104 research outputs found


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    Under the studies of general core activities including software inspection, review and testing to achieve quality objectives in small-medium size enterprises (SMEs), the paper presents a contemporary view of such companies against quality measures. The results from a local empirical investigation of quality standards in the Turkish software industry are reported.Around 150 software companies have been approached from which 17 detailed feedback inform that in order to ensure software quality, standards including internationally recognized International Standards Organization (ISO) and Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI) are given credit. However the substantial workload and resources required to obtain them are also reported as serious; downscaled frameworks of such large models proposed in the literature are not well known by the SMEs either. The paper also discusses "work around" that bypasses such standards to ease delivery of products while keeping certificates as labels just to acquire new jobs for the business

    Process modelling to support software development under the capability maturity model

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    Software Development Standard and Software Engineering Practice: A Case Study of Bangladesh

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    Improving software process to achieve high quality in a software development organization is the key factor to success. Bangladeshi software firms have not experienced much in this particular area in comparison to other countries. The ISO 9001 and CMM standard has become a basic part of software development. The main objectives of our study are: 1) To understand the software development process uses by the software developer firms in Bangladesh 2) To identify the development practices based on established quality standard and 3) To establish a standardized and coherent process for the development of software for a specific project. It is revealed from this research that software industries of Bangladesh are lacking in target set for software process and improvement, involvement of quality control activities, and standardize business expertise practice. This paper investigates the Bangladeshi software industry in the light of the above challenges.Comment: 13 pages, 3 figures, 11 table

    Cultural influences and differences in software process improvement programs

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    Implementing software process improvement (SPI) program successfully in a software organization is possibly the most challenging issue that the industry faces today. It is even more challenging to implement an SPI program in software organizations of developing countries like Bangladesh because of the difference in norms and values of the national culture, and organizational culture as compared to those of the developed European and Western countries. This research extends the prior research on SPI in Bangladesh (Wong & Hasan, 2006) and addresses the factors involved in the implementation of SPI programs in software organizations. A study of ten top software companies in Bangladesh was conducted to investigate whether cultural factors hindered the process improvement program and whether this hindrance led to deterioration of the business goals. The results showed that the lack of cultural awareness and lack of skills from the management perspective acted as barriers during the implementation of SPI programs and so affected the business goals sought by these organizations. Copyright 2008 ACM

    Assessment of factors affecting the software process improvement in small organizations

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    Software process improvement implies a set of complex and systematic activities of software engineering. It requires theory and models established in management, technical and social sciences. The improvement is based on the assumption that the organization if it owns mature and capable processes, would be able to deliver quality software on time and in line with predicted costs. The maturity models are initially aimed for implementation in enterprise software organizations, government organizations and within the military industry. Their complexity and the size make them difficult to use in small software organizations and companies. In such organizations the interest for use and the efforts to make an efficient and effective organization is always presented, though. In this paper, the basic and derived capability maturity models are described and cases from their implementation are analyzed, along with assessment of results of such projects in business practices. The problem of the software process improvement in small organizations is described, extracting the risks and recommendations for its enhancement. These recommendations are provided in order to set up a foundation for implementation of these models in a specific managerial and organizational environment characterized by small organizations

    Quality improvement through the identification of controllable and uncontrollable factors in software development

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    The software engineering community has moved from corrective methods to preventive methods shifting the emphasis from product quality improvement to process quality improvement. Inspections at the end of the production line have been replaced by design walkthroughs and built-in quality assurance techniques throughout the development lifecycle. Process models such as the Spiral, V, W and X-Models provide the principles and techniques for process improvement which, in turn, produces product improvement. Factors that affect the quality of software need to be identified and controlled to ensure predictable and measurable software. In this paper we identify controllable and uncontrollable factors and provide empirical results from a large industrial survey, as well as conclusions relating to the models and metamodels for the estimation, measurement and control of the totality of features and characteristics of software

    Software Quality Assurance Audit Implementation in Industry: A Survey of Five Multinational Companies in Malaysia

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    Software quality assurance (SQA) is an umbrella activity that is applied to each step of the software development process. Among others, it includes audit activities, an objective examination of a work product or set of work products against specific criteria. Although the importance of software quality audit is undisputable, both theoretically and practically, its acceptance and application in the industry vary. In companies that do implement audit, the extent to which the audit process performed is comprehensive and up to the theoretically defined standard differs. To obtain an insight of the current software quality audit implementation in the industry, a study was performed involving five multinational companies in Malaysia using case study method. Different types of audits are then compared between each of the multinational companies. It was found that the most common audits being implemented across all multinational companies and are available in most of the phases in their SQA lifecycle are the configuration audit and the phase transition audit. In summary, configuration audit and phase transition audit could be the least kind of audit to be performed by software organizations that demand the best practice in the industry

    9Solutions product quality system

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    Abstract. Quality management (QM) is an important managerial tool in production and service environments. It covers the social and technical factors affecting quality of products and services within an organization. Global competition and increasing customer demands emphasize the importance of QM in different organizations. If applied correctly, QM can be a success factor for a company, by increasing customer satisfaction and profitability of the company. The thesis is a constructive research in nature and performed in a case company. The objective of the study is to examine the current state and the biggest challenges regarding QM in the case company and to suggest improvement proposals based on theory and empirical findings. The study addresses QM and its utilization in the case company in the form of a quality management system (QMS). The literature review familiarizes with the concept of quality the QM principles, and its involvement in company’s functions, such as product development (PD). The empirical part of the research examines the current state of QM at the case company with the use of theme interviews. Also, three benchmarking interviews contribute to empirical study, highlighting the best QM practices from technology companies of similar magnitude. The empirical part of the study demonstrates that in the case company quality is managed with several procedures, but systematic and documented system, as well as clear, strategy-based quality policies and objectives, are missing. The lack of systematic QM complicates detecting problems in PD and other organizational functions, leading to both direct and indirect quality costs. Thus, the existing literature’s perception of reactive QM applies to the case company for the most part. The study aims to solve QM related challenges in the company by utilizing the key points of existing literature and benchmarking observations. Existing literature emphasizes the concepts of quality planning and continuous improvement as the most important factors for an organization to move towards preventive QM, including planning for the quality management system. The QMSs of the benchmarking companies differ, but their unifying factors were observed to be process management, clear documentation of the system, clear objectives, and systematic QM in PD processes. Evaluating the theory and empirical findings demonstrates, that QM at the case company can also be developed with the implementation of a process-based QMS. The proposed improvement model covers those basic QM methods, that the case company should assimilate to develop a QMS. The development proposals include quality planning, measuring organizational performance and process management, which together create a body for the QMS. Also, recommendations for QMS documentation procedures and audits are presented. Together, the improvement proposals offer the case company a concrete model for initiating quality work and developing the quality of products and services.Tiivistelmä. Laadunhallinta on tärkeä johtamisen apuväline sekä tuotanto- että palveluympäristöissä. Se kattaa ne organisaation sosiaaliset ja tekniset tekijät, jotka vaikuttavat tuotteiden ja palveluiden laatuun. Nykyinen globaali kilpailu ja asiakkaiden kasvavat laatuvaatimukset korostavat laadunhallinnan tarvetta erilaisissa organisaatioissa. Oikein sovellettuna laadunhallinta voi olla menestystekijä yritykselle, parantaen asiakastyytyväisyyttä ja yrityksen kannattavuutta. Tämä diplomityö on luonteeltaan konstruktiivinen tutkimus, joka suoritettiin kohdeyrityksessä. Työn tavoitteena on selvittää kohdeyrityksen laadunhallinnan nykytila ja suurimmat haasteet, sekä esittää kehitysehdotuksia kirjallisuuden ja empiiristen havaintojen pohjalta. Tutkimus käsittelee laadunhallintaa ja sen hyödyntämistä kohdeyrityksessä laatujärjestelmän muodossa. Kirjallisuuskatsaus perehtyy laadun käsitteeseen, laadunhallinnan periaatteisiin sekä sen merkitykseen yrityksen funktioille, kuten tuotekehitykselle. Empiirinen osa tutkimuksesta tutkii laadunhallinnan nykytilaa kohdeyrityksessä teemahaastattelujen avulla. Myös kolme benchmarking-haastattelua ovat osana empiiristä tutkimusta, tuoden esiin parhaita laadunhallinnallisia käytäntöjä vastaavan kokoluokan teknologiayrityksistä. Tutkimuksen empiirinen osa osoittaa, että laatua hallitaan kohdeyrityksessä eri toimintamallien avulla, mutta järjestelmällinen ja dokumentoitu laatujärjestelmä sekä selkeät, yrityksen strategiaan perustuvat laatulinjaukset ja -tavoitteet puuttuvat. Systemaattisen laadunhallinnan puute vaikeuttaa ongelmien havaitsemista niin tuotekehityksessä kuin muissakin organisaation toiminnoissa, johtaen sekä suoriin että epäsuoriin laatukustannuksiin. Täten kirjallisuuden käsitys reaktiivisesta laadunhallinnasta pätee suurin osin myös kohdeyrityksessä. Tutkimus pyrkii ratkaisemaan laadunhallinnallisia haasteita yrityksessä hyödyntämällä olemassa olevan kirjallisuuden pääkohtia sekä havaintoja benchmarkingista. Olemassa oleva kirjallisuus korostaa laatusuunnittelun ja jatkuvan kehittymisen konsepteja tärkeimpinä tekijöinä organisaation kehittyessä ennakoivaan laadunhallintaan, sisältäen myös laatujärjestelmän suunnittelun. Benchmarking-yritysten käyttämät laatujärjestelmät poikkeavat toisistaan, mutta niiden yhdistävinä, laatua edistävinä tekijöinä havaittiin prosessijohtaminen, selkeä järjestelmädokumentaatio, selkeät tavoitteet sekä järjestelmällinen laadunhallinta tuotekehitysprosesseissa. Kirjallisuuden ja empiiristen havaintojen vertailu osoittaa, että myös kohdeyrityksen laadunhallintaa voidaan kehittää prosessipohjaisen laatujärjestelmän toteuttamisen avulla. Ehdotettu kehitysmalli kattaa ne perustavanlaatuiset laadunhallinnan menetelmät, jotka kohdeyrityksen tulee sisäistää laatujärjestelmän kehittämiseksi. Kehitysehdotukset sisältävät laatusuunnittelun, organisaation suorituskyvyn mittaamisen ja prosessijohtamisen, jotka yhdessä luovat rungon laatujärjestelmälle. Myös suositukset laatujärjestelmän dokumentaatiomenetelmistä ja auditoinnista on esitetty. Yhdessä kehitysehdotukset tarjoavat kohdeyritykselle konkreettisen mallin laatutyön aloittamiseksi, sekä tuotteiden ja palveluiden laadun kehittämiseksi