1,933 research outputs found

    Introduction to the Special Issue on Sustainable Solutions for the Intelligent Transportation Systems

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    The intelligent transportation systems improve the transportation system’s operational efficiency and enhance its safety and reliability by high-tech means such as information technology, control technology, and computer technology. In recent years, sustainable development has become an important topic in intelligent transportation’s development, including new infrastructure and energy distribution, new energy vehicles and new transportation systems, and the development of low-carbon and intelligent transportation equipment. New energy vehicles’ development is a significant part of green transportation, and its automation performance improvement is vital for smart transportation. The development of intelligent transportation and green, low-carbon, and intelligent transportation equipment needs to be promoted, a significant feature of transportation development in the future. For intelligent infrastructure and energy distribution facilities, the electricity for popular electric vehicles and renewable energy, such as nuclear power and hydrogen power, should be considered

    Deep learning : enhancing the security of software-defined networks

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    Software-defined networking (SDN) is a communication paradigm that promotes network flexibility and programmability by separating the control plane from the data plane. SDN consolidates the logic of network devices into a single entity known as the controller. SDN raises significant security challenges related to its architecture and associated characteristics such as programmability and centralisation. Notably, security flaws pose a risk to controller integrity, confidentiality and availability. The SDN model introduces separation of the forwarding and control planes. It detaches the control logic from switching and routing devices, forming a central plane or network controller that facilitates communications between applications and devices. The architecture enhances network resilience, simplifies management procedures and supports network policy enforcement. However, it is vulnerable to new attack vectors that can target the controller. Current security solutions rely on traditional measures such as firewalls or intrusion detection systems (IDS). An IDS can use two different approaches: signature-based or anomaly-based detection. The signature-based approach is incapable of detecting zero-day attacks, while anomaly-based detection has high false-positive and false-negative alarm rates. Inaccuracies related to false-positive attacks may have significant consequences, specifically from threats that target the controller. Thus, improving the accuracy of the IDS will enhance controller security and, subsequently, SDN security. A centralised network entity that controls the entire network is a primary target for intruders. The controller is located at a central point between the applications and the data plane and has two interfaces for plane communications, known as northbound and southbound, respectively. Communications between the controller, the application and data planes are prone to various types of attacks, such as eavesdropping and tampering. The controller software is vulnerable to attacks such as buffer and stack overflow, which enable remote code execution that can result in attackers taking control of the entire network. Additionally, traditional network attacks are more destructive. This thesis introduces a threat detection approach aimed at improving the accuracy and efficiency of the IDS, which is essential for controller security. To evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed framework, an empirical study of SDN controller security was conducted to identify, formalise and quantify security concerns related to SDN architecture. The study explored the threats related to SDN architecture, specifically threats originating from the existence of the control plane. The framework comprises two stages, involving the use of deep learning (DL) algorithms and clustering algorithms, respectively. DL algorithms were used to reduce the dimensionality of inputs, which were forwarded to clustering algorithms in the second stage. Features were compressed to a single value, simplifying and improving the performance of the clustering algorithm. Rather than using the output of the neural network, the framework presented a unique technique for dimensionality reduction that used a single value—reconstruction error—for the entire input record. The use of a DL algorithm in the pre-training stage contributed to solving the problem of dimensionality related to k-means clustering. Using unsupervised algorithms facilitated the discovery of new attacks. Further, this study compares generative energy-based models (restricted Boltzmann machines) with non-probabilistic models (autoencoders). The study implements TensorFlow in four scenarios. Simulation results were statistically analysed using a confusion matrix, which was evaluated and compared with similar related works. The proposed framework, which was adapted from existing similar approaches, resulted in promising outcomes and may provide a robust prospect for deployment in modern threat detection systems in SDN. The framework was implemented using TensorFlow and was benchmarked to the KDD99 dataset. Simulation results showed that the use of the DL algorithm to reduce dimensionality significantly improved detection accuracy and reduced false-positive and false-negative alarm rates. Extensive simulation studies on benchmark tasks demonstrated that the proposed framework consistently outperforms all competing approaches. This improvement is a further step towards the development of a reliable IDS to enhance the security of SDN controllers

    A novel algorithm for software defined networks model to enhance the quality of services and scalability in wireless network

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    Software defined networks (SDN) have replaced the traditional network architecture by separating the control from forwarding planes. SDN technology utilizes computer resources to provide worldwide effective service than the aggregation of single internet resources usage. Breakdown while resource allocation is a major concern in cloud computing due to the diverse and highly complex architecture of resources. These resources breakdowns cause delays in job completion and have a negative influence on attaining quality of service (QoS). In order to promote error-free task scheduling, this study represents a promising fault-tolerance scheduling technique. For optimum QoS, the suggested restricted Boltzmann machine (RBM) approach takes into account the most important characteristics like current consumption of the resources and rate of failure. The proposed approach's efficiency is verified using the MATLAB toolbox by employing widely used measures such as resource consumption, average processing time, throughput and rate of success

    Identification of Security Issues and Finding their Solution in Cloud Computing

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    The advent of Cloud Computing has simplified on-demand access to IT services including data storage and administration. In addition, it seeks to secure systems and make them functional. With these benefits, there are significant security constraints for cloud providers. When it comes to cloud computing, one of the biggest obstacles is ensuring the safety of data and services. Considering this, several solutions have been put into place to boost cloud security by keeping an eye on everything from resources to services to networks to identify and stop intrusions as soon as they occur. The term "Intrusion Detection System" (IDS) refers to an improved technique used to regulate network traffic and identify abnormal activity. This paper presents the identification of Security Issues and Finding their Solution in Cloud Computing using machine learning techniques including Support Vector Machine (SVM), Random Forest (RF), K-Nearest Neighbor (KNN), Multi-Layer Protocol (MLP). This model is trained and evaluated using NSL-KDD dataset. The experimental findings show the highest accuracy of 93.5% with the use of SVM model. As a result, the achieved results demonstrate strong performance concerning Accuracy, Precision, Recall, and F1-Score when compared to recent studies

    Effective and Secure Healthcare Machine Learning System with Explanations Based on High Quality Crowdsourcing Data

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    Affordable cloud computing technologies allow users to efficiently outsource, store, and manage their Personal Health Records (PHRs) and share with their caregivers or physicians. With this exponential growth of the stored large scale clinical data and the growing need for personalized care, researchers are keen on developing data mining methodologies to learn efficient hidden patterns in such data. While studies have shown that those progresses can significantly improve the performance of various healthcare applications for clinical decision making and personalized medicine, the collected medical datasets are highly ambiguous and noisy. Thus, it is essential to develop a better tool for disease progression and survival rate predictions, where dataset needs to be cleaned before it is used for predictions and useful feature selection techniques need to be employed before prediction models can be constructed. In addition, having predictions without explanations prevent medical personnel and patients from adopting such healthcare deep learning models. Thus, any prediction models must come with some explanations. Finally, despite the efficiency of machine learning systems and their outstanding prediction performance, it is still a risk to reuse pre-trained models since most machine learning modules that are contributed and maintained by third parties lack proper checking to ensure that they are robust to various adversarial attacks. We need to design mechanisms for detection such attacks. In this thesis, we focus on addressing all the above issues: (i) Privacy Preserving Disease Treatment & Complication Prediction System (PDTCPS): A privacy-preserving disease treatment, complication prediction scheme (PDTCPS) is proposed, which allows authorized users to conduct searches for disease diagnosis, personalized treatments, and prediction of potential complications. (ii) Incentivizing High Quality Crowdsourcing Data For Disease Prediction: A new incentive model with individual rationality and platform profitability features is developed to encourage different hospitals to share high quality data so that better prediction models can be constructed. We also explore how data cleaning and feature selection techniques affect the performance of the prediction models. (iii) Explainable Deep Learning Based Medical Diagnostic System: A deep learning based medical diagnosis system (DL-MDS) is present which integrates heterogeneous medical data sources to produce better disease diagnosis with explanations for authorized users who submit their personalized health related queries. (iv) Attacks on RNN based Healthcare Learning Systems and Their Detection & Defense Mechanisms: Potential attacks on Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) based ML systems are identified and low-cost detection & defense schemes are designed to prevent such adversarial attacks. Finally, we conduct extensive experiments using both synthetic and real-world datasets to validate the feasibility and practicality of our proposed systems

    Towards privacy-aware mobile-based continuous authentication systems

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    User authentication is used to verify the identify of individuals attempting to gain access to a certain system. It traditionally refers to the initial authentication using knowledge factors (e.g. passwords), or ownership factors (e.g. smart cards). However, initial authentication cannot protect the computer (or smartphone), if left unattended, after the initial login. Thus, continuous authentication was proposed to complement initial authentication by transparently and continuously testing the users\u27 behavior against the stored profile (machine learning model). Since continuous authentication utilizes users\u27 behavioral data to build machine learning models, certain privacy and security concerns have to be addressed before these systems can be widely deployed. In almost all of the continuous authentication research, non-privacy-preserving classification methods were used (such as SVM or KNN). The motivation of this work is twofold: (1) studying the implications of such assumption on continuous authentication security, and users\u27 privacy, and (2) proposing privacy-aware solutions to address the threats introduced by these assumptions. First, we study and propose reconstruction attacks and model inversion attacks in relation to continuous authentication systems, and we implement solutions that can be effective against our proposed attacks. We conduct this research assuming that a certain cloud service (which rely on continuous authentication) was compromised, and that the adversary is trying to utilize this compromised system to access a user\u27s account on another cloud service. We identify two types of adversaries based on how their knowledge is obtained: (1) full-profile adversary that has access to the victim\u27s profile, and (2) decision value adversary who is an active adversary that only has access to the cloud service mobile app (which is used to obtain a feature vector). Eventually, both adversaries use the user\u27s compromised feature vectors to generate raw data based on our proposed reconstruction methods: a numerical method that is tied to a single attacked system (set of features), and a randomized algorithm that is not restricted to a single set of features. We conducted experiments using a public data set where we evaluated the attacks performed by our two types of adversaries and two types of reconstruction algorithms, and we have shown that our attacks are feasible. Finally, we analyzed the results, and provided recommendations to resist our attacks. Our remedies directly limit the effectiveness of model inversion attacks; thus, dealing with decision value adversaries. Second, we study privacy-enhancing technologies for machine learning that can potentially prevent full-profile adversaries from utilizing the stored profiles to obtain the original feature vectors. We also study the problem of restricting undesired inference on users\u27 private data within the context of continuous authentication. We propose a gesture-based continuous authentication framework that utilizes supervised dimensionality reduction (S-DR) techniques to protect against undesired inference attacks, and meets the non-invertibility (security) requirement of cancelable biometrics. These S-DR methods are Discriminant Component Analysis (DCA), and Multiclass Discriminant Ratio (MDR). Using experiments on a public data set, our results show that DCA and MDR provide better privacy/utility performance than random projection, which was extensively utilized in cancelable biometrics. Third, since using DCA (or MDR) requires computing the projection matrix from data distributed across multiple data owners, we proposed privacy-preserving PCA/DCA protocols that enable a data user (cloud server) to compute the projection matrices without compromising the privacy of the individual data owners. To achieve this, we propose new protocols for computing the scatter matrices using additive homomorphic encryption, and performing the Eigen decomposition using Garbled circuits. We implemented our protocols using Java and Obliv-C, and conducted experiments on public datasets. We show that our protocols are efficient, and preserve the privacy while maintaining the accuracy

    Intelligent Computing for Big Data

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    Recent advances in artificial intelligence have the potential to further develop current big data research. The Special Issue on ‘Intelligent Computing for Big Data’ highlighted a number of recent studies related to the use of intelligent computing techniques in the processing of big data for text mining, autism diagnosis, behaviour recognition, and blockchain-based storage

    Machine Learning Algorithms for Smart Data Analysis in Internet of Things Environment: Taxonomies and Research Trends

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    Machine learning techniques will contribution towards making Internet of Things (IoT) symmetric applications among the most significant sources of new data in the future. In this context, network systems are endowed with the capacity to access varieties of experimental symmetric data across a plethora of network devices, study the data information, obtain knowledge, and make informed decisions based on the dataset at its disposal. This study is limited to supervised and unsupervised machine learning (ML) techniques, regarded as the bedrock of the IoT smart data analysis. This study includes reviews and discussions of substantial issues related to supervised and unsupervised machine learning techniques, highlighting the advantages and limitations of each algorithm, and discusses the research trends and recommendations for further study
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