6 research outputs found

    Symmetry groups for beta-lattices

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    Asymptotic behavior of beta-integers

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    Beta-integers (``β\beta-integers'') are those numbers which are the counterparts of integers when real numbers are expressed in irrational basis β>1\beta > 1. In quasicrystalline studies β\beta-integers supersede the ``crystallographic'' ordinary integers. When the number β\beta is a Parry number, the corresponding β\beta-integers realize only a finite number of distances between consecutive elements and somewhat appear like ordinary integers, mainly in an asymptotic sense. In this letter we make precise this asymptotic behavior by proving four theorems concerning Parry β\beta-integers.Comment: 17 page

    Integers in number systems with positive and negative quadratic Pisot base

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    We consider numeration systems with base β\beta and −β-\beta, for quadratic Pisot numbers β\beta and focus on comparing the combinatorial structure of the sets Zβ\Z_\beta and Z−β\Z_{-\beta} of numbers with integer expansion in base β\beta, resp. −β-\beta. Our main result is the comparison of languages of infinite words uβu_\beta and u−βu_{-\beta} coding the ordering of distances between consecutive β\beta- and (−β)(-\beta)-integers. It turns out that for a class of roots β\beta of x2−mx−mx^2-mx-m, the languages coincide, while for other quadratic Pisot numbers the language of uβu_\beta can be identified only with the language of a morphic image of u−βu_{-\beta}. We also study the group structure of (−β)(-\beta)-integers.Comment: 19 pages, 5 figure

    Master index

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    Pla general, del mural cerĂ mic que decora una de les parets del vestĂ­bul de la Facultat de QuĂ­mica de la UB. El mural representa diversos sĂ­mbols relacionats amb la quĂ­mica

    A classification of (some)Pisot-Cyclotomic numbers

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    Abstract A complete classification of degree 2, 3 and degree 4 Pisot-Cyclotomic numbers is given. Some examples of higher degrees are also given. Pisot-Cyclotomic numbers have applications to quasicrystals and quasilattices

    Symmetry groups for beta-lattices

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    We present a construction of symmetry plane-groups for quasiperiodic point-sets named beta-lattices. The framework is issued from beta-integers counting systems. The latter are determined by Pisot-Vijayaraghavan (PV) algebraic integers β> 1. Beta-lattices are vector superpositions of beta-integers. The sets of beta-integers can be equipped with abelian group structures and internal multiplicative laws. When β = (1 + √ 5)/2, 1 + √ 2 and 2 + √ 3, we show that these arithmetic and algebraic structures lead to freely generated symmetry plane-groups for beta-lattices. These plane-groups are based on repetitions of discrete “adapted rotations and translations”. Hence beta-lattices, endowed with these adapted rotations and translations, can be viewed like lattices. The quasiperiodic function ρS(n), defined on the set of beta-integers as counting the number of small tiles between the origin and the n th beta-integer, plays a central part in these new group structures. In particular, this function behaves asymptotically like a linear function. As an interesting consequence, beta-lattices and their symmetries behave asymptotically like lattices and lattice symmetries