10 research outputs found

    The horse before the cart: improving the accuracy of taxonomic directions when building tag hierarchies

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    Content on the Web is huge and constantly growing, and building taxonomies for such content can help with navigation and organisation, but building taxonomies manually is costly and time-consuming. An alternative is to allow users to construct folksonomies: collective social classifications. Yet, folksonomies are inconsistent and their use for searching and browsing is limited. Approaches have been suggested for acquiring implicit hierarchical structures from folksonomies, however, but these approaches suffer from the ‘popularity-generality’ problem, in that popularity is assumed to be a proxy for generality, i.e. high-level taxonomic terms will occur more often than low-level ones. To tackle this problem, we propose in this paper an improved approach. It is based on the Heymann–Benz algorithm, and works by checking the taxonomic directions against a corpus of text. Our results show that popularity works as a proxy for generality in at most 90.91% of cases, but this can be improved to 95.45% using our approach, which should translate to higher-quality tag hierarchy structure

    K-Means Clustering in Dual Space for Unsupervised Feature Partitioning in Multi-view Learning

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    In contrast to single-view learning, multi-view learning trains simultaneously distinct algorithms on disjoint subsets of features (the views), and jointly optimizes them, so that they come to a consensus. Multi-view learning is typically used when the data are described by a large number of features. It aims at exploiting the different statistical properties of distinct views. A task to be performed before multi-view learning - in the case where the features have no natural groupings - is multi-view generation (MVG): it consists in partitioning the feature set in subsets (views) characterized by some desired properties. Given a dataset, in the form of a table with a large number of columns, the desired solution of the MVG problem is a partition of the columns that optimizes an objective function, encoding typical requirements. If the class labels are available, one wants to minimize the inter-view redundancy in target prediction and maximize consistency. If the class labels are not available, one wants simply to minimize inter-view redundancy (minimize the information each view has about the others). In this work, we approach the MVG problem in the latter, unsupervised, setting. Our approach is based on the transposition of the data table: the original instance rows are mapped into columns (the 'pseudo-features'), while the original feature columns become rows (the 'pseudo-instances'). The latter can then be partitioned by any suitable standard instance-partitioning algorithm: the resulting groups can be considered as groups of the original features, i.e. views, solution of the MVG problem. We demonstrate the approach using k-means and the standard benchmark MNIST dataset of handwritten digits

    Identidad folksonómica de la comunidad Ethnicity en Flickr : aproximación ciberetnográfica a los procesos de etiquetado social

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    110 páginas.Trabajo de Máster Oficial en Comunicación y Educación Audiovisual. Universidad Internacional de Andalucía / Universidad de Huelva. Director: Dr. Ramón Tirado Morueta. Se repasan las características del modelo folksonómico como propuesta representacionista que busca la contextualidad e interconexión sociocultural entre los dominios de conocimiento. Se estudian los preceptos discursivos de disciplinas como la Cibersemiótica, la Visualización del Conocimiento, el Análisis de redes sociales y la Etnografía virtual para comprender, desde sus esencias, una parte importante del escenario transdisciplinar de las folksonomías. Se presenta, desde esta transversalidad, una aproximación ciberetnográfica a cómo se suceden los procesos de etiquetado social en la comunidad de práctica Ethnicity del marcador social Flickr. Se estudiaron 705 imágenes agregadas por los 80 miembros del grupo lo cual ha permitido visualizar un escenario que fomenta la agregación, representación y socialización de recursos de conocimiento. A partir del análisis de co-palabras se estudiaron las 9027 etiquetas descriptivas aportadas por la comunidad para identificar los principales intereses temáticos Ethnicity


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    One of the most challenging tasks in the Machine Learning context is the feature selection. It consists in selecting the best set of features to use in the training and prediction processes. There are several benefits from pruning the set of actually operational features: the consequent reduction of the computation time, often a better quality of the prediction, the possibility to use less data to create a good predictor. In its most common form, the problem is called single-view feature selection problem, to distinguish it from the feature selection task in Multi-view learning. In the latter, each view corresponds to a set of features and one would like to enact feature selection on each view, subject to some global constraints. A related problem in the context of Multi-View Learning, is Feature Partitioning: it consists in splitting the set of features of a single large view into two or more views so that it becomes possible to create a good predictor based on each view. In this case, the best features must be distributed between the views, each view should contain synergistic features, while features that interfere disruptively must be placed in different views. In the semi-supervised multi-view task known as Co-training, one requires also that each predictor trained on an individual view is able to teach something to the other views: in classification tasks for instance, one view should learn to classify unlabelled examples based on the guess provided by the other views. There are several ways to address these problems. A set of techniques is inspired by Coalitional Game Theory. Such theory defines several useful concepts, among which two are of high practical importance: the concept of power index and the concept of interaction index. When used in the context of feature selection, they take the following meaning: the power index is a (context-dependent) synthesis measure of the prediction\u2019s capability of a feature, the interaction index is a (context-dependent) synthesis measure of the interaction (constructive/disruptive interference) between two features: it can be used to quantify how the collaboration between two features enhances their prediction capabilities. An important point is that the powerindex of a feature is different from the predicting power of the feature in isolation: it takes into account, by a suitable averaging, the context, i.e. the fact that the feature is acting, together with other features, to train a model. Similarly, the interaction index between two features takes into account the context, by suitably averaging the interaction with all the other features. In this work we address both the single-view and the multi-view problems as follows. The single-view feature selection problem, is formalized as the problem of maximization of a pseudo-boolean function, i.e. a real valued set function (that maps sets of features into a performance metric). Since one has to enact a search over (a considerable portion of) the Boolean lattice (without any special guarantees, except, perhaps, positivity) the problem is in general NP-hard. We address the problem producing candidate maximum coalitions through the selection of the subset of features characterized by the highest power indices and using the coalition to approximate the actual maximum. Although the exact computation of the power indices is an exponential task, the estimates of the power indices for the purposes of the present problem can be achieved in polynomial time. The multi-view feature selection problem is formalized as the generalization of the above set-up to the case of multi-variable pseudo-boolean functions. The multi-view splitting problem is formalized instead as the problem of maximization of a real function defined over the partition lattice. Also this problem is typically NP-hard. However, candidate solutions can be found by suitably partitioning the top power-index features and keeping in different views the pairs of features that are less interactive or negatively interactive. The sum of the power indices of the participating features can be used to approximate the prediction capability of the view (i.e. they can be used as a proxy for the predicting power). The sum of the feature pair interactivity across views can be used as proxy for the orthogonality of the views. Also the capability of a view to pass information (to teach) to other views, within a co-training procedure can benefit from the use of power indices based on a suitable definition of information transfer (a set of features { a coalition { classifies examples that are subsequently used in the training of a second set of features). As to the feature selection task, not only we demonstrate the use of state of the art power index concepts (e.g. Shapley Value and Banzhaf along the 2lines described above Value), but we define new power indices, within the more general class of probabilistic power indices, that contains the Shapley and the Banzhaf Values as special cases. Since the number of features to select is often a predefined parameter of the problem, we also introduce some novel power indices, namely k-Power Index (and its specializations k-Shapley Value, k-Banzhaf Value): they help selecting the features in a more efficient way. For the feature partitioning, we use the more general class of probabilistic interaction indices that contains the Shapley and Banzhaf Interaction Indices as members. We also address the problem of evaluating the teaching ability of a view, introducing a suitable teaching capability index. The last contribution of the present work consists in comparing the Game Theory approach to the classical Greedy Forward Selection approach for feature selection. In the latter the candidate is obtained by aggregating one feature at time to the current maximal coalition, by choosing always the feature with the maximal marginal contribution. In this case we show that in typical cases the two methods are complementary, and that when used in conjunction they reduce one another error in the estimate of the maximum value. Moreover, the approach based on game theory has two advantages: it samples the space of all possible features\u2019 subsets, while the greedy algorithm scans a selected subspace excluding totally the rest of it, and it is able, for each feature, to assign a score that describes a context-aware measure of importance in the prediction process

    Suchbasierte automatische Bildannotation anhand geokodierter Community-Fotos

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    In the Web 2.0 era, platforms for sharing and collaboratively annotating images with keywords, called tags, became very popular. Tags are a powerful means for organizing and retrieving photos. However, manual tagging is time consuming. Recently, the sheer amount of user-tagged photos available on the Web encouraged researchers to explore new techniques for automatic image annotation. The idea is to annotate an unlabeled image by propagating the labels of community photos that are visually similar to it. Most recently, an ever increasing amount of community photos is also associated with location information, i.e., geotagged. In this thesis, we aim at exploiting the location context and propose an approach for automatically annotating geotagged photos. Our objective is to address the main limitations of state-of-the-art approaches in terms of the quality of the produced tags and the speed of the complete annotation process. To achieve these goals, we, first, deal with the problem of collecting images with the associated metadata from online repositories. Accordingly, we introduce a strategy for data crawling that takes advantage of location information and the social relationships among the contributors of the photos. To improve the quality of the collected user-tags, we present a method for resolving their ambiguity based on tag relatedness information. In this respect, we propose an approach for representing tags as probability distributions based on the algorithm of Laplacian score feature selection. Furthermore, we propose a new metric for calculating the distance between tag probability distributions by extending Jensen-Shannon Divergence to account for statistical fluctuations. To efficiently identify the visual neighbors, the thesis introduces two extensions to the state-of-the-art image matching algorithm, known as Speeded Up Robust Features (SURF). To speed up the matching, we present a solution for reducing the number of compared SURF descriptors based on classification techniques, while the accuracy of SURF is improved through an efficient method for iterative image matching. Furthermore, we propose a statistical model for ranking the mined annotations according to their relevance to the target image. This is achieved by combining multi-modal information in a statistical framework based on Bayes' rule. Finally, the effectiveness of each of mentioned contributions as well as the complete automatic annotation process are evaluated experimentally.Seit der Einführung von Web 2.0 steigt die Popularität von Plattformen, auf denen Bilder geteilt und durch die Gemeinschaft mit Schlagwörtern, sogenannten Tags, annotiert werden. Mit Tags lassen sich Fotos leichter organisieren und auffinden. Manuelles Taggen ist allerdings sehr zeitintensiv. Animiert von der schieren Menge an im Web zugänglichen, von Usern getaggten Fotos, erforschen Wissenschaftler derzeit neue Techniken der automatischen Bildannotation. Dahinter steht die Idee, ein noch nicht beschriftetes Bild auf der Grundlage visuell ähnlicher, bereits beschrifteter Community-Fotos zu annotieren. Unlängst wurde eine immer größere Menge an Community-Fotos mit geographischen Koordinaten versehen (geottagged). Die Arbeit macht sich diesen geographischen Kontext zunutze und präsentiert einen Ansatz zur automatischen Annotation geogetaggter Fotos. Ziel ist es, die wesentlichen Grenzen der bisher bekannten Ansätze in Hinsicht auf die Qualität der produzierten Tags und die Geschwindigkeit des gesamten Annotationsprozesses aufzuzeigen. Um dieses Ziel zu erreichen, wurden zunächst Bilder mit entsprechenden Metadaten aus den Online-Quellen gesammelt. Darauf basierend, wird eine Strategie zur Datensammlung eingeführt, die sich sowohl der geographischen Informationen als auch der sozialen Verbindungen zwischen denjenigen, die die Fotos zur Verfügung stellen, bedient. Um die Qualität der gesammelten User-Tags zu verbessern, wird eine Methode zur Auflösung ihrer Ambiguität vorgestellt, die auf der Information der Tag-Ähnlichkeiten basiert. In diesem Zusammenhang wird ein Ansatz zur Darstellung von Tags als Wahrscheinlichkeitsverteilungen vorgeschlagen, der auf den Algorithmus der sogenannten Laplacian Score (LS) aufbaut. Des Weiteren wird eine Erweiterung der Jensen-Shannon-Divergence (JSD) vorgestellt, die statistische Fluktuationen berücksichtigt. Zur effizienten Identifikation der visuellen Nachbarn werden in der Arbeit zwei Erweiterungen des Speeded Up Robust Features (SURF)-Algorithmus vorgestellt. Zur Beschleunigung des Abgleichs wird eine Lösung auf der Basis von Klassifikationstechniken präsentiert, die die Anzahl der miteinander verglichenen SURF-Deskriptoren minimiert, während die SURF-Genauigkeit durch eine effiziente Methode des schrittweisen Bildabgleichs verbessert wird. Des Weiteren wird ein statistisches Modell basierend auf der Baye'schen Regel vorgeschlagen, um die erlangten Annotationen entsprechend ihrer Relevanz in Bezug auf das Zielbild zu ranken. Schließlich wird die Effizienz jedes einzelnen, erwähnten Beitrags experimentell evaluiert. Darüber hinaus wird die Performanz des vorgeschlagenen automatischen Annotationsansatzes durch umfassende experimentelle Studien als Ganzes demonstriert

    Social informatics

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    5th International Conference, SocInfo 2013, Kyoto, Japan, November 25-27, 2013, Proceedings</p

    Tag Similarity in Folksonomies

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    National audienceFolksonomies - collections of user-contributed tags, proved to be efficient in reducingthe inherent semantic gap when retrieving web contents. To get best use of folksonomies, tag clustering was proposed to address the problems implied by free-style user tagging, such as lexical variations, tag split, multilingualism, etc. In this paper, we propose a novel approach for identifying similar tags in folksonomies. It is based on the idea that in folksonomies, the most frequent tags can be used to identify groups of semantically related tags. For this purpose, frequent tags are identified and their co-occurrence statistics are used to create a probability distribution for each tag. After that, the frequent tags are clustered based on the distance between their co-occurrence probability distributions. Next, probability distributions for the less frequent tags are generated based on the co-occurrence with the clusters of most frequent tags. Finally, similar tags are identified by calculating the distance between the corresponding probability distributions. To that end, we propose an extension for Jensen-Shannon Divergence which is sensitive for the size of the sample from which the co-occurrence probability distributions are calculated. We evaluated our approach by applying it on folksonomies obtained from Flickr. Additionally, we compared our results to that which were produced by a traditional method for tag clustering. The adversary method identifies similar tags by calculating the cosine similarity between the co-occurrence vectors of the tags. The evaluation shows promising results and emphasizes the advantage of our approach

    Tag Similarity in Folksonomies

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    Folksonomies - collections of user-contributed tags, proved to be efficient in reducing the inherent semantic gap. However, user tags are noisy; thus, they need to be processed before they can be used by further applications. In this paper, we propose an approach for bootstrapping semantics from folksonomy tags. Our goal is to automatically identify semantically related tags. The approach is based on creating probability distribution for each tag based on co-occurrence statistics. Subsequently, the similarity between two tags is determined by the distance between their corresponding probability distributions. For this purpose, we propose an extension for the well-known Jensen-Shannon Divergence. We compared our approach to a widely used method for identifying similar tags based on the cosine measure. The evaluation shows promising results and emphasizes the advantage of our approach

    Tag Similarity in Folksonomies

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    Folksonomies - collections of user-contributed tags, proved to be efficient in reducing the inherent semantic gap when retrieving web contents. To get best use of folksonomies, tag clustering was proposed to address the problems implied by free-style user tagging, such as lexical variations, tag split, multilingualism, etc. In this paper, we propose a novel approach for identifying similar tags in folksonomies. It is based on the idea that in folksonomies, the most frequent tags can be used to identify groups of semantically related tags. For this purpose, frequent tags are identified and their co-occurrence statistics are used to create a probability distribution for each tag. After that, the frequent tags are clustered based on the distance between their co-occurrence probability distributions. Next, probability distributions for the less frequent tags are generated based on the co-occurrence with the clusters of most frequent tags. Finally, similar tags are identified by calculating the distance between the corresponding probability distributions. To that end, we propose an extension for Jensen-Shannon Divergence which is sensitive for the size of the sample from which the co-occurrence probability distributions are calculated. We evaluated our approach by applying it on folksonomies obtained from Flickr. Additionally, we compared our results to that which were produced by a traditional method for tag clustering. The adversary method identifies similar tags by calculating the cosine similarity between the co-occurrence vectors of the tags. The evaluation shows promising results and emphasizes the advantage of our approach