490,294 research outputs found

    PRME Report 2013-2014

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    Since our previous PRME report two years ago, Hanken has made significant progressin implementing the concept of responsibility and sustainability. As a result of thisprogress, Hanken was appointed one of 30 PRME Champions schools. This recognitionstrengthens Hanken’s position as one of the pioneers of responsible managementeducation.Responsibility and sustainability permeate Hanken’s activities at all levels– fromstrategy to execution. A social responsibility perspective is included in the sub-strategiesfor all our key activities – teaching and learning, research, HR, marketing, and executiveeducation. Additionally, social responsibility is a key element in our long-termstrategy. This builds a solid base for responsibility and sustainability as the fourthelement of our strategic profile together with research, internationalisation and corporateconnections.We have worked at including elements of social responsibility and sustainability in allaspects of our education ever since Hanken signed the Principles of Responsible ManagementEducation. Social responsibility has been included in our general learninggoals within the Assurance of Learning process and we have worked towards attainingAACSB accreditation. Recent developments in our teaching include new Master’s DegreeProgrammes in (1) Finance and Accounting, where students learn how to createand maintain a sustainable business from a financial management point of view; and(2) International Strategy and Sustainability, where students learn to think strategicallywith sustainability in mind. Hanken has also broadened the bachelor’s levelcourse offering within social responsibility through a recent agreement with ArcadaUniversity of Applied Science. Furthermore, ethical conduct is a key element in ourPhD Programme.At the end of 2012 Hanken’s research was evaluated by a panel of internationally acclaimedacademics. The panel concluded that Hanken’s research within supply chainmanagement and social responsibility is internationally competitive.But efforts are fruitless if no one knows about them, so I am very pleased that Hanken’sprevious PRME report was awarded a Recognition of Excellence Award for SIP reportingby the PRME Secretariat. Not only are we doing the right things, we also knowhow to communicate our progress. I hope this report continues the tradition

    Pengaruh Model Pengaruh Model Pembelajaran Teaching Personal And Social Responsibility (TPSR) Terhadap Kerjasama Dan Keterampilan Siswa Dalam Bermain Futsal (Studi Experimen Pada siswa Ekstrakulikuler futsal di SMAN 27 Kota Bandung)

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    Tujuan dalam penelitian ini yaitu ingin mengetahui pengaruh model Teaching Personal Social responsibility terhadap peningkatan kerjasama dan keterampilan dalam bermain futsal di SMAN 27 Kota Bandung. Pada penelitian ini, peneliti menggunakan metode penelitian eksperimen. Populasi yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa yang mengikuti Ekstrakuler Futsal di SMAN 27 Kota Bandung. Teknik pengambilan sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah purposive sampling, sampai akhirnya didapatkan sampel dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 20 orang siswa. Dalam penelitian ini desain yang digunakan adalah pretest – post test one group design. Peneliti melakukan experimen menggunakan model Teaching Personal Social responsibility(TPSR) dengan instrument Angket kerjasama dan GPAI (Game Performance Analisis Instrumen). Analisis pada penelitian ini menggunakan bantuan software SPSS (Statistikal Product and Service Solution) versi 25.0 IBM for window, Nilai rata-rata Kerjasama siswa yang diperoleh setelah menerapkan model Teaching Personal Social responsibility(TPSR) meningkat di bandingkan sebelum diberikan perlakuan. Dan hasil untuk keterampilan pun meningkat menunjukan 0,00<0,05 sehingga dapat disimpulkan terdapat pengaruh yang signifikan model pembelajaran Teaching Personal Social responsibility (TPSR) terhadap peningkatan kerjsama dan keterampilan bermain futsal di SMAN 27 Kota Bandung. Saran dalam penelitian ini diharapkan untuk mengadakan penelitian sejenis lebih lanjut dengan mengambil wilayah penelitian yang lebih luas dan lebih kompleks. The purpose of this research is to see the effect of the Teaching Personal Social Responsibility model on increasing cooperation and skills of students of SMAN 27 Bandung in playing futsal. In this research, researchers used the experimental research methods. The population used in this study were students who took futsal as their extracurricular at SMAN 27 Bandung. The sampling technique that used in this study was purposive sampling, the sample in this study was 20 students. The research design used was a pretest – post-test one group design. Researchers conducted experiments using the Teaching Personal Social Responsibility (TPSR) model with the collaboration questionnaire instrument and GPAI (Game Performance Analysis Instrument). The analysis in this study using the help of SPSS (Statistical Product and Service Solution) software version 25.0 IBM for window, the average value of student cooperation obtained after applying the Teaching Personal Social Responsibility (TPSR) model increased compared to the previous teaching methods. And the results for skills also increased by 0.00 <0.05 so that it can show a significant effect of the Teaching Personal Social Responsibility (TPSR) learning model on increasing cooperation and skills of students of SMAN 27 Bandung in playing futsal. Suggestions in this research are expected to conduct further research by taking a wider and more complex research area

    Defining the Business Philosophy Foundation for Sustainable Business Education

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    Sustainable business education is an approach to teaching business that focuses on sustainability. In recent years, issues such as climate change, the sustainability of natural resources, and the social responsibility of business have become a growing concern around the world. In this context, research on defining the philosophical foundations of sustainable business will help identify and evaluate key aspects of a sustainable business philosophy and also discuss the practical implications of its use in business education. This research is qualitative in nature. Data collection techniques included listening and recording important information to conduct data analysis through data reduction, data display, and conclusion drawing. The study concluded that in an effort to prepare a generation that is ready to face future business challenges, business education institutions should take steps to create a foundation for a sustainable business philosophy. This includes adopting a sustainable approach in the education curriculum, creating an enabling environment for sustainable business development, and introducing concepts such as sustainability, long-term perspective, and corporate social responsibility

    Working Situation and Research Willingness: A Case of Primary School Teachers in The Southeast of China

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    Based on the pursuit of research-oriented teachers, this study temped to understand whether school teachers have the time, willingness, and demands to conduct research while teaching. A qualitative survey was conducted among primary school mathematics teachers in southern Fujian province, the Southeast of China, through Questionnaires Star, and 102 texts were obtained. The survey found that primary school mathematics teachers' average daily work time in the sample was about 10 hours. The work contents were cumbersome and diverse, including rigid and semi-rigid tasks, and a social control mode of short-term responsibility with limited personal autonomy was found. The lesson preparation adopted the modification and imitation mode, and the classroom teaching conducted preset adjustment orientation. The research awareness and innovation ability of lesson preparation and teaching were insufficient, but the overall willingness to do research was very high. Teaching-based empirical research was their favorite, aiming at improving personal, professional rank, and student achievement. The reasons for not wanting to do research were mainly busy work, lack of theoretical literacy, and expecting mentors to lead or team up with famous teachers. As such, some recommendations were put forward

    Working Situation and Research Willingness: A Case of Primary School Teachers in The Southeast of China

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    Based on the pursuit of research-oriented teachers, this study temped to understand whether school teachers have the time, willingness, and demands to conduct research while teaching. A qualitative survey was conducted among primary school mathematics teachers in southern Fujian province, the Southeast of China, through Questionnaires Star, and 102 texts were obtained. The survey found that primary school mathematics teachers' average daily work time in the sample was about 10 hours. The work contents were cumbersome and diverse, including rigid and semi-rigid tasks, and a social control mode of short-term responsibility with limited personal autonomy was found. The lesson preparation adopted the modification and imitation mode, and the classroom teaching conducted preset adjustment orientation. The research awareness and innovation ability of lesson preparation and teaching were insufficient, but the overall willingness to do research was very high. Teaching-based empirical research was their favorite, aiming at improving personal, professional rank, and student achievement. The reasons for not wanting to do research were mainly busy work, lack of theoretical literacy, and expecting mentors to lead or team up with famous teachers. As such, some recommendations were put forward

    PRME Report 2009-2010

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    Today’s business environment is increasingly competitive.The internet revolution has made it extremely easy for the consumerto compare between alternative products and services,and to order them not only from the local producer, but alsofrom far away located global producers. Within the EuropeanUnion, the free movement of goods and services has emphasizedthis development.At the same time, the increased sophistication and wealthof the consumer has often increasingly moved focus from priceto other aspects of the product or service. These other aspectsinclude quality in a broad sense, as well as ethical and environmentalaspects of the product and the production process. Forwestern firms, who typically are at a cost disadvantage comparedto emerging markets, these other aspects of the productprovide a way to distinguish themselves from competitors. Theabove described process is an example of the channels throughwhich, in a market economy, consumers’ ethical and environmentalvalues influence firms and become an important part ofthe values and business concepts also for the firms.Hanken School of Economics strives at excellence in researchand teaching. Our students are increasingly international, andtheir future working careers are likely to take them abroad. Westrive for responsible management education, and therefore includeethics and corporate responsibility issues in our curriculum,as well as conduct research in these areas. Therefore it wasa natural step for Hanken to want to implement PRME in ourown organization.We are very happy with the steps taken on this road towardsa more systematic focus on values of global social responsibility,and how they are reflected in our education, research, as well asdaily life. We are a small, transparent institution were respect,cooperation and equality are emphasized as components of a responsibleenvironment. Sustainable development is not only onissue in research and education, we have now also implementedissues of it in our own daily “office” life through actions neededfor WWF’s Green Office certificate, which was obtained in 2010.Recently, also our research output dealing with social responsibilityissues has boosted. We definitely want to stay on this road

    Into the Valley of Ethics: Professional Responsibility and Educational Reform

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    For most of history, American legal education has aspired to teach professional responsibility by a pervasive method. Rhode charts efforts to realize that aspiration, not just in theory but in practice

    The Presence and Possibility of Moral Sensibility in Beginning Pre-Service Teachers

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    This paper presents research on the moral sensibility of six pre-service teachers in an undergraduate teacher education program. Using their reflective writing across their first two semesters of coursework as well as focus group interviews in their third semester as sources of data, the paper identifies and describes three distinctive types of moral sensibility and examines ways in which moral sensibility interacts with experiences in teacher education. Suggestions for explicitly incorporating the moral in pre-service teacher education are presented
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