365 research outputs found


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    Manajemen Pengetahuan Dan Implementasinya Dalam Organisasi Dan Perorangan

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    Developing knowledge management has a great potential in Indonesia because of a huge population approximately 252 million people. The population becomes demography bonus and an important asset. In this study, we discussknowledge management concept in an organization and its implementation held in several regencies. Meanwhile, an implementation of personal knowledge management and supported technology also has been discussed. The results show that the implementation of knowledge management is necessary to map area, accelerate, and disseminate development in regency. Moreover, the implementationof personal knowledge management is essential to organize, categorize, and access data for a special purpose. The implementation of knowledge management in anorganization or personal boosts a business performance/result and its achievement


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    IIIA1C22 Korespondensi

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    SDGs, Transformation, and Quality Growth

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    This is an Open Access book. The primary objective of this book is to seek out insights into the concept of high-quality growth (HQG). It explores the essential attributes of HQG, such as inclusiveness, sustainability, and resilience, as well as its relationship with transformation, by drawing principally on illustrative cases and instances of international cooperation. The United Nations document on Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) states that “We resolve to create conditions for sustainable, inclusive and sustained economic growth, shared prosperity and decent work for all.” As such, the concept of quality growth is inherent in many aspects of the SDGs. A similar approach can be seen in the Development Cooperation Charter announced by the Japanese government in 2015. According to the Charter, one of the most important challenges of development is quality growth and the reduction of poverty achieved through such growth. The approach in the Charter emphasizes inclusiveness, sustainability, and resilience. This volume is a pioneering study on quality growth as well as its relationship with SDGs and transformation. Comprehensive studies on quality growth are very few. The case study approach distinguishes the present volume from some previous literature that discussed quality growth within the framework of general policy. Instead, in this book, concrete cases and experiences provide insights into hands-on “ingredients”. Through the case studies, it can be seen more clearly that transformation and quality growth are phenomena that do not occur automatically but, rather, ones that require specific, properly designed strategies and approaches. Another unique feature of this book is that it aims to make explicit some of the consistent, but implicit, principles of Japan’s international cooperation

    Managing Intellectual Property to Foster Agricultural Development

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    Over the past decades, consideration of IPRs has become increasingly important in many areas of agricultural development, including foreign direct investment, technology transfer, trade, investment in innovation, access to genetic resources, and the protection of traditional knowledge. The widening role of IPRs in governing the ownership of—and access to—innovation, information, and knowledge makes them particularly critical in ensuring that developing countries benefit from the introduction of new technologies that could radically alter the welfare of the poor. Failing to improve IPR policies and practices to support the needs of developing countries will eliminate significant development opportunities. The discussion in this note moves away from policy prescriptions to focus on investments to improve how IPRs are used in practice in agricultural development. These investments must be seen as complementary to other investments in agricultural development. IPRs are woven into the context of innovation and R&D. They can enable entrepreneurship and allow the leveraging of private resources for resolving the problems of poverty. Conversely, IPRs issues can delay important scientific advancements, deter investment in products for the poor, and impose crippling transaction costs on organizations if the wrong tools are used or tools are badly applied. The central benefit of pursuing the investments outlined in this note is to build into the system a more robust capacity for strategic and flexible use of IPRs tailored to development goals

    Regional innovation systems based on low technology industries in developing countries: salmon industry in Chile

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    Tese de doutoramento, Gestão da Inovação e do Território, Faculdade de Economia, Universidade do Algarve, 2016In 1980, the salmon industry became one of the main Chilean export activities”. Indeed, this activity has experienced significant and explosive growth positioning Chile in the last ten years as the second largest exporter of this product with 30% of the international market after Norway (50%). The salmon industry is mainly located in the Los Lagos region and has become a key strategic economic sector to promote the regional development. In order to understand about the potential emergence of industrial cluster or, eventually, a Regional Innovations System (RIS) based on this competitive low technology industry, it is important to understand to what extent innovation activities are the result of individual processes and to what measure new knowledge creation is being the result of dynamic and interactive processes where there is a systematic use of structural regional conditions. For example, the presence and emergence of linked and coordinated actors, proximity, specific knowledge and norms that arise from the path of an economic regional specialization as well as the result of the exploitation and absorption of regional externalities through knowledge spillovers. The present Chilean case study is based on a qualitative and quantitative methodology in order to analyse the existence and the stage of development of specific variables that are required to comprehend the evolution of a RIS. Most of the information has been collected through the application of interviews to regional stakeholders and a survey was applied to representative salmon industry firms, obtaining a preliminary and panoramic vision of the most important variables configuring a RIS. From the analysis carried out by this research, the results show that the consolidation of the low-tech Salmon Cluster in the Los Lagos region has not developed the principal factors permitting the consolidation of a RIS. On the contrary, regarding a RIS approach to analyze the national and regional innovation policies, the functional organization and the history of the salmon industry in Los Lagos and the view of the main regional actors, public and private institutions, there are important gaps in terms of the regional conditions to generate innovation. In this case, the business development and innovative behavior of a competitive rural industry such as salmon industry does not provide the conditions to promote a RIS

    Foreign Direct Investment in Latin America and the Caribbean 2012

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    Includes bibliographyFor the third year in a row, the countries of Latin America and the Caribbean continued to attract growing flows of foreign direct investment (FDI). The figures for 2012 were particularly significant because they were set in an international context of falling global FDI flows. The new increase in FDI posted brought the region's share of global FDI flows up to 12% in 2012. Economic growth in the region (3%) and the high prices of natural resources have undoubtedly contributed to sustaining the level of foreign investment in the region over the past year. This document offers a qualitative overview of FDI inflows and looks at the relative importance of the different destination sectors in the host economies, and the geographical origin of these capital flows. The performance of FDI from Latin American and Caribbean countries is also examined, affording particular attention to the expansion of some of the region's largest firms, the trans-Latins. The report also analyses the phenomenon of FDI income, which has become increasingly significant in the past 10 years, and takes a detailed look at FDI in the agricultural sector.I. Regional overview of foreign direct investment .-- II. Transnational company profits: repatriation and reinvestment .-- III. Foreign direct investment in the agricultural and agro-industry sector in Latin America and the Caribbean . -- Summary and conclusions

    SDGs, Transformation, and Quality Growth

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    This is an Open Access book. The primary objective of this book is to seek out insights into the concept of high-quality growth (HQG). It explores the essential attributes of HQG, such as inclusiveness, sustainability, and resilience, as well as its relationship with transformation, by drawing principally on illustrative cases and instances of international cooperation. The United Nations document on Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) states that “We resolve to create conditions for sustainable, inclusive and sustained economic growth, shared prosperity and decent work for all.” As such, the concept of quality growth is inherent in many aspects of the SDGs. A similar approach can be seen in the Development Cooperation Charter announced by the Japanese government in 2015. According to the Charter, one of the most important challenges of development is quality growth and the reduction of poverty achieved through such growth. The approach in the Charter emphasizes inclusiveness, sustainability, and resilience. This volume is a pioneering study on quality growth as well as its relationship with SDGs and transformation. Comprehensive studies on quality growth are very few. The case study approach distinguishes the present volume from some previous literature that discussed quality growth within the framework of general policy. Instead, in this book, concrete cases and experiences provide insights into hands-on “ingredients”. Through the case studies, it can be seen more clearly that transformation and quality growth are phenomena that do not occur automatically but, rather, ones that require specific, properly designed strategies and approaches. Another unique feature of this book is that it aims to make explicit some of the consistent, but implicit, principles of Japan’s international cooperation

    A study of the prospects and opportunities for shellfish farming in Scotland: Final report

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    The study was commissioned by the Scottish Government following the recent publication of the renewed "Strategic Framework for Scottish Aquaculture". The objectives were to: - provide Ministers with a better understanding of the industry - develop policy thinking for the new Strategic Framework for Scottish Aquaculture - provide evidence for the Strategic Framework Shellfish Sub Group - develop policy priorities for European Fisheries Fund awards - develop priorities for Research and Development - assist businesses with their own development effortsStudy funded by Marine Scotland and undertaken by Stirling Aquacultur
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