298,761 research outputs found

    Supporting dynamic aspect-oriented features

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    Aspect-oriented programming techniques extend object-oriented programming with new methods to modularize concerns that otherwise would be non-modular. For example, logging concerns are typically scattered across a system but using aspect-oriented techniques they can be localized into a single high-level module. These techniques typically take modular high-level code and statically transform it into non-modular intermediate code. The contribution of this work is the design and implementation of a flexible and dynamic intermediate-language (IL) model. The main motivation for the design of this IL model is to support a variety of dynamic aspect-oriented language constructs that are proposed in recent literature such as CaeserJ\u27s deploy, history-based pointcuts, and control flow constructs. Our IL model provides a higher level of abstraction compared to traditional object-oriented ILs as a compilation target for such constructs, which makes it easier to provide efficient implementations of these constructs. We demonstrate these benefits by providing an industrial strength implementation for our IL model, by showing translation strategies from dynamic source-level constructs to our improved IL, and by analyzing the performance of the resulting IL code. Our evaluation using the SPEC JVM98 and Java Grande benchmarks shows that the overhead of supporting a dynamic deployment model can be reduced to as little as ~1.5%, when compared to the unmodified VM

    Developing a Generic Debugger for Advanced-Dispatching Languages

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    Programming-language research has introduced a considerable number of advanced-dispatching mechanisms in order to improve modularity. Advanced-dispatching mechanisms allow changing the behavior of a function without modifying their call sites and thus make the local behavior of code less comprehensible. Debuggers are tools, thus needed, which can help a developer to comprehend program behavior but current debuggers do not provide inspection of advanced-\ud dispatching-related language constructs. In this paper, we present a debugger which extends a traditional Java debugger with the ability of debugging an advanced-dispatching language constructs and a user interface for inspecting this

    An ontology of agile aspect oriented software development

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    Both agile methods and aspect oriented programming (AOP) have emerged in recent years as new paradigms in software development. Both promise to free the process of building software systems from some of the constraints of more traditional approaches. As a software engineering approach on the one hand, and a software development tool on the other, there is the potential for them to be used in conjunction. However, thus far, there has been little interplay between the two. Nevertheless, there is some evidence that there may be untapped synergies that may be exploited, if the appropriate approach is taken to integrating AOP with agile methods. This paper takes an ontological approach to supporting this integration, proposing ontology enabled development based on an analysis of existing ontologies of aspect oriented programming, a proposed ontology of agile methods, and a derived ontology of agile aspect oriented development

    A Model-Based Approach to Managing Feature Binding Time in Software Product Line Engineering

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    Software Product Line Engineering (SPLE) is a software reuse paradigm for developing software products, from managed reusable assets, based on analysis of commonality and variability (C & V) of a product line. Many approaches of SPLE use a feature as a key abstraction to capture the C&V. Recently, there have been increasing demands for the provision of flexibility about not only the variability of features but also the variability of when features should be selected (i.e., variability on feature binding times). Current approaches to support variations of feature binding time mostly focused on ad hoc implementation mechanisms. In this paper, we first identify the challenges of feature binding time management and then propose an approach to analyze the variation of feature binding times and use the results to specify model-based architectural components for the product line. Based on the specification, components implementing variable features are parameterized with the binding times and the source codes for the components and the connection between them are generated

    Aspect-Oriented Programming

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    Aspect-oriented programming is a promising idea that can improve the quality of software by reduce the problem of code tangling and improving the separation of concerns. At ECOOP'97, the first AOP workshop brought together a number of researchers interested in aspect-orientation. At ECOOP'98, during the second AOP workshop the participants reported on progress in some research topics and raised more issues that were further discussed. \ud \ud This year, the ideas and concepts of AOP have been spread and adopted more widely, and, accordingly, the workshop received many submissions covering areas from design and application of aspects to design and implementation of aspect languages

    Modeling Adaptation with Klaim

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    In recent years, it has been argued that systems and applications, in order to deal with their increasing complexity, should be able to adapt their behavior according to new requirements or environment conditions. In this paper, we present an investigation aiming at studying how coordination languages and formal methods can contribute to a better understanding, implementation and use of the mechanisms and techniques for adaptation currently proposed in the literature. Our study relies on the formal coordination language Klaim as a common framework for modeling some well-known adaptation techniques: the IBM MAPE-K loop, the Accord component-based framework for architectural adaptation, and the aspect- and context-oriented programming paradigms. We illustrate our approach through a simple example concerning a data repository equipped with an automated cache mechanism
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