698 research outputs found

    Characterization about tutor´s actuation in the teachers training of mathematics

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    En este estudio se describe la actuación de los tutores en un programa híbrido de formación de postgrado para profesores de matemáticas de secundaria en ejercicio. Codificamos y analizamos los comentarios de los tutores a los trabajos de los grupos de profesores en formación a su cargo. Para ello, construimos una estructura de categorías y códigos conjugando una revisión de literatura, una visión del aprendizaje de los profesores en formación y una revisión cíclica de los datos. Realizamos dos tipos de análisis: de frecuencias y clúster. El primer análisis nos permitió caracterizar las actuaciones comunes a la mayoría de los tutores. Con el segundo análisis establecimos tres perfiles de la actuación de los tutores.This study describes the performance of the mentors in a blended graduate-level training program of teachers in the field of secondary school mathematics. We codified and analyzed the mentors’ comments on the projects presented by the groups of in-service teachers for whom they (the mentors) were responsible. To do this, we developed a structure of categories and codes based on a combination of a literature review, a model of teacher learning, and a cyclical review of the data. We performed two types of analysis: frequency and cluster. The first analysis permitted us to characterize the common actions shared by most of the mentors. From the second, we established three profiles of the mentors’ actions.Grupo FORCE (HUM-386). Departamento de Didáctica y Organización Escolar de la Universidad de Granada


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    The purpose of this study is to find out: 1) Feasibility of the professional competence manual for prospective graduates of Mathematics Education at Faculty of Islamic Education and Teachers Training of the State Islamic University of North Sumatra Medan. 2) The student's response to the guidebooks for Professional Competencies in Undergraduate Mathematics Education Department of Faculty of Isalmic Education and Teachers Training of the State Islamic University of North Sumatra Medan. This is Research and Development tye that is using a model developed by Thiagarajan which is a 4 D (Four D) model consisting of 4 stages, called define, design, develop, and disseminate. The results of this study are that the professional competency guideline book for Mathematics Education graduates has met the valid and practical criteria which can be seen from the average recapitulation of the results of the validation team's assessment obtained by 3.43 with good criteria. So that the lattice guidebook is suitable to be used in lecture programs. In general, the students' response to the Mathematics Education student professional competency guidebook book was very positive, which was 87.55%. Keywords: Manual, Professional Competence, Mathematic Education, Faculty of Islamic Education and Teacher Training, UIN of North Sumtr

    La educación para la sostenibilidad en la universidad: el reto de la formación del profesorado

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    We analyze in this paper the importance of incorporating Sustainability in Higher Education Curricula as an essential component of future professionals' training. We show some advances in university teaching, management and research, refer to the main difficulties encountered and suggest ways of facing them. Our study is mainly centered in teachers' training of different levels,through their immersion in the culture of sustainability, to enable them to contribute to citizens' preparation to participate in founded decision-making about the socio-environmental problems currently faced by humanity

    The Study of Pedagogical Practice of Mobile Learning in Russia

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    The analysis of Russian and International experience of mobile learning is given in the article, the components of mobile learning (mobile devices, net technologies, pedagogical technologies) are revealed, pedagogical conditions of introduction of mobile learning in practice of Russian school are formulated. The special attention is paid to importance of the use of mobile learning under conditions of transfer to the new educational standards, because the use of mobile devices at the lessons develops in pupils the ability to work with information, interact with a teacher and other pupils in net. It is demonstrated, that mobile learning is oriented on the attainment of meta-subject educational results, favors the formation of ability to study during the whole life. The existing practice of mobile learning (inverted lesson, park lesson, distant courses and so on) are analyzed. The importance of pedagogical technologies, oriented on the wide independent work of the pupils is proved. The prospects of further studies on this problem are described, the necessity of specialized training of teachers to the use of mobile learning at school is proved, the list of topics for the study in the system of qualification improvement of the teachers and forms of the work with them is given: webinars, qualification improvement courses and also informal improvement of qualification in net communities (blogs)

    Features of Professional Teachers Training of Informatics in a Programming Course

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    Features of Professional Teachers Training of Informatics in a Programming Cours

    El ordenador en la enseñanza/aprendizaje de las matemáticas: una propuesta

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    Los autores consideramos fundamental el incorporar las herramientas informáticas al proceso de formación de profesores de Matemáticas. Hacemos una reflexión sobre cómo utilizarlas, y acerca del lugar que deben de ocupar. Este enfoque teórico lo concretamos en dos ejemplos del uso que podemos hacer de estas herramientas dentro de la enseñanza/aprendizaje de las MatemáticasThe authors we consider fundamental to incorporate it the data processing tools into process of teachers training of Mathematics. We make a reflection on how to use them, and about of the place that they should of occupying. This theoretical approach we fulfill it in two examples of the use that be able to do of these tools within the teaching and learning of the Mathematic

    The Creation in Building Good News for The Society in Medan, Indonesia

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    the news has three news coverage techniques, namely reportage, interviews, library research (literature studies). Some news writing techniques that can be a basic guide for journalists are:The title of the news is as concise as possible with short and clear sentences, but can still describe the core of the story as a whole.There are 5W + 1H elements.Arrange news so that it can be presented with accurate, clear and interesting information. Use language that is easily understood by readers from a variety of circles.Not "patronizing" but "showing / presenting"

    Fit for eLearning? Trainings for eLearning competencies

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    In: conference proceedings, edulearn 2010, Barcelona 5.-7.7.2010. In order to design and tutor online and blended learning courses, trainers and teachers need to obtain appropriate qualification. In this paper different competency models for online teaching which developed in Germany 2005 – 2008 will be addressed as well as different settings to qualify teachers and trainers appropriately. Finally the results of an evaluation of two different training settings will be presented in order to compare an in house versus a transorganisational training program