1,537 research outputs found

    Lexical typology : a programmatic sketch

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    The present paper is an attempt to lay the foundation for Lexical Typology as a new kind of linguistic typology.1 The goal of Lexical Typology is to investigate crosslinguistically significant patterns of interaction between lexicon and grammar

    Ontologizing Lexicon Access Functions based on an LMF-based Lexicon Taxonomy

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    This paper discusses ontologization of lexicon access functions in the context of a service-oriented language infrastructure, such as the Language Grid. In such a language infrastructure, an access function to a lexical resource, embodied as an atomic Web service, plays a crucially important role in composing a composite Web service tailored to a user?s specific requirement. To facilitate the composition process involving service discovery, planning and invocation, the language infrastructure should be ontology-based; hence the ontologization of a range of lexicon functions is highly required. In a service-oriented environment, lexical resources however can be classified from a service-oriented perspective rather than from a lexicographically motivated standard. Hence to address the issue of interoperability, the taxonomy for lexical resources should be ground to principled and shared lexicon ontology. To do this, we have ontologized the standardized lexicon modeling framework LMF, and utilized it as a foundation to stipulate the service-oriented lexicon taxonomy and the corresponding ontology for lexicon access functions. This paper also examines a possible solution to fill the gap between the ontological descriptions and the actual Web service API by adopting a W3C recommendation SAWSDL, with which Web service descriptions can be linked with the domain ontology

    WordNet: An Electronic Lexical Reference System Based on Theories of Lexical Memory

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    Cet article fait la description de WordNet, système de référence électronique, dont le dessin est basé sur des théories psycholinguistiques concernant la mémoire lexicale et l’organisation mentale des mots.Les noms, les verbes et les adjectifs anglais sont organisés en groupes synonymes (les « synsets »), chacun représentant un concept lexical. Trois relations principales — l’hyponymie, la méronymie et l’antonymie — servent à établir les rapports conceptuels entre les « synsets ». Les présuppositions qui lient les verbes sont indiquées ainsi que leurs contextes syntaxiques et sémantiques.En tâchant de miroiter l’organisation mentale des concepts lexicaux, WordNet pourrait servir l’utilisateur sans formation en linguistique.This paper describes WordNet, an on-line lexical reference system whose design is based on psycholinguistic theories of human lexical organization and memory.English nouns, verbs, and adjectives are organized into synonym sets, each representing one underlying lexical concept. Synonym sets are then related via three principal conceptual relations: hyponymy, meronymy, and antonymy. Verbs are additionally specified for presupposition relations that hold among them, and for their most common semantic/syntactic frames.By attempting to mirror the organization of the mental lexicon, WordNet strives to serve the linguistically unsophisticated user

    MOSAIC: A Model for Technologically Enhanced Educational Linguistics

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    Linking discourse marker inventories

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    The paper describes the first comprehensive edition of machine-readable discourse marker lexicons. Discourse markers such as and, because, but, though or thereafter are essential communicative signals in human conversation, as they indicate how an utterance relates to its communicative context. As much of this information is implicit or expressed differently in different languages, discourse parsing, context-adequate natural language generation and machine translation are considered particularly challenging aspects of Natural Language Processing. Providing this data in machine-readable, standard-compliant form will thus facilitate such technical tasks, and moreover, allow to explore techniques for translation inference to be applied to this particular group of lexical resources that was previously largely neglected in the context of Linguistic Linked (Open) Data

    Linking Discourse Marker Inventories

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    The paper describes the first comprehensive edition of machine-readable discourse marker lexicons. Discourse markers such as and, because, but, though or thereafter are essential communicative signals in human conversation, as they indicate how an utterance relates to its communicative context. As much of this information is implicit or expressed differently in different languages, discourse parsing, context-adequate natural language generation and machine translation are considered particularly challenging aspects of Natural Language Processing. Providing this data in machine-readable, standard-compliant form will thus facilitate such technical tasks, and moreover, allow to explore techniques for translation inference to be applied to this particular group of lexical resources that was previously largely neglected in the context of Linguistic Linked (Open) Data

    Corpus Linguistics and Translation

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    شهد القرن الواحد والعشرين تطورا تكنولوجيا وتنظيميا في الاقتصاد والمجتمع الدولي مما عكس أثرا كبيرا على الترجمة والدراسات الترجمة. تعد المدونة مجموعة لغوية طبيعية تعرض  للقراءة على الحاسوب  لاغراض التحليل اللغوي لنماذج لغوية متنوعة وهي الأساس لظهور علم لغة المدونات. لقد عمل علم لغة المدونات على تسهيل مهمة المترجمين في الاستفادة من كميات هائلة من المعلومات المخزونة في الحاسوب لغرض دراسة وترجمة اللغة الهدف . تهدف الدراسة الحالية الى تعريف طلبة الترجمة والمترجمين على طرق التطبيق العملي لمدونات الحاسوب لاستخدامها في مختلف حقول المعرفة. لقد أظهرت الدراسة أن علم لغة المدونات ذا أهمية بالغة في التوصيف الدقيق لنماذج مختلفة من اللغة حيث يوضح كيفية التفاعل بين المفردات والنحو وعلم لغة الدلالة لإنتاج الترجمة الملائمة. تضم مدونات الحاسوب نصوصا مكتوبة، شفوية، عامية، رسمية، روائية وغير روائية لمختلف المناطق السكانية وعلم جغرافية اللغة ومن هنا تبرز الحاجة لتكوين مدونات عربية وطنية للمؤلفين العرب لغرض المقارنة مع المدونات الاجنبية.The 21stcentury witnesses tremendous technological and organizational advances in world’s economy and societies. This has left a great impact on translation and translation studies. Corpus is a machine-readable representative collection of naturally occurring language assembled for linguistic analysis accessible with software such as, concordances that can find list and source of linguistic patterns. It lays the foundation of Corpus linguistics which makes it possible for translators and translation studies to make use of large quantity of stored data on computers for examining target language translations. Computer corpora includes spoken/written, casual/formal, fiction/non-fiction texts representing various demographic areas. The study aims at familiarizing student of translation and translators  with the methods and practical applications of computer corpora in various fields of language use. The study reveals that Corpus data are essential for accurately describing various samples of language by showing how lexis, grammar and semantics interact to serve appropriate translation output