32,796 research outputs found

    Compositional Algorithms for Succinct Safety Games

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    We study the synthesis of circuits for succinct safety specifications given in the AIG format. We show how AIG safety specifications can be decomposed automatically into sub specifications. Then we propose symbolic compositional algorithms to solve the synthesis problem compositionally starting for the sub-specifications. We have evaluated the compositional algorithms on a set of benchmarks including those proposed for the first synthesis competition organised in 2014 by the Synthesis Workshop affiliated to the CAV conference. We show that a large number of benchmarks can be decomposed automatically and solved more efficiently with the compositional algorithms that we propose in this paper.Comment: In Proceedings SYNT 2015, arXiv:1602.0078

    Reasoning about transfinite sequences

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    We introduce a family of temporal logics to specify the behavior of systems with Zeno behaviors. We extend linear-time temporal logic LTL to authorize models admitting Zeno sequences of actions and quantitative temporal operators indexed by ordinals replace the standard next-time and until future-time operators. Our aim is to control such systems by designing controllers that safely work on ω\omega-sequences but interact synchronously with the system in order to restrict their behaviors. We show that the satisfiability problem for the logics working on ωk\omega^k-sequences is EXPSPACE-complete when the integers are represented in binary, and PSPACE-complete with a unary representation. To do so, we substantially extend standard results about LTL by introducing a new class of succinct ordinal automata that can encode the interaction between the different quantitative temporal operators.Comment: 38 page

    Model-checking Quantitative Alternating-time Temporal Logic on One-counter Game Models

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    We consider quantitative extensions of the alternating-time temporal logics ATL/ATLs called quantitative alternating-time temporal logics (QATL/QATLs) in which the value of a counter can be compared to constants using equality, inequality and modulo constraints. We interpret these logics in one-counter game models which are infinite duration games played on finite control graphs where each transition can increase or decrease the value of an unbounded counter. That is, the state-space of these games are, generally, infinite. We consider the model-checking problem of the logics QATL and QATLs on one-counter game models with VASS semantics for which we develop algorithms and provide matching lower bounds. Our algorithms are based on reductions of the model-checking problems to model-checking games. This approach makes it quite simple for us to deal with extensions of the logical languages as well as the infinite state spaces. The framework generalizes on one hand qualitative problems such as ATL/ATLs model-checking of finite-state systems, model-checking of the branching-time temporal logics CTL and CTLs on one-counter processes and the realizability problem of LTL specifications. On the other hand the model-checking problem for QATL/QATLs generalizes quantitative problems such as the fixed-initial credit problem for energy games (in the case of QATL) and energy parity games (in the case of QATLs). Our results are positive as we show that the generalizations are not too costly with respect to complexity. As a byproduct we obtain new results on the complexity of model-checking CTLs in one-counter processes and show that deciding the winner in one-counter games with LTL objectives is 2ExpSpace-complete.Comment: 22 pages, 12 figure

    Advancing Dynamic Fault Tree Analysis

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    This paper presents a new state space generation approach for dynamic fault trees (DFTs) together with a technique to synthesise failures rates in DFTs. Our state space generation technique aggressively exploits the DFT structure --- detecting symmetries, spurious non-determinism, and don't cares. Benchmarks show a gain of more than two orders of magnitude in terms of state space generation and analysis time. Our approach supports DFTs with symbolic failure rates and is complemented by parameter synthesis. This enables determining the maximal tolerable failure rate of a system component while ensuring that the mean time of failure stays below a threshold

    Wyner VAE: Joint and Conditional Generation with Succinct Common Representation Learning

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    A new variational autoencoder (VAE) model is proposed that learns a succinct common representation of two correlated data variables for conditional and joint generation tasks. The proposed Wyner VAE model is based on two information theoretic problems---distributed simulation and channel synthesis---in which Wyner's common information arises as the fundamental limit of the succinctness of the common representation. The Wyner VAE decomposes a pair of correlated data variables into their common representation (e.g., a shared concept) and local representations that capture the remaining randomness (e.g., texture and style) in respective data variables by imposing the mutual information between the data variables and the common representation as a regularization term. The utility of the proposed approach is demonstrated through experiments for joint and conditional generation with and without style control using synthetic data and real images. Experimental results show that learning a succinct common representation achieves better generative performance and that the proposed model outperforms existing VAE variants and the variational information bottleneck method.Comment: 24 pages, 18 figure

    Learning Concise Models from Long Execution Traces

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    Abstract models of system-level behaviour have applications in design exploration, analysis, testing and verification. We describe a new algorithm for automatically extracting useful models, as automata, from execution traces of a HW/SW system driven by software exercising a use-case of interest. Our algorithm leverages modern program synthesis techniques to generate predicates on automaton edges, succinctly describing system behaviour. It employs trace segmentation to tackle complexity for long traces. We learn concise models capturing transaction-level, system-wide behaviour--experimentally demonstrating the approach using traces from a variety of sources, including the x86 QEMU virtual platform and the Real-Time Linux kernel

    Finite-state Strategies in Delay Games (full version)

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    What is a finite-state strategy in a delay game? We answer this surprisingly non-trivial question by presenting a very general framework that allows to remove delay: finite-state strategies exist for all winning conditions where the resulting delay-free game admits a finite-state strategy. The framework is applicable to games whose winning condition is recognized by an automaton with an acceptance condition that satisfies a certain aggregation property. Our framework also yields upper bounds on the complexity of determining the winner of such delay games and upper bounds on the necessary lookahead to win the game. In particular, we cover all previous results of that kind as special cases of our uniform approach

    Reachability in Parametric Interval Markov Chains using Constraints

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    Parametric Interval Markov Chains (pIMCs) are a specification formalism that extend Markov Chains (MCs) and Interval Markov Chains (IMCs) by taking into account imprecision in the transition probability values: transitions in pIMCs are labeled with parametric intervals of probabilities. In this work, we study the difference between pIMCs and other Markov Chain abstractions models and investigate the two usual semantics for IMCs: once-and-for-all and at-every-step. In particular, we prove that both semantics agree on the maximal/minimal reachability probabilities of a given IMC. We then investigate solutions to several parameter synthesis problems in the context of pIMCs -- consistency, qualitative reachability and quantitative reachability -- that rely on constraint encodings. Finally, we propose a prototype implementation of our constraint encodings with promising results
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