation. Another direct consequence of technology scaling is the growing impact of interconnect parasitics and process variations on performance. Traditionally, worst case process, parasitics, and environmental conditions are considered. Designing for worst case guarantees a fail-safe operation but requires a large delay and voltage margins. This large margin can be recovered if the design can adapt to the actual silicon conditions. Dynamic voltage scaling is considered a key enabler in reducing such margin. An on-chip process identifier to recover the margin required due to process variations is described. The proposed architecture adjusts supply voltage using a hybrid between the one-time voltage setting and the continuous monitoring modes of operation. The interconnect impact on delay is minimized through a novel adaptive voltage scaling architecture. The proposed system recovers the large delay and voltage margins required by conventional systems by closely tracking the actual critical path at anytime. By tracking the actual critical path, the proposed system is robust and more energy efficient compared to both the conventional open-loop and closed-loop systems

    Subthreshold circuits: Design, implementation and application

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    Digital circuits operating in the subthreshold region of the transistor are being used as an ideal option for ultra low power complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor (CMOS) design. The use of subthreshold circuit design in cryptographic systems is gaining importance as a counter measure to power analysis attacks. A power analysis attack is a non-invasive side channel attack in which the power consumption of the cryptographic system can be analyzed to retrieve the encrypted data. A number of techniques to increase the resistance to power attacks have been proposed at algorithmic and hardware levels, but these techniques suffer from large area and power overheads. The main aim of this research is to understand the viability of implementing subthreshold systems for cryptographic applications. Standard cell libraries in subthreshold are designed and a methodology to identify the minimum energy point, aspect ratio, frequency range and operating voltage for CMOS standard cells is defined. As scalar multiplication is the fundamental operation in elliptic curve cryptographic systems, a digit-level gaussian normal basis (GNB) multiplier is implemented using the aforementioned standard cells. A similar standard-cell library is designed for the multiplier to operate in the superthreshold regime. The subthreshold and superthreshold multipliers are then subjected to a differential power analysis attack. Power performance and signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of both these systems are compared to evaluate the usefulness of the subthreshold design. The power consumption of the subthreshold multiplier is 4.554 uW, the speed of the multiplier is 65.1 KHz and the SNR is 40 dB. The superthreshold multiplier has a power consumption of 4.005 mW, the speed of the multiplier is 330 MHz and the SNR is 200 dB. Reduced power consumption, hence reduced SNR, increases the resistance of the subthreshold multiplier against power analysis attacks. (Refer to PDF for exact formulas)

    Design and Analysis of Improved Domino Logic with Noise Tolerance and High Performance

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    The demands of upcoming computing, as well as the challenges of nanometer-era of VLSI design necessitate new digital logic techniques and styles that are at the same time high performance, energy efficient and robust to noise and variation. Dynamic CMOS logic gates are broadly used to design high performance circuits due to their high speed. Conversely, the vital demerit of dynamic logic style is its high noise sensitivity. The main reason for this is the sub-threshold leakage current flowing through the pull down network. With continuous technology scaling, this problem is getting more and more severe. In this thesis, a new noise tolerant dynamic CMOS circuit technique is proposed. In the proposed work, we have enhanced the behavior of the domino CMOS logic. This technique also gets benefit in terms of delay and power. This thesis describes the new low power, noise tolerant and high speed domino logic technique and presents a comparison result of this logic with previously reported schemes. Simulation results prove that, in 180 nm CMOS technology when we used this logic style to realize wide fan-in logic gates, it could achieve maximum level of noise robustness as compared to its basic counterpart. In addition, the logic also works efficiently with sequential circuits. The feasibility of this new technique is demonstrated by means of a real hardware, we have built a custom test-chip in the UMC 180 nm process technology with an ALU core, using the proposed domino logic style for each design block. In this thesis, we have also described the design and implementation of this chip. In addition to this, we have also presented initial power and delay performance comparisons between the circuit level simulated ALU and test-chip implemented in the proposed domino logic style. Finally we conclude that, the thesis contributes a very efficient logic style for wide fan-in gates, which is not only noise robust but also energy efficient and high speed

    Analysis and application of improved feedthrough logic

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    Continuous technology scaling and increased frequency of operation of VLSI circuits leads to increase in power density which raises thermal management problem. Therefore design of low power VLSI circuit technique is a challenging task without sacrificing its performance. This thesis presents the design of a low power dynamic circuit using a new CMOS domino logic family called feedthrough (FTL) logic. Dynamic logic circuits are more significant because of its faster speed and lesser transistor requirement as compared to static CMOS logic circuits. The need for faster circuits compels designers to use FTL as compared static and domino CMOS logic and the requirement of output inverter for cascading of various logic blocks in domino logic are eliminated in the proposed design. The proposed circuit for low power (LP-FTL) improves dynamic power consumption as compared to the existing FTL and to further improve its speed we propose another circuit (HS-FTL). This logic family improves speed at the cost of dynamic power consumption and area. Proposed modified FTL circuit families provide better PDP as compared to the existing FTL. Simulation results of both the proposed circuit using 0.18 µm, 1.8 V CMOS process technology indicate that the LP-FTL structure reduces the dynamic power approximately by 42% and the HS-FTL structure achieves a speed up- 1.4 for 10-stage of inverters and 8-bit ripple carry adder in comparison to existing FTL logic. Furthermore, we present various circuit design techniques to improve noise tolerance of the proposed FTL logic families. Noise in deep submicron technology limits the reliability and performance of ICs. The ANTE (average noise threshold energy) metric is used for the analysis of noise tolerance of proposed FTL. A 2-input NAND and NOR gate is designed by the proposed technique. Simulation results for a 2-input NAND gate at 0.18-µm, 1.8 V CMOS process technology show that the proposed noise tolerant circuit achieves 1.79X ANTE improvement along with the reduction in leakage power. Continuous scaling of technology towards the nanometer range significantly increases leakage current level and the effect of noise. This research can be further extended for performance optimization in terms of power, speed, area and noise immunity