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    Ontology alignment is a common and successful way to reduce the semantic heterogeneity among ontologies, relying on the application of similarity functions to decide whether a pair of entities from two input ontologies corresponds to each other. There are several similarity functions proposed in the literature capturing distinct and complementary perspectives, but the challenge is on how to combine their use. This paper presents a methodology to automatically learn a classifier that combines distinct string-based similarity functions for the ontology alignment task, through machine learning. The proposed approach was evaluated experimentally on sixteen scenarios defined on top of the Ontology Alignment Evaluation Initiative (OAEI).Ontology alignment is a common and successful way to reduce the semantic heterogeneity among ontologies, relying on the application of similarity functions to decide whether a pair of entities from two input ontologies corresponds to each other. There are several similarity functions proposed in the literature capturing distinct and complementary perspectives, but the challenge is on how to combine their use. This paper presents a methodology to automatically learn a classifier that combines distinct string-based similarity functions for the ontology alignment task, through machine learning. The proposed approach was evaluated experimentally on sixteen scenarios defined on top of the Ontology Alignment Evaluation Initiative (OAEI).O alinhamento de ontologias é uma estratégia comum e que tem sido aplicada com sucesso para reduzir a heterogeneidade semântica entre ontologias de um mesmo domínio. Durante o processo de alinhamento são consideradas diferentes funções de similaridade a fim de selecionar corretamente os pares de entidades correspondentes entre as duas ontologias sendo alinhadas. Existem diversas funções de similaridade, mas o desafio atual está em como combiná-las para gerar alinhamentos de melhor qualidade. Este trabalho apresenta uma metodologia para gerar um modelo classificador, que combina diferentes funções de similaridade baseadas em string no alinhamento de ontologias, por meio de aprendizado de máquina. A abordagem proposta foi avaliada experimentalmente em dezesseis cenários definidos sobre a Iniciativa de Avaliação de Alinhamento de Ontologias (OAEI)

    Support Vector Machines for Cinematography Real-Time Camera Control in Storytelling Environments

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