17 research outputs found

    Correcting and improving imitation models of humans for Robosoccer agents

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    Proceeding of: 2005 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC'05),Edimburgo, 2-5 Sept. 2005The Robosoccer simulator is a challenging environment, where a human introduces a team of agents into a football virtual environment. Typically, agents are programmed by hand, but it would be a great advantage to transfer human experience into football agents. The first aim of this paper is to use machine learning techniques to obtain models of humans playing Robosoccer. These models can be used later to control a Robosoccer agent. However, models did not play as smoothly and optimally as the human. To solve this problem, the second goal of this paper is to incrementally correct models by means of evolutionary techniques, and to adapt them against more difficult opponents than the ones beatable by the human.Publicad

    Programming Robosoccer agents by modelling human behavior

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    The Robosoccer simulator is a challenging environment for artificial intelligence, where a human has to program a team of agents and introduce it into a soccer virtual environment. Most usually, Robosoccer agents are programmed by hand. In some cases, agents make use of Machine learning (ML) to adapt and predict the behavior of the opposite team, but the bulk of the agent has been preprogrammed. The main aim of this paper is to transform Robosoccer into an interactive game and let a human control a Robosoccer agent. Then ML techniques can be used to model his/her behavior from training instances generated during the play. This model will be used later to control a Robosoccer agent, thus imitating the human behavior. We have focused our research on low-level behavior, like looking for the ball, conducting the ball towards the goal, or scoring in the presence of opponent players. Results have shown that indeed, Robosoccer agents can be controlled by programs that model human play.Publicad

    Learning to Play Soccer with the SimpleSoccer Robot Soccer Simulator

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    High level coordination and decision making of a simulated robotic soccer team

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    Tese de mestrado integrado. Engenharia Informática e Computação. Faculdade de Engenharia. Universidade do Porto. 201

    Application of Fuzzy State Aggregation and Policy Hill Climbing to Multi-Agent Systems in Stochastic Environments

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    Reinforcement learning is one of the more attractive machine learning technologies, due to its unsupervised learning structure and ability to continually even as the operating environment changes. Applying this learning to multiple cooperative software agents (a multi-agent system) not only allows each individual agent to learn from its own experience, but also opens up the opportunity for the individual agents to learn from the other agents in the system, thus accelerating the rate of learning. This research presents the novel use of fuzzy state aggregation, as the means of function approximation, combined with the policy hill climbing methods of Win or Lose Fast (WoLF) and policy-dynamics based WoLF (PD-WoLF). The combination of fast policy hill climbing (PHC) and fuzzy state aggregation (FSA) function approximation is tested in two stochastic environments; Tileworld and the robot soccer domain, RoboCup. The Tileworld results demonstrate that a single agent using the combination of FSA and PHC learns quicker and performs better than combined fuzzy state aggregation and Q-learning lone. Results from the RoboCup domain again illustrate that the policy hill climbing algorithms perform better than Q-learning alone in a multi-agent environment. The learning is further enhanced by allowing the agents to share their experience through a weighted strategy sharing

    Off-chain Transaction Routing in Payment Channel Networks: A Machine Learning Approach

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    Blockchain is a foundational technology that has the potential to create new prospects for our economic and social systems. However, the scalability problem limits the capability to deliver a target throughput and latency, compared to the traditional financial systems, with increasing workload. Layer-two is a collective term for solutions designed to help solve the scalability by handling transactions off the main chain, also known as layer one. These solutions have the capability to achieve high throughput, fast settlement, and cost efficiency without sacrificing network security. For example, bidirectional payment channels are utilized to allow the execution of fast transactions between two parties, thus forming the so-called payment channel networks (PCNs). Consequently, an efficient routing protocol is needed to find the payment path from the sender to the receiver, with the lowest transaction fees. This routing protocol needs to consider, among other factors, the unexpected online/offline behavior of the constituent payment nodes as well as payment channel imbalance. This study proposes a novel machine learning-based routing technique for fully distributed and efficient off-chain transactions to be used within the PCNs. For this purpose, the effect of the offline nodes and channel imbalance on the payment channels network are modeled. The simulation results demonstrate a good tradeoff among success ratio, transaction fees, routing efficiency, transaction overhead, and transaction maintenance overhead as compared to other techniques that have been previously proposed for the same purpose

    Extending Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning to Continuous-Time, Average-Reward, and Multi-Agent Models

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    Multiagent reactive plan application learning in dynamic environments

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    Scaling reinforcement learning to the unconstrained multi-agent domain

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    Reinforcement learning is a machine learning technique designed to mimic the way animals learn by receiving rewards and punishment. It is designed to train intelligent agents when very little is known about the agent’s environment, and consequently the agent’s designer is unable to hand-craft an appropriate policy. Using reinforcement learning, the agent’s designer can merely give reward to the agent when it does something right, and the algorithm will craft an appropriate policy automatically. In many situations it is desirable to use this technique to train systems of agents (for example, to train robots to play RoboCup soccer in a coordinated fashion). Unfortunately, several significant computational issues occur when using this technique to train systems of agents. This dissertation introduces a suite of techniques that overcome many of these difficulties in various common situations. First, we show how multi-agent reinforcement learning can be made more tractable by forming coalitions out of the agents, and training each coalition separately. Coalitions are formed by using information-theoretic techniques, and we find that by using a coalition-based approach, the computational complexity of reinforcement-learning can be made linear in the total system agent count. Next we look at ways to integrate domain knowledge into the reinforcement learning process, and how this can signifi-cantly improve the policy quality in multi-agent situations. Specifically, we find that integrating domain knowledge into a reinforcement learning process can overcome training data deficiencies and allow the learner to converge to acceptable solutions when lack of training data would have prevented such convergence without domain knowledge. We then show how to train policies over continuous action spaces, which can reduce problem complexity for domains that require continuous action spaces (analog controllers) by eliminating the need to finely discretize the action space. Finally, we look at ways to perform reinforcement learning on modern GPUs and show how by doing this we can tackle significantly larger problems. We find that by offloading some of the RL computation to the GPU, we can achieve almost a 4.5 speedup factor in the total training process