173 research outputs found

    Design Library Solution Patterns in SysML for Concept Design and Simulation

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    AbstractObject-oriented models in the Systems Modeling Language (SysML) are developed in this paper to support the concept development phase within engineering design. Generic libraries in SysML for functions, according to the functional basis, and structural components, are presented in previous work by the authors. This paper extends this work and proposes the use of multi-solution patterns in SysML that combine a new behavior simulation library together with the previous generic libraries describing functions and components. These patterns capture coherent solutions to known problems that can be reused in concept design with the aim to save modeling effort. Since they are based on solution-neutral functions, they also offer multiple potential solutions at once. The new behavior simulation library and solution patterns are demonstrated in this paper using a 3D printer case study with two different kinematic solutions

    Towards an Integrated Conceptual Design Evaluation of Mechatronic Systems: The SysDICE Approach

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    National audienceMechatronic systems play a significant role in different types of industry, especially in trans- portation, aerospace, automotive and manufacturing. Although their multidisciplinary nature provides enormous functionalities, it is still one of the substantial challenges which frequently impede their design process. Notably, the conceptual design phase aggregates various engi- neering disciplines, project and business management fields, where different methods, modeling languages and software tools are applied. Therefore, an integrated environment is required to intimately engage the different domains together. This paper outlines a model-based research approach for an integrated conceptual design evaluation of mechatronic systems using SysML. Particularly, the state of the art is highlighted, most important challenges, remaining problems in this field and a novel solution is proposed, named SysDICE, combining model based system engineering and artificial intelligence techniques to support for achieving efficient design

    Approach for model-based requirements engineering for the planning of engineering generations in the agile development of mechatronic systems

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    The crucial factor for a successful usage of modeling approaches of systems engineering is the interaction of language, method, and tool. For this, specific challenges arise for the application of MBSE in agile requirements engineering. From observations in agile development practice at a machine tool manufacturer, the challenges for model-based requirements engineering are described and each is assigned to its critical aspect of modeling: The language must formally represent the requirements data model, especially for planning engineering generations. The tool must support collaborative, interdisciplinary cooperation, and consider the dynamics of the requirements model during the development process. The method must individually support the requirements engineering activities, which are carried out several times in a sprint during the development process and must enable a target-oriented process for bundling the requirements into engineering generations. Taking these demands into account, an approach is then presented providing activity-based views in conjunction with activity steps based on a consistent ontology for the description of product requirements and verification activities. The activity steps are composed in activity patterns and support the user in making use of the views for modeling requirements for the engineering generations. The approach is implemented in the software JIRA at a machine tool manufacturer. The subsequent evaluation shows that the approach is used in development practice and offers the potential to plan engineering generation systematically and comprehensibly and to ensure a regular review of the implemented requirements

    Exploring the potentials and tools of systems engineering and MBSE in machine design

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    Abstract. This thesis explores Systems Engineering (SE) and Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) in the context of modern machine design. The primary objective is to understand how SE’s interdisciplinary and holistic methodologies, once rooted in the telephone industry, can be seamlessly adapted into the intricate realm of machine design. One of the key findings suggests that, despite the growing intrigue around MBSE as a novel approach to systems engineering, there is still a lack of concrete evidence to substantiate its effectiveness. However, certain studies have highlighted the strengths of MBSE, especially its tools’ capability for parametric and numerical analyses. These tools integrate smoothly with the initial phases of the design process, enabling continuous exploration of a system’s dynamic behavior. While MBSE is still emerging, it offers several apparent advantages, such as improved communication, increased consistency, and efficient use of both time and financial resources. With the knowledge that mechanical engineering these days means working with many different specialists from various fields, we can safely say that engineering machines like cars and planes fall into the realm of systems engineering. The primary methodology employed for data acquisition in this thesis was a literature review.Systeemitekniikan ja MBSE:n mahdollisuudet ja työkalut koneensuunnittelussa. Tiivistelmä. Tämä opinnäytetyö tutkii Systeemitekniikan (SE) ja Mallipohjaisen Systeemitekniikan (MBSE) käsitteitä modernin koneensuunnittelun kontekstissa. Pääasiallinen tavoite on ymmärtää, miten SE:n monitieteelliset ja kokonaisvaltaiset menetelmät, jotka alun perin juontavat juurensa puhelinalaan, voivat saumattomasti soveltua monimutkaisen koneensuunnittelun maailmaan. Yksi keskeisistä havainnoista viittaa siihen, että vaikka MBSE herättää kasvavaa kiinnostusta uutena lähestymistapana systeemitekniikkaan, sen tehokkuutta tukevasta konkreettisesta näytöstä on edelleen niukasti saatavilla. Kuitenkin tietyt tutkimukset ovat korostaneet MBSE:n vahvuuksia, erityisesti sen työkalujen kykyä parametriseen ja numeeriseen analyysiin. Nämä työkalut integroituvat saumattomasti suunnitteluprosessin alkuvaiheisiin, mahdollistaen järjestelmän dynaamisen käyttäytymisen jatkuvan tutkimisen. Vaikka MBSE on edelleen kehittyvä alue, se tarjoaa useita selkeitä etuja, kuten parannetun kommunikaation, lisääntyneen johdonmukaisuuden sekä ajan ja taloudellisten resurssien tehokkaamman hyödyntämisen. Kun otetaan huomioon, että nykyaikainen koneensuunnittelu edellyttää usein yhteistyötä eri alojen erikoisasiantuntijoiden kanssa, voidaan perustellusti väittää, että monimutkaisten koneiden, kuten autojen ja lentokoneiden, suunnittelu kuuluu systeemitekniikan piiriin. Tämän opinnäytetyön tärkein tutkimusmenetelmä oli kirjallisuuskatsaus

    Building and adapting SysML based system architecture framework for mechatronic systems

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    Implementing a SysML based systems engineering strategy to a project can be challenging as readily available methodologies and modeling guidelines are sparse. Lack of guidelines and modeling frameworks is one of the main reasons SysML faces resistance in the industry. Existing methods have to be tailored to suit project specific needs and to accommodate SysML, without a good starting point this can involve substantial amount of work and poses risks to companies. This thesis sets out to study SysML application on mechatronics and derive an architecture framework that acts as a guideline and a structure for SysML modeling. The framework presented in this work is created based on literature findings and prototyped on a case study. The framework is built to be general, process independent and easy to implement, offering several tools to be applied to a mechatronics design process. Prior studies have identified some of the key issues SysML faces in a mechatronic setting. Several solutions to these problems have been given but no exhaustive answer has been provided. This work combines aspects of prior studies into one framework and tries to create a good starting point to adapting SysML into a design process

    Supporting The Modelling In MBSE By Applying Product Generation Engineering Using Electronic Compact Actuators As An Example

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    The development of a new motor can be a high effort. In this paper, Model-based Systems Engineering (MBSE) is applied to model the second generation of an electronic compact actuator (ECA). This paper focuses on the traceability between model elements from previous product generations. By integrating the approach of the PGE - Product Generation Engineering in MBSE, developers can store more relevant information in the model; they can accomplish automatic calculations of derived factors and build models more efficiently in further product developments

    A Review on Application of Model Based Systems Engineering to Manufacturing and Production Engineering Systems

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    Increasing complexity in today’s manufacturing and production industry due to the need for higher flexibility and competitiveness is leading to inconsistencies in the iterative exchange loops of the system design process. To address these complexities and inconsistencies, an ongoing industry trend for organizations to make a transition from document-centric principles and applications to being model-centric is observed. In this paper, a literature review is presented highlighting the current need for an industry-wide transition from document-centric systems engineering to Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE). Further, investigating the tools and languages used by the researchers for facilitating the transition to and the integration of MBSE approach, we identify the most commonly used tools and languages to highlight the applicability of MBSE in the manufacturing and production industry

    Design, modelling, simulation and integration of cyber physical systems: Methods and applications

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    The main drivers for the development and evolution of Cyber Physical Systems (CPS) are the reduction of development costs and time along with the enhancement of the designed products. The aim of this survey paper is to provide an overview of different types of system and the associated transition process from mechatronics to CPS and cloud-based (IoT) systems. It will further consider the requirement that methodologies for CPS-design should be part of a multi-disciplinary development process within which designers should focus not only on the separate physical and computational components, but also on their integration and interaction. Challenges related to CPS-design are therefore considered in the paper from the perspectives of the physical processes, computation and integration respectively. Illustrative case studies are selected from different system levels starting with the description of the overlaying concept of Cyber Physical Production Systems (CPPSs). The analysis and evaluation of the specific properties of a sub-system using a condition monitoring system, important for the maintenance purposes, is then given for a wind turbine