65 research outputs found

    Software Synthesis is Hard -- and Simple

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    While the components of distributed hardware systems can reasonably be assumed to be synchronised, this is not the case for the components of distributed software systems. This has a strong impact on the class of synthesis problems for which decision procedures exist: While there is a rich family of distributed systems, including pipelines, chains, and rings, for which the realisability and synthesis problem is decidable if the system components are composed synchronously, it is well known that the asynchronous synthesis problem is only decidable for monolithic systems. From a theoretical point of view, this renders distributed software synthesis undecidable, and one is tempted to conclude that synthesis of asynchronous systems, and hence of software, is much harder than the synthesis of synchronous systems. Taking a more practical approach, however, reveals that bounded synthesis, one of the most promising synthesis techniques, can easily be extended to asynchronous systems. This merits the hope that the promising results from bounded synthesis will carry over to asynchronous systems as well

    Symmetric Strategy Improvement

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    Symmetry is inherent in the definition of most of the two-player zero-sum games, including parity, mean-payoff, and discounted-payoff games. It is therefore quite surprising that no symmetric analysis techniques for these games exist. We develop a novel symmetric strategy improvement algorithm where, in each iteration, the strategies of both players are improved simultaneously. We show that symmetric strategy improvement defies Friedmann's traps, which shook the belief in the potential of classic strategy improvement to be polynomial

    Rapid Recovery for Systems with Scarce Faults

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    Our goal is to achieve a high degree of fault tolerance through the control of a safety critical systems. This reduces to solving a game between a malicious environment that injects failures and a controller who tries to establish a correct behavior. We suggest a new control objective for such systems that offers a better balance between complexity and precision: we seek systems that are k-resilient. In order to be k-resilient, a system needs to be able to rapidly recover from a small number, up to k, of local faults infinitely many times, provided that blocks of up to k faults are separated by short recovery periods in which no fault occurs. k-resilience is a simple but powerful abstraction from the precise distribution of local faults, but much more refined than the traditional objective to maximize the number of local faults. We argue why we believe this to be the right level of abstraction for safety critical systems when local faults are few and far between. We show that the computational complexity of constructing optimal control with respect to resilience is low and demonstrate the feasibility through an implementation and experimental results.Comment: In Proceedings GandALF 2012, arXiv:1210.202

    Practical Distributed Control Synthesis

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    Classic distributed control problems have an interesting dichotomy: they are either trivial or undecidable. If we allow the controllers to fully synchronize, then synthesis is trivial. In this case, controllers can effectively act as a single controller with complete information, resulting in a trivial control problem. But when we eliminate communication and restrict the supervisors to locally available information, the problem becomes undecidable. In this paper we argue in favor of a middle way. Communication is, in most applications, expensive, and should hence be minimized. We therefore study a solution that tries to communicate only scarcely and, while allowing communication in order to make joint decision, favors local decisions over joint decisions that require communication.Comment: In Proceedings INFINITY 2011, arXiv:1111.267

    Synthesising Strategy Improvement and Recursive Algorithms for Solving 2.5 Player Parity Games

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    2.5 player parity games combine the challenges posed by 2.5 player reachability games and the qualitative analysis of parity games. These two types of problems are best approached with different types of algorithms: strategy improvement algorithms for 2.5 player reachability games and recursive algorithms for the qualitative analysis of parity games. We present a method that - in contrast to existing techniques - tackles both aspects with the best suited approach and works exclusively on the 2.5 player game itself. The resulting technique is powerful enough to handle games with several million states

    Asynchronous Games over Tree Architectures

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    We consider the task of controlling in a distributed way a Zielonka asynchronous automaton. Every process of a controller has access to its causal past to determine the next set of actions it proposes to play. An action can be played only if every process controlling this action proposes to play it. We consider reachability objectives: every process should reach its set of final states. We show that this control problem is decidable for tree architectures, where every process can communicate with its parent, its children, and with the environment. The complexity of our algorithm is l-fold exponential with l being the height of the tree representing the architecture. We show that this is unavoidable by showing that even for three processes the problem is EXPTIME-complete, and that it is non-elementary in general

    Parameterized Synthesis

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    We study the synthesis problem for distributed architectures with a parametric number of finite-state components. Parameterized specifications arise naturally in a synthesis setting, but thus far it was unclear how to detect realizability and how to perform synthesis in a parameterized setting. Using a classical result from verification, we show that for a class of specifications in indexed LTL\X, parameterized synthesis in token ring networks is equivalent to distributed synthesis in a network consisting of a few copies of a single process. Adapting a well-known result from distributed synthesis, we show that the latter problem is undecidable. We describe a semi-decision procedure for the parameterized synthesis problem in token rings, based on bounded synthesis. We extend the approach to parameterized synthesis in token-passing networks with arbitrary topologies, and show applicability on a simple case study. Finally, we sketch a general framework for parameterized synthesis based on cutoffs and other parameterized verification techniques.Comment: Extended version of TACAS 2012 paper, 29 page

    A multi-paradigm language for reactive synthesis

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    This paper proposes a language for describing reactive synthesis problems that integrates imperative and declarative elements. The semantics is defined in terms of two-player turn-based infinite games with full information. Currently, synthesis tools accept linear temporal logic (LTL) as input, but this description is less structured and does not facilitate the expression of sequential constraints. This motivates the use of a structured programming language to specify synthesis problems. Transition systems and guarded commands serve as imperative constructs, expressed in a syntax based on that of the modeling language Promela. The syntax allows defining which player controls data and control flow, and separating a program into assumptions and guarantees. These notions are necessary for input to game solvers. The integration of imperative and declarative paradigms allows using the paradigm that is most appropriate for expressing each requirement. The declarative part is expressed in the LTL fragment of generalized reactivity(1), which admits efficient synthesis algorithms, extended with past LTL. The implementation translates Promela to input for the Slugs synthesizer and is written in Python. The AMBA AHB bus case study is revisited and synthesized efficiently, identifying the need to reorder binary decision diagrams during strategy construction, in order to prevent the exponential blowup observed in previous work.Comment: In Proceedings SYNT 2015, arXiv:1602.0078
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