223 research outputs found


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    Pemanfaatan E-Learning pada institusi pendidikan sering digunakan untuk membantu proses pembelajaran. Universitas Lambung Mangkurat (ULM) merupakan salah satu institusi yang mengembangkan E-Learning untuk digunakan oleh seluruh civitas akademik. Sejak digunakan pada tahun 2017, diketahui pemanfaatan dosen ULM terhadap E-Learning dalam hal ini SIMARI belum maksimal. Hal ini diketahui dari data PTIK ULM bahwa persentase penggunaan E-Learning yaitu 48%. Berdasarkan hal tersebut, perlu dilakukan evaluasi terhadap kesiapan dan penerimaan dosen terhadap E-learning. Model evaluasi yang digunakan pada makalah ini yaitu E-Learning Readiness (ELR) untuk mengukur tingkat kesiapan dan UTAUT untuk mengetahui penerimaan dosen. Faktor yang digunakan pada model ELR yaitu manusia, teknologi, inovasi dan pengembangan diri. Sedangkan, pada model UTAUT terdapat faktor harapan usaha, harapan kinerja, kondisi fasilitas, pengaruh sosial serta keterbatasan waktu yang merupakan faktor tambahan pada makalah ini. Dari hasil analisa data disimpulkan bahwa tingkat kesiapan penggunaan E-Learning berada pada kategori siap namun membutuhkan sedikit peningkatan. Sedangkan penerimaan dosen terhadap E-Learning dipengaruhi oleh faktor harapan usaha, pengaruh sosial, kondisi fasilitas dan keterbatasan waktu

    Persepsi pelajar terhadap penggunaan perisian XTech dalam kaedah pengajaran Kursus Pengurusan Operasi dan Sains Pengurusan

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    Kursus Sains Pengurusan dan Pengurusan Operasi adalah kursus yang mengajar pelajar menyelesaikan masalah dan membuat keputusan perniagaan dengan menggunakan teknik kuantitatif. Sangat penting dikuasai oleh pelajar sebagai persediaan untuk ke alam pekerjaan. Permasalahan yang timbul adalah pelajar masih lemah dalam menguasai penyelesaian masalah secara kuantitatif. Kelemahan ini secara umumnya berpunca daripada kaedah pengajaran yang lebih tertumpu kepada kaedah manual. Kaedah ini sering menimbulkan kekeliruan dalam kalangan pelajar kerana pendekatan yang digunakan melibatkan proses jalan kerja yang terlalu panjang. Oleh itu, adalah wajar untuk melakukan penambahbaikan terhadap kaedah pengajaran dan pembelajaran kursus Sains Pengurusan dan Pengurusan Operasi dengan membangunkan perisian XTech. Maka, kajian ini bertujuan untuk menilai sejauh mana penggunaan perisian XTech dapat membantu pelajar memahami cara mudah dan sistematik dalam teknik penyelesaian masalah yang berasaskan model kuantitatif. Kajian ini juga ingin menilai persepsi mudah guna dan kebergunaan perisian XTech serta hasrat tingkah laku mereka untuk menggunakannya. Hasil kajian menunjukkan peningkatan pencapaian pelajar selepas menggunakan perisian Xtech dan pelajar juga mempunyai persepsi yang positif terhadap kebolehgunaan, mudah digunakan dan hasrat untuk menggunakan perisian Xtech

    Online Lecturing: Suitable for all Courses?

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    Universities worldwide are rapidly embracing online technologies to make their courses more convenient for today’s tech savvy students. Consequently, academics are suddenly met with increased workload and the need to learn new technologies. Thus, to ensure the success and continual use of this new technology, it is important to gauge academics’ acceptance of online lecturing. However, the suitability of online lecturing may not be suitable for all courses. Building on Davis’s (1989) TAM model and Daft and Lengel’s (1986) media richness theory, this study provides empirical evidence for the effects of perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use and perceived media richness on the academics’ choice to adopt online video lecturing in differing courses

    Social media use, collaborative learning and students’ academic performance: a systematic literature review of theoretical models

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    This research provided a systematic literature review of theoretical models on interaction and collaborations regarding Information system (IS) and Information Technology (IT). This paper conducted an review of studies dedicated to (IS & IT) on the basis of certain dimensions namely, research theories, review of constructivist theories, definitions of constructivism, social constructivism, theoretical of constructivism, active collaborative learning theory, technology acceptance model (TAM), theory of reasoned action, technology acceptance model and Its extensions, and finally research models and frameworks. The discussion of this research obtained revealed that the interest on the topic has shown an increasing trend over recent years that it has ultimately become a well-known topic for academic research in the future via theories use. From review of theoretical models and related theories we recommend to use constructivism, active collaborative learning theory with (TAM) to measurement performance and satisfaction with social media use as the mediator. However, to boost and enhance the IT continuance intention, it is important that future studies apply considerable use of theoretical and methodological approaches like the qualitative methods to examine the IT continuance intention. © 2005 – ongoing JATIT & LLS


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan sikap terhadap kegiatan pembelajaran daring dengan strategi koping stres pada mahasiswa selama pandemi Covid-19. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah kuantitatif dengan analisis korelasi. Teknik sampling yang digunakan adalah purpose sampling dengan jumlah sampel 320 responden mahasiswa berdomisili DKI Jakarta. Variabel sikap terhadap kegiatan pembelajaran daring menggunakan alat ukur Attitudes Toward E-Learning yang dirancang oleh Liaw, Huang, & Chen (2007) dan variabel koping stres menggunakan alat ukur briefCOPE yang dirancang oleh Carver (1997) dengan dua jenis strategi koping stres yaitu problem focused coping dan emotional focused coping. Hasil analisis korelasi menunjukkan adanya hubungan signifikan ke arah positif antara sikap terhadap kegiatan pembelajaran daring dengan strategi koping stres dan sikap terhadap kegiatan pembelajaran daring dengan strategi koping stres problem focused coping. Selanjutnya hasil analisis korelasi sikap terhadap kegiatan pembelajaran daring dengan strategi koping stres emotional focused coping menunjukkan tidak adanya hubungan yang signifikan. Kata Kunci: Sikap terhadap kegiatan pembelajaran daring, koping stres, problem focused coping, emotional focused coping, mahasiswa, pandemi Covid-19 ********* This study aims to determine the relationship between attitude towards online learning activities with coping stess strategies of the college students during the pandemic Covid-19. The method used in this research is quantitative with correlation analysis. The sampling technique used was purposive sampling with a sample size of 320 student respondents who live in DKI Jakarta. Attitude towards online learning activities variables use the Attitudes Toward E-Learning measurement tool designed by Liaw, Huang, & Chen (2007) and coping stress strategy variables use the briefCOPE measuring tool designed by Carver (1997) with two types of koping stres strategy: problem focused coping and emotional focused coping. The results of the the analysis showed that there was a significant positive relationship between attitude towards online learning activities with coping stress strategies and attitudes towards online learning activities with coping problem-focused coping stress strategies. Furthermore, the results of the analysis of attitudes towards online learning activities with coping stress strategies emotional-focused coping stress strategies show no significant relationship. Keyword : Attitude towards online learning activities, coping stress, problem focused coping, emotional focused coping, Pandemic Covid-19

    E- Learning in Higher Education Institutions and Its Determinants

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    In the knowledge era, the e-learning has become vital. E-learning incorporates numerous tools that provide academic institutions efficient and effective ways to store, manage, share its academic resources and knowledge and supplement their traditional way of teaching. The adoption of e-learning has become a requirement at universities as it is enhancing the teaching and learning environment.The students’ viewpoints, lecturers’ performance, characteristics of LMS and support of university that play a significant role in determining e-learning implementation. In conclusion, universities should support e-learning deployment through improving learners’ viewpoints, must ensure that lecturers are entirely on board regarding the implementation of e-learning, should guarantee the quality of the utilized system, must highlight the importance of LMS on curriculum and provide good enough service for effective LMS implementation in blended learning environment. Keywords: E-Learning, Blended Learning, Determinants of E-Learnin

    A conceptual model of pair programming knowledge-based sharing for improving programming skills

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    One of eXtream Programming practices is Pair Programming (PP) (the pair consists of a driver and a navigator), which is used for promoting knowledge sharing among students. This practice encourages students to think creatively of programming solutions, and simplify learning, especially for difficult course such as Java. By applying PP, students are enforced to improve their social skills as they communicate with each others. Despite the numerous benefits of PP (discussed by previous studies), statistics show lack of demonstrating the extent at which the knowledge sharing, communication and transfer between the driver and the navigator can improve the code quality. Therefore this study aims propose a conceptual model of a PP knowledge-based sharing for improving programming skills. In order to achieve the stated objective, PP laboratory assignments were conducted and compared to evaluate the impact of PP on code quality with and without adopting the conceptual model. The conceptual model was validated by analyzing the collected data from the participants of PP laboratory assignment using Partial Least Square form of Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM). The findings of the study show that socialization, combination, and internalization are the determinant factors for achieving better code quality in PP environment. The findings of this study would be benefited to academic environment especially the agile programmers in the pair programming domain

    An Empirical Investigation of Factors That Influence Anxiety and Evaluation in the Virtual Learning Environment

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    The growth of online education along with decisions by many prominent higher education institutions to offer virtually all their classes online has altered the strategic view of online education. Today, 66% of chief academic officers consider online education critical to their long-term strategy and 67% believe outcomes from online classes are equivalent to those in face-to-face classes. Hence, research to understand the factors that drive the effectiveness of the underlying technology, virtual learning environment (VLE), is important. This study evaluated the impact of student course interaction and technology comfort on VLE satisfaction. Two factors were used to operationalize satisfaction in this study: the virtual learning experience and anxiety in the VLE. We conducted an empirical study with 103 online learners. The results indicated positive relationship between course interaction and satisfaction and no support for the relationship between technology comfort and satisfaction


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    The purpose of this study was to identify the factors influencing Changsha residents' purchase intention through TikTok short video platform. The variables used in this research framework including trust, perceived media richness, perceived price fairness, perceived convenience, and perceived host interaction. Purposive sampling technique was employed to recruit 200 respondents in Changsha City to participate in the study. The Multiple Linear Regression analysis was implemented as the statistical analysis. The results revealed that Perceived Media Richness was the most influent factor affecting consumers' shopping through TikTok short video platform for consumers in Changsha District. As a result, it was evident that the online store owners whose marketing their products via TikTok short video platform should emphasis on perceived media richness factor to enhancing consumers’ purchase intention

    Improving Student’s Motivation and Learning Outcomes Through Genetics E-Module

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    The purpose of this study was to know the impact of the Genetics E-module to improve students’ motivation and learning outcomes during the learning process. The method applied was Research and Development, limited until the implementation stage, using the quasi-experiment method with one group pretest-posttest. The motivation instruments were modified questionnaire by Keller with ARCS model, consist of 4 aspects including attention, relevance, confidence, and satisfaction. The population were all of the students from class of 2017 in Biology Education department, Tribhuwana Tunggadewi State University. The pretest was held to know students’ motivation and learning outcomes when using a handout from the lecturer, while the posttest was to know students’ motivation and learning outcomes when using Genetics E-module. Data were collected from the motivation questionnaire and test. After using E-module, there were 27 students with high (71,91 ≤ x < 86), 18 students with medium (57,82 ≤ x < 71,91) and 5 students with low criterion (43,74 ≥ x) of motivation, and there were  58% students who passing the grade in Genetics test. Based on the data analysis, E-module was feasible to be used to improve students’ motivation and also learning outcomes in the Biology Education department
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