21 research outputs found

    Surgically Returning to Randomized lib(c)

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    To strengthen systems against code injection attacks, the write or execute only policy (W + X) and address space layout randomization (ASLR) are typically used in combination. The former separates data and code, while the latter randomizes the layout of a process. In this paper we present a new attack to bypass W + X and ASLR. The state-of-the-art attack against this combination of protections is based on brute-force, while ours is based on the leakage of sensitive information about the memory layout of the process. Using our attack an attacker can exploit the majority of programs vulnerable to stack-based buffer overflows surgically, i.e., in a single attempt. We have estimated that our attack is feasible on 95.6% and 61.8% executables (of medium size) for Intel x86 and x86-64 architectures, respectively. We also analyze the effectiveness of other existing protections at preventing our attack. We conclude that position independent executables (PIE) are essential to complement ASLR and to prevent our attack. However, PIE requires recompilation, it is often not adopted even when supported, and it is not available on all ASLR-capable operating systems. To overcome these limitations, we propose a new protection that is as effective as PIE, does not require recompilation, and introduces only a minimal overhead

    Software Grand Exposure: SGX Cache Attacks Are Practical

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    Side-channel information leakage is a known limitation of SGX. Researchers have demonstrated that secret-dependent information can be extracted from enclave execution through page-fault access patterns. Consequently, various recent research efforts are actively seeking countermeasures to SGX side-channel attacks. It is widely assumed that SGX may be vulnerable to other side channels, such as cache access pattern monitoring, as well. However, prior to our work, the practicality and the extent of such information leakage was not studied. In this paper we demonstrate that cache-based attacks are indeed a serious threat to the confidentiality of SGX-protected programs. Our goal was to design an attack that is hard to mitigate using known defenses, and therefore we mount our attack without interrupting enclave execution. This approach has major technical challenges, since the existing cache monitoring techniques experience significant noise if the victim process is not interrupted. We designed and implemented novel attack techniques to reduce this noise by leveraging the capabilities of the privileged adversary. Our attacks are able to recover confidential information from SGX enclaves, which we illustrate in two example cases: extraction of an entire RSA-2048 key during RSA decryption, and detection of specific human genome sequences during genomic indexing. We show that our attacks are more effective than previous cache attacks and harder to mitigate than previous SGX side-channel attacks

    Towards automated integrity protection of C++ virtual function tables in binary programs

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    Launching Return-Oriented Programming Attacks against Randomized Relocatable Executables

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    Abstract—Since the day it was proposed, return-oriented programming has shown to be an effective and powerful attack technique against the write or execute only (W ⊕ X) protection. However, a general belief in the previous research is, systems deployed with address space randomization where the executables are also randomized at run-time are able to defend against return-oriented programming, as the addresses of all instructions are randomized. In this paper, we show that due to the weakness of current address space randomization technique, there are still ways of launching return-oriented programming attacks against those well-protected systems efficiently. We demonstrate and evaluate our attacks with existing typical web server applications and discuss possible methods of mitigating such threats. Keywords-return-oriented programming; address space randomization; position independent executable; I

    Security in Data Mining- A Comprehensive Survey

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    Data mining techniques, while allowing the individuals to extract hidden knowledge on one hand, introduce a number of privacy threats on the other hand. In this paper, we study some of these issues along with a detailed discussion on the applications of various data mining techniques for providing security. An efficient classification technique when used properly, would allow an user to differentiate between a phishing website and a normal website, to classify the users as normal users and criminals based on their activities on Social networks (Crime Profiling) and to prevent users from executing malicious codes by labelling them as malicious. The most important applications of Data mining is the detection of intrusions, where different Data mining techniques can be applied to effectively detect an intrusion and report in real time so that necessary actions are taken to thwart the attempts of the intruder. Privacy Preservation, Outlier Detection, Anomaly Detection and PhishingWebsite Classification are discussed in this paper

    G-free: Defeating return-oriented programming through gadget-less binaries

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    Despite the numerous prevention and protection mechanisms that have been introduced into modern operating systems, the exploitation of memory corruption vulnerabilities still represents a serious threat to the security of software systems and networks. A recent exploitation technique, called Return-Oriented Programming (ROP), has lately attracted a considerable attention from academia. Past research on the topic has mostly focused on refining the original attack technique, or on proposing partial solutions that target only particular variants of the attack. In this paper, we present G-Free, a compiler-based approach that represents the first practical solution against any possible form of ROP. Our solution is able to eliminate all unaligned free-branch instructions inside a binary executable, and to protect the aligned free-branch instructions to prevent them from being misused by an attacker. We developed a prototype based on our approach, and evaluated it by compiling GNU libc and a number of real-world applications. The results of the experiments show that our solution is able to prevent any form of return-oriented programming. © 2010 ACM

    Control-Flow Integrity: Attacks and Protections

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    Despite the intense efforts to prevent programmers from writing code with memory errors, memory corruption vulnerabilities are still a major security threat. Consequently, control-flow integrity has received significant attention in the research community, and software developers to combat control code execution attacks in the presence of type of faults. Control-flow Integrity (CFI) is a large family of techniques that aims to eradicate memory error exploitation by ensuring that the instruction pointer (IP) of a running process cannot be controlled by a malicious attacker. In this paper, we assess the effectiveness of 14 CFI techniques against the most popular exploitation techniques, including code reuse attacks, return-to-user, return-to-libc, and replay attacks. We also classify these techniques based on their security, robustness, and implementation complexity. Our study indicates that the majority of the CFI techniques are primarily focused on restricting indirect branch instructions and cannot prevent all forms of vulnerability exploitation. We conclude that the performance overhead introduced, jointly with the partial attack coverage, is discouraging the industry from adopting most of them

    Identifying and analyzing pointer misuses for sophisticated memory-corruption exploit diagnosis

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    Software exploits are one of the major threats to internet security. To quickly respond to these attacks, it is critical to automatically diagnose such exploits and find out how they circumvent existing defense mechanisms