517,716 research outputs found

    Strategi CSR PT Pertamina Geothermal Energy dalam meningkatkan kualitas kopi geothermal area kamojang

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      This study aims to determine the CSR Strategy of PT. Pertamina Geothermal Energy in Improving the Quality of Kamojang Geothermal Area Coffee, regarding (1) PT Pertamina Geothermal Energy's CSR Strategy Process in improving the quality of Kamojang Geothermal Area Coffee (2) Developing an organic waste management program in the Kamojang area to support sustainable agricultural practices, so as to improve soil fertility and yield quality of Kamojang Geothermal Coffee (3) Increasing market access for coffee farmers in the Kamojang area by helping them market their coffee products to a wider market, both domestically and abroad. The method used in this research is a qualitative research method with a case study approach. Data collection in this study was carried out by interviews, non-participant observation. This program covers the cultivation and processing of coffee. The scope of cultivation in question is PT. Pertamina Geothermal Energy Area Kamojang participates in increasing capacity and providing assistance in optimizing the Kamojang Area Geothermal Coffee cultivation process in farmer groups. The scope of coffee processing includes capacity building as well as providing assistance with coffee processing facilities and infrastructure for the Mount Kamojang farmer groups. Through this program, it is hoped that the company can participate in increasing the capacity of residents around Kamojang while optimizing agricultural commodities in the Kamojang area. The theory of supporting communication methods in this study is Stakeholder Theory, and CSR. Based on the research results, it was found that PT Pertamina Geothermal Energy's CSR Strategy process in improving the quality of Geothermal Coffee in the Kamojang Area was carried out by Social Mapping, Surveys, Compilation. Program, Implementation, Evaluation / Monitoring As for Developing an organic waste management program in the Kamojang area to support sustainable agricultural practices, so as to increase soil fertility and yield quality for Geothermal Coffee in the Kamojang Area As well as finding several Improve market access for coffee farmers in the Kamojang area by helping they market their coffee products to a wider market, both domestically and abroad, winning awards, for the community getting development, knowledge and skills, improving the economy and for employees getting new experiences, as a learning method. Keywords: PT Pertamina Geothermal Energy Area Kamojang CSR Strategy, Geothermal Coffee Processing Cultivation and Community Empowerment   &nbsp

    Building the Capacity of African Health Sciences Librarians in the Development and Conduct of Systematic Reviews: The Initiative of African Medical Librarians

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    While African health sciences librarians’ role as expert searchers is widely recognized, they have much more to contribute to supporting the development and conduct of systematic reviews. Research evidence has indicated that the librarians rarely participate in the development and conduct of systematic reviews because they are either not called upon to be part, or do not have the skills to participate. Moreover, few librarians who have participated are from outside Africa. Keeping this in mind, the Network of African Medical Librarians (NAML) conducted a pre-AHILA Conference training workshop to introduce participants, specifically the librarians, to the systematic review process. The regional conference for health librarians took place in Ibadan, Nigeria from 14-18 October 2019. This paper evaluates the impact of training of African health sciences librarians in the conduct of systematic reviews. Participants' evaluation feedback was collected using pre and post-training surveys. A mixed-method was employed to gather and analyze both quantitative and qualitative data. The results indicated that the main barriers to librarians’ participation in systematic reviews were lack of skills due to insufficient training and lack of time. This paper is expected to encourage the librarians to advocate for further skills development, in addition to their normal information searching roles. Their participation in the systematic review process would make them, not just relevant but dependable collaborators of systematic review teams, as they participate in improving systematic review reporting

    A Survey of Interventions for Cancer Survivors Provided by Occupational Therapy Practitioners

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    Purpose: Currently, there is a lack of research exploring evidence-based occupational therapy intervention practices at the activity level in survivorship care, which is important to identify for future research and clinical needs of the profession. The purpose of this study was to describe what activity level interventions OT practitioners are using and report any practice trends that might exist. Method: A cross-section design was used with non-probability purposive sampling to recruit occupational therapy practitioners working with adults living with and beyond cancer. A three-phase process for survey development and implementation was used, as recommended by the literature, for improving content validity and minimizing measurement error. Results: A total of 267 surveys were distributed and 70 surveys returned (26.20% response rate). Given the range and frequency of responses, it is suggested that occupational therapy practitioners focus on individual needs for function and participation and are not limiting practice to physical impairments. There were several areas that only a small percentage of respondents identified addressing with clients, including shopping (range 5.83-9.23%), driving and community mobility (range 5.90-9.58%), and financial management (range .74-10.20%) that typically fall into outpatient and community health practice settings. Conclusion: We reviewed current oncology intervention and referral practice trends for occupational therapy and pose several implications for advancing clinical practice in oncology. Future research into interventions not supported by literature that occupational therapists identified currently using in practice is needed

    Erikoissairaanhoidon laskutusprosessit

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    Opinnäytetyön tavoitteena oli tutkia Länsi-Pohjan sairaanhoitopiirin kuntayhtymän laskutusprosesseja ja niiden sujuvuutta. Opinnäytetyössä käsitellään prosesseja yleisellä tasolla, sisäistä ja ulkoista laskutusprosessia sekä niissä käytettäviä tietojärjestelmiä. Ulkoinen laskutus sisältää potilaslaskutuksen, kuntalaskutuksen ja ensihoidon laskutuksen. Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on löytää mahdollisia kehityskohteita ja keinoja tehostaa laskutusprosesseja. Tutkimusmenetelmänä on käytetty kvalitatiivista eli laadullista tutkimusmenetelmää. Tutkimus on tehty haastattelemalla laskutusprosesseissa mukana olevaa henkilöä, jolla on usean kymmenen vuoden kokemus sairaanhoitopiirin laskutusprosesseista ja niiden kehittämisestä vuosikymmenien aikana. Tutkimusaineistona on käytetty sairaanhoitopiirin laskutusaineistoa ja tietojärjestelmiä sekä sairaanhoitopiirin eri julkaisuja. Teoriaosuudessa on käytetty alan kirjallisuutta sekä hankittu tietoa internetistä eri lähteistä. Teoriaosuudessa on käyty läpi sitä, mitä on prosessilähtöinen toiminta sekä mikä on prosessiajattelun merkitys ja mitä ovat erikoissairaanhoidon prosessit. Tutkimuksessa kävi ilmi, että Länsi-Pohjan sairaanhoitopiiri on viime vuosina panostanut laskutusprosessien tehostamiseen hankkimalla uusia tietojärjestelmiä ja ottanut käyttöön uusia menetelmiä laskutuksessa. Johtopäätökset voisi summata, että Länsi-Pohjan sairaanhoitopiirissä etsitään aktiivisesti keinoja toimintojen kehittämiseen. Avainsanat: prosessi, laskutusprosessi, kuntalaskutus, sairaanhoitopiiriThe objective of this thesis was to survey billing processes and their fluency in Länsi-Pohja Hospital District. The study surveys processes in general, internal and external billing process and systems used in the processes. External billing includes patient billing, municipality billing and emergency care billing. The purpose of this study is to identify potential development areas and to improve billing processes. The research method used was a qualitative research method. For this thesis a person was interviewed who has ten years of experience working with the hospital billing processes and their development over the decades. The research material used was the hospital billing data and information systems, as well as various publications of Länsi-Pohja Hospital District. For the theoretical background proper literature was used and information provided by relevant sources on the Internet. The theoretical part resolves what a process-oriented organization is and also what is the meaning of process thinking. What are the processes in specialized medical care? The study showed that Länsi-Pohja Hospital District has in recent years invested in improving billing processes by purchasing new computer systems and introduced new methods of billing. The conclusions could be summed up that the Länsi-Pohja Hospital District is actively looking into ways of development solutions. Key words: process, billing process, municipality billing, Hospital Distric

    Collecting Data from Children Ages 9-13

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    Provides a summary of literature on common methods used to collect data, such as diaries, interviews, observational methods, and surveys. Analyzes age group-specific considerations, advantages, and drawbacks, with tips for improving data quality

    Surveying Persons with Disabilities: A Source Guide (Version 1)

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    As a collaborator with the Cornell Rehabilitation Research and Training Center on Disability Demographics and Statistics, Mathematica Policy Research, Inc. has been working on a project that identifies the strengths and limitations in existing disability data collection in both content and data collection methodology. The intended outcomes of this project include expanding and synthesizing knowledge of best practices and the extent existing data use those practices, informing the development of data enhancement options, and contributing to a more informed use of existing data. In an effort to provide the public with an up-to-date and easily accessible source of research on the methodological issues associated with surveying persons with disabilities, MPR has prepared a Source Guide of material related to this topic. The Source Guide contains 150 abstracts, summaries, and references, followed by a Subject Index, which cross references the sources from the Reference List under various subjects. The Source Guide is viewed as a “living document,” and will be periodically updated

    Workforce Information Customer Satisfaction Assessment: A Primer for State and Local Planning

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    A handbook designed to assist state workforce information professionals in developing strategies for assessing customer satisfaction with workforce information products and services

    The development of professional skills of the recent graduates of medical sciences

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    Introduction: the professionalization of the recent graduate is one of the priorities, given the need of improving the ways of performance for competent professional graduates.   Objective: describe the ways for a competent performance of the new professionals of Medical Sciences.   Method: the dialectical materialist method was used, which allowed to analyze the contradictions in the process of professionalization of the recent graduates, aimed at determining the relationships and dependencies between the elements involved in this process in the field of research, and the trends of the development, through a documentary review, and surveys applied to the new physicians, as well as interviews with employers.   Development: the professionalization of the medical graduates is conditioned by the quality, integrality and pertinence during the continuous training, a stage that is marked by decisive guidelines to form an attitude before the profession and to develop the bases of his or her performance, where the first stage of the permanent training will coincide with the goal of the advanced education: "to achieve a professional who transmits and transforms the society with efficiency and quality, feeling fully satisfied with the individual emotional, moral and spiritual state."   Conclusions: the process of professionalization of the new graduate of the medical sciences is a necessity for the professional training. This process must be consolidated based on the development of competent professional activities, which means to recognize the work towards the appropriation of methods of performance as a main axis in the training process

    Improving Patient Satisfaction with the Virtual Handoff Process through the Utilization of Educational Pamphlets in the Emergency Department

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    Boarding patients in the emergency room while waiting to transfer the patient to the proper unit can be harmful to clinical care and have significant financial opportunity costs. At one local hospital it was found that on average patients were being boarded in the emergency room (ED) for approximately 85 minutes waiting to be transferred. Several barriers that caused this delay were found including, delay in room cleaning, nurse staff shortage, and inability to give report to the nurse receiving the patient. In an attempt to combat this delay which may be caused by a difficulty in giving patient report, this organization is rolling out a virtual bedside handoff process. While virtual technology is not a new concept, there are many patients that may not be comfortable with the technology. The purpose of the evidence-based project was to provide a written educational pamphlet that details the how’s and why’s of the virtual handoff process to the patient to be given upon admission. The goal of the educational pamphlet was to increase the patients’ satisfaction with the process. A pre-survey was given to a group of patients after they experienced the virtual handoff process to assess their comfort level. These results were compared to the post-survey results of patients that received the educational pamphlet prior to experiencing the virtual handoff process. Ten pre-surveys and seven post-surveys were analyzed utilizing SPSS and descriptive statistics. The analysis concluded that the participants who received the educational pamphlet felt more prepared for the virtual handoff process

    Pest activity prognosis in rice fields using fuzzy expert system approach

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    Logik kabur merupakan satu bentuk perwakilan pengetahuan bagi konsep yang tak dapat ditakrifkan secara tepat tetapi bergantung kepada konteks penggunaannya. Sistem Pakar adalah program komputer yang menggunakan pengetahuan manusia untuk menyelesaikan masalah khusus yang memerlukan kepintaran manusia. Oleh kerana pengetahuan yang terlibat dalam pengurusan serangga adalah tidak lengkap dan kabur, maka logik kabur diintegrasikan ke dalam sistem pakar untuk mengendalikan penaksiran anggaran. Sistem Pakar dan Logik Kabur mempunyai kelebihannya tersendiri dan gabungan kedua-dua teknologi yang membentuk sistem pakar-kabur dapat meningkatkan keupayaan sistem (Herrmann, 1996). Berdasarkan keupayaan logik kabur dan sistem pakar, peramalan aktiviti serangga di sawah padi menggunakan pendekatan pakar-kabur telah dibangunkan untuk menyediakan maklumat kepada petani dan penyelidik melalui Internet. Oleh kerana beras merupakan makanan ruji rakyat Malaysia dan Kedah merupakan kawasan utama penanaman padi di Malaysia, kajian ini memfokuskan kepada aktiviti serangga di sawah padi. Dalam MyPEST, jenis serangga yang mengakibatkan kerosakan pada tanaman padi ditentukan oleh sistem pakar, manakala Logik Kabur digunakan untuk meramalkan tahap aktiviti serangga. Ixii penting supaya rawatan awal dapat dilakukan sebelum kerosakan bertambah buruk. Sistem MyPEST membantu pengguna dengan mengendalikan rundingan pakar yang dikawalselia oleh sistem pakar dan logik kabur untuk peramalan dan menguruskan ketidakpastian data menggunakan pembolehubah lingistik. Sistem berasaskan web ini juga membantu petani dan institusi pertanian untuk menguruskan ladang dengan cekap dan dapat meningkatkan kualiti serta kuantiti beras yang dihasilkan. Dalam kajian ini, proses peramalan menggunakan lebih daripada satu attribut telah dikaji. Dapatan kajian menunjukkan sekiranya lebih daripada satu atribut terlibat, graf keputusan 3-dimensi yang kurang tegar dihasilkan. Penentuan jenis serangga adalah dalam fasa pertama MyPEST dan diikuti oleh peramalan aktiviti serangga yang dikenalpasti. Sistem ini telah disemak oleh pakar serangga di MARDi dan disahkan membawa manfaat kepada penyelidik di MARDI, MADA dan DOA khususnya dan petani secara keseluruhan