2,948 research outputs found

    Tangible educational toys for children with type-1 diabetes

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    This paper presents the stakeholder centred design of an educational game for children, aged 3 to 8 years old, with type-1 diabetes. The novelty of the approach is the multi-stakeholder approach to design and evaluation (diabetes consultants, nurses, parents and children) and the creation of a tangible interface game for interactive learning of diabetes concepts for children aged 3-8

    Making diabetes education interactive : tangible educational toys for children with type-1 diabetes

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    Younger children (under 9 years) with type-1 diabetes are often very passive in the management of their condition and can face difficulties in accessing and understanding basic diabetes related information. This can make transitioning to self-management in later years very challenging. Previous research has mostly focused on educational interventions for older children. To create an educational tool which can support the diabetes educational process of younger children, we conducted a multiphase and multi-stakeholder user-centred design process. The result is an interactive tool that illustrates diabetes concepts in an age-appropriate way with the use of tangible toys. The tool was evaluated inside a paediatric diabetes clinic with clinicians, children and parents and was found to be engaging, acceptable and effective. In addition to providing implications for the design and adoption of educational tools for children in a clinical setting, we discuss the challenges for conducting user-centred design in such a setting

    Mummy, why do I have diabetes? A tangible interface for educating children with type-1 diabetes

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    This paper presents the stakeholder centred design of an educational game for children, aged 3 to 8 years old, with type-1 diabetes. The novelty of the approach is the multi-stakeholder approach to design and evaluation (diabetes consultants, nurses, parents and children) and the creation of a tangible interface game for interactive learning of diabetes concepts for children aged 3-8

    A systematic review of game technologies for pediatric patients

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    [EN] Children in hospital are subjected to multiple negative stimuli that may hinder their development and social interactions. Although game technologies are thought to improve children's experience in hospital, there is a lack of information on how they can be used effectively. This paper presents a systematic review of the literature on the existing approaches in this context to identify gaps for future research. A total of 1305 studies were identified, of which 75 were thoroughly analyzed according to our review protocol. The results show that the most common approach is to design mono-user games with traditional computers or monitor-based video consoles, which serve as a distractor or a motivator for physical rehabilitation for primary school children undergoing fearful procedures such as venipuncture, or those suffering chronic, neurological, or traumatic diseases/injures. We conclude that, on the one hand, game technologies seem to present physical and psychological benefits to pediatric patients, but more research is needed on this. On the other hand, future designers of games for pediatric hospitalization should consider: 1. The development for kindergarten patients and adolescents, 2. Address the psychological impact caused by long-term hospitalization, 3. Use collaboration as an effective game strategy to reduce patient isolation, 4. Have purposes other than distraction, such as socialization, coping with emotions, or fostering physical mobility, 5. Include parents/caregivers and hospital staff in the game activities; and 6. Exploit new technological artifacts such as robots and tangible interactive elements to encourage intrinsic motivation.This work is supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness and the European Development Regional Fund (EDRF-FEDER) with Project TIN2014-60077-R.El Jurdi, S.; Montaner-Marco, J.; García Sanjuan, F.; Jaén Martínez, FJ.; Nácher-Soler, VE. (2018). A systematic review of game technologies for pediatric patients. Computers in Biology and Medicine. 97:89-112. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compbiomed.2018.04.019S891129

    A 'benign addition'? Research on ICT and pre-school children

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    This paper reviews the international research evidence on the ways in which information and communication technologies (ICT) are used in both formal and informal pre-school settings. The review addresses the debate over the value and desirability of young children using computers and computational toys; the relationship of these technologies to a media environment which encompasses television, video, books and magazines; the literacies involved in using these media; and interface design and interactivity

    Familiarizing children with atificial intelligence

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    Abstract. Studies regarding the digital literacy of children can be found easily. Such as teaching children about coding, involvement of children in the design and development of technology, learning of CT, and abstraction. On the other hand, the availability of literature regarding the combination of children and AI is still not enough. Especially, there is a lack of research regarding AI literacy of children which is the research problem. The gap was found while searching for material regarding AI and children through ACM Digital Library and IEEE Xplore which motivated to conduct this research. Thus, the research was conducted with the aim of familiarizing children with the AI. Moreover, the qualitative research method was used for this study. The reason to choose this method was the lack of literature in this field. Another reason was to obtain evidence-based on observations in the real environment. Data was collected in the form of observations, texts (activity worksheets), pictures, video, and audio. The teacher was interviewed at the end of the last session to get feedback about children’s learning. Also, the study was conducted at an international school in Oulu, Finland. Sessions were conducted on 19 Nov and 26 Nov 2019. Each session was of approximately 45 minutes. Children belonging to the age-group of 11–12 years were included. To introduce AI to the children existing material with modification was used. During the sessions, children had some hands-on activities such as an online ML activity. Some activity worksheets were also distributed among them. Children were asked about AI before and after this concept was explained to them. Findings of the study suggested that some children’s opinion about AI was changed after they were being engaged in learning activities. In the beginning, upon asking them about AI a few children answered as coding or robot whereas repeating the same question at the end some students mentioned “thinking by itself”. In contrast, some students still mentioned robot or computer. Observations also suggest that children seemed to learn more easily through hands-on activities and by listening to stories. Based on the results of this study, it seems that more sessions with careful planning are needed to get better results in the future. One limitation is, the results of this study cannot be applied to a large group of children. Another limitation of this study is the unknown background of participants

    The Effect of Token Reinforcement on Moderate-to-Vigorous Physical Activity Exhibited by Young Children

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    We used a multiple-baseline across participants and combined reversal and multielement design to assess the effects of contingent-token-reinforcement, compared to noncontingent-token-reinforcement, on moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (MVPA) exhibited by four preschool-aged children. Three children engaged in higher levels of MVPA when tokens were delivered contingent on MVPA compared to baseline (no token) and noncontingent-token conditions. Although MVPA was differentiated across contingent-token sessions and corresponding baseline (no token) control probes for three of the four participants, some variability was apparent. The present study demonstrated that the delivery of tokens contingent on MVPA can increase and maintain MVPA exhibited by preschool-aged children, resulting in more MVPA than in baseline conditions and conditions in which tokens are awarded without respect to MVPA

    Using Distance Communication for the User-Centered Development of a Smartphone-Based Serious Game for Children With Type 1 Diabetes:Participatory Design Approach

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    BACKGROUND: The complications of type 1 diabetes (T1D) can be delayed or prevented in children with T1D who receive proper self-management education. Smartphone-based serious games are increasingly being used as an effective tool for teaching self-management. When developing a serious game, it is important that the development process be user-centered. Traditionally, different face-to-face methods have been used when children participate in the development process. However, face-to-face data collection is not always feasible. In such situations, distance communication can be used when developing a serious game. OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study is to develop a user-centered smartphone-based serious game that teaches self-management focused on carbohydrate intake in children aged 8-14 years with T1D using distance communication in both the development and evaluation of the game. METHODS: The development and evaluation of a smartphone-based serious game prototype was inspired by the Lean principles, and a user-centered approach was applied. The development process included 1 expert interview and design workshops with children with T1D. On the basis of the interview and design workshop results, a serious game prototype was developed using Microsoft PowerPoint. The evaluation of the serious game prototype included an interview with a dietitian and a playtest with children with T1D. All data were collected using distance communication. RESULTS: A user-centered smartphone-based serious game prototype was developed and evaluated. The expert interview with the dietitian formed the basis for the learning outcomes in the game. Four children and their parents contributed to the preferences, needs, requirements, and ideas for selected parts of the game design. The dietitian evaluated the prototype positively and validated its content and accuracy. The serious game prototype was well-received by the children and their parents during the playtest. The serious game prototype was perceived as a useful and engaging way to learn. However, the difficulty level was not appropriate, and the information was too basic for participants who had been diagnosed over a year ago. The use of digital communication platforms did not cause any problems. CONCLUSIONS: The smartphone-based serious game prototype has the potential to be a useful and attractive tool for teaching disease self-management. The use of distance communication proved to be a useful approach in the development of a serious game


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    The purpose of this scholarly project is to identify and address the factors that serve as barriers to engagement in valued occupations for children with serious or life-threatening illness

    Gamification Strategies as Socialization Tools in the Context of Paediatric Hospitalization

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    [ES] En la presente tesis doctoral se aborda el problema de la socialización de los pacientes pediátricos en el contexto de su ingreso hospitalario, estudiando las posibilidades de mejorar este ámbito de la salud del paciente mediante diversas estrategias y herramientas tecnológicas teniendo en cuenta la problemática planteada y las dificultades propias del contexto. En primer lugar, se realizará una evaluación del estado del arte, así como una justificación de la problemática existente, planteando claramente los objetivos e hipótesis del presente trabajo, así como la metodología seguida. A continuación, se presentarán las diferentes herramientas implementadas y evaluadas, analizando los resultados obtenidos y situándolos en su contexto y marco tecnológico. Estas herramientas, que combinan actividades y aplicaciones presenciales, remotas o híbridas, implementan diferentes estrategias para poder valorar cuáles son las más adecuadas o que presentan un mayor impacto en el paciente. Tras esto, se propone un modelo de diseño basado en los resultados obtenidos en estudios anteriores, así como su posible aplicación en diferentes ámbitos, discutiendo el mismo y justificando las decisiones de diseño adoptadas. Finalmente, se establecerán las conclusiones obtenidas tras el análisis de los resultados y se plantearán cuáles son las posibles aplicaciones y trabajos futuros relacionados con el trabajo realizado en el marco de la tesis doctoral.[CA] Aquesta tesi doctoral aborda el problema de la socialització dels pacients pediàtrics durant la seua estada hospitalària, i s'estudien les possibilitats de millorar aquest àmbit de la salut del pacient mitjançant diverses estratègies i eines tecnològiques, considerant la problemàtica plantejada i les dificultats pròpies de l'entorn. En primer lloc, es realitzarà una avaluació de l'estat de l'art, així com una justificació de la problemàtica existent, i es plantejaran clarament els objectius i la hipòtesi del treball, així com la metodologia emprada. Seguidament, es presentaran les diferents eines implementades i avaluades, analitzant els resultats obtinguts i situant-los al seu context i marc tecnològic. Aquestes eines, que combinen activitats i aplicacions presencials, remotes o híbrides, implementen diferents estratègies per a poder valorar quines són les més adients, o les que presenten un major impacte en el pacient. A continuació, es proposa un model de disseny basat en els resultats obtinguts als estudis previs, així com la seua possible aplicació en diferents àmbits, discutint el model i justificant les decisions de disseny adoptades. Finalment, s'establiran les conclusions obtingudes després d'analitzar els resultats i es plantejaran les possibles aplicacions i treballs futurs relacionats amb els continguts desenvolupats durant la tesi doctoral.[EN] In this document, the problems for socialization for pediatric patients in the context of their hospital internment are considered, analyzing the possibilities of improving this aspect of the patient's health through the use of different strategies and technological tools considering the difficulties posed by the environment and the context. In the first place, an evaluation of the state of the literature and a justification of the existing problematic will be presented, clearly stating the objectives and hypothesis of this work, and also the methodology that has been followed. Afterwards, the different tools that have been implemented and evaluated will be described, analyzing the obtained results and placing them in their context and technological frame. These tools, that combine physically placed activities and applications with remote or hybrid ones, implement different strategies in order to be able to analyze which are the most convenient or the ones that show a higher benefit for the patient. In the following section, a design model, which is based on the results obtained in the previous studies, is proposed, with the justification of the design decisions made and a description of different applications and contexts in which the proposed model could be useful. Finally, the conclusions obtained after the analysis of the results will be presented, and a short discussion about possible applications and future related works will be done.Thanks to the Ministry for Education, that have funded my research through grant FPU17/03333Montaner Marco, J. (2023). Gamification Strategies as Socialization Tools in the Context of Paediatric Hospitalization [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/20155