22 research outputs found

    Robust Facial Alignment for Face Recognition

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    © 2017, Springer International Publishing AG. This paper proposes a robust real-time face recognition system that utilizes regression tree based method to locate the facial feature points. The proposed system finds the face region which is suitable to perform the recognition task by geometrically analyses of the facial expression of the target face image. In real-world facial recognition systems, the face is often cropped based on the face detection techniques. The misalignment is inevitably occurred due to facial pose, noise, occlusion, and so on. However misalignment affects the recognition rate due to sensitive nature of the face classifier. The performance of the proposed approach is evaluated with four benchmark databases. The experiment results show the robustness of the proposed approach with significant improvement in the facial recognition system on the various size and resolution of given face images

    A Novel Support Vector Machine with Globality-Locality Preserving

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    Support vector machine (SVM) is regarded as a powerful method for pattern classification. However, the solution of the primal optimal model of SVM is susceptible for class distribution and may result in a nonrobust solution. In order to overcome this shortcoming, an improved model, support vector machine with globality-locality preserving (GLPSVM), is proposed. It introduces globality-locality preserving into the standard SVM, which can preserve the manifold structure of the data space. We complete rich experiments on the UCI machine learning data sets. The results validate the effectiveness of the proposed model, especially on the Wine and Iris databases; the recognition rate is above 97% and outperforms all the algorithms that were developed from SVM

    Face pose estimation in monocular images

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    People use orientation of their faces to convey rich, inter-personal information. For example, a person will direct his face to indicate who the intended target of the conversation is. Similarly in a conversation, face orientation is a non-verbal cue to listener when to switch role and start speaking, and a nod indicates that a person has understands, or agrees with, what is being said. Further more, face pose estimation plays an important role in human-computer interaction, virtual reality applications, human behaviour analysis, pose-independent face recognition, driver s vigilance assessment, gaze estimation, etc. Robust face recognition has been a focus of research in computer vision community for more than two decades. Although substantial research has been done and numerous methods have been proposed for face recognition, there remain challenges in this field. One of these is face recognition under varying poses and that is why face pose estimation is still an important research area. In computer vision, face pose estimation is the process of inferring the face orientation from digital imagery. It requires a serious of image processing steps to transform a pixel-based representation of a human face into a high-level concept of direction. An ideal face pose estimator should be invariant to a variety of image-changing factors such as camera distortion, lighting condition, skin colour, projective geometry, facial hairs, facial expressions, presence of accessories like glasses and hats, etc. Face pose estimation has been a focus of research for about two decades and numerous research contributions have been presented in this field. Face pose estimation techniques in literature have still some shortcomings and limitations in terms of accuracy, applicability to monocular images, being autonomous, identity and lighting variations, image resolution variations, range of face motion, computational expense, presence of facial hairs, presence of accessories like glasses and hats, etc. These shortcomings of existing face pose estimation techniques motivated the research work presented in this thesis. The main focus of this research is to design and develop novel face pose estimation algorithms that improve automatic face pose estimation in terms of processing time, computational expense, and invariance to different conditions

    No intruders - securing face biometric systems from spoofing attacks

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    The use of face verification systems as a primary source of authentication has been very common over past few years. Better and more reliable face recognition system are coming into existence. But despite of the advance in face recognition systems, there are still many open breaches left in this domain. One of the practical challenge is to secure face biometric systems from intruder’s attacks, where an unauthorized person tries to gain access by showing the counterfeit evidence in front of face biometric system. The face-biometric system having only single 2-D camera is unaware that it is facing an attack by an unauthorized person. The idea here is to propose a solution which can be easily integrated to the existing systems without any additional hardware deployment. This field of detection of imposter attempts is still an open research problem, as more sophisticated and advanced spoofing attempts come into play. In this thesis, the problem of securing the biometric systems from these unauthorized or spoofing attacks is addressed. Moreover, independent multi-view face detection framework is also proposed in this thesis. We proposed three different counter-measures which can detect these imposter attempts and can be easily integrated into existing systems. The proposed solutions can run parallel with face recognition module. Mainly, these counter-measures are proposed to encounter the digital photo, printed photo and dynamic videos attacks. To exploit the characteristics of these attacks, we used a large set of features in the proposed solutions, namely local binary patterns, gray-level co-occurrence matrix, Gabor wavelet features, space-time autocorrelation of gradients, image quality based features. We further performed extensive evaluations of these approaches on two different datasets. Support Vector Machine (SVM) with the linear kernel and Partial Least Square Regression (PLS) are used as the classifier for classification. The experimental results improve the current state-of-the-art reference techniques under the same attach categories

    Important Person Detection from Multiple Videos

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    Given a crowd-sourced set of videos of a crowded public event, this thesis addresses the problem of detecting and grouping appearances of every person in the scenes. The persons are ranked according to the amount of their occurrence. The rank of a person is considered as the measure of his/her importance. Grouping appearances of every individual from such videos is a very challenging task. This is due to unavailability of prior information or training data, large changes in illumination, huge variations in camera viewpoints, severe occlusions and videos from different photographers. These problems are made tractable by exploiting a variety of visual and contextual cues – appearance, sensor data and co-occurrence of people. This thesis provides a unified framework that integrates these cues to establish an efficient person matching process across videos of the same event. The presence of a person is detected based on a multi-view face detector followed by an efficient person tracking that tracks the detected persons in remaining video frames. The performance of person tracker is optimized by utilizing two independent trackers; one for the face and the other for clothes, and the clothes are detected by taking a bounding box below the face region. The person matching is performed using the facial appearance (biometric) and colors of clothes (non-biometric). Unlike traditional matching algorithms that use only low-level facial features for face identification, high-level attribute classifiers (i.e., Gender, ethnicity, hair color, etc.) are also utilized to enhance the identification performance. Hierarchical Agglomerative Clustering (HAC) is used to group the individuals within a video and also across videos. The performance of HAC is improved by using contextual constraints, such as a person cannot appear twice in the same frame. These constraints are directly enforced by altering the HAC algorithm. Finally the detected individuals are ranked according to the number of videos in which they appear and ‘N’ top ranked individuals are taken as important persons. The performance of the proposed algorithm is validated on two novel challenging datasets. The contribution of this thesis is twofold. First, a unified framework is proposed that does not require any prior information or training data about the individuals. The framework is completely automatic and does not require any human interaction. Second, we demonstrate how usage of multiple visual modalities and contextual cues can be exploited to enhance the performance of persons matching under real life problems. Experimental results show the effectiveness of the framework and ensure that the proposed system provides competitive results with the state-of-art algorithms

    Symbiotic interaction between humans and robot swarms

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    Comprising of a potentially large team of autonomous cooperative robots locally interacting and communicating with each other, robot swarms provide a natural diversity of parallel and distributed functionalities, high flexibility, potential for redundancy, and fault-tolerance. The use of autonomous mobile robots is expected to increase in the future and swarm robotic systems are envisioned to play important roles in tasks such as: search and rescue (SAR) missions, transportation of objects, surveillance, and reconnaissance operations. To robustly deploy robot swarms on the field with humans, this research addresses the fundamental problems in the relatively new field of human-swarm interaction (HSI). Four groups of core classes of problems have been addressed for proximal interaction between humans and robot swarms: interaction and communication; swarm-level sensing and classification; swarm coordination; swarm-level learning. The primary contribution of this research aims to develop a bidirectional human-swarm communication system for non-verbal interaction between humans and heterogeneous robot swarms. The guiding field of application are SAR missions. The core challenges and issues in HSI include: How can human operators interact and communicate with robot swarms? Which interaction modalities can be used by humans? How can human operators instruct and command robots from a swarm? Which mechanisms can be used by robot swarms to convey feedback to human operators? Which type of feedback can swarms convey to humans? In this research, to start answering these questions, hand gestures have been chosen as the interaction modality for humans, since gestures are simple to use, easily recognized, and possess spatial-addressing properties. To facilitate bidirectional interaction and communication, a dialogue-based interaction system is introduced which consists of: (i) a grammar-based gesture language with a vocabulary of non-verbal commands that allows humans to efficiently provide mission instructions to swarms, and (ii) a swarm coordinated multi-modal feedback language that enables robot swarms to robustly convey swarm-level decisions, status, and intentions to humans using multiple individual and group modalities. The gesture language allows humans to: select and address single and multiple robots from a swarm, provide commands to perform tasks, specify spatial directions and application-specific parameters, and build iconic grammar-based sentences by combining individual gesture commands. Swarms convey different types of multi-modal feedback to humans using on-board lights, sounds, and locally coordinated robot movements. The swarm-to-human feedback: conveys to humans the swarm's understanding of the recognized commands, allows swarms to assess their decisions (i.e., to correct mistakes: made by humans in providing instructions, and errors made by swarms in recognizing commands), and guides humans through the interaction process. The second contribution of this research addresses swarm-level sensing and classification: How can robot swarms collectively sense and recognize hand gestures given as visual signals by humans? Distributed sensing, cooperative recognition, and decision-making mechanisms have been developed to allow robot swarms to collectively recognize visual instructions and commands given by humans in the form of gestures. These mechanisms rely on decentralized data fusion strategies and multi-hop messaging passing algorithms to robustly build swarm-level consensus decisions. Measures have been introduced in the cooperative recognition protocol which provide a trade-off between the accuracy of swarm-level consensus decisions and the time taken to build swarm decisions. The third contribution of this research addresses swarm-level cooperation: How can humans select spatially distributed robots from a swarm and the robots understand that they have been selected? How can robot swarms be spatially deployed for proximal interaction with humans? With the introduction of spatially-addressed instructions (pointing gestures) humans can robustly address and select spatially- situated individuals and groups of robots from a swarm. A cascaded classification scheme is adopted in which, first the robot swarm identifies the selection command (e.g., individual or group selection), and then the robots coordinate with each other to identify if they have been selected. To obtain better views of gestures issued by humans, distributed mobility strategies have been introduced for the coordinated deployment of heterogeneous robot swarms (i.e., ground and flying robots) and to reshape the spatial distribution of swarms. The fourth contribution of this research addresses the notion of collective learning in robot swarms. The questions that are answered include: How can robot swarms learn about the hand gestures given by human operators? How can humans be included in the loop of swarm learning? How can robot swarms cooperatively learn as a team? Online incremental learning algorithms have been developed which allow robot swarms to learn individual gestures and grammar-based gesture sentences supervised by human instructors in real-time. Humans provide different types of feedback (i.e., full or partial feedback) to swarms for improving swarm-level learning. To speed up the learning rate of robot swarms, cooperative learning strategies have been introduced which enable individual robots in a swarm to intelligently select locally sensed information and share (exchange) selected information with other robots in the swarm. The final contribution is a systemic one, it aims on building a complete HSI system towards potential use in real-world applications, by integrating the algorithms, techniques, mechanisms, and strategies discussed in the contributions above. The effectiveness of the global HSI system is demonstrated in the context of a number of interactive scenarios using emulation tests (i.e., performing simulations using gesture images acquired by a heterogeneous robotic swarm) and by performing experiments with real robots using both ground and flying robots

    Face pose estimation in monocular images

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    People use orientation of their faces to convey rich, inter-personal information. For example, a person will direct his face to indicate who the intended target of the conversation is. Similarly in a conversation, face orientation is a non-verbal cue to listener when to switch role and start speaking, and a nod indicates that a person has understands, or agrees with, what is being said. Further more, face pose estimation plays an important role in human-computer interaction, virtual reality applications, human behaviour analysis, pose-independent face recognition, driver s vigilance assessment, gaze estimation, etc. Robust face recognition has been a focus of research in computer vision community for more than two decades. Although substantial research has been done and numerous methods have been proposed for face recognition, there remain challenges in this field. One of these is face recognition under varying poses and that is why face pose estimation is still an important research area. In computer vision, face pose estimation is the process of inferring the face orientation from digital imagery. It requires a serious of image processing steps to transform a pixel-based representation of a human face into a high-level concept of direction. An ideal face pose estimator should be invariant to a variety of image-changing factors such as camera distortion, lighting condition, skin colour, projective geometry, facial hairs, facial expressions, presence of accessories like glasses and hats, etc. Face pose estimation has been a focus of research for about two decades and numerous research contributions have been presented in this field. Face pose estimation techniques in literature have still some shortcomings and limitations in terms of accuracy, applicability to monocular images, being autonomous, identity and lighting variations, image resolution variations, range of face motion, computational expense, presence of facial hairs, presence of accessories like glasses and hats, etc. These shortcomings of existing face pose estimation techniques motivated the research work presented in this thesis. The main focus of this research is to design and develop novel face pose estimation algorithms that improve automatic face pose estimation in terms of processing time, computational expense, and invariance to different conditions.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo

    Face pose estimation in monocular images

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    People use orientation of their faces to convey rich, inter-personal information. For example, a person will direct his face to indicate who the intended target of the conversation is. Similarly in a conversation, face orientation is a non-verbal cue to listener when to switch role and start speaking, and a nod indicates that a person has understands, or agrees with, what is being said. Further more, face pose estimation plays an important role in human-computer interaction, virtual reality applications, human behaviour analysis, pose-independent face recognition, driver s vigilance assessment, gaze estimation, etc. Robust face recognition has been a focus of research in computer vision community for more than two decades. Although substantial research has been done and numerous methods have been proposed for face recognition, there remain challenges in this field. One of these is face recognition under varying poses and that is why face pose estimation is still an important research area. In computer vision, face pose estimation is the process of inferring the face orientation from digital imagery. It requires a serious of image processing steps to transform a pixel-based representation of a human face into a high-level concept of direction. An ideal face pose estimator should be invariant to a variety of image-changing factors such as camera distortion, lighting condition, skin colour, projective geometry, facial hairs, facial expressions, presence of accessories like glasses and hats, etc. Face pose estimation has been a focus of research for about two decades and numerous research contributions have been presented in this field. Face pose estimation techniques in literature have still some shortcomings and limitations in terms of accuracy, applicability to monocular images, being autonomous, identity and lighting variations, image resolution variations, range of face motion, computational expense, presence of facial hairs, presence of accessories like glasses and hats, etc. These shortcomings of existing face pose estimation techniques motivated the research work presented in this thesis. The main focus of this research is to design and develop novel face pose estimation algorithms that improve automatic face pose estimation in terms of processing time, computational expense, and invariance to different conditions.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo