82 research outputs found

    Important methodological issues regarding the use of TMS to investigate interoceptive processing: a comment on Pollatos et al (2016)

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    Comment on: Changes in interoceptive processes following brain stimulation by Pollatos, Herbert, Mai & Kammer, 201

    Theta-burst stimulation and frontotemporal regulation of cardiovascular autonomic outputs : the role of state anxiety

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    Dysregulation of autonomic cardiovascular homeostasis is an important cardiological and neurological risk factor. Cortical regions including the prefrontal and insular cortices exert tonic control over cardiovascular autonomic functions. Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) may be a suitable approach for studying top-down control of visceromotor processes. However, there is inconsistent evidence as to whether TMS can modify cardiovascular autonomic states. One reason for the inconsistency may arise from the lack of studies accounting for the acute affective states of participants with respect to the stimulation procedures. To gain more insights into these processes, we evaluated the effects of intermittent and continuous theta-burst stimulation (TBS) to the right frontotemporal cortex on state anxiety and cardiovascular responses in a preliminary study. State anxiety significantly increased for both intermittent and continuous TBS relative to sham. Intermittent TBS also significantly increased heart-rate variability (HRV) at natural and slow-paced breathing rates. The effect of intermittent TBS on vagally-mediated HRV was attenuated after accounting for stimulation-induced anxiety, suggesting that increased HRV after stimulation may reflect a response to a transient stressor (i.e., the stimulation itself), rather than TBS effects on visceromotor networks. In contrast, continuous TBS increased pulse transit time latency across breathing rates, an effect that was enhanced after accounting for state anxiety. TMS is a promising approach to study cortical involvement in cardiovascular autonomic regulation. The findings show that TBS induces effects on visceromotor networks, and that analysis of state covariates such as anxiety can be important for increasing the precision of these estimates. Future non-invasive brain stimulation studies of top-down neurocardiac regulation should account for the potential influence of non-specific arousal or anxiety responses to stimulation

    Transcranial focused ultrasound-mediated neurochemical and functional connectivity changes in deep cortical regions in humans

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    Low-intensity transcranial ultrasound stimulation (TUS) is an emerging non-invasive technique for focally modulating human brain function. The mechanisms and neurochemical substrates underlying TUS neuromodulation in humans and how these relate to excitation and inhibition are still poorly understood. In 24 healthy controls, we separately stimulated two deep cortical regions and investigated the effects of theta-burst TUS, a protocol shown to increase corticospinal excitability, on the inhibitory neurotransmitter gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) and functional connectivity. We show that theta-burst TUS in humans selectively reduces GABA levels in the posterior cingulate, but not the dorsal anterior cingulate cortex. Functional connectivity increased following TUS in both regions. Our findings suggest that TUS changes overall excitability by reducing GABAergic inhibition and that changes in TUS-mediated neuroplasticity last at least 50 mins after stimulation. The difference in TUS effects on the posterior and anterior cingulate could suggest state- or location-dependency of the TUS effect—both mechanisms increasingly recognized to influence the brain’s response to neuromodulation

    Hippocampal and striatal responses during motor learning are modulated by prefrontal cortex stimulation

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    While it is widely accepted that motor sequence learning (MSL) is supported by a prefrontal-mediated interaction between hippocampal and striatal networks, it remains unknown whether the functional responses of these networks can be modulated in humans with targeted experimental interventions. The present proof-of-concept study employed a multimodal neuroimaging approach, including functional magnetic resonance (MR) imaging and MR spectroscopy, to investigate whether individually-tailored theta-burst stimulation of the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex can modulate responses in the hippocampus and the basal ganglia during motor learning. Our results indicate that while stimulation did not modulate motor performance nor task-related brain activity, it influenced connectivity patterns within hippocampo-frontal and striatal networks. Stimulation also altered the relationship between the levels of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) in the stimulated prefrontal cortex and learning-related changes in both activity and connectivity in fronto-striato-hippocampal networks. This study provides the first experimental evidence, to the best of our knowledge, that brain stimulation can alter motor learning-related functional responses in the striatum and hippocampus.This work was supported by the Belgian Research Foundation Flanders (FWO; G099516N) and internal funds from KU Leuven. GA also received support from FWO (G0D7918N, G0B1419N, 1524218N) and Excellence of Science (EOS, 30446199, MEMODYN, with SPS and DM). MAG, ND and MPV received salary support from these grants. MAG is funded by a predoctoral fellowship from FWO (1141320N). Financial support for author BRK was provided by the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement (703490) and a postdoctoral fellowship from FWO (132635). This study applies tools developed under National Institutes of Health (NIH) Grants R01- EB-016089, R01-023963, and P41-EB015909; RAEE also receives salary support from these grants. NAJP receives salary support from NIH Grant R00-MH-107719. EMR received salary support from the Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR, Virginia, USA; FA9550-16-1-0191)

    Bilateral sequential theta burst stimulation for multiple-therapy-resistant depression: A naturalistic observation study

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    Depression is a significant health issue with treatment resistance reported in about one third of patients. Treatment resistance results in significant disability, impaired quality of life, and increased healthcare costs. Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) is a treatment option for treatment resistant depression (TRD) with response and remission rates in open-label studies being as high as 58% and 37% respectively. Theta-burst is a faster and novel rTMS paradigm that has shown promise as a treatment for TRD in some preliminary studies. In a naturalistic design, we evaluated the response, remission and tolerability of bilateral sequential (right then left) prefrontal theta-burst rTMS (bsTBS) in 50 patients with TRD (600 pulses/session, 20 sessions, 100% of resting motor threshold (80% if intolerant to 100%, n = 2), F4/F3 of 10-20-20 EEG localization). Data was collected over 36 months from a specialized academic TMS clinic. Patients had multiple-treatment resistance with at least two failed trials of different antidepressants with 20% also having failed electroconvulsive therapy and 66% having received professional therapy. We found a 28% remission rate (HAMD-17 score of ≤7) and a 52% response rate (≥50% reduction in HAMD-17) with a 42% reduction in average HAMD-17 score. The treatment was well tolerated, with muscle contractions, mild pain or discomfort, headache, scalp irritation, and changes to vitals being captured as occasional adverse events with two instances of syncope (0.22% of treatments). This naturalistic study shows that bsTBS is a promising paradigm for a multiple-TRD patient population with approximately one-third of treatments achieving remission and over half achieving significant response

    Simultaneous transcranial electrical and magnetic stimulation boost gamma oscillations in the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex

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    Neural oscillations in the gamma frequency band have been identified as a fundament for synaptic plasticity dynamics and their alterations are central in various psychiatric and neurological conditions. Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) and alternating electrical stimulation (tACS) may have a strong therapeutic potential by promoting gamma oscillations expression and plasticity. Here we applied intermittent theta-burst stimulation (iTBS), an established TMS protocol known to induce LTP-like cortical plasticity, simultaneously with transcranial alternating current stimulation (tACS) at either theta (theta tACS) or gamma (gamma tACS) frequency on the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC). We used TMS in combination with electroencephalography (EEG) to evaluate changes in cortical activity on both left/right DLPFC and over the vertex. We found that simultaneous iTBS with gamma tACS but not with theta tACS resulted in an enhancement of spectral gamma power, a trend in shift of individual peak frequency towards faster oscillations and an increase of local connectivity in the gamma band. Furthermore, the response to the neuromodulatory protocol, in terms of gamma oscillations and connectivity, were directly correlated with the initial level of cortical excitability. These results were specific to the DLPFC and confined locally to the site of stimulation, not being detectable in the contralateral DLPFC. We argue that the results described here could promote a new and effective method able to induce long-lasting changes in brain plasticity useful to be clinically applied to several psychiatric and neurological conditions

    Investigation of brain networks for personalized rTMS in healthy subjects and patients with major depressive disorder: A translational study

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    Depression is a complex psychiatric disorder with emotional dysregulation at its core. The first line of treatment includes cognitive behaviour therapy and pharmacological antidepressants. However, up to one third of patients with depression fail to respond to these treatment interventions. The past decades have seen an increasing use of repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (rTMS) in clinical studies, as an alternative treatment for depression. Several large-scale, multicentre randomized controlled trials have led the Food and Drugs Administration (FDA), USA to approve two rTMS protocols for clinical application in the treatment of depression - 10 Hz rTMS and intermittent Theta Burst Stimulation (iTBS). However, only 30-50% of patients receiving rTMS respond to the treatment. The large variability in response to rTMS likely stems from multiple reasons, one being the targeting method currently employed for delivering rTMS at the left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC). Previous functional connectivity studies have shown that stimulation at left DLPFC targets with larger negative correlation to the subgenual anterior cingulate cortex (sgACC) may result in greater therapeutic response than those with lower negative correlation. However, current use of rTMS ignores functional connectivity in choosing the left DLPFC target, thus largely discarding functional architectural differences of the brain across subjects. Furthermore, despite widespread clinical use of rTMS, the basic network mechanisms behind these rTMS protocols remain elusive. This work presents a novel personalization method of left DLPFC target selection based on their negative functional connectivity to the sgACC. The default mode network (DMN) is a large-scale brain network commonly involved in self-referential thought processing and plays an essential role in the pathophysiology of depression. I use the novel personalization method and identical study designs to delineate DMN mechanisms from a single session of 10 Hz rTMS and iTBS in healthy subjects. Arguably, an understanding of basic mechanisms of clinically relevant rTMS protocols in healthy subjects will help improve the current therapeutic effect of rTMS, and possibly expand the therapeutic role of rTMS. My work shows, for the first time, strong but different modulations of DMN connectivity by single personalized sessions of 10 Hz rTMS and iTBS. Such modulations can be predicted using the personality trait harm avoidance (HA). Given that initial results show that the method is robust and reproducible, its adaptation to patient cohorts is likely to result in improved therapeutic benefits. Therefore, the novel method of personalization is translated to clinical setting by using accelerated iTBS (aiTBS) in patients with depression. Additionally, a comparison is made between effects resulting from personalized and nonpersonalized (10-20 EEG system F3 position) aiTBS in patients with depression. By evaluating the DMN, and heart rate variability, I show precise modulatory effects of personalized aiTBS, which is not seen in the standard aiTBS group. The work presented here introduces an important method to reduce variability and increase precision in rTMS modulation by personalizing the left DLPFC target selection. Even though DMN and cardiac effects already point towards the advantage of personalization, the still preliminary analysis fails to show significant differences in treatment response. Lack of greater therapeutic benefits viii from personalized aiTBS in this ongoing study probably stems from a still limited sample size. In case personalization proves clinically advantageous to standard iTBS by the final sample size, this work can sediment the first step towards systems medicine in the field of psychiatry.2022-02-0

    Transcranial focused ultrasound-mediated neurochemical and functional connectivity changes in deep cortical regions in humans

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    Low-intensity transcranial ultrasound stimulation (TUS) is an emerging non-invasive technique for focally modulating human brain function. The mechanisms and neurochemical substrates underlying TUS neuromodulation in humans and how these relate to excitation and inhibition are still poorly understood. In 24 healthy controls, we separately stimulated two deep cortical regions and investigated the effects of theta-burst TUS, a protocol shown to increase corticospinal excitability, on the inhibitory neurotransmitter gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) and functional connectivity. We show that theta-burst TUS in humans selectively reduces GABA levels in the posterior cingulate, but not the dorsal anterior cingulate cortex. Functional connectivity increased following TUS in both regions. Our findings suggest that TUS changes overall excitability by reducing GABAergic inhibition and that changes in TUS-mediated neuroplasticity last at least 50 mins after stimulation. The difference in TUS effects on the posterior and anterior cingulate could suggest state- or location-dependency of the TUS effect—both mechanisms increasingly recognized to influence the brain’s response to neuromodulation

    Development of Low-Frequency Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation as a Tool to Modulate Visual Disorders: Insights from Neuroimaging

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    Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) has become a popular neuromodulation technique, increasingly employed to manage several neurological and psychological conditions. Despite its popular use, the underlying mechanisms of rTMS remain largely unknown, particularly at the visual cortex. Moreover, the application of rTMS to modulate visual-related disorders is under-investigated. The goal of the present research was to address these issues. I employ a multitude of neuroimaging techniques to gain further insight into neural mechanisms underlying low-frequency (1 Hz) rTMS to the visual cortex. In addition, I begin to develop and refine clinical low-frequency rTMS protocols applicable to visual disorders as an alternative therapy where other treatment options are unsuccessful or where there are simply no existing therapies. One such visual disorder that can benefit from rTMS treatment is the perception of visual hallucinations that can occur following visual pathway damage in otherwise cognitively healthy individuals. In Chapters 23, I investigate the potential of multiday low-frequency rTMS to the visual cortex to alleviate continuous and disruptive visual hallucinations consequent to occipital injury. Combining rTMS with magnetic resonance imaging techniques reveals functional and structural cortical changes that lead to the perception of visual hallucinations; and rTMS successfully attenuates these anomalous visual perceptions. In Chapters 45, I compare the effects of alternative doses of low-frequency rTMS to the visual cortex on neurotransmitter levels and intrinsic functional connectivity to gain insight into rTMS mechanisms and establish the most effective protocol. Differential dose-dependent effects are observed on neurotransmitter levels and functional connectivity that suggest the choice of protocol critically depends on the neurophysiological target. Collectively, this work provides a basic framework for the use of low-frequency rTMS and neuroimaging in clinical application for visual disorders
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