8 research outputs found

    L'evoluzione tecnologica dei circuiti integrati attraverso l'introduzione delle strutture tridimensionali.

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    Da quando intel produsse il primo microprocessore a singolo chip si verificò un esponenziale crescita del numero di transistor all'interno di questi, seguendo appunto quella che è la legge di Moore, la quale afferma: «La complessità di un micro-circuito, misurata ad'esempio tramite il numero di transistor per chip, raddoppia ogni 18 mesi. ». L'introduzione della tecnologia 3D ha influito in maniera considerevole sulle prestazioni dei singoli chip, migliorandole

    A distributed interleaving scheme for efficient access to WideIO DRAM memory

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    Achieving the main memory (DRAM) required bandwidth at acceptable power levels for current and future applications is a major challenge for System-on-Chip designers for mobile platforms. Three dimensional (3D) integration and 3D stacked DRAM memories promise to provide a significant boost in bandwidth at low power levels by exploiting multiple channels and wide data interfaces. In this paper, we address the problem of efficiently exploiting the multiple channels provided by standard (JEDEC’s WIDEIO) 3D-stacked memories, to extract maximal effective bandwidth and minimize latency for main memory access. We propose a new distributed interleaved access method that leverages the on-chip interconnect to simplify the design and implementation of the DRAM controller, without impacting performance compared to traditional centralized implementations. We perform experiments on realistic workload for a mobile communication and multimedia platform and show that our proposed distributed interleaving memory access method improves the overall throughput while minimally impacting the performance of latency sensitive communication flows

    System-level power/performance evaluation of 3D stacked DRAMs for mobile applications

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    Convergence of communication, consumer applications and computing within mobile systems pushes memory requirements both in terms of size, bandwidth and power consumption. The existing solution for the memory bottle-neck is to increase the amount of on-chip memory. However, this solution is becoming prohibitively expensive, allowing 3D stacked DRAM to become an interesting alternative for mobile applications. In this paper, we examine the power/performance benefits for three different 3D stacked DRAM scenarios. Our high-level memory and Through Silicon Via (TSV) models have been calibrated on state-of-the-art industrial processes. We model the integration of a logic die with TSVs on top of both an existing DRAM and a DRAM with redesigned transceivers for 3D. Finally, we take advantage of the interconnect density enabled by 3D technology to analyze an ultra-wide memory interface. Experimental results confirm that TSV-based 3D integration is a promising technology option for future mobile applications, and that its full potential can be unleashed by jointly optimizing memory architecture and interface logic

    System-level power/performance evaluation of 3D stacked DRAMs for mobile applications

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    Convergence of communication, consumer applications and computing within mobile systems pushes memory requirements both in terms of size, bandwidth and power consumption. The existing solution for the memory bottle-neck is to increase the amount of on-chip memory. However, this solution is becoming prohibitively expensive, allowing 3D stacked DRAM to become an interesting alternative for mobile applications. In this paper, we examine the power/performance benefits for three different 3D stacked DRAM scenarios. Our high-level memory and Through Silicon Via (TSV) models have been calibrated on state-of-the-art industrial processes. We model the integration of a logic die with TSVs on top of both an existing DRAM and a DRAM with redesigned transceivers for 3D. Finally, we take advantage of the interconnect density enabled by 3D technology to analyze an ultra-wide memory interface. Experimental results confirm that TSV-based 3D integration is a promising technology option for future mobile applications, and that its full potential can be unleashed by jointly optimizing memory architecture and interface logic

    Self-Aligned 3D Chip Integration Technology and Through-Silicon Serial Data Transmission

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    The emerging three-dimensional (3D) integration technology is expected to lead to an industry paradigm shift due to its tremendous benefits. Intense research activities are going on about technology, simulation, design, and product prototypes. This thesis work aims at fabricating through-silicon vias (TSVs) on diced processor chips, and later bonding them into a 3D-stacked chip. How to handle and process delicate processor chips with high alignment precision is a key issue. The TSV process to be developed also needs to adapt to this constraint. Four TSV processes have been studied. Among them, the ring-trench TSV process demonstrates the feasibility of fabricating TSVs with the prevailing dimensions, and the whole-through TSV process achieves the first dummy chip post-processed with TSVs in EPFL although the dimension is rather large to keep a reasonable aspect ratio (AR). Four self-alignment (SA) techniques have been investigated, among which the gravitational SA and the hydrophobic SA are found to be quite promising. Using gravitational SA, we come to the conclusion that cavities in silicon carrier wafer with a profile angle of 60° can align the chips with less than 20 µm inaccuracies. The alignment precision can be improved after adopting more advanced dicing tools instead of using the traditional dicing saws and larger cavity profile angle. Such inaccuracy will be sufficient to align the relatively large TSVs for general products such as 3D image sensors. By fabricating bottom TSVs in the carrier wafer, a 3D silicon interposer idea has been proposed to stack another chip, e.g. a processor chip, on the other side of the carrier wafer. But stacking microprocessor chips fabricated with TSVs will require higher alignment precision. A hydrophobic SA technique using the surface tension force generated by the water-to-air interfaces around the pads can greatly reduce the alignment inaccuracy to less than 1 µm. This low-cost and high throughput SA procedure is processed in air, fully-compatible with current fabrication technologies, and highly stable and repeatable. We present a theoretical meniscus model to predict SA results and to provide the design rules. This technique is quite promising for advanced 3D applications involving logic and heterogeneous stacking. As TSVs' dimensions in the chip-level 3D integration are constrained by the chip-level processes, such as bonding, the smallest TSVs might still be about 5 µm. Thus, the area occupied by the TSVs cannot be neglected. Fortunately, TSVs can withstand very high bandwidths, meaning that data can be serialized and transmitted using less numbers of TSVs. With 20 µm TSVs, the 2-Gb/s 8:1 serial link implemented saves 75% of the area of its 8-bit parallel counterpart. The quasi-serial link proposed can effectively balance the inter-layer bandwidth and the serial links' area consumption. The area model of the serial or quasi-serial links working under higher frequencies provides some guidelines to choose the proper serial link design, and it also predicts that when TSV diameter shrinks to 5 µm, it will be difficult to keep this area benefit if without some novel circuit design techniques. As the serial links can be implemented with less area, the bandwidth per unit area is increased. Two scenarios are studied, single-port memory access and multi-port memory access. The expanded inter-layer bandwidth by serialization does not improve the system performance because of the bus-bottleneck problem. In the latter scenario, the inter-layer ultra-wide bandwidth can be exploited as each memory bank can be accessed randomly through the NoC. Thus further widening the inter-layer bandwidth through serialization, the system performance will be improved

    Piattaforme multicore e integrazione tri-dimensionale: analisi architetturale e ottimizzazione

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    Modern embedded systems embrace many-core shared-memory designs. Due to constrained power and area budgets, most of them feature software-managed scratchpad memories instead of data caches to increase the data locality. It is therefore programmers’ responsibility to explicitly manage the memory transfers, and this make programming these platform cumbersome. Moreover, complex modern applications must be adequately parallelized before they can the parallel potential of the platform into actual performance. To support this, programming languages were proposed, which work at a high level of abstraction, and rely on a runtime whose cost hinders performance, especially in embedded systems, where resources and power budget are constrained. This dissertation explores the applicability of the shared-memory paradigm on modern many-core systems, focusing on the ease-of-programming. It focuses on OpenMP, the de-facto standard for shared memory programming. In a first part, the cost of algorithms for synchronization and data partitioning are analyzed, and they are adapted to modern embedded many-cores. Then, the original design of an OpenMP runtime library is presented, which supports complex forms of parallelism such as multi-level and irregular parallelism. In the second part of the thesis, the focus is on heterogeneous systems, where hardware accelerators are coupled to (many-)cores to implement key functional kernels with orders-of-magnitude of speedup and energy efficiency compared to the “pure software” version. However, three main issues rise, namely i) platform design complexity, ii) architectural scalability and iii) programmability. To tackle them, a template for a generic hardware processing unit (HWPU) is proposed, which share the memory banks with cores, and the template for a scalable architecture is shown, which integrates them through the shared-memory system. Then, a full software stack and toolchain are developed to support platform design and to let programmers exploiting the accelerators of the platform. The OpenMP frontend is extended to interact with it.I sistemi integrati moderni sono architetture many-core, in cui spesso lo spazio di memoria è condiviso fra i processori. Per ridurre i consumi, molte di queste architetture sostituiscono le cache dati con memorie scratchpad gestite in software, per massimizzarne la località alle CPU e aumentare le performance. Questo significa che i dati devono essere spostati manualmente da parte del programmatore. Inoltre, tradurre in perfomance l’enorme parallelismo potenziale delle piattaforme many-core non è semplice. Per supportare la programmazione, diversi programming model sono stati proposti, e siccome lavorano ad un alto livello di astrazione, sfruttano delle librerie di runtime che forniscono servizi di base quali sincronizzazione, allocazione della memoria, threading. Queste librerie hanno un costo, che nei sistemi integrati è troppo elevato e ostacola il raggiungimento delle piene performance. Questa tesi analizza come un programming model ad alto livello di astrazione – OpenMP – possa essere efficientemente supportato, se il suo stack software viene adattato per sfruttare al meglio la piattaforma sottostante. In una prima parte, studio diversi meccanismi di sincronizzazione e comunicazione fra thread paralleli, portati sulle piattaforme many-core. In seguito, li utilizzo per scrivere un runtime di supporto a OpenMP che sia il più possibile efficente e “leggero” e che supporti paradigmi di parallelismo multi-livello e irregolare, spesso presenti nelle applicazioni moderne. Una seconda parte della tesi esplora le architetture eterogenee, ossia con acceleratori hardware. Queste architetture soffrono di problematiche sia i) per il processo di design della piattaforma, che ii) di scalabilità della piattaforma stessa (aumento del numero degli acceleratori e dei processori), che iii) di programmabilità. La tesi propone delle soluzioni a tutti e tre i problemi. Il linguaggio di programmazione usato è OpenMP, sia per la sua grande espressività a livello semantico, sia perché è lo standard de-facto per programmare sistemi a memoria condivisa

    Power-constrained aware and latency-aware microarchitectural optimizations in many-core processors

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    As the transistor budgets outpace the power envelope (the power-wall issue), new architectural and microarchitectural techniques are needed to improve, or at least maintain, the power efficiency of next-generation processors. Run-time adaptation, including core, cache and DVFS adaptations, has recently emerged as a promising area to keep the pace for acceptable power efficiency. However, none of the adaptation techniques proposed so far is able to provide good results when we consider the stringent power budgets that will be common in the next decades, so new techniques that attack the problem from several fronts using different specialized mechanisms are necessary. The combination of different power management mechanisms, however, bring extra levels of complexity, since other factors such as workload behavior and run-time conditions must also be considered to properly allocate power among cores and threads. To address the power issue, this thesis first proposes Chrysso, an integrated and scalable model-driven power management that quickly selects the best combination of adaptation methods out of different core and uncore micro-architecture adaptations, per-core DVFS, or any combination thereof. Chrysso can quickly search the adaptation space by making performance/power projections to identify Pareto-optimal configurations, effectively pruning the search space. Chrysso achieves 1.9x better chip performance over core-level gating for multi-programmed workloads, and 1.5x higher performance for multi-threaded workloads. Most existing power management schemes use a centralized approach to regulate power dissipation. Unfortunately, the complexity and overhead of centralized power management increases significantly with core count rendering it in-viable at fine-grain time slices. The work leverages a two-tier hierarchical power manager. This solution is highly scalable with low overhead on a tiled many-core architecture with shared LLC and per-tile DVFS at fine-grain time slices. The global power is first distributed across tiles using GPM and then within a tile (in parallel across all tiles). Additionally, this work also proposes DVFS and cache-aware thread migration (DCTM) to ensure optimum per-tile co-scheduling of compatible threads at runtime over the two-tier hierarchical power manager. DCTM outperforms existing solutions by up to 12% on adaptive many-core tile processor. With the advancements in the core micro-architectural techniques and technology scaling, the performance gap between the computational component and memory component is increasing significantly (the memory-wall issue). To bridge this gap, the architecture community is pushing forward towards multi-core architecture with on-die near-memory DRAM cache memory (faster than conventional DRAM). Gigascale DRAM Caches poses a problem of how to efficiently manage the tags. The Tags-in-DRAM designs aims at efficiently co-locate tags with data, but it still suffer from high latency especially in multi-way associativity. The thesis finally proposes Tag Cache mechanism, an on-chip distributed tag caching mechanism with limited space and latency overhead to bypass the tag read operation in multi-way DRAM Caches, thereby reducing hit latency. Each Tag Cache, stored in L2, stores tag information of the most recently used DRAM Cache ways. The Tag Cache is able to exploit temporal locality of the DRAM Cache, thereby contributing to on average 46% of the DRAM Cache hits.A mesura que el consum dels transistors supera el nivell de potència desitjable es necessiten noves tècniques arquitectòniques i microarquitectòniques per millorar, o almenys mantenir, l'eficiència energètica dels processadors de les pròximes generacions. L'adaptació en temps d'execució, tant de nuclis com de les cachés, així com també adaptacions DVFS són idees que han sorgit recentment que fan preveure que sigui un àrea prometedora per mantenir un ritme d'eficiència energètica acceptable. Tanmateix, cap de les tècniques d'adaptació proposades fins ara és capaç d'oferir bons resultats si tenim en compte les restriccions estrictes de potència que seran comuns a les pròximes dècades. És convenient definir noves tècniques que ataquin el problema des de diversos fronts utilitzant diferents mecanismes especialitzats. La combinació de diferents mecanismes de gestió d'energia porta aparellada nivells addicionals de complexitat, ja que altres factors com ara el comportament de la càrrega de treball així com condicions específiques de temps d'execució també han de ser considerats per assignar adequadament la potència entre els nuclis del sistema computador. Per tractar el tema de la potència, aquesta tesi proposa en primer lloc Chrysso, una administració d'energia integrada i escalable que selecciona ràpidament la millor combinació entre diferents adaptacions microarquitectòniques. Chrysso pot buscar ràpidament l'adaptació adequada al fer projeccions òptimes de rendiment i potència basades en configuracions de Pareto, permetent així reduir de manera efectiva l'espai de cerca. Chrysso arriba a un rendiment de 1,9 sobre tècniques convencionals d'inhibició de portes amb una càrrega d'aplicacions seqüencials; i un rendiment de 1,5 quan les aplicacions corresponen a programes parla·lels. La majoria dels sistemes de gestió d'energia existents utilitzen un enfocament centralitzat per regular la dissipació d'energia. Malauradament, la complexitat i el temps d'administració s'incrementen significativament amb una gran quantitat de nuclis. En aquest treball es defineix un gestor jeràrquic de potència basat en dos nivells. Aquesta solució és altament escalable amb baix cost operatiu en una arquitectura de múltiples nuclis integrats en clústers, amb memòria caché de darrer nivell compartida a nivell de cluster, i DVFS establert en intervals de temps de gra fi a nivell de clúster. La potència global es distribueix en primer lloc a través dels clústers utilitzant GPM i després es distribueix dins un clúster (en paral·lel si es consideren tots els clústers). A més, aquest treball també proposa DVFS i migració de fils conscient de la memòria caché (DCTM) que garanteix una òptima distribució de tasques entre els nuclis. DCTM supera les solucions existents fins a un 12%. Amb els avenços en la tecnologia i les tècniques de micro-arquitectura de nuclis, la diferència de rendiment entre el component computacional i la memòria està augmentant significativament. Per omplir aquest buit, s'està avançant cap a arquitectures de múltiples nuclis amb memòries caché integrades basades en DRAM. Aquestes memòries caché DRAM a gran escala plantegen el problema de com gestionar de forma eficaç les etiquetes. Els dissenys de cachés amb dades i etiquetes juntes són un primer pas, però encara pateixen per tenir una alta latència, especialment en cachés amb un grau alt d'associativitat. En aquesta tesi es proposa l'estudi d'una tècnica anomenada Tag Cache, un mecanisme distribuït d'emmagatzematge d'etiquetes, que redueix la latència de les operacions de lectura d'etiquetes en les memòries caché DRAM. Cada Tag Cache, que resideix a L2, emmagatzema la informació de les vies que s'han accedit recentment de les memòries caché DRAM. D'aquesta manera es pot aprofitar la localitat temporal d'una caché DRAM, fet que contribueix en promig en un 46% dels encerts en les caché DRAM

    Design Methods and Tools for Application-Specific Predictable Networks-on-Chip

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    As the complexity of applications grows with each new generation, so does the demand for computation power. To satisfy the computation demands at manageable power levels, we see a shift in the design paradigm from single processor systems to Multiprocessor Systems-on-Chip (MPSoCs). MPSoCs leverage the parallelism in applications to increase the performance at the same power levels. To further improve the computation to power consumption ratio, MPSoCs for embedded applications are heterogeneous and integrate cores that are specialized to perform the different functionalities of the application. With technology scaling, wire power consumption is increasing compared to logic, making communication as expensive as computation. Therefore customizing the interconnect is necessary to achieve energy efficiency. Designing an optimal application specific Network-on-Chip (NoC), that meets application demands, requires the exploration of a large design space. Automatic design and optimization of the NoC is required in order to achieve fast design closure, especially for heterogeneous MPSoCs. To continue to meet the computation requirements of future applications new technologies are emerging. Three dimensional integration promises to increase the number of transistors by stacking multiple silicon layers. This will lead to an increase in the number of cores of the MPSoCs resulting in increased communication demands. To compensate for the increase in the wire delay in new technology nodes as well as to reduce the power consumption further, multi-synchronous design is becoming popular. With multiple clock signals, different parts of the MPSoC can be clocked at different frequencies according to the current demands of the application and can even be shutdown when they are not used at all. This further complicates the design of the NoC.Many applications require different levels of guarantee from the NoC in order to perform their functionality correctly. As communication traffic patterns become more complex, the performance of the NoC can no longer be predicted statically. Therefore designing the interconnect network requires that such guarantees are provided during the dynamic operation of the system which includes the interaction with major subsystems (i.e., main memory) and not just the interconnect itself. In this thesis, I present novel methods to design application-specific NoCs that meet performance demands, under the constraints of new technologies. To provide different levels of Quality of Service, I integrate methods to estimate the NoC performance during the design phase of the interconnect topology. I present methods and architectures for NoCs to efficiently access memory systems, in order to achieve predictable operation of the systems from the point of view of the communication as well as the bottleneck target devices. Therefore the main contribution of the thesis is twofold: scientific as I propose new algorithms to perform topology synthesis and engineering by presenting extensive experiments and architectures for NoC design