168,967 research outputs found

    Mother tongue education with teaching methods. Ukrainian with teaching methods

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    У робочій навчальній програмі подано мету, зміст та завдання вивчення дисципліни "Рідномовна освіта з методикою навчання. Українська мова з методикою навчання"В рабочей учебной программе представлены цели, содержание и задачи изучения дисциплины "Родноязычных образование методике обучения. Украинский язык с методикой обучения"In the work study program given purpose, content and objectives of the discipline "Mother tongue education with teaching methods. Ukrainian with teaching methods

    Do Classroom Teaching Methods Incorporate All Types of Learning Styles?

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    An individual’s learning style is a natural pattern of processing or acquiring knowledge. Three types of learning styles that were studied are visual, auditory, and kinesthetic (tactile). An individual’s ability to acquire knowledge depends upon the style of instruction received by the teacher. The purpose of this project was to examine whether the teaching methods used in a high school biology classroom take into account different types of student learning styles. Student teaching in a biology class has given the author the opportunity to study the learning needs of the students. The participants were given a questionnaire during class asking each student to answer questions that would reflect their preferred style of learning. The students were also asked what methods were used during instruction that satisfied their learning style needs or caused them to struggle. The author then analyzed the data from the questionnaire to determine if the students felt their learning needs were met

    Suggested Teaching Methods

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    EFL Teaching Methods

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    Language is a system of communication and it plays a vital role in human society. How can we teach language effectively and serve the purpose for human communication? Many linguists and scholars have dwelt on the question, leading to different approaches and methods in language teaching. Those approaches and methods through history have not only reflected changes in theories of the nature of language and of language learning, but also reflected changes in learners’ needs

    Pharmacy Students Learning Styles and Preferences toward Teaching Methods in Learning Pharmaceutical Care Concept

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    The paradigm concerning the role of pharmacist has shifted from supplying drugs to providing pharmaceutical care services.1 Pharmacy faculties have responsibility to develop a curriculum that enables pharmacy students to provide pharmaceutical care services. Pharmaceutical care is provided by identifying, solving and preventing drug-related problems in patients.2 There is a need to use alternative teaching methods to aid the students develop abilities for providing pharmaceutical care. Some research has demonstrated an association between preference toward certain teaching methods and individual s learning style.3 Learning style is the process by which an individual obtains their knowledge or skills.4 Understanding pharmacy students learning style will support educators to facilitate learning process by applying appropriate teaching methods. The purpose of the study was to describe pharmacy students learning style and preferences toward some teaching methods in learning Pharmaceutical Care Concept. The study was a survey using questionnaire that consisted of two parts. Part one was Kolb s Learning Style Inventory to assess students learning styles and second part were statements of four teaching methods to know students preferences. The questionnaire was given to 4th year pharmacy students registered in Clinical Pharmacy II course. In Clinical Pharmacy II course students were taught to identify and solve drug-related problems as a component of pharmaceutical care services. After completed the questionnaire, students were asked to choose their preferences toward four teaching methods. The study surveyed 63 pharmacy students. There were 11 incomplete questionnaires excluded from analysis. The characteristic of students surveyed is described in Table I. The students’ learning styles and preferences are described in Table II. Of the 52 students, the largest group was Assimilators (52%). The remaining students were divided among other three learning styles (23% Divergers, 21% Convergers, and 4% Accommodators). All Accommodator preferred case study as their teaching method. Lecturing was the most preferred teaching method for Divergers and Assimilators, while most Convergers prefered case study as their teaching method. Of all teaching methods, the most preferred was lecturing


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    This study aim to know about 1) the influence of family, peers, teaching methods of teacher, and the use of Internet on student’s interest in learning electronic for audio video students at SMK N 3 Yogyakarta, 2) from family, peers, teaching methods of teacher, and the use of internet, which is the most influential factor on student's interest in learning electronics for audio video students at SMK N 3 Yogyakarta. The subjects are 99 students of competency skills audio video at SMK N 3 Yogyakarta. The variables are the family environment (X1), the peer environment (X2), the teaching method of teachers (X3), the use of internet (X4), and student’s interest in learning electronics (Y).The Techniques of data collection use questionnaire and the analysis method use 4 Predictors of Multiple Regression. The results show that the family, peers, teaching methods of teacher, and the use of internet have a positive and significant impact on students' interest in learning electronics for audio video students at SMK N 3 Yogyakarta, it can be seen from Rhitung (0.616) > Rtabel (0.195). The relative contribution of each variable is the use of Internet at 66.3%, family environment at 12.27%, teaching methods of teachers at 11%, and 10.5% of peer environment. Thus, the factors that most influential on the student's interest in learning electronics for audio video students at SMK N 3 Yogyakarta is the use of Internet. Keywords: family, peers, teaching methods, internet, interests in learning electronics

    Teaching writing for high-stakes exams using communicative language teaching methods

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    Udostępnienie publikacji Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego finansowane w ramach projektu „Doskonałość naukowa kluczem do doskonałości kształcenia”. Projekt realizowany jest ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego w ramach Programu Operacyjnego Wiedza Edukacja Rozwój; nr umowy: POWER.03.05.00-00-Z092/17-00