101 research outputs found

    Image Super-Resolution as a Defense Against Adversarial Attacks

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    Convolutional Neural Networks have achieved significant success across multiple computer vision tasks. However, they are vulnerable to carefully crafted, human-imperceptible adversarial noise patterns which constrain their deployment in critical security-sensitive systems. This paper proposes a computationally efficient image enhancement approach that provides a strong defense mechanism to effectively mitigate the effect of such adversarial perturbations. We show that deep image restoration networks learn mapping functions that can bring off-the-manifold adversarial samples onto the natural image manifold, thus restoring classification towards correct classes. A distinguishing feature of our approach is that, in addition to providing robustness against attacks, it simultaneously enhances image quality and retains models performance on clean images. Furthermore, the proposed method does not modify the classifier or requires a separate mechanism to detect adversarial images. The effectiveness of the scheme has been demonstrated through extensive experiments, where it has proven a strong defense in gray-box settings. The proposed scheme is simple and has the following advantages: (1) it does not require any model training or parameter optimization, (2) it complements other existing defense mechanisms, (3) it is agnostic to the attacked model and attack type and (4) it provides superior performance across all popular attack algorithms. Our codes are publicly available at https://github.com/aamir-mustafa/super-resolution-adversarial-defense.Comment: Published in IEEE Transactions in Image Processin

    MAP-GAN: Unsupervised Learning of Inverse Problems

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    In this paper we outline a novel method for training a generative adversarial network based denoising model from an exclusively corrupted and unpaired dataset of images. Our model can learn without clean data or corrupted image pairs, and instead only requires that the noise distribution is able to be expressed analytically and that the noise at each pixel is independent. We utilize maximum a posteriori estimation as the underlying solution framework, optimizing over the analytically expressed noise generating distribution as the likelihood and employ the GAN as the prior. We then evaluate our method on several popular datasets of varying size and levels of corruption. Further we directly compare the numerical results of our experiments to that of the current state of the art unsupervised denoising model. While our proposed approach\u27s experiments do not achieve a new state of the art, it provides an alternative method to unsupervised denoising and shows strong promise as an area for future research and untapped potential

    Deep Learning Concepts for Evolutionary Art

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    A deep convolutional neural network (CNN) trained on millions of images forms a very high-level abstract overview of any given target image. Our primary goal is to use this high-level content information of a given target image to guide the automatic evolution of images. We use genetic programming (GP) to evolve procedural textures. We incorporate a pre-trained deep CNN model into the fitness. We are not performing any training, but rather, we pass a target image through the pre-trained deep CNN and use its the high-level representation as the fitness guide for evolved images. We develop a preprocessing strategy called Mean Minimum Matrix Strategy (MMMS) which reduces the dimensions and identifies the most relevant high-level activation maps. The technique using reduced activation matrices for a fitness shows promising results. GP is able to guide the evolution of textures such that they have shared characteristics with the target image. We also experiment with the fully connected “classifier” layers of the deep CNN. The evolved images are able to achieve high confidence scores from the deep CNN module for some tested target images. Finally, we implement our own shallow convolutional neural network with a fixed set of filters. Experiments show that the basic CNN had limited effectiveness, likely due to the lack of training. In conclusion, the research shows the potential for using deep learning concepts in evolutionary art. As deep CNN models become better understood, they will be able to be used more effectively for evolutionary art

    From rule-based to learning-based image-conditional image generation

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    Visual contents, such as movies, animations, computer games, videos and photos, are massively produced and consumed nowadays. Most of these contents are the combination of materials captured from real-world and contents synthesized by computers. Particularly, computer-generated visual contents are increasingly indispensable in modern entertainment and production. The generation of visual contents by computers is typically conditioned on real-world materials, driven by the imagination of designers and artists, or a combination of both. However, creating visual contents manually are both challenging and labor intensive. Therefore, enabling computers to automatically or semi-automatically synthesize needed visual contents becomes essential. Among all these efforts, a stream of research is to generate novel images based on given image priors, e.g., photos and sketches. This research direction is known as image-conditional image generation, which covers a wide range of topics such as image stylization, image completion, image fusion, sketch-to-image generation, and extracting image label maps. In this thesis, a set of novel approaches for image-conditional image generation are presented. The thesis starts with an exemplar-based method for facial image stylization in Chapter 2. This method involves a unified framework for facial image stylization based on a single style exemplar. A two-phase procedure is employed, where the first phase searches a dense and semantic-aware correspondence between the input and the exemplar images, and the second phase conducts edge-preserving texture transfer. While this algorithm has the merit of requiring only a single exemplar, it is constrained to face photos. To perform generalized image-to-image translation, Chapter 3 presents a data-driven and learning-based method. Inspired by the dual learning paradigm designed for natural language translation [115], a novel dual Generative Adversarial Network (DualGAN) mechanism is developed, which enables image translators to be trained from two sets of unlabeled images from two domains. This is followed by another data-driven method in Chapter 4, which learns multiscale manifolds from a set of images and then enables synthesizing novel images that mimic the appearance of the target image dataset. The method is named as Branched Generative Adversarial Network (BranchGAN) and employs a novel training method that enables unconditioned generative adversarial networks (GANs) to learn image manifolds at multiple scales. As a result, we can directly manipulate and even combine latent manifold codes that are associated with specific feature scales. Finally, to provide users more control over image generation results, Chapter 5 discusses an upgraded version of iGAN [126] (iGANHD) that significantly improves the art of manipulating high-resolution images through utilizing the multi-scale manifold learned with BranchGAN

    On Improving Generalization of CNN-Based Image Classification with Delineation Maps Using the CORF Push-Pull Inhibition Operator

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    Deployed image classification pipelines are typically dependent on the images captured in real-world environments. This means that images might be affected by different sources of perturbations (e.g. sensor noise in low-light environments). The main challenge arises by the fact that image quality directly impacts the reliability and consistency of classification tasks. This challenge has, hence, attracted wide interest within the computer vision communities. We propose a transformation step that attempts to enhance the generalization ability of CNN models in the presence of unseen noise in the test set. Concretely, the delineation maps of given images are determined using the CORF push-pull inhibition operator. Such an operation transforms an input image into a space that is more robust to noise before being processed by a CNN. We evaluated our approach on the Fashion MNIST data set with an AlexNet model. It turned out that the proposed CORF-augmented pipeline achieved comparable results on noise-free images to those of a conventional AlexNet classification model without CORF delineation maps, but it consistently achieved significantly superior performance on test images perturbed with different levels of Gaussian and uniform noise

    Ranking to Learn and Learning to Rank: On the Role of Ranking in Pattern Recognition Applications

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    The last decade has seen a revolution in the theory and application of machine learning and pattern recognition. Through these advancements, variable ranking has emerged as an active and growing research area and it is now beginning to be applied to many new problems. The rationale behind this fact is that many pattern recognition problems are by nature ranking problems. The main objective of a ranking algorithm is to sort objects according to some criteria, so that, the most relevant items will appear early in the produced result list. Ranking methods can be analyzed from two different methodological perspectives: ranking to learn and learning to rank. The former aims at studying methods and techniques to sort objects for improving the accuracy of a machine learning model. Enhancing a model performance can be challenging at times. For example, in pattern classification tasks, different data representations can complicate and hide the different explanatory factors of variation behind the data. In particular, hand-crafted features contain many cues that are either redundant or irrelevant, which turn out to reduce the overall accuracy of the classifier. In such a case feature selection is used, that, by producing ranked lists of features, helps to filter out the unwanted information. Moreover, in real-time systems (e.g., visual trackers) ranking approaches are used as optimization procedures which improve the robustness of the system that deals with the high variability of the image streams that change over time. The other way around, learning to rank is necessary in the construction of ranking models for information retrieval, biometric authentication, re-identification, and recommender systems. In this context, the ranking model's purpose is to sort objects according to their degrees of relevance, importance, or preference as defined in the specific application.Comment: European PhD Thesis. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1601.06615, arXiv:1505.06821, arXiv:1704.02665 by other author

    Ranking to Learn and Learning to Rank: On the Role of Ranking in Pattern Recognition Applications

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    The last decade has seen a revolution in the theory and application of machine learning and pattern recognition. Through these advancements, variable ranking has emerged as an active and growing research area and it is now beginning to be applied to many new problems. The rationale behind this fact is that many pattern recognition problems are by nature ranking problems. The main objective of a ranking algorithm is to sort objects according to some criteria, so that, the most relevant items will appear early in the produced result list. Ranking methods can be analyzed from two different methodological perspectives: ranking to learn and learning to rank. The former aims at studying methods and techniques to sort objects for improving the accuracy of a machine learning model. Enhancing a model performance can be challenging at times. For example, in pattern classification tasks, different data representations can complicate and hide the different explanatory factors of variation behind the data. In particular, hand-crafted features contain many cues that are either redundant or irrelevant, which turn out to reduce the overall accuracy of the classifier. In such a case feature selection is used, that, by producing ranked lists of features, helps to filter out the unwanted information. Moreover, in real-time systems (e.g., visual trackers) ranking approaches are used as optimization procedures which improve the robustness of the system that deals with the high variability of the image streams that change over time. The other way around, learning to rank is necessary in the construction of ranking models for information retrieval, biometric authentication, re-identification, and recommender systems. In this context, the ranking model's purpose is to sort objects according to their degrees of relevance, importance, or preference as defined in the specific application.Comment: European PhD Thesis. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1601.06615, arXiv:1505.06821, arXiv:1704.02665 by other author