512 research outputs found

    Tabu search for the RNA partial degradation problem

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    ABSTRACT: In recent years, a growing interest has been observed in research on RNA (ribonucleic acid), primarily due to the discovery of the role of RNA molecules in biological systems. They not only serve as templates in protein synthesis or as adapters in the translation process, but also influence and are involved in the regulation of gene expression. The RNA degradation process is now heavily studied as a potential source of such riboregulators. In this paper, we consider the so-called RNA partial degradation problem (RNA PDP). By solving this combinatorial problem, one can reconstruct a given RNA molecule, having as input the results of the biochemical analysis of its degradation, which possibly contain errors (false negatives or false positives). From the computational point of view the RNA PDP is strongly NP-hard. Hence, there is a need for developing algorithms that construct good suboptimal solutions. We propose a heuristic approach, in which two tabu search algorithms cooperate, in order to reconstruct an RNA molecule. Computational tests clearly demonstrate that the proposed approach fits well the biological problem and allows to achieve near-optimal results. The algorithm is freely available at http://www.cs.put.poznan.pl/arybarczyk/tabusearch.php

    05441 Abstracts Collection -- Managing and Mining Genome Information: Frontiers in Bioinformatics

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    From 30.10.05 to 04.11.05, the Dagstuhl Seminar 05441 ``Managing and Mining Genome Information: Frontiers in Bioinformatics\u27\u27 was held in the International Conference and Research Center (IBFI), Schloss Dagstuhl. During the seminar, several participants presented their current research, and ongoing work and open problems were discussed. Abstracts of the presentations given during the seminar as well as abstracts of seminar results and ideas are put together in this paper. The first section describes the seminar topics and goals in general. Links to extended abstracts or full papers are provided, if available

    Internet of Things in urban waste collection

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    Nowadays, the waste collection management has an important role in urban areas. This paper faces this issue and proposes the application of a metaheuristic for the optimization of a weekly schedule and routing of the waste collection activities in an urban area. Differently to several contributions in literature, fixed periodic routes are not imposed. The results significantly improve the performance of the company involved, both in terms of resources used and costs saving

    Multiple Biolgical Sequence Alignment: Scoring Functions, Algorithms, and Evaluations

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    Aligning multiple biological sequences such as protein sequences or DNA/RNA sequences is a fundamental task in bioinformatics and sequence analysis. These alignments may contain invaluable information that scientists need to predict the sequences\u27 structures, determine the evolutionary relationships between them, or discover drug-like compounds that can bind to the sequences. Unfortunately, multiple sequence alignment (MSA) is NP-Complete. In addition, the lack of a reliable scoring method makes it very hard to align the sequences reliably and to evaluate the alignment outcomes. In this dissertation, we have designed a new scoring method for use in multiple sequence alignment. Our scoring method encapsulates stereo-chemical properties of sequence residues and their substitution probabilities into a tree-structure scoring scheme. This new technique provides a reliable scoring scheme with low computational complexity. In addition to the new scoring scheme, we have designed an overlapping sequence clustering algorithm to use in our new three multiple sequence alignment algorithms. One of our alignment algorithms uses a dynamic weighted guidance tree to perform multiple sequence alignment in progressive fashion. The use of dynamic weighted tree allows errors in the early alignment stages to be corrected in the subsequence stages. Other two algorithms utilize sequence knowledge-bases and sequence consistency to produce biological meaningful sequence alignments. To improve the speed of the multiple sequence alignment, we have developed a parallel algorithm that can be deployed on reconfigurable computer models. Analytically, our parallel algorithm is the fastest progressive multiple sequence alignment algorithm

    Computational Methods For Analyzing Rna Folding Landscapes And Its Applications

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    Non-protein-coding RNAs play critical regulatory roles in cellular life. Many ncRNAs fold into specific structures in order to perform their biological functions. Some of the RNAs, such as riboswitches, can even fold into alternative structural conformations in order to participate in different biological processes. In addition, these RNAs can transit dynamically between different functional structures along folding pathways on their energy landscapes. These alternative functional structures are usually energetically favored and are stable in their local energy landscapes. Moreover, conformational transitions between any pair of alternate structures usually involve high energy barriers, such that RNAs can become kinetically trapped by these stable and local optimal structures. We have proposed a suite of computational approaches for analyzing and discovering regulatory RNAs through studying folding pathways, alternative structures and energy landscapes associated with conformational transitions of regulatory RNAs. First, we developed an approach, RNAEAPath, which can predict low-barrier folding pathways between two conformational structures of a single RNA molecule. Using RNAEAPath, we can analyze folding iii pathways between two functional RNA structures, and therefore study the mechanism behind RNA functional transitions from a thermodynamic perspective. Second, we introduced an approach, RNASLOpt, for finding all the stable and local optimal structures on the energy landscape of a single RNA molecule. We can use the generated stable and local optimal structures to represent the RNA energy landscape in a compact manner. In addition, we applied RNASLOpt to several known riboswitches and predicted their alternate functional structures accurately. Third, we integrated a comparative approach with RNASLOpt, and developed RNAConSLOpt, which can find all the consensus stable and local optimal structures that are conserved among a set of homologous regulatory RNAs. We can use RNAConSLOpt to predict alternate functional structures for regulatory RNA families. Finally, we have proposed a pipeline making use of RNAConSLOpt to computationally discover novel riboswitches in bacterial genomes. An application of the proposed pipeline to a set of bacteria in Bacillus genus results in the re-discovery of many known riboswitches, and the detection of several novel putative riboswitch elements

    Soft Computing, Artificial Intelligence, Fuzzy Logic & Genetic Algorithm in Bioinformatics

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    Abstract Soft computing is creating several possibilities in bioinformatics, especially by generating low-cost, low precision (approximate), good solutions. Bioinformatics is an interdisciplinary research area that is the interface between the biological and computational sciences. Bioinformatics deals with algorithms, databases and information systems, web technologies, artificial intelligence and soft computing, information and computation theory, structural biology, software engineering, data mining, image processing, modeling and simulation, discrete mathematics, control and system theory, circuit theory, and statistics. Despite of a high number of techniques specifically dedicated to bioinformatics problems as well as many successful applications, we are in the beginning of a process to massively integrate the aspects and experiences in the different core subjects such as biology, medicine, computer science, engineering, and mathematics. Recently the use of soft computing tools for solving bioinformatics problems have been gaining the attention of researchers because of their ability to handle imprecision, uncertainty in large and complex search spaces. The paper will focus on soft computing paradigm in bioinformatics with particular emphasis on integrative research

    Upcoming challenges for multiple sequence alignment methods in the high-throughput era

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    This review focuses on recent trends in multiple sequence alignment tools. It describes the latest algorithmic improvements including the extension of consistency-based methods to the problem of template-based multiple sequence alignments. Some results are presented suggesting that template-based methods are significantly more accurate than simpler alternative methods. The validation of existing methods is also discussed at length with the detailed description of recent results and some suggestions for future validation strategies. The last part of the review addresses future challenges for multiple sequence alignment methods in the genomic era, most notably the need to cope with very large sequences, the need to integrate large amounts of experimental data, the need to accurately align non-coding and non-transcribed sequences and finally, the need to integrate many alternative methods and approaches

    Data Mining Using the Crossing Minimization Paradigm

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    Our ability and capacity to generate, record and store multi-dimensional, apparently unstructured data is increasing rapidly, while the cost of data storage is going down. The data recorded is not perfect, as noise gets introduced in it from different sources. Some of the basic forms of noise are incorrect recording of values and missing values. The formal study of discovering useful hidden information in the data is called Data Mining. Because of the size, and complexity of the problem, practical data mining problems are best attempted using automatic means. Data Mining can be categorized into two types i.e. supervised learning or classification and unsupervised learning or clustering. Clustering only the records in a database (or data matrix) gives a global view of the data and is called one-way clustering. For a detailed analysis or a local view, biclustering or co-clustering or two-way clustering is required involving the simultaneous clustering of the records and the attributes. In this dissertation, a novel fast and white noise tolerant data mining solution is proposed based on the Crossing Minimization (CM) paradigm; the solution works for one-way as well as two-way clustering for discovering overlapping biclusters. For decades the CM paradigm has traditionally been used for graph drawing and VLSI (Very Large Scale Integration) circuit design for reducing wire length and congestion. The utility of the proposed technique is demonstrated by comparing it with other biclustering techniques using simulated noisy, as well as real data from Agriculture, Biology and other domains. Two other interesting and hard problems also addressed in this dissertation are (i) the Minimum Attribute Subset Selection (MASS) problem and (ii) Bandwidth Minimization (BWM) problem of sparse matrices. The proposed CM technique is demonstrated to provide very convincing results while attempting to solve the said problems using real public domain data. Pakistan is the fourth largest supplier of cotton in the world. An apparent anomaly has been observed during 1989-97 between cotton yield and pesticide consumption in Pakistan showing unexpected periods of negative correlation. By applying the indigenous CM technique for one-way clustering to real Agro-Met data (2001-2002), a possible explanation of the anomaly has been presented in this thesis

    A Review of Methodological Approaches for the Design and Optimization of Wind Farms

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    This article presents a review of the state of the art of the Wind Farm Design and Optimization (WFDO) problem. The WFDO problem refers to a set of advanced planning actions needed to extremize the performance of wind farms, which may be composed of a few individual Wind Turbines (WTs) up to thousands of WTs. The WFDO problem has been investigated in different scenarios, with substantial differences in main objectives, modelling assumptions, constraints, and numerical solution methods. The aim of this paper is: (1) to present an exhaustive survey of the literature covering the full span of the subject, an analysis of the state-of-the-art models describing the performance of wind farms as well as its extensions, and the numerical approaches used to solve the problem; (2) to provide an overview of the available knowledge and recent progress in the application of such strategies to real onshore and offshore wind farms; and (3) to propose a comprehensive agenda for future research
