16,710 research outputs found

    Global Determinants of the International Movement of Production Factors: Economic-legal and Institutional Context

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    Scientific research is devoted to current problems of the influence of globalization on changes in the international movement of production factors in the 21st century. Considerable attention is focused on the economic, legal and institutional aspects of the transformation of the international movement of capital and labor in modern conditions, taking into account the need to apply an integrated interdisciplinary approach to identify new phenomena and processes that occur in the global economic environment The state and trends of development in the organization of global production, investment and marketing in the context of destabilizing phenomena in the global economy, the strengthening of non-protectionist appeals in the world avant-garde countries to return production to the national territory and the exacerbation of social and economic problems caused by international migration are revealed. The authors are looking for answers to difficult questions about the opportunities for small open economies to be attracted to global value chains through the format of investment and contractual relations, to increase the level of localization of international and national production through import substitution, to optimize the taxation of entrepreneurial activities in a liberalized international capital transfer, transform the national regulatory policy as a mechanism that ensures the possibility of taking into account the imperatives of globalization and contributes to the protection of national economic interests, ensure the development of fair competition as a prerequisite for the country’s integration into world economic processes

    COVID-19 Booster Vaccine Acceptance in Ethnic Minority Individuals in the United Kingdom: a mixed-methods study using Protection Motivation Theory

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    Background: Uptake of the COVID-19 booster vaccine among ethnic minority individuals has been lower than in the general population. However, there is little research examining the psychosocial factors that contribute to COVID-19 booster vaccine hesitancy in this population.Aim: Our study aimed to determine which factors predicted COVID-19 vaccination intention in minority ethnic individuals in Middlesbrough, using Protection Motivation Theory (PMT) and COVID-19 conspiracy beliefs, in addition to demographic variables.Method: We used a mixed-methods approach. Quantitative data were collected using an online survey. Qualitative data were collected using semi-structured interviews. 64 minority ethnic individuals (33 females, 31 males; mage = 31.06, SD = 8.36) completed the survey assessing PMT constructs, COVID-19conspiracy beliefs and demographic factors. 42.2% had received the booster vaccine, 57.6% had not. 16 survey respondents were interviewed online to gain further insight into factors affecting booster vaccineacceptance.Results: Multiple regression analysis showed that perceived susceptibility to COVID-19 was a significant predictor of booster vaccination intention, with higher perceived susceptibility being associated with higher intention to get the booster. Additionally, COVID-19 conspiracy beliefs significantly predictedintention to get the booster vaccine, with higher conspiracy beliefs being associated with lower intention to get the booster dose. Thematic analysis of the interview data showed that barriers to COVID-19 booster vaccination included time constraints and a perceived lack of practical support in the event ofexperiencing side effects. Furthermore, there was a lack of confidence in the vaccine, with individuals seeing it as lacking sufficient research. Participants also spoke of medical mistrust due to historical events involving medical experimentation on minority ethnic individuals.Conclusion: PMT and conspiracy beliefs predict COVID-19 booster vaccination in minority ethnic individuals. To help increase vaccine uptake, community leaders need to be involved in addressing people’s concerns, misassumptions, and lack of confidence in COVID-19 vaccination

    Scientific Retrospective of the Farm Irrigation Systems Efficient Use

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    This article presents the results of a scientific-practical research on Russian agribusiness ameliorative department efficiency. There are the results of the analysis and retrospective of domestic and foreign views on the agriculture effectiveness and, in particular, the irrigated agriculture efficiency, Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) countries’ experience. The methodological approaches to understanding the economic development effectiveness are clarified and an extended classification of efficiency types is proposed. The author’s approach to the farm irrigation systems efficient use concept is presented. The agricultural economic efficiency structure has been determined. The factors that can contribute to increasing the investment attractiveness and efficiency of irrigated agriculture are identified. Theoretical and methodological approaches to assess the irrigated agriculture effectiveness, considering the problems identified in the process of this study, are proposed

    2002-2003 Ursinus College Course Catalogue

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    A digitized copy of the 2002-2003 Ursinus College Catalog. It contains details of the curriculum, departmental requirements and courses of instruction as well as lists of students, faculty and administrators. Student life, terms of admission, expenses and financial aid are also included as well as descriptions of the buildings and equipment available to students.https://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/uccatalog/1055/thumbnail.jp

    The Twelfth National Economic and Social Development Plan (2017-2020)

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    The Ambivalence of Power in the Twenty-First Century Economy

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    The Ambivalence of Power in the Twenty-First Century Economy contributes to the understanding of the ambivalent nature of power, oscillating between conflict and cooperation, public and private, global and local, formal and informal, and does so from an empirical perspective. It offers a collection of country-based cases, as well as critically assesses the existing conceptions of power from a cross-disciplinary perspective. The diverse analyses of power at the macro, meso or micro levels allow the volume to highlight the complexity of political economy in the twenty-first century. Each chapter addresses key elements of that political economy (from the ambivalence of the cases of former communist countries that do not conform with the grand narratives about democracy and markets, to the dual utility of new technologies such as face-recognition), thus providing mounting evidence for the centrality of an understanding of ambivalence in the analysis of power, especially in the modern state power-driven capitalism. Anchored in economic sociology and political economy, this volume aims to make ‘visible’ the dimensions of power embedded in economic practices. The chapters are predominantly based on post-communist practices, but this divergent experience is relevant to comparative studies of how power and economy are interrelated

    Problems and contradictions of the financial system of the agro-business industry of Russia in contemporary conditions and methodological aspects of their overcoming

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    The article deals with the problems related to financial provision of investing activities of agribusiness industry as the most important sector of the Russian economy, as well as the ways of overcoming these problems. The authors formulated main concerns hindering economic growth and development of Russian agribusiness industry, and substantiated the dependence of the economic development of the agribusiness industry on the level, content, and mechanism of financial support. The article refines the major contradictions in the financial security of agribusiness industry developments, which reduces the level of financing and contributes to the emergence of disproportions in terms of both the industry-specific aspect and the territorial (regional) aspect in the development of the agricultural sector of the economy. It is proved that in spite of excessive government centralization of financial resources in the state budget, solutions to the critical national problems on the social arrangement of the agricultural regions and financial support of the needs of agribusiness industry are not achieved yet. The authors give critical assessment of financial and credit policy of the Bank of Russia, which led to the monopolization of the financial market and the emergence of speculative and often criminal banking operations to extract excessively high income. It is noted that wrong state policy has resulted in a significant differentiation in the development of Russian regions. The authors prove the necessity to align socio-economic development of agrarian regions in Russia and create their own food economy by ensuring the development of agricultural production with due considerations of climatic and other conditions characteristic of the various regions. The article reveals also causes and contradictions hindering financial well-being of enterprises of agro-industrial complex, substantiating and systemizing main objectives, methodological approaches, and organizational measures aimed at overcoming these contradictions in the development of financial support in Russia in the current context. Provision of financial resources in accordance with the proposed approaches and measures will allow comprehensively solving problems concerned both the development of infrastructure in rural areas, and peculiarly, the strengthening and growth of agricultural production.peer-reviewe

    2000-2001 Ursinus College Course Catalog

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    A digitized copy of the 2000-2001 Ursinus College Catalog. It contains details of the curriculum, departmental requirements and courses of instruction as well as lists of students, faculty and administrators. Student life, terms of admission, expenses and financial aid are also included as well as descriptions of the buildings and equipment available to students.https://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/uccatalog/1053/thumbnail.jp