69 research outputs found


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    The Progress a Pre-Service English Language Teacher Made in Her Feedback Giving Practices in Distance Teaching Practicum

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    As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, teaching practicum has been conducted in online learning settings in Turkey, which, in return, has made pre-service English language teachers do their practicums online. The lack of research into the effect of distance teaching practicum on pre-service English language teachers’ practices of giving feedback prompted the researcher to carry out this research. This instrumental case study aims to investigate the changes in a pre-service English language teacher’s feedback giving practices in the English lessons she taught in the distance teaching practicum and her views about how the distance teaching practicum affected her skills of providing feedback. The results obtained from the analysis of the data collected from the researcher’s notes on the pre-service English language teacher’s provision of feedback in the four online lessons she taught, post-lesson telephone interviews and end-of-study semi-structured interview indicated her teaching experiences helped her make a considerable progress in her skills in giving effective feedback. The findings pointed to the significance of distance teaching practicum in developing pre-service English language teachers’ feedback giving practices

    Equipping the Classroom Teachers with Mentorship Tasks and Responsibilities

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    The aim of this study is to identify the effect of the program which is developed for equipping the classroom teachers with the tasks and responsibilities of the mentor teacher. The current study examines the classroom teachers' opinions about the program who are enrolled in Mentor Teacher Training Program (MTTP) and the effect of the program on the classroom teacher candidates' opinions about the fulfillment levels of the tasks and responsibilities of the mentor teachers. The study has been designed as a case study. The study group consists of mentor teachers and classroom pre-service teachers. At the end of the study, it is found that mentor teachers regarded the MTTP beneficial for them and they said MTTP that need to be improved. At the end of eight months of work, the gathered conclusions showed the effects of being an aware mentor teacher. It has been found that there are fewer problems between the pre-service teachers and the mentor teachers participating in the MTTP. In line with the suggestions of the participant teachers, the practicum dimension of the teacher training can be more productive by re-arranging and disseminating the program. This research is a guide for developing a mentor teacher training program

    Articulating Learning Objectives for an Undergraduate Teaching Assistant Program: Merging Teaching Practicum, Leadership Seminar, and Service Learning

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    Since its inception in 2009, the Undergraduate Teaching Assistant Program (in the Department of Focused Inquiry at Virginia Commonwealth University) has evolved and expanded into an amalgamation of three distinct but overlapping elements: (i) teaching practicum, (ii) leadership seminar, and (iii) service learning experience. But only recently have we begun to fully and systematically itemize and map the precise learning objectives of the program. This task is particularly important, and particularly challenging, as the program merges learning objectives typically associated with each of the aforementioned elements. This essay seeks to more fully and more systematically articulate the precise learning objectives of this program, first by collating the observations and best practices of faculty who participate in the program into a list of seven skill sets and twenty-one subordinate classroom activities and modes of engagement, second by wedding those results with the “ABC” framework of experiential learning discussed by Carver (1996), and third by further mapping specific learning objectives within that framework through a process of triangulation. It is hoped that this process can be deployed in any similar undergraduate teaching assistant or peer mentoring program in order to reveal the interconnections among various programmatic elements and particular learning objectives

    Curriculum Framework of Library and Information Science Education In the United States, the United Kingdom and India

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    In the present study researchers have made an analysis of the courses offered by the Schools of Library and Information Science in the United States. An effort is also made to compare the curriculum of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Syracuse University and University of Washington is compared with that of American Library Association’s (ALA) Core Competencies. Most of the core courses recommended by ALA were covered in the courses of the curriculum followed at the library and information schools. Furthermore, the comparison of the core curriculum is made with the curriculum recommended by the American Library Association in United States, Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals (CILIP) in United Kingdom and University Grants Commission (UGC), India

    Know What You Are Doing: Learning and Teaching Theories Behind the Classroom Practice

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    Pahami Tindakan Anda: Teori Pembelajaran di Balik Praktik di Kelas. Studi kasus ini bertujuan mengungkap sejauh mana mahasiswa calon guru mampu memberikan alasan atas tindakan kelas yang dilakukan dalam pelatihan bahasa Inggris bagi pekerja industri kerajinan di Kabupaten Bantul dan Kota Yogyakarta. Data tentang tindakan, yang dikumpulkan melalui pengamatan non-partisipan yang didukung rekaman video, dianalisis dengan analisis model Blaxter, Hughes and Tight's (2006), sementara data tentang alasan tindakan dianalisis dengan model Miles & Huberman (1994: 10). Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa mahasiswa calon guru dalam penelitian ini: (1) tidak selalu mampu memberikan alasan yang tepat atas tindakan yang secara pedagogik benar; (2) tidak mampu memberikan alasan atas sebagian besar tindakan yang secara pedagogik tidak tepat; dan (3) memberikan alasan yang berubah-ubah atas tindakan yang secara pedagogik tidak jelas tujuannya. Temuan kajian ini mendukung keraguan Chappell & Hawke (2003) apakah para guru memahami apa yang mereka lakukan

    2011-2012 Graduate Academic Catalog

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    2012-2013 Graduate Academic Catalog

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    Understanding EFL Teachers’ Beliefs and Practices in EFL Classrooms: A Phenomenological Approach to the Impact of Teacher Education Program in Bangladesh

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    The construction of teacher beliefs through teacher education programs and their impact on classroom practices has drawn enormous attention in the concurrent literature. Yet in Bangladesh, little is known about the construction of teacher beliefs through teacher education programs and the impact of teacher beliefs on their classroom practices. Pertinently, the current study aimed at answering the questions regarding teachers’ beliefs about teaching before and after the completion of the TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages) programs to identify the changing patterns of their beliefs. In addition, the study explored their classroom practices to examine whether teachers’ beliefs are in line with their classroom practices after the TESOL programs. Undertaking a phenomenological approach, data were collected from four university teachers through the method of semi-structured interviews and semi-structured classroom observations. The participants were TESOL graduates. We adopted a thematic analysis to analyze our findings. The findings suggested that a dramatic change took place, as a result of TESOL programs, concerning teachers’ beliefs about their role in the classroom, their teaching methodologies and teaching material resources, and their understanding of effective teaching, classroom management approaches, and qualities of a good teacher. Additionally, the classroom observation data was a testimony of the reflection of their newly shaped beliefs on their classroom practices


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    This study examined an undergraduate elementary teacher education program that had been redesigned based on outcomes of a Teacher Quality Education grant and research on culturally responsive pedagogy. This research study was a program evaluation based on data gathered from the alumni of the program using classroom observations, surveys, and focus groups as data collection methods. Focusing on the concepts of equity, inquiry, and culturally responsive pedagogy, this study indicates program graduates did practice these concepts in their classrooms well, but with superficial understanding of the theory. The study suggests that in order for teachers to be agents of change and teach for social justice, a deeper understanding of the theory should be infused into the program
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