20,732 research outputs found

    Structural basis for CRISPR RNA-guided DNA recognition by Cascade

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    The CRISPR (clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats) immune system in prokaryotes uses small guide RNAs to neutralize invading viruses and plasmids. In Escherichia coli, immunity depends on a ribonucleoprotein complex called Cascade. Here we present the composition and low-resolution structure of Cascade and show how it recognizes double-stranded DNA (dsDNA) targets in a sequence-specific manner. Cascade is a 405-kDa complex comprising five functionally essential CRISPR-associated (Cas) proteins (CasA1B2C6D1E1) and a 61-nucleotide CRISPR RNA (crRNA) with 5′-hydroxyl and 2′,3′-cyclic phosphate termini. The crRNA guides Cascade to dsDNA target sequences by forming base pairs with the complementary DNA strand while displacing the noncomplementary strand to form an R-loop. Cascade recognizes target DNA without consuming ATP, which suggests that continuous invader DNA surveillance takes place without energy investment. The structure of Cascade shows an unusual seahorse shape that undergoes conformational changes when it binds target DNA.

    Parallel analysis of ribonucleotide-dependent deletions produced by yeast Top1 in vitro and in vivo

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    Ribonucleotides are the most abundant non-canonical component of yeast genomic DNA and their persistence is associated with a distinctive mutation signature characterized by deletion of a single repeat unit from a short tandem repeat. These deletion events are dependent on DNA topoisomerase I (Top1) and are initiated by Top1 incision at the relevant ribonucleotide 3′-phosphodiester. A requirement for the re-ligation activity of Top1 led us to propose a sequential cleavage model for Top1-dependent mutagenesis at ribonucleotides. Here, we test key features of this model via parallel in vitro and in vivo analyses. We find that the distance between two Top1 cleavage sites determines the deletion size and that this distance is inversely related to the deletion frequency. Following the creation of a gap by two Top1 cleavage events, the tandem repeat provides complementarity that promotes realignment to a nick and subsequent Top1-mediated ligation. Complementarity downstream of the gap promotes deletion formation more effectively than does complementarity upstream of the gap, consistent with constraints to realignment of the strand to which Top1 is covalently bound. Our data fortify sequential Top1 cleavage as the mechanism for ribonucleotide-dependent deletions and provide new insight into the component steps of this process

    Alignments with non-overlapping moves, inversions and tandem duplications in O ( n 4) time

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    Sequence alignment is a central problem in bioinformatics. The classical dynamic programming algorithm aligns two sequences by optimizing over possible insertions, deletions and substitutions. However, other evolutionary events can be observed, such as inversions, tandem duplications or moves (transpositions). It has been established that the extension of the problem to move operations is NP-complete. Previous work has shown that an extension restricted to non-overlapping inversions can be solved in O(n 3) with a restricted scoring scheme. In this paper, we show that the alignment problem extended to non-overlapping moves can be solved in O(n 5) for general scoring schemes, O(n 4log n) for concave scoring schemes and O(n 4) for restricted scoring schemes. Furthermore, we show that the alignment problem extended to non-overlapping moves, inversions and tandem duplications can be solved with the same time complexities. Finally, an example of an alignment with non-overlapping moves is provide

    The analysis of desensitizing CNGA1 channels reveals molecular interactions essential for normal gating

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    The pore region of cyclic nucleotide–gated (CNG) channels acts as the channel gate. Therefore, events occurring in the cyclic nucleotide–binding (CNB) domain must be coupled to the movements of the pore walls. When Glu363 in the pore region, Leu356 and Thr355 in the P helix, and Phe380 in the upper portion of the S6 helix are mutated into an alanine, gating is impaired: mutant channels E363A, L356A, T355A, and F380A desensitize in the presence of a constant cGMP concentration, contrary to what can be observed in wild-type (WT) CNGA1 channels. Similarly to C-type inactivation of K+ channels, desensitization in these mutant channels is associated with rearrangements of residues in the outer vestibule. In the desensitized state, Thr364 residues in different subunits become closer and Pro366 becomes more accessible to extracellular reagents. Desensitization is also observed in the mutant channel L356C, but not in the double-mutant channel L356C+F380C. Mutant channels L356F and F380K did not express, but cGMP-gated currents with a normal gating were observed in the double-mutant channels L356F+F380L and L356D+F380K. Experiments with tandem constructs with L356C, F380C, and L356C+F380C and WT channels indicate that the interaction between Leu356 and Phe380 is within the same subunit. These results show that Leu356 forms a hydrophobic interaction with Phe380, coupling the P helix with S6, whereas Glu363 could interact with Thr355, coupling the pore wall to the P helix. These interactions are essential for normal gating and underlie the transduction between the CNB domain and the pore
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