33 research outputs found

    Organization of intra-production transportation as a means of enhancing the competitiveness of the industrial sector of the country

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    Конкурентоспроможність промисловості як найважливішого сектора національної економіки формується під впливом нарощування конкурентних переваг інших рівнів конкурентоспроможності, що їй передують. Одним з найважливіших рівнів формування конкурентоспроможності вітчизняного виробництва є організація внутрішньовиробничої діяльності промислових підприємств, до якої входить зокрема й організація ефективних внутрішньовиробничих перевезень на крупних промислових підприємствах, що утворюють бюджет країни. Актуальність досліджуваної теми зумовлена тим, що головне завдання системи управління внутрішньовиробничими перевезеннями вантажів на промислових підприємствах є підвищення ефективності її функціонування за рахунок оптимізації структури системи управління внутрішньовиробничими перевезеннями вантажів, застосування сучасних організаційних форм і технологій, удосконалення правових норм і підвищення ролі керівних органів системи, які відповідатимуть сучасним вимогам ринку. Впровадження сучасних логістичних концепцій та систем є одним із стратегічних рішень підвищення конкурентоздатності вітчизняних підприємств промисловості. В якості завдання для досягнення мети дослідження виступав аналіз процесу організації внутрішньовиробничих перевезень на промисловому підприємстві. В якості результатів проведеного дослідження розглянута система внутрішньовиробничих перевезень вантажів на одному з передових промислових підприємств країни – ПАТ «Запоріжсталь» та запропоновані шляхи підвищення її ефективності, визначені перспективні напрямки підвищення ефективності організації внутрішньовиробничих перевезень вантажів на промислових підприємствах в умовах сучасного ринку.Конкурентоспособность промышленности как важнейшего сектора национальной экономики формируется под влиянием наращивания конкурентных преимуществ других уровней конкурентоспособности, которые ему предшествуют. Одним из важнейших уровней формирования конкурентоспособности отечественного производства является организация внутрипроизводственной деятельности промышленных предприятий, в которую входит, в том числе, и организация эффективных внутрипроизводственных перевозок на крупных промышленных предприятиях, образующих бюджет страны. Актуальность исследуемой темы обусловлена тем, что главная задача системы управления внутрипроизводственными перевозками грузов на промышленных предприятиях является повышение эффективности ее функционирования за счет оптимизации структуры системы управления внутрипроизводственными перевозками грузов, применения современных организационных форм и технологий, совершенствования правовых норм и роли руководящих органов системы, отвечающие современным требованиям рынка. Внедрение современных логистических концепций и систем является одним из стратегических решений повышения конкурентоспособности отечественных предприятий промышленности. Целью данного исследования является разработка рекомендаций по повышению эффективности системы организации внутрипроизводственных перевозок грузов на отечественных промышленных предприятиях. В качестве задачи для достижения цели исследования выступал анализ процесса организации внутрипроизводственных перевозок на промышленном предприятии. В качестве результатов проведенного исследования рассмотрена система внутрипроизводственных перевозок грузов на одном из передовых промышленных предприятий страны – ПАО «Запорожсталь» и предложены пути повышения ее эффективности, определены перспективные направления повышения эффективности организации внутрипроизводственных перевозок грузов на промышленных предприятиях в условиях современного рынка.The competitiveness of industry as the most important sector of the national economy is formed under the influence of increasing the competitive advantages of other levels of competitiveness that precede it. One of the most important levels in the formation of competitiveness of domestic production is the organization of intra-production activities of industrial enterprises, which includes, inter alia, the organization of efficient intra-production transportation at large industrial enterprises that form the country's budget. The relevance of the topic is due to the fact that the main task of the management system for intra-product transportation of goods at industrial enterprises is to increase the efficiency of its functioning by optimizing the structure of the management system of intra-production transportation of goods, applying modern organizational forms and technologies, improving legal norms and the role of managing bodies of the system that meet modern market requirements. The introduction of modern logistics concepts and systems is one of the strategic decisions to increase the competitiveness of domestic industrial enterprises. The purpose of this study is the development of recommendations to improve the efficiency of the system of intra-production transportation of goods organization at domestic industrial enterprises. As the research results, the system of intra-production transportation of goods at one of the country's leading industrial enterprises – Zaporizhstal PJSC was analyzed, ways to increase its efficiency were suggested, perspective areas to increase the efficiency of intra-production transportation of goods organization at industrial enterprises in the modern market were identified.The authors received no direct funding for this research

    A Review of Distribution Related Problems in Logistics and Supply Chain Research

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    A comprehensive review of distribution problems in logistics and supply chain management is presented in this paper. We first review the definitions of distribution, and then define it from a new perspective. We also present and compare different taxonomies of distribution networks. Next, the importance and difficulties of distribution research are discussed. We point out that there are 12 issues in distribution research that need to be addressed. The major conclusion of the paper is that future research needs to address an integrated approach to distribution design and to consider and incorporate the sustainability development concept

    An efficient two-phase iterative heuristic for Collection-Disassembly problem

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    Closing the loop in the supply chains is one of the mandatory conditions for more sustainable development. The Collection-Disassembly Problem appears in the reverse part of the closed-loop supply chains. Its aim is to coordinate the activities of collection of end-of-life products from collection centres and their subsequent disassembly. The disassembly step is required for efficient remanufacturing and recycling of returned products. The Collection-Disassembly problem integrates such optimization problems as dynamic lot-sizing and vehicle routing in general cases. In this paper, we develop a Two-Phase Iterative Heuristic to efficiently address large size instances. The numerical tests show that the heuristic provides good solutions under acceptable computational time

    Building Decision Support Systems in Excel for Production and Distribution Planning: A Case Study

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    We develop a decision support system in Microsoft Excel that integrates production and distribution for a manufacturer of natural fiber-based products in North America. The production and distribution of the company’s products were optimized using a linear programming model, implemented in Excel. The spreadsheet dynamically adjusts the formulation to reflect the user’s current requirements, solves the optimization model in the background, and generates detailed managerial reports. In addition, it allows users to conduct what-if analyses by varying the number of plants and warehouses. It demonstrates the ability of a Linear Programming Model run on an Excel platform to provide the firm with an optimized production plan resulting in significant, cost savings since implementation

    Tedarik zinciri optimizasyon çalışmaları: Literatür araştırması ve sınıflama

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    Supply chain planning is an integrated process in which a group of several organizations, such as suppliers, producers, distributors and retailers, work together. It comprises procurement, production, distribution and demand planning topics. These topics require taking strategical, tactical and operational decisions. This research aims to reveal which supply chain topics, which decision levels, and which optimization methods are mostly studied in supply chain planning. This paper presents a total of 77 reviewed works published between 1993 and 2016 about supply chain planning. The reviewed works are categorized according to following elements: decision levels, supply chain optimization topics, objectives, optimization models.Tedarik Zinciri, tedarikçiler, üreticiler, dağıtıcılar ve toptancılar gibi bir grup organizasyonu birleştiren entegre bir süreçtir. Tedarik, üretim, dağıtım ve talep planlama konularını içerir. Bu konular stratejik, taktik ve operasyonel kararlar almayı gerektirir. Bu araştırma tedarik zinciri planlamasında hangi tedarik zinciri konularının, hangi karar/planlama seviyelerinin ve hangi optimizasyon metotlarının literatürde en çok çalışıldığını göstermektedir. Çalışma 1993 ve 2016 yılları arasındaki tedarik zinciri planlama konusundaki 77 adet çalışmanın incelenmesine ait sonuçları sunmaktadır. İncelenen çalışmalar şu kriterlere gore kategorize edilmiştir: karar seviyesi, tedarik zinciri optimizasyon konuları, amaçlar, optimizasyon modelleri

    Supply Chain Optimization Studies: A Literature Review and Classification

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    Supply chain planning is an integrated process in which a group of several organizations, such as suppliers, producers, distributors and retailers, work together. It comprises procurement, production, distribution and demand planning topics. These topics require taking strategical, tactical and operational decisions. This research aims to reveal which supply chain topics, which decision levels, and which optimization methods are mostly studied in supply chain planning. This paper presents a total of 77 reviewed works published between 1993 and 2016 about supply chain planning. The reviewed works are categorized according to following elements: decision levels, supply chain optimization topics, objectives, optimization models. 

    Supply Chain Optimization Studies: A Literature Review and Classification

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    Supply chain planning is an integrated process in which a group of several organizations, such as suppliers, producers, distributors and retailers, work together. It comprises procurement, production, distribution and demand planning topics. These topics require taking strategical, tactical and operational decisions. This research aims to reveal which supply chain topics, which decision levels, and which optimization methods are mostly studied in supply chain planning. This paper presents a total of 77 reviewed works published between 1993 and 2016 about supply chain planning. The reviewed works are categorized according to following elements: decision levels, supply chain optimization topics, objectives, optimization models. 

    Coordination of Mixed Model Assembly Line Sequencing and Outbound Logistics in the Automotive Industry

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    The thesis addresses the mixed model assembly line sequencing and outbound logistics planning problems in the automotive industry at the operational level. Different from the sequential decision-making procedure used in practice, the thesis proposes a scheme that integrates production sequencing and logistics planning. Mixed integer programs are established for the production sequencing, logistics planning, and integrated problems. The integrated model cannot be solved by commercial solvers in a reasonable amount of time. After studying the optimality properties of the product mode, the thesis proposes a modified integrated model. The results of numerical experiments and simulations demonstrate the benefit of the integration by comparing the modified integrated model with two sequential schemes, the Production-First-Scheme and the Logistics-First-Scheme

    Linearization and Decomposition Methods for Large Scale Stochastic Inventory Routing Problem with Service Level Constraints

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    A stochastic inventory routing problem (SIRP) is typically the combination of stochastic inventory control problems and NP-hard vehicle routing problems, for a depot to determine delivery volumes to its customers in each period, and vehicle routes to distribute the delivery volumes. This paper aims to solve a large scale multi-period SIRP with split delivery (SIRPSD) where a customer’s delivery in each period can be split and satisfied by multiple vehicles if necessary. The objective of the problem is to minimize the total inventory and transportation cost while some constraints are given to satisfy other criteria, such as the service level to limit the stockout probability at each customer and the service level to limit the overfilling probability of the warehouse of each customer. In order to tackle the SIRPSD with notorious computational complexity, we propose for it an approximate model, which significantly reduces the number of decision variables compared to its corresponding exact model. We develop a hybrid approach that combines the linearization of nonlinear constraints, the decomposition of the model into sub-models with Lagrangian relaxation, and a partial linearization approach for a sub model. A near optimal solution of the model can be found by the approach, and then be used to construct a near optimal solution of the SIRPSD. Numerical examples show that, for an instance of the problem with 200 customers and 5 periods that contains about 400 thousands decision variables where half of them are integer, our approach can obtain high quality near optimal solutions with a reasonable computational time on an ordinary PC

    Large scale stochastic inventory routing problems with split delivery and service level constraints

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    A stochastic inventory routing problem (SIRP) is typically the combination of stochastic inventory control problems and NP-hard vehicle routing problems, which determines delivery volumes to the customers that the depot serves in each period, and vehicle routes to deliver the volumes. This paper aims to solve a large scale multi-period SIRP with split delivery (SIRPSD) where a customer’s delivery in each period can be split and satisfied by multiple vehicle routes if necessary. This paper considers SIRPSD under the multi-criteria of the total inventory and transportation costs, and the service levels of customers. The total inventory and transportation cost is considered as the objective of the problem to minimize, while the service levels of the warehouses and the customers are satisfied by some imposed constraints and can be adjusted according to practical requests. In order to tackle the SIRPSD with notorious computational complexity, we first propose an approximate model, which significantly reduces the number of decision variables compared to its corresponding exact model. We then develop a hybrid approach that combines the linearization of nonlinear constraints, the decomposition of the model into sub-models with Lagrangian relaxation, and a partial linearization approach for a sub model. A near optimal solution of the model found by the approach is used to construct a near optimal solution of the SIRPSD. Randomly generated instances of the problem with up to 200 customers and 5 periods and about 400 thousands decision variables where half of them are integer are examined by numerical experiments. Our approach can obtain high quality near optimal solutions within a reasonable amount of computation time on an ordinary PC