13 research outputs found

    Pipeline mode in C-based direct hardware implementation

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    In this paper a methodology is presented that enables the pipeline function of hardware blocks created by C-based direct hardware design. The method is embedded into the C-based design methodology worked out by the authors earlier. This pipeline enabling method is rather flexible, needs no special efforts. With the help of a simple state-machine-based entity, blocks of different execution times can build up the pipeline, even with data-dependent duration. A data-spreading technique solves data consistency. Pipeline sectioning - chosing the right and balanced granularity versus pipelining overhead - is an optimisation matter. Simulation results prove the correctness of the method

    Software Model Checking with Explicit Scheduler and Symbolic Threads

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    In many practical application domains, the software is organized into a set of threads, whose activation is exclusive and controlled by a cooperative scheduling policy: threads execute, without any interruption, until they either terminate or yield the control explicitly to the scheduler. The formal verification of such software poses significant challenges. On the one side, each thread may have infinite state space, and might call for abstraction. On the other side, the scheduling policy is often important for correctness, and an approach based on abstracting the scheduler may result in loss of precision and false positives. Unfortunately, the translation of the problem into a purely sequential software model checking problem turns out to be highly inefficient for the available technologies. We propose a software model checking technique that exploits the intrinsic structure of these programs. Each thread is translated into a separate sequential program and explored symbolically with lazy abstraction, while the overall verification is orchestrated by the direct execution of the scheduler. The approach is optimized by filtering the exploration of the scheduler with the integration of partial-order reduction. The technique, called ESST (Explicit Scheduler, Symbolic Threads) has been implemented and experimentally evaluated on a significant set of benchmarks. The results demonstrate that ESST technique is way more effective than software model checking applied to the sequentialized programs, and that partial-order reduction can lead to further performance improvements.Comment: 40 pages, 10 figures, accepted for publication in journal of logical methods in computer scienc

    A probabilistic approach to early communication performance estimation for electronic system-level design

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    Today\u27s embedded system designers face the challenges of ever increasing complexity and shorter time-to-market deadlines. System-level methodologies emerge to meet these challenges. Refinement-based methodologies, such as the SpecC methodology and Transaction Level Modeling, continue to gain popularity in the embedded system designers\u27 community. However, as more communication-dominated applications and architectures appear in the market, designers find that the lack of models allowing system-level communication analysis is a major limiting factor in current system-level design methodologies. Thus, modeling for system-level communication analysis is key for a design methodology to thrive with today\u27s embedded system designers. This work presents a new approach to system-level modeling that allows better communication analysis earlier in the design process. This approach defines a new model that utilizes random variables to include the communication details at higher abstraction levels. This work proposes a probabilistic model to include and evaluate the system communication features in the higher abstraction level. Guidelines to include the proposed model into a refinement-based methodology are presented, and methods for performance estimation are shown

    RF subsystem power consumption and induced radiation emulation

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    Wireless extension to the existing SystemC design methodology

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    This research uses a SystemC design methodology to model and design complex wireless communication systems, because in the recent years, the complexity of wireless communication systems has increased and the modelling and design of such systems has become inefficient and challenging. The most important aspect of modelling wireless communication systems is that system design choices may affect the communication behaviour and also communication design choices may impact on the system design. Whilst, the SystemC modelling language shows great promise in the modelling of complex hardware/software systems, it still lacks a standard framework that supports modelling of wireless communication systems (particularly the use of wireless communication channels). SystemC lacks elements and components that can be used to express and simulate wireless systems. It does not support noise links natively. To fill this gap, this research proposes to extend the existing SystemC design methodology to include an efficient simulation of wireless systems. It proposes to achieve this by employing a system-level model of a noisy wireless communication channel, along with a small repertoire of standard components (which of course can be replaced on a per application basis). Finally, to validate our developed methodology, a flocking behaviour system is selected as a demonstration (case study). This is a very complex system modelled based on the developed methodology and partitioned along different parameters. By applying our developed methodology to model this system as a case study, we can prove that incorporating and fixing the wireless channel, wireless protocol, noise or all of these elements early in the design methodology is very advantageous. The modelled system is introduced to simulate the behaviour of the particles (mobile units) that form a mobile ad-hoc communication network. Wireless communication between particles is addressed with two scenarios: the first is created using a wireless channel model to link each pair of particles, which means the wireless communication between particles is addressed using a Point-to-Point (P2P) channel; the other scenario is created using a shared channel (broadcast link). Therefore, incorporating wireless features into existing SystemC design methodology, as done in this research, is a very important task, because by developing SystemC as a design tool to support wireless systems, hardware aspects, software parts and communication can be modelled, refined and validated simultaneously on the same platform, and the design space expanded into a two-dimensional design space comprising system and communication

    Tecnicas de Co-Design Aplicadas ao Desenvolvimento de uma Interface USB

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    Esta disserta»c~ao aborda a metodologia de desenvolvimento conhecida como hardwa- re/software co-design, motivada pela complexidade emergente do desenvolvimento de sis- temas digitais embarcados e os recentes progressos da tecnologia SoC (System-on-Chip). Nesse contexto, ¶e proposta uma metodologia capaz de atuar num elevado n¶³vel de abstra»c~ao, permitindo aos projetistas: um melhor gerenciamento da complexidade, uma visualiza»c~ao bem de¯nida do processo de desenvolvimento e um re¯namento suave entre os componentes do sistema, de maneira que as decis~oes de projeto e o particionamento entre os componentes de hardware e software possam ser realizados de maneira simples e natural. Com esse objetivo foi utilizado a linguagem de modelagem uni¯cada - UML (Uni¯ed Modeling Language), para especi¯ca»c~ao do sistema em alto n¶³vel, e a linguagem SystemC, para a cria»c~ao de prot¶otipos execut¶aveis e simula»c~oes dos v¶arios n¶³veis de abstra»c~ao de¯- nidos pela proposta. Para demonstra»c~ao da metodologia, a implementa»c~ao de uma interface USB (Univer- sal Serial Bus), que possui caracter¶³sticas co-design que justi¯cam sua utiliza»c~ao como um exemplo de teste, ser¶a especi¯cada e re¯nada suavemente. Dessa maneira, considerando a elevada demanda de produ»c~ao e o tempo de vida relativamente curto destes modernos sistemas que atualmente podem ser encontrados em quase todos os lugares de nosso cotidiano como: carros, celulares, televisores, microondas entre outros, esta disserta»c~ao vem auxiliar os esfor»cos metodol¶ogicos, em busca do aumento de produtividade, no desenvolvimento destes complexos sistemas

    Génération de modèles de haut niveau enrichis pour les systèmes hétérogènes et multiphysiques

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    Systems on chip are more and more complex as they now embed not only digital and analog parts, butalso sensors and actuators. SystemC and its extension SystemC AMS allow the high level modeling ofsuch systems. These tools are efficient for feasibility study, architectural exploration and globalverification of heterogeneous and multiphysics systems. At low level of abstraction, the simulationdurations are too important. Moreover, synchronization problems appear when cosimulations areperformed. It is possible to abstract the low level models that are developed by the specialists of thedifferent domains to create high level models that can be simulated faster using SystemC/SystemCAMS. The models of computation and the modeling styles have been studied. A relation is shownbetween the modeling style, the model size and the simulation speed. A method that generatesautomatically the high level model of an analog linear circuit from its low level representation isproposed. Then, it is shown how to include in the high level model some information allowing thepower consumption estimation. After that, the multiphysics systems modeling is studied. Twomethods are discussed: firstly, the one that uses the electrical equivalent circuit, then the one based onthe bond graph approach. It is shown how to generate a bond graph equivalent model from a low levelrepresentation. Finally, the modeling of a wind turbine system is discussed in order to illustrate thedifferent concepts presented in this thesis.Les systèmes sur puce sont de plus en plus complexes : ils intègrent des parties numériques, desparties analogiques et des capteurs ou actionneurs. SystemC et son extension SystemC AMSpermettent aujourd’hui de modéliser à haut niveau d’abstraction de tels systèmes. Ces outilsconstituent de véritables atouts dans une optique d’étude de faisabilité, d’exploration architecturale etde vérification du fonctionnement global des systèmes complexes hétérogènes et multiphysiques. Eneffet, les durées de simulation deviennent trop importantes pour envisager les simulations globales àbas niveau d’abstraction. De plus, les simulations basées sur l’utilisation conjointe de différents outilsprovoquent des problèmes de synchronisation. Les modèles de bas niveau, une fois crées par lesspécialistes des différents domaines peuvent toutefois être abstraits afin de générer des modèles dehaut niveau simulables sous SystemC/SystemC AMS en des temps de simulation réduits. Une analysedes modèles de calcul et des styles de modélisation possibles est d’abord présentée afin d’établir unlien avec les durées de simulation, ceci pour proposer un style de modélisation en fonction du niveaud’abstraction souhaité et de l’ampleur de la simulation à effectuer. Dans le cas des circuits analogiqueslinéaires, une méthode permettant de générer automatiquement des modèles de haut niveaud’abstraction à partir de modèles de bas niveau a été proposée. Afin d’évaluer très tôt dans le flot deconception la consommation d’un système, un moyen d’enrichir les modèles de haut niveaupréalablement générés est présenté. L’attention a ensuite été portée sur la modélisation à haut niveaudes systèmes multiphysiques. Deux méthodes y sont discutées : la méthode consistant à utiliser lecircuit équivalent électrique puis la méthode basée sur les bond graphs. En particulier, nous proposonsune méthode permettant de générer un modèle équivalent au bond graph à partir d’un modèle de basniveau. Enfin, la modélisation d’un système éolien est étudiée afin d’illustrer les différents conceptsprésentés dans cette thèse

    A Compositional Approach to Embedded System Design

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    An important observable trend in embedded system design is the growing system complexity. Besides the sheer increase of functionality, the growing complexity has another dimension which is the resulting heterogeneity with respect to the different functions and components of an embedded system. This means that functions from different application domains are tightly coupled in a single embedded system. It is established industry practice that specialized specification languages and design environments are used in each application domain. The resulting heterogeneity of the specification is increased even further by reused components (legacy code, IP). Since there is little hope that a single suitable language will replace this heterogeneous set of languages, multi-language design is becoming increasingly important for complex embedded systems. The key problems in the context of multi-language design are the safe integration of the differently specified subsystems and the optimized implementation of the whole system. Both require the reliable validation of the system function as well as of the non-functional system properties. Current cosimulation-based approaches are well suited for functional validation and debugging. However, these approaches are less powerful for the validation of non-functional system properties. In this dissertation, a novel compositional approach to embedded system design is presented which augments existing cosimulation-based design flows with formal analysis capabilities regarding non-functional system properties such as timing or power consumption. Starting from a truly multi-language specification, the system is transformed into an abstract internal design representation which serves as basis for system-wide analysis and optimization.Ein wesentlicher Trend im Entwurf eingebetteter Systeme ist die steigende Komplexität der zu entwerfenden Systeme. Neben der zunehmenden Funktionalität hat die steigende Komplexität eine weitere Dimension: die resultierende Heterogenität bezüglich der verschiedenen Funktionen und Komponenten eines eingebetteten Systems. Dies bedeutet, daß Funktionen aus verschiedenen Anwendungsbereichen in einem einzelnen System eng miteinander kooperieren. Es ist in der industriellen Praxis etabliert, daß in jedem Anwendungsbereich spezialisierte Spezifikationssprachen zum Einsatz kommen. Da wenig Hoffnung besteht, daß eine einzige geeignete Sprache diesen heterogenen Mix von Sprachen ersetzen wird, gewinnt der mehrsprachige Entwurf für komplexe eingebettete Systeme an Bedeutung. Die Hauptprobleme im Bereich des mehrsprachigen Entwurfs sind die sichere Integration der verschieden spezifizierten Teilsysteme und die optimierte Implementierung des gesamten Systems. Beide Probleme verlangen eine zuverlässige Validierung der Systemfunktion sowie der nichtfunktionalen Systemeigenschaften. Heutige cosimulationsbasierte Ansätze aus Forschung und Industrie sind gut geeignet für die funktionale Validierung und Fehlersuche, haben aber Schwächen bei der Validierung nichtfunktionaler Systemeigenschaften. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird ein neuartiger kompositionaler Ansatz für den Entwurf eingebetteter Systeme vorgestellt, der existierende cosimulationsbasierte Entwurfsflüsse um Fähigkeiten zur Analyse nichtfunktionaler Systemeigenschaften ergänzt. Ausgehend von einer mehrsprachigen Spezifikation, wird das System in eine abstrakte homogene interne Darstellung transformiert, die als Grundlage für die systemweite Analyse und Optimierung dient

    HdSC: modelagem de alto nível para simulação nativa de plataformas com suporte ao desenvolvimento de HdS

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    Com os grandes avanços recentes dos sistemas computacionais, houve a possibilidade de ascensão de dispositivos inovadores, como os modernos telefones celulares e tablets com telas sensíveis ao toque. Para gerenciar adequadamente estas diversas interfaces é necessário utilizar o software dependente do hardware (HdS), que é responsável pelo controle e acesso a estes dispositivos. Além deste complexo arranjo de componentes, para atender a crescente demanda por mais funcionalidades integradas, o paradigma de multiprocessamento vem sendo adotado para aumentar o desempenho das plataformas. Devido à lacuna de produtividade de sistemas, tanto a indústria como a academia têm pesquisado processos mais eficientes para construir e simular sistemas cada vez mais complexos. A premissa dos trabalhos do estado da arte está em trabalhar com modelos com alto nível de abstração e de precisão que permitam ao projetista avaliar rapidamente o sistema, sem ter que depender de lentos e complexos modelos baseados em ISS. Neste trabalho é definido um conjunto de construtores para modelagem de plataformas baseadas em processadores, com suporte para desenvolvimento de HdS e reusabilidade dos componentes, técnicas para estimativa estática de tempo simulado em ambiente nativo de simulação e suporte para plataformas multiprocessadas. Foram realizados experimentos com aplica- ções de entrada e saída intensiva, computação intensiva e multiprocessada, com ganho médio de desempenho da ordem de 1.000 vezes e precisão de estimativas com erro médio inferior a 3%, em comparação com uma plataforma de referência baseada em ISS._________________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACT: The amazing advances of computer systems technology enabled the rise of innovative devices, such as modern touch sensitive cell phones and tablets. To properly manage these various interfaces, it is required the use of the Hardwaredependent Software (HdS) that is responsible for these devices control and access. Besides this complex arrangement of components, to meet the growing demand for more integrated features, the multiprocessing paradigm has been adopted to increase the platforms performance. Due to the system design gap, both industry and academia have been researching for more efficient processes to build and simulate systems with this increasingly complexity. The premise of the state of art works is the development of high level of abstraction and precise models to enable the designer to quickly evaluate the system, without having to rely on slow and complex models based on instruction set simulators (ISS). This work defined a set of constructors for processor-based platforms modeling, supporting HdS development and components reusability, techniques for static simulation timing estimation in native environment and support for multiprocessor platforms. Experiments were carried out with input and output intensive, compute intensive and multiprocessed applications leading to an average performance speed up of about 1,000 times and average timing estimation accuracy of less than 3%, when compared with a reference platform based on ISS